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Thread: Mafia IV - Official Game Thread (Game Over: TOWN WIN)

  1. #1
    permanently mitten
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    Default Mafia IV - Official Game Thread (Game Over: TOWN WIN)

    Mafia - Monumental Breakdown in Staff Protocol Edition
    Quote Originally Posted by Introduction by Del Murder
    It started with an innocent thread. 'What does Eyeson mean to you?' was posed to the EoFF staff. They all answered honestly, perhaps too honestly. Lines were drawn and sides were taken. One side thought that the magic had left, that everything was better back in the 'good ol days' simply because they were before the present. The other side was all about the hear and now, and wanted all the old farts to shut up about what happened years ago. But who really pulled their strings?

    Warren and Michael wanted nothing to do with it. These little squabbles usually work themselves out, they thought. Away they went to their secret owner's forum to get away from it. But when they got there they found they were not alone. Something didn't seem right. Suddenly they discovered the source of this feeling. As they stared coldly, two of their very own Cid's Knights stared blankly right back at them. Miriel and rubah, their eyes frozen open in horror... they were dead.

    Only staff have access to the staff forums, so the hit came from within. As this realization dawned on them, they heard footsteps from behind. Michael and Warren quickly turned to face the intruder but it was too late. Everything had gone black.

    The EoFF takeover has begun. It's up to the rest of the Staffers to put an end to this, before it's too late.
    Recap of Rules
    • Unless specifically mentioned in your Assignment PMs, all Mafia related discussion must happen in the Official game thread.
    • Do not reveal your role privately to each other. You can of course roleclaim as part of your strategy in this thread. Just don't do it outside the game.
    • Play nice. Even if you are using second accounts, don't resort to flaming and whatnot. Kill each other without resorting to being mean.
    • Please make all posts in the Game thread under your specific Mafia accounts.
    • Play fair. Also known as the "don't be an ass" rule. Being an ass includes cheating, diverging completely from your assigned role, going back and deleting or editing all your posts, using asshole-ish methods [M] to find out information about other people's roles, etc.
    • Do NOT use your Mafia accounts to post in any non-Mafia related threads.
    • You CANNOT abstain from voting!

    Regarding roles and accounts
    • All roles were randomly assigned to each Mafia account, and each Mafia account was randomly assigned to each player using So please don't assume that roles were assigned based on a Staff member's e-persona.
    • Also keep in mind that this is NOT a roleplaying game. You are not expected to act as though you are the person whose name you are occupying. And continually doing so throughout the game is discouraged. Cause, you know, that's just silly. The Staff member names are merely vehicles that we're using to play the game.
    • Pretending to be a Staff member outside the game is a no-no. Just don't do it. Or else we're gonna have to be all, wrath and destruction and all that good stuff.

    Accounts in Play
    [M] Cid - Citizen, Killed Night 4 (leader of mortals)
    [M] crono_logical - Doctor, Killed Night 8 (Psychotic [replacement for Kentarou])
    [M] Kawaii Ryϋkishi - Serial Killer, Killed Night 1 (Psychotic and Lekana)
    [M] Leeza - Citizen, Killed Day 7 (Sheep)
    [M] Loony BoB - Citizen, Lynched Day 1 (Jojee)
    [M] Del Murder Beloved Princess, Lynched Day 5 (oddler)
    [M] Roogle - Cop, Killed Night 6 (Jessweeee♪ and Death by Moogles)
    [M] ShlupQuack - Mafia, Lynched Day 2 (Goldenboko)
    [M] Yamaneko - Naive Cop, Lynched Day 8 (Iceglow)
    [M] Azar - Mafia, Lynched Day 4 (Levian)
    [M] Behold the Void Mafia Godfather, Lynched Day 9 (Jojee [replaced edczxcvbnm])
    [M] eestlinc Citizen, End Game survivor (qwertyxsora)
    [M] fire_of_avalon - Citizen, Killed Night 5 (NeoCracker)
    [M] Hsu - Mafia Bomb, Lynched Day 7 (I Took the Red Pill)
    [M] KoShiatar - Citizen, Lynched Day 3 (demondude55)
    [M] Necronopticous - Tracker, Killed Night 1 (Raebus and Shauna)
    [M] Psychotic - Citizen, Killed Night 3 (roto13 and Firo Volonde)
    [M] theundeadhero Citizen, End Game survivor (Roto13 [replaced Sergeant Hartman])
    [M] Zeromus_X - Citizen, Killed Night 7 (Pureghetto)

    There will be a NIGHT and DAY period for this game. During the DAY, all you townies must get together and figure out who to lynch. A lynching is done by majority vote. The day will close with the lynching of a person. During the NIGHT, all players with night time activities must notify me of their choices, targets, investigations, etc. DAY will commence again with the revelation of who (if anyone) was killed during the night.

