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Thread: Mafia V: Official game thread (Day 7 - Game Over. Town Win!)

  1. #271



    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    And as you presendted one, thats what The Ramza had done.

    As The Ramza said, most other MAfia Games have had 2 killing factions.

    So there is a posoblity that if there are no Cultists, There is a Third killing Faction, if you count on their being a Vigilante or a Serial Killer. Though if there are only 2 killing parties, its likely Ingus was targeted by both.

    All The Ramza is trying to get across is that anyone who protected someone Night one, shouldn't be too confident that they protected a potential Victim, and that there are many different possobilities exist from what was being suggested.

    So... you're trying to say that those who protected people during the night should not be satisfied with the job they did even though there was only one kill during the night and in all likelihood, they DID do a good job?

    You're killing me.

    Doctors, faithhealers, roleblockers, everyone with a protective role, I think y'all DID do a good job last night. When Psychotic told us that this was going to be a super fast paced game, I was assuming 3-4 kills a night. Yes, per night! I thought it was gonna be dangerously fast. So for us to have only 1 kill during the night, I think it means that the protective roles did a tremendous job during the night.

    Ramza trying to convince everyone that this is not the case is so supicious for me. Yes, my gut was wrong last time. And I said I would wait for more information from more people, but I can't help it. I'm jumping right in.

    ##Vote: Ramza

    Edit: Hahaha, and just when I make my post, Riona makes a post which makes perfect sense as to why Lulu is a Mafia. Damn, now I don't know what to do.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-09-2008 at 12:05 AM.

  2. #272
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Felix's Avatar
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    Ramza is spreading misinformation exactly like the Mafia did last round and I don't like that. The Godfather last round almost won because we let this behaviour slide. I say we learn from our past mistakes.

    ##Vote: Ramza
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 03:49 AM.

  3. #273



    Um, Fran, the only one trying to convince anyone of something is you.

    The Ramza is only trying give a posibility. You are the only one of us rejecting the others Idea, now why is that? The Ramza still wished so know why you don't think The Ramza's Idea on on person getting targeted by multiple people isn't a valid option?
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:54 PM.

  4. #274
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    How do you get three killing factions out of this?
    1) Mafia
    2) Vig/SK

    Cults kill by lynching, just like everyone else during the day. The Cult wins when only Cultists remain, when all Mafia and Town have been killed off. You seem to just throw in a third killing faction without providing any evidence of its existence. I'm quite confused by your claims of a third killing (we are talking nightkilling, correct?) faction.

  5. #275



    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Quina View Post
    The Mafia kill was obviously blocked because if it wasn't, either there'd have been two kills or Ingus wouldn't have been killed.
    I agree. I have three theories on this.
    1. The Game mods determine night actions based on what time they receive word of them. If there is a Vigilante and if she did kill Ingus AND if the Mafia also targeted Ingus then the Vigilante's action went first, thereby blocking the Mafia kill and, while killing Ingus, keeping him on our side.

    2. One protective person, let's say a doctor, protected Ingus. This protection counteracted the first attempt at a kill which was probably Mafia, seeing as how the Saulus didn't become a Mafia. The second kill attempt by our Vigilante went through. I highly doubt this happened. Ingus was pretty suspicious throughout Day 1, so people with protective powers probably wouldn't have used them on Ingus. In fact, I'd argue that everyone with a protective power probably used it on themselves since it's very difficult to decide whom to protect.

    3. The Mafia attempted to kill someone who has a protective power and used it on themselves OR attempted to kill someone with protective power placed over them while the Vigilante

    4. The Mafia are slow and didn't attempt to make a kill. Ordinarily I'd say that this idea is pretty irrelevant, but we do have quite a few players who aren't very involved.

    Scenarios 2 and 3 are the most probable, I think.

