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Thread: Playstation 3 vs. Xbox 360

  1. #31
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    You know, I really start to wonder where the idea that the 360 has better games now comes from when I essentially list off a half dozen great PS3 exclusives on the first page of the thread. The 360 had more great games when it came out, but right now, the PS3 has just as many. I'm not saying this to start some fan boy war or anything, it's simply the truth. Now I'm not saying those games are necessarily what everyone has to love, anymore than I'd say the 360's exclusives are things everyone should play and enjoy. I am trying to say that the argument that the 360 has the better library doesn't hold much water anymore.

  2. #32


    You're all begging the question. You state that the 360 has the better games without giving any evidence to that. Vivi22 already addressed this rumor but you obviously ignore it for some reason.

    The PS3 to me was a rushed console, that i got little enjoyment out of.
    Looking at the 360's failure rate, I can't understand how you could say the PS3 was rushed in any possible way.

    360 all the way. halo 3 and oblivion are too majorly supreme games
    Oblivion is available for the PS3 as well and I prefer CoD4 over Halo3 but that's my personal opinion. But I think it's safe to say that both games are equally good console shooters.
    Last edited by phbr; 12-06-2007 at 11:59 AM.

  3. #33
    oreodaredattoomotteyagaru Recognized Member JKTrix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phbr View Post
    You're all begging the question. You state that the 360 has the better games without giving any evidence to that. Vivi22 already addressed this rumor but you obviously ignore it for some reason.
    Like Vivi mentioned, what you think is 'better' is all a matter of Opinion. However as far as proof, or "anecdotal evidence" as I said in my post on this very thread, there are a higher number of high-rated games on the 360 than there are on the PS3. Azar posted links to the Metacritic scores for PS3 and 360 games that I also referred to in my post. 'Course you can't really take opinions (reviews) as cold hard fact, but the numbers are right there.

    I'll post them here again, so that you can look.

    XBOX 360 in Descending order

    PLAYSTATION 3 in Descending order

    I didn't bother pouring over them in detail for my previous post, all I did was look for the last game to have a score of '80'. The 360 has 84 games rated 80+, PS3 has 37.

    Someone is welcome to subtract whatever multiplatform and downloadable games both have to get a better idea of exclusives, I'm not willing to do that myself. But really, 84 is more than twice the number of 37, so even if you take out all those games I'd imagine the 360 would still have a higher number.

    Perhaps you folks are more interested in the PS3 exclusives than the 360 exclusives which makes you think the PS3 has as many 'great exclusives' as the 360 does, which is understandable from your perspective. But I don't see it that way, and the numbers don't seem to match up.

    I'm really not bashing the PS3 (I wouldn't bash something that I own), but since the 360 has been out longer it is bound to have more games--quality or otherwise.

    It is all a matter of opinion though, as you say.

    As far as this goes, I did mention that I know my geographical connection isn't optimal, so the game connection thing was expected. I experienced that from time to time on Xbox Live as well as some PC games I play. However, the downloads appear to be extremely slow when compared to XBLA for me. Location or whatever, it shouldn't take me 3 hours to download a 100MB file. I don't download stuff that much on the PS3 so it's not that big of a deal, but when I do want to download something it takes forever. I don't even do the auto system updates anymore, I just download it in 10-15 minutes on the PC then stick it in USB.
    Last edited by JKTrix; 12-06-2007 at 01:50 PM.

  4. #34
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    It is, of course, absolutely down to what kind of games you want to play and how long you want to persist with your console.

    If you want to play RPGs etc, particularly Final Fantasy XIII, I believe the correct thing to do would be to get a PS3 when the better of these games come out for it. Don't get it now - wait. The price will be lower then.

    If you want to play shooter games, particularly Halo 3, I believe the correct thing to do would be to buy a 360 as soon as possible. The 360, being aimed at the shooter-loving Western audience, has a wonderful set of quality shooters to choose from.

    If you are in it for the short haul and believe you will eventually buy the other console regardless of which one you buy now, go for the 360. You'll have more short term fun as there is a larger number of games available for the 360 at the moment.

    If you are in it for the long haul and do not expect to purchase the other console later on, I would tentiatively say that you should go for the PS3. I believe, based on what I've read, watched and heard, that the PS3 will have a better number of games available over the long term.

