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Thread: Player Contribution Thread

  1. #46
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    lol yes, this sig goes out to you, void

    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  2. #47
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    A common rodent of all areas of Annifontia, Skisks are easily described as a cross between a skunk and a meerkat. Their fur is completely black and their skin is usually a pale yellow-white. Skisks have a defense mechanism similar to a skunk's in that they spray liquid at their aggressor. The scent of the liquid is not necessarily disgusting but causes temporary blindness so the Skisk can escape. Skisks eat small to medium insects and are actively preyed upon by Fal Fal and Beglars. They are commonly poached animals whose pelts are tanned and used in the making of leather accessories.


    Tiri are small insects that dwell in deep woodlands and marshes. Averaging 2 inches long, they look similar to an overgrown ant with wings. They cannot fly but can propel themselves, like grasshoppers, over distances of 50 feet. Tiri do not make stationary homes; instead, they constantly migrate from bushes to trees to bogs searching for food. They are mainly scavengers that will engulf the remains of dead animals when found. Their wings can be crushed into what Arcolyphs call Arco Dust.

    Arco Dust

    Arco Dust is created by crushing the wings of Tiri into a fine powder and being enchanted by an Arcolyph. It is rarely able to be taken from the Arcolyphs but has been done so on few occasions. To prevent this substance from being used by anyone else, Archolyphs have learned not to enchant the powder of a crushed Tiri wing until right before its use. When sprinkled on an inanimate object, said object becomes 1/20 its former size. This effect takes mere seconds to activate so if used for immoral reasons and in great quantities, say to shrink a building with inhabitants inside, it can be extremely dangerous.

  3. #48
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    All accepted for 5,000
    O R'lyeh?

  4. #49
    Returns Victorious The Triumphant Hero's Avatar
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    Sorry for the double-post.

    The Alinek are the remains of what was once a mighty empire. They live in small communities of about 10-20 all across Annifontia, and tend to stay in hiding from the modern powers. The event that brought their downfall was speculated to be disease. Since they live forever and only have children once every 500 years, they are in no rush to attempt to assert their place as leaders of Annifontia. They have the ability to teleport short distances, and are extraordinarily strong and fast. They stand eight feet high on average. They have a very hard exoskeleton that gives thim a fearsome appearance, and can be shaped to provide them with armor and weapons if they need them. They are actually very caring creatures, although extraordinarily xenophobic.
    O R'lyeh?

  5. #50
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  6. #51
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Geoites are giant mountain-dwelling humanoids that hibernate through the summer months. They range in color depending on the surrounding climate from off-white to dark brown. A Geoite's skin is rough and very close to rock-like in texture making them extremely hard to spot in mountainous terrain and very durable creatures. Only Lyrae (rock-eating worms) and well-trained Hunters can distinguish a Geoite from a rock at any distance. They are very territorial and attack/eat people of all races that enter their "homes", which are usually small caves or outcroppings in mountains. A Geoite's biological make-up is almost identical to a Hume's with the one main difference being their bodies only contain 1 pint of blood. Geoite's blood can be diluted through alchemy to make a solution that cures petrification.

  7. #52
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    Grim Essence: A formless floating orb that can be found wondering places that have been influenced with evil.
    It sometimes loses small powdery deposits, which have been researched to reveal dark energies which are known to have commonly been bought out by past incantations of forbidden magic.
    Being formless and assumed otherworldly it is immune to both Physical Attacks and Spells of common element.
    Such research has been performed with arrogant simplicity due to it for some reason not-attacking.
    Recent researcher's logs have shown signs of unintentional self-vocal silence when aggravating the inner glowing particles with non-adamantine solid materials.
    It has been imbued with the name “Grim Essence” due to all of the odd behaviours mentioned above.

  8. #53
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Sized just larger than a polar bear, these cool-climate creatures are kings of the tundra. Their bodies are built like a bear's and their heads resemble those of pudgy sabertooth tigers. They are also clawed and have large tusks but only use them when threatened. Normally, Charoks will stay together in packs of 5-10, the pack being their immediate mate and offspring. They are carnivorous and usually find food by scavenging the lands. A Charok only needs to eat its own size in food to be able to survive for an entire season. If food cannot be found and parts of the pack start to die off, they become instinctually canniballistic and eat the dead to survive. Charoks can be hunted for their tusks, furs, and claws but can sometimes prove more of a nuisance than a benefit since they are very aggressive when the pack is disturbed.

  9. #54
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    All approved.

  10. #55
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Grehrieu's Jewelry

    A complete set of jewelry forged by the magical Elvaan crafter Grehrieu. Grehrieu was the most gifted crafter amongst all Elvaan at one time and made many trinkets of great worth. She refused to sell most of them, saying that the average customer was unworthy of such craftsmanship. The items that she deemed unsellable she kept in a secret vault guarded by 5 henchmen. Being the paranoid and untrustworthy woman she was, Grehrieu thought that they may be tempted to steal from her vault. To keep them from doing so, she offered them one piece of magical jewelry each to keep them pacified. Of course, the henchmen accepted. The pieces were two earrings, a choker, a ring, and a bangle. What they did not know was that each piece of jewelry was enchanted by Grehrieu so that she could constantly keep an eye on all of them. The sixth piece and final piece of the set, a thin and scarcely decorated tiara, she kept for herself. When wearing the tiara, Grehrieu could see through the eyes of all of the henchmen wearing the other pieces of the set at once and know exactly what they were up to. Grehrieu's vault remained safe until her death but the six pieces of jewelry have long been lost or passed down to those who don't know their power.

  11. #56
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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  12. #57
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    say.. dont selena and me get something for the museum.. you could even sponser it void .. i mean, your money is infinite

  13. #58
    Gamecrafter Recognized Member Azure Chrysanthemum's Avatar
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    Museum brings in money every Sunday, as with other facilities.

  14. #59
    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    Oddler has an awesome sense of beastery~~ :3

  15. #60
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Sindles live approximately 50 feet beneath the earth in desert regions. Their bodies are disc-like, only about 2 feet thick with a diameter sizing from 30-40 feet. Sindles are carnivorous. Grown around the outside lining of their disc-like bodies are retractable "arms" with crab-type pincers on the ends and tiny mouths along them. When food is sensed above ground, they extend these appendages to the surface and kill by snapping or strangling their prey. They then leech their "arms" against the victim and use the saliva from their mouths to liquify them into a form they can digest. The feeding process can take up to an entire day depending on the size of the prey. Sindles sense by vibration, much like a "Graboid" from Tremors. () Sindle saliva, if properly extracted, can be diluted through alchemy to cure basic poisons.

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