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Thread: Character Building Rules

  1. #31
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    PCs don't require seasonal wages, but the money he brings in is still HIS money. So you need to ask him before you use it.

  2. #32
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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  3. #33
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Oh and an update, just so we're on the same page, you can PM an NPC hire to myself or another coordinator if you want to hire in secret (for example, hiring a Ninja or a Thief for spying/assassination).

  4. #34


    NPC: Counselor Victys
    Age: 40
    Race: Ronso
    Job: Mediator
    Rank: I
    Allegiance: Vendelar
    Station: Counselor to Khardon
    Victys is one of the first people to join Khardon's political movement. He is an old friend, and Khardon's right-hand man.
    Physical Description:
    Standing at 7'8", Victys is fairly short for a Ronso, but lacks none of their commanding presence. He can frequently be found at Khardon's side, particularly during negotiations with foreign diplomats. Blue hair, yellow eyes.
    Personality Description:
    Cautious, but direct. Cuts quickly to the heart of a matter without seeming abrasive.
    Invitation I
    2 points saved

    Victys has full authority over Vendelar's Patriotic Ideology Campaign.
    Last edited by professor_scissors; 12-10-2007 at 05:56 AM.

  5. #35
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  6. #36
    Selena_Akariko's Avatar
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    Name: Selena Akeru
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Job: Geomancer
    Rank: 3
    Allegiance: Tengoku Kingdom
    Station: Sekai-hime (official title) = Monarch
    Biography: Selena belongs to an ancient family of Geomancers. According to the legends, her ancestors were born in the wedlock of Daichi, god of Earth, and Keigetsu, Godess of the Moon. That legend explained the power they had over the Earth and the Seas. Her family members were famous for their wisdom and knowledge, and that's why they were always elected for solving conflicts and making decisions. Eventually, the Akeru family became rulers of the country which they named Tengoku, which means Paridise or Heaven. Indeed, their great Geomancer powers allowed them to stop natural disasters, and their land never suffered from famine, drought or flood.
    Selena got the throne at the age of 14, when her parents tragically perished in an accident. She wasn't prepared to rule the country, but somehow managed to do it, because the country was peaceful. But when she was 16, something unexpected to her happened: her land was attacked by the neighbouring country.
    Unsure of what to do, she fled to the Godai Temple to pray to her ancestors and ask for advice. There, she was given the wisdom and knowledge of her ancestors and the sacred Book of Geomancy, which she had always had with her ever since.
    During her stay in the Temple more than a half of her country was already conquered, but with her new knowledge and powers, she managed to convince the leader to give her Kingdom back in exchange for help in his military needs and a contribution of half a million Gil.
    Since then, her country has been prospering under her rule. Much was destroyed during the war, yes, but the country was on a steady way to a happy future. With the help of her ancestors' wisdom, Selena became a good ruler. Every year she goes to the Godai Temple to thank the Spirits of her ancestors.
    Physical Description: See the attached image. Also, she always speaks in a deep, quiet voice.
    Personality Description: Before she went to the Godai temple, she was a simple, unsure little girl, who was scared of the responsibility that lay on her shoulders. Now, she is quiet, serious, thoughtful and sure of herself. She never rushes with decisions, always takes her time to think. Her behavior is always official, and she often uses ceremonial phrases like "May the Spirits guard you and your country" in diplomatic meetings.
    Skills: Water Ball: 1
    Hell Ivy: 3
    Kamaitachi: 2
    Demon Fire: 3
    Weapon: Book of Geomancy (light weapon, rank 3): Earthstrike, Increased Magic II
    Cost: 6300 gil
    Armor: Mistle Robe (light armor, rank 3): Increased Vitality II, Increased Energy II, Earth Ward
    Cost: 9300 gil
    Accessory: Black Ribbon (rank 2): Fire Ward, Water Ward, Ice Ward, Thunder Ward
    Cost: 16000 gil

    I wasn't sure if I should add the facts from my country's history, but decided to do that anyway, since they are important parts of the biography.


    Edit: Arg, the thumbnail is screwed up a bit, but the image is fine.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Selena_Akariko; 12-13-2007 at 02:58 PM.
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  7. #37
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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  8. #38
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Name: Wood rangers(four)
    Gender: M/F
    Age: 18-25
    Race: Humans
    Job: Hunter
    Rank: 1
    Allegiance: The Empire
    Station: Gaurds of the south border
    Biography: A band of Longbowmen that keeps the southern forest boarder safe. Their bows have further range than any other in the world. no bandits or small invading forces have seen them and lived.
    Physical Description: fast and lean, they can move unseen in the forest and always hit the target they aim for.
    Personality Description: a fun band of rangers, but ruthless to invading forces.
    Rank 1 - Precise shot
    Rank 1 - Charge
    Last edited by Aerith's Knight; 12-07-2007 at 04:10 PM.