    If you are looking for any different kinds of games, you will have to let us know. I imagine that the PS3 would be better for platformers. Not sure on the rest.

    Let's look at the top 20 out of each of those lists, though.

    Xbox 360
    1. Shooter
    2. Shooter
    3. Shooter
    4. Shooter
    5. Western Style RPG
    6. Shooter
    7. Music
    8. Music
    9. Action / Adventure / Shooter / Western Style RPG (!?!?)
    10. Fighter
    11. Shooter
    12. Racing
    13. 2D Platformer
    14. Shooter
    15. Shooter
    16. Racing
    17. Racing
    18. Puzzle
    19. Western Style RPG (#5 is an expansion to this game)
    20. Action / Adventure / Shooter (!?)

    1. Shooter
    2. Wester Style RPG
    3. Music
    4. Platformer
    5. Action / Platformer
    6. Action / Adventure
    7. Shooter
    8. Sports
    9. Shooter
    10. Fighter
    11. Shooter
    12. Skating
    13. Racing
    14. Flight (Combat)
    15. Arcade
    16. Music
    17. Shooter
    18. Racing
    19. Fighter
    20. Music

    ...I think that should hopefully give an idea on just what kind of choices you get for the kinds of games for each console. Forget what they're called - apparently these are the better games for the consoles, which in the end is what probably counts. If you're into shooting, then there should not be any second thoughts on which console to get. If you're not into shooting at all then all those 80/90+ rated games on the 360 may just amount to diddlysquat for you.
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  5. #35
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKTrix View Post
    I didn't bother pouring over them in detail for my previous post, all I did was look for the last game to have a score of '80'. The 360 has 84 games rated 80+, PS3 has 37.

    Someone is welcome to subtract whatever multiplatform and downloadable games both have to get a better idea of exclusives, I'm not willing to do that myself. But really, 84 is more than twice the number of 37, so even if you take out all those games I'd imagine the 360 would still have a higher number.
    Well, I have nothing to do until my next exam really, which is 12 days away, so I might as well just to give a little perspective. I decided to not include downloadable games, since many are available in other forms, and let's face it, I don't think anyone is buying a 360 or PS3 specifically because of downloadable titles. They're a nice bonus, but they don't sell consoles.

    That in mind, the list of 360 exclusives that rate 80% or higher on Metacritic is 14. In fact, it loses all but two of it's top ten just by ignoring multi-platform titles. The PS3's top ten fares a little better with 3 of those titles being exclusive, but has 7 overall that are rated above 80% and are exclusive, non-downloadable titles.

    For the sake of argument, I'll post the list of games for each that made the cut:

    Xbox 360:
    1 Halo 3 2007 94
    2 Mass Effect 2007 91
    3 Forza Motorsport 2 2007 90
    4 Project Gotham Racing 3 2005 88
    5 Project Gotham Racing 4 2007 85
    6 Dead or Alive 4 2005 85
    7 Dead Rising 2006 85
    8 Viva Pinata 2006 84
    9 Crackdown 2007 83
    10 Saints Row 2006 81
    11 Perfect Dark Zero 2005 81
    12 Moto GP 06 2006 80
    13 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation 2007 80
    14 FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage 2007 80

    1 Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction 2007 89
    2 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 2007 89
    3 Resistance: Fall of Man 2006 86
    4 MotorStorm (JPN Import Version) 2006 84
    5 Warhawk 2007 84
    6 SingStar 2007 84
    7 Hot Shots Golf 5 2008 82

    Now obviously the 360 has more according to this list, but given a year head start, it's really not doing as well compared to the PS3 as the raw Metacritic ranking would lead people to believe. It's up to the individual gamer to decide which lineup they like more, but since the majority of the best games on both systems are actually on both systems, I don't think you could go just by these lists. Future titles has to factor in, and I think the PS3's best titles are still to come.

    For my money, the list of PS3 games above appeals to me more if only because it strikes me as slightly more diverse than the 360 list.