    Days with last at most, 24 hours. If majority vote for lynching is reached before 24 hours, the Day will end at that point. If a majority vote is not reached at the end of 24 hours, who ever has the most votes will be lynched, majority or not. Nights will last no more than 14 hours.

    When making your official lynch votes, do it in bold in this format please:
    ##Vote: StaffPersonA
    ##Unvote: StaffPersonB

    Day 1 begins now...

    (19 players, 10 votes gets a person lynched and ends the round)

  2. #2
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Greg - Hot Dad's Avatar
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    Omicron Theta


    I am a sad Roogle

  3. #3


    Yay it's starting!

    "Hear and now." Lulz.

  4. #4


    Why so sad Roogle... are you sad you aren't as awesome as me.

  5. #5
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Greg - Hot Dad's Avatar
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    Omicron Theta


    Well...two people just I'm pretty bummed out about that...but mostly I'm-not-as-awesome-as-Cid thing.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Roogle View Post
    I am a sad Roogle
    *hugs Roogle*

  7. #7


    The site died as soon as stuff was starting. D:

  8. #8
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Aaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by (M) Psychotic
    The site died as soon as stuff was starting. D:
    Yes, that was most convenient. :rolleyes2

    Someone has to be the first one to get serious, right? I don't mind.

    We'll probably be fumbling a bit around in the dark today, seeing as it is the very first day. Still, it's important to make a choice so we have something to base Day 2 lynching on. Now while we still haven't started voting, I will voice some of my ideas on how the townies can best play a game of mafia. We should all remember that this is a game of teamwork, it is not every man to himself. So don't go with the crowd and don't care who you vote for and be happy just as long as it isn't yourself. That's no way to win this game. Read through the posts and make up your own mind. Don't be afraid to vote either. Even if voting might be scary and you're afraid to be suspected because of it, it is still important to do it. Not only because it can help take down mafia, but also because your voting pattern in the start of the game can clear you as a citizen later in the game.

    I don't have any strong feelings about which roles I think Del & Miriel have used in this game. I'll probably get more into this if/when weird stuff starts to happen.

    About who to vote for, I don't have much clue, not much unlike the rest of you guys, I would think. Last game, I wanted to kill off an inactive person, I'm not sure if I want to do that this time. The problem with killing off an unactive person is that his death won't tell us anything, seeing as he hasn't done anything! And besides, inactive people will eventually be replaced by active people. Now, if saying this will make everyone turn inactive, then I'm definitely for lynching an inactive one. xD I think I will elaborate more on my thoughts here further into Day 1. Wouldn't want to influence someone's actions...

    Now, because I've stuck my head out so early in the game, I've run a little risk. but I don't mind taking personal risks as long as I know it will benefit the town as a whole. Even if I manage to get myself lynched or killed, I can still win this game, so it is in my best interest to enlighten as much as possible! Hopefully I'm not the only one who thinks like that. Let's kick Mafia ass? ^_^
    Last edited by [M] Aaron; 12-20-2007 at 05:17 AM.

  9. #9


    Oh my god I'm scared. If I die, I love you dearly, Danielle! And Dan. All of you Dans. In fact I just have a fetish for the name Dan and variations of, I wonder why.

  10. #10


    Maybe cause it's your real name and you're a narcissist?

  11. #11
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Why must the mafia always get Miriel first.

    Like [M] Azar said we are just stabbing in the dark today. Mabey we will get lucky and get a mafia member on the first day again.

  12. #12


    I say we kill eestlinc.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    • You CANNOT abstain from voting!
    I might not be around for a day next week. Are we able to be excused for one of those days or what? :o

  14. #14
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Aaron's Avatar
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    Oh, no abstaining. Sweet rule. Should make it harder for people trying to stay under the radar.

    What happens if a person doesn't vote?

  15. #15
    permanently mitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Kawaii Ryϋkishi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Miriel View Post
    • You CANNOT abstain from voting!
    I might not be around for a day next week. Are we able to be excused for one of those days or what? :o
    Yeah, if you're not gonna be around, that's one thing. But you can't be all "hmm... I don't know who to vote for... so I won't vote!" That's just not cool.

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