  9. #39
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  10. #40


    Name: Kyb Gloran
    Gender: Male
    Age: 32
    Race: Ronso
    Job: Dark Knight
    Rank: 2
    Allegiance: Vaelgard
    Station: General
    Biography: Raised as a slave, Kyb never knew his parents, for he was told they had been killed when he was very young. Around the age of eight, he had decided to run away from the field where he was a slave and flee to the mountains. There he met a group of barbarous savages that decided that if he was strong enough and smart enough to escape slavery, that he would perhaps make a good addition to their group, so they took him in. These savages taught him the art of combat and the art of magic. He seemed to have an inerrant skill for it, and it was clear that he would some day make a great warlord. The boy was ruthless and incredibly efficient in his fighting. As his skills grew, the barbarians could see that he was great, and decided to train him as a Dark Knight. Around the age of seventeen he left the mountains and returned to the flatlands of Vaelgard to see if he could find out anything about his birth parents. Since he never knew them, he at least wanted to see if he could find something out about them. What he learned horrified him. The truth was, his parents were never slaves. They were peasants, and they had sold Kyb into slavery only to make a quick coin; to turn a profit. And, as he discovered, his parents were not dead, so he sought them out. He was going to make them pay for selling him with the combat skills that were now bestowed upon him by the barbarians. After a long and hard search he finally found them, and murdered them with no emotion. With nothing left to him but combat, Kyb joined the Vaelgard military and quickly climbed the ranks. In just seven short years he had already been promoted to a general. At age 29, he was the youngest the Vaelgard military had ever seen, and that is how he has been living for the past three years.
    Physical Description: Dark brown hair, unkempt, down to between his shoulder blades; grey eyes that seem to be always bulging, as though he is eternally angry; very tall, around 6’5”; despite the fact that his build looks rather average, he is very muscular; weight around 240; he has a scar that starts at his left shoulder and runs diagonally, slightly curved, down to his right hip, though few even know he has it, and even fewer have ever seen it.
    Personality Description: Incredibly ruthless and emotionless. He cares only for the lives of the men that serve under him and a few close friends, though he would never let them or anyone else know. He is extraordinarily quick to anger if those around him fail, disappoint, or threaten him. Surprisingly, he is completely invulnerable to name-calling, which shows that he as at least some kind of rationality to him. Only things that threaten him, his mission, or his men cause him to come to anger, but when they do it would be best to vacate the next half mile or so, else you could be subject to some of his wrath. Despite his battle prowess and his absolute genius at battle strategies, he is also quite the intellectual. He enjoys going to classical concerts, reading, and writing. Despite the numerous amounts of books he has written on the subject of war, only his men are privy to his actual strategies. He is a very secretive individual. Even his closest friends don’t know all the secrets of his past, and those who are not friends know almost nothing of it.

  11. #41
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  12. #42
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Skills have been attached to the first post. Equipment and Items will be up within the next few days.

  13. #43


    So, as a general, could my character help fund Vaelgard and build a city there with the 2.5 million gil he gets if I wanted to?

  14. #44
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  15. #45
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    PC: Sora Sawada
    Age: 23
    Race: Hume (Summoner)
    Job: Summoner
    Rank: III
    Allegiance: Celestial Islands
    Station: King of the solar bounds
    Biography: Sora was born and raised in the hume colony of Dorter, now a part of the city of Kark. One of the summoners tribe, Sora has a summoners horn, and was gifted with the ability to call summon spirits. At the age of 10, Sora was able to make his first pact with the summon spirit Kirin. Sora then moved from Dorter to Leto, where he was enrolled in the Leto Magitek academy. At the age of eighteen, Sora graduated, and traveled around Annafontia, making pacts with Shiva, Ixion Titan and Ifrit. Upon his return three years later, an outbreak of the plauge killed all of the royal family, without an heir to the throne. Civil War almost erupted when a document was found showng a small amount of Royal blood flows in the veins of Sora.
    Physical Description: Sora is about 5'9", and has a light build. He has medium length brown hair that is somewhat spiky, and a summoners horn on his forehead. Sora has very soft facial features, and wears green robes that bear the celestial crest. For formal cerimonies, Sora will also wear the celestial crown, which is composed of silver and gold strands woven together, meating in the middle with a circular ruba and a crecent shaped moonstone.
    Personality Description: Sora is friendly and devoted to the Celestial Islands. He also has a dislike for war, but is ready to offer his support for his friends.
    Kirin II
    Shiva III
    Ixion II
    Ifrit I
    Titan I

    Weapon Star Rod
    Wind Strike

    Armour Meteor Guard
    Increased Vitality II

    Increased Energy II

    Solar Ruby
    Fire Ward
    Lunar Opal
    Ice Ward

    NPC: Villia
    Age: Refuses to tell
    Race: Viera
    Job: Time Mage
    Rank: I
    Allegiance: Eythra Village, Celestial Islands
    Station: Elder of Eythra Village
    Biography: Born in Eythra Village, Villia is an extreamly tough woman. She remembers the unition of Sol Island and Luna Island into one country, and is only loyal to Sora because her village o Luna Island. However, she will not hesitate to attack will full force should an invasion occur.
    Physical Description: Tall, with long white hair that reaches her waist. Villia wears several bracelets, and a short, brown skirt and shirt.
    Personality Description: Tough, Villia is a keen stratagest in battle. She often leads her own forces seperate from the rest, and is never afraid to speak her mind. A strong foil to Sora
    Haste II
    Slow I

    Weapon Ying Staff

    Armour Yang Ring

    NPC: Xemjas of house Pereva
    Age: 27
    Race: Hume
    Job: Dragoon
    Rank: I
    Allegiance: Celestial Islands
    Station: Governer of Sol Island, Mayor of Kark.
    Biography: From the Noble house of Pereva, Xemjas would bear the celestial crown had that document not been found. Nevertheless, Xemjas is very close to Sora, and is also very loyal to the crown.
    Physical Description: Stand about 5'11", and is always seen wearing his dragoon Armour. His Armour bears the symbol of house Pereva, the ruby sun, as well as the Celestial pair. Under the Armour is a man with deep blue eyes and a warm smile, but also the face of a soldier.
    Personality Description: A very serious man in public, he is actually a happy, fun person. Loyal to his friends, and ruthless to his enemies.
    Jump I
    Fire Breath I
    Thunder Breath I

    Weapon Spear

    Armour None

    Last edited by qwertysaur; 12-14-2007 at 10:32 PM. Reason: Fixed skills

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