    Quote Originally Posted by JKTrix
    As far as this goes, I did mention that I know my geographical connection isn't optimal, so the game connection thing was expected. I experienced that from time to time on Xbox Live as well as some PC games I play. However, the downloads appear to be extremely slow when compared to XBLA for me. Location or whatever, it shouldn't take me 3 hours to download a 100MB file. I don't download stuff that much on the PS3 so it's not that big of a deal, but when I do want to download something it takes forever. I don't even do the auto system updates anymore, I just download it in 10-15 minutes on the PC then stick it in USB.
    Regardless of geographical location, the PS3 downloads shouldn't be taking you so long, and I'm not sure why they would if the 360 downloads don't. Downloading firmware updates doesn't even take my PS3 10 minutes to be honest. I'm not sure why it would take yours so long. Are you using a wireless network? If so, then it may have to do with your network settings or router. Have you tried running a direct line from the PS3 to the modem?

  6. #36


    Buy both, you're a very rich man, ehh...?
    EOFF needs a resurgence to it's former glory.

  7. #37
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    I think it's also silly to discount any games that are released on the 360/PC. On a technicality, they are not exclusive. But they ARE exclusive to consoles, and a lot of people who are shelling out a lot for a console aren't also going to be able to play those games on a high-end gaming PC, if they play PC games at all.

    So even if they're not technically exclusive, games like Bioshock and Gears of War won't be available on the PS3.

    Now, to answer you specifically:
    Quote Originally Posted by Comet View Post
    I'm not really interesed in online playing, to tell you the truth. I'm interested in third person shooters, adventure/action games and fantasy/RPG games. I know that once I get one of these consoles the first game I am getting is Oblivion. I really want Final Fantasy XIII, so at the moment I'm leaning towards the PS3 as my choice.
    Do you just like third-person shooters, or do you enjoy first-person as well?

    Here are some for those genres that you'd probably like right off the bat:
    PS3: Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Heavenly Sword
    360: Gears of War, Crackdown, Lost Planet, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox1), Hitman: Blood Money, Kameo, Tomb Raider: Legend, Gun.

    Again, some of the 360 games aren't technically "exclusive" because they can be found on PC, will be on the PS3 in the future (Lost Planet) or can be found on older consoles (Hitman, Tomb Raider). And that was just a short list of action/adventure games that aren't available on both consoles; there are obviously tons of third-party ones.

    Personally, I would advise against buying a PS3 due to a desire for FFXIII--I can't see it coming out until 2009. There's a lot of great stuff out now, and coming out way before then.

  8. #38


    I guess it depends on what you want.

    For the RPG fan, numbers-wise, you want a ps3. You'll have Suikoden VI and probably 7 and 8, Final Fantasy 13-16, Probably Disgea, .Hack, Breath Of Fire, Atilier Atlas, Kingdom Hearts, etc. The Xbox will have a few KOTOR and Jade Empire, Oblivion and probably the sequel(s).

    For Shooters and GTA style games, Xbox wins. Halo, Half-Life, GTA. Probably for hack'n'slashes as well. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, Assasin's Creed, etc. Ps3 probably gets Dynasty Warrior (though it might not be exclusive).

    Puzzles: either is fine. Xbox already has Katamari and Spore, Viva Pinata. Ps3 has Lumines.

    You know what kind of gamer you are. Rather than tell you which is better, I'll say it this way -- for certain gamers, ps3 is better, for others xbox is better.

  9. #39
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    FF will probably only go up to 15, but at this rate that will mean there will be 12 Final Fantasy games for the PS3. :P

  10. #40
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Screw the exclusivities, PS3 has Linux!!! You can play ROMS on your ps3!!! You can play XBOX360 on your Ps3!!!

    alright, i don't know about that, but it is a pretty cool thing. I'll be playing Final Fantasy IV-VI and/or Shining Force I & II while I'm waiting for MGS4 to come out. Maybe, I don't know. But I do think the ability to use Linux opens up ALOT of possibilities, and I'm glad it has wireless out of the box, as its hard to use systems on hardwire at my school. I also want to see what FFXII HD looks like...

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Gnostic Yevon View Post
    Ps3 probably gets Dynasty Warrior (though it might not be exclusive).
    Dynasty Warriors 5, 5 empires, and 6 is already on 360.
    Last edited by Spammerman; 12-09-2007 at 02:47 PM.
    It looks like the ground had a sex change.

  12. #42
    Yah Trick Yah Northcrest's Avatar
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    I'd get a PS3 so far not many games have came out for it but i can guarantee that by next year u will love having it.

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  13. #43
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azar View Post
    I think it's also silly to discount any games that are released on the 360/PC. On a technicality, they are not exclusive. But they ARE exclusive to consoles, and a lot of people who are shelling out a lot for a console aren't also going to be able to play those games on a high-end gaming PC, if they play PC games at all.

    So even if they're not technically exclusive, games like Bioshock and Gears of War won't be available on the PS3.
    I think it's a completely fair comparison. Leaving in 360 & PC titles that aren't on the PS3 is hardly fair really. Of the 360's top ten, the only games that are on PC and 360 only are Bioshock and Gears of War. Gears of War I'll grant you, is a major title, as is Bioshock, but Bioshock is a PC style game through and through. More importantly, the PC is a viable option for many of these games, and in the case of games like Bioshock, or Call of Duty 4, the best option for anyone who can run them simply because of the superior interface. Anyone with a Direct X7 machine should be able to run these games. If you have a Direct X8 machine, then even better. Unless its been five years since you last upgraded your PC, then odds are you can run them. They may not be as pretty as the 360 version in those cases, but they'll still look good, and you'd get the better gameplay experience. Taking them out in my comparison was appropriate if you ask me, since there is still a very viable option for playing them if you choose a PS3 over the 360. I felt that my comparison should only include dedicated exclusives, since those are what really drive console sales in the long run.

    And odds are if someone doesn't have a machine that can run these PC games, and doesn't care about PC gaming, then these games probably aren't the type that appeal to them at all anyway. It may not be true of everyone, but I don't know anyone who wants Call of Duty 4 who isn't willing to pass over it on consoles in favour of a superior playing PC version, even if it's not until a little while down the road when they get a new PC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnostic Yevon
    For Shooters and GTA style games, Xbox wins. Halo, Half-Life, GTA. Probably for hack'n'slashes as well. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, Assasin's Creed, etc. Ps3 probably gets Dynasty Warrior (though it might not be exclusive).
    With the exception of Halo and Ninja Gaiden 2, every game you mentioned here is on the PS3.

  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Azar View Post
    I think it's also silly to discount any games that are released on the 360/PC. On a technicality, they are not exclusive. But they ARE exclusive to consoles, and a lot of people who are shelling out a lot for a console aren't also going to be able to play those games on a high-end gaming PC, if they play PC games at all.

    So even if they're not technically exclusive, games like Bioshock and Gears of War won't be available on the PS3.
    I think it's a completely fair comparison. Leaving in 360 & PC titles that aren't on the PS3 is hardly fair really. Of the 360's top ten, the only games that are on PC and 360 only are Bioshock and Gears of War. Gears of War I'll grant you, is a major title, as is Bioshock, but Bioshock is a PC style game through and through. More importantly, the PC is a viable option for many of these games, and in the case of games like Bioshock, or Call of Duty 4, the best option for anyone who can run them simply because of the superior interface. Anyone with a Direct X7 machine should be able to run these games. If you have a Direct X8 machine, then even better. Unless its been five years since you last upgraded your PC, then odds are you can run them. They may not be as pretty as the 360 version in those cases, but they'll still look good, and you'd get the better gameplay experience. Taking them out in my comparison was appropriate if you ask me, since there is still a very viable option for playing them if you choose a PS3 over the 360. I felt that my comparison should only include dedicated exclusives, since those are what really drive console sales in the long run.

    And odds are if someone doesn't have a machine that can run these PC games, and doesn't care about PC gaming, then these games probably aren't the type that appeal to them at all anyway. It may not be true of everyone, but I don't know anyone who wants Call of Duty 4 who isn't willing to pass over it on consoles in favour of a superior playing PC version, even if it's not until a little while down the road when they get a new PC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gnostic Yevon
    For Shooters and GTA style games, Xbox wins. Halo, Half-Life, GTA. Probably for hack'n'slashes as well. Xbox has Ninja Gaiden, Assasin's Creed, etc. Ps3 probably gets Dynasty Warrior (though it might not be exclusive).
    With the exception of Halo and Ninja Gaiden 2, every game you mentioned here is on the PS3.

    not to mention lost planet and crackdown
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  15. #45
    Make love not lust Yew-Yevon's Avatar
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    If you want to talk about PC console exclusives look no further than Unreal tournament 3, (a PC and PS3 title only.) The PS3 version looks every bit as good as the PC version.
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    Last edited by Yew-Yevon; 12-13-2007 at 07:20 PM.

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