    On to the question of the Insane Cop/Cultist Leader/Jester. I don't think there's going to be a Jester in this game because that's just tooooo easy. I'm thinking it's going to be the Cultist Leader or Insane Cop. That being said, if you're a Cop I strongly urge you to compare your nightly investigation to the arguments in this thread. If a person's status comes back as good, look for holes in their arguments, lies or contradictions. If a person's status comes back as bad, look for the absence of the above. All cops should immediately begin to determine whether or not they are the Insane Cop.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Firion View Post
    While I understand the basis of your non Cyan suspicion, new edgar, but I think we should address him.

    Cyan had brought forth the rydia issue. Personally, I don't think rydia hadn't done anything wrong, they were just stupid. Look at all the previous games, there was always someone doing something odd, hypno did it, BoB did ect ect. I saw no reason as to why they would be an immediate threat. Yet Cyan, during his analysis throws in Ingus, who at the time I believed to be the townie he was. Also they brought up vivi. They made a point on how the beginning vote of vivi's was suspicious. Yet how the suspicion shouldn't be held.

    If you look at the list, two confirmed townies and one "?" A mafia might want to throw in two townies and at least one mafia. It was the people who choose to believe cyan. If they picked vivi instead and got a mafia member then cyan would have support. Could vivi be a mafia member as well as the possible Cyan? Yet vivi himself hasn't done much to earn that suspicion just yet.
    I can understand why you'd be suspicious of me because of my persecution of Rydia. However, I stand by my arguments and so did the majority of everyone else. She did behave in a way antithetical to townie-dom.

    However, you are a liar. Please refer to the bold portion of your quote. You claim that I maintain Vivi is a suspicious character. I never said anything like that. My exact words on Vivi were as follows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Me

    I think Vivi is just employing the easiest strategy at this time. Vote for someone. That isn't suspicious, it's just what you have to do. What IS suspicious are those that are voting for Vivi and talking about how suspicious he is. What? How can you be suspicious if you haven't really done anything? Lots of people in the past have voted randomly on day 1. Hell, most people vote randomly on day 1 and a lot of people in this thread voted randomly before Ignus, Edgar and others started talking way a lot. So why is Vivi suspicious? I say s/he isn't. I say the people voting are looking for a scapegoat. This also applies to votes for Irvine and Aeris. Aeris hasn't even done anything! What's so suspicious about them? Nothing. This my suspicions for Freya, Faris, Auron and Terra.
    My question is, why on earth would you lie about that? I don't think it's even possible for you to say "Cyan thought Vivi was suspicious, but that that suspicion shouldn't hold" given the actual content of my post. There is no wiggle room there. So why are you trying to tell everyone I held Vivi in suspicion when, in fact, I never did. The only people who have any need to lie are anti-Town. Welcome to my #1 suspect.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Irvine View Post
    Cyan - As mentioned by Firion, Cyan started the voting for Rydia with a bunch of evidence that seven of us, not knowing any better, followed nigh-blindly. I was one of them, of course. Now that Rydia has turned out to be an oddly-posting Townie, Cyan's arguments look more suspicious, as Firion pointed out.
    I can't help it if I'm persuasive and my arguments actually made sense. You were the ones "follow[ing] nigh-blindly". Make your own decisions! I made mine.

    Right now, this is very tenuous. Firion is definitely my #1 suspect, but I don't have enough conviction to lynch 'em. Fran is also a little suspect (and way obvious in their posting style, lol.) but I have no conviction on that.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-09-2008 at 12:28 AM.

  6. #276



    Cults aren't the only other possible Faction Irvine. Werewolfs have also been used in the game.

    The Ramza only thinks the possibility of another killing faction exists.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:54 PM.

  7. #277



    Wait, are you saying that you believe a third-killing party (aside from Mafia and Vigilante/SK) does exist or do you believe that a third killing party (aside from Mafia and Vigilante/SK) might exist, Ramza?
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-09-2008 at 12:28 AM.

  8. #278



    Might. All The Ramza has said so far is that it's a possobility. The Ramza has never stated that as a fact.

    It is disadvantagious for the townies to only look into one option at this point in time.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:54 PM.

  9. #279



    We are all over the place right now. Can we get a vote tally?
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 10:10 PM.

  10. #280
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    I don't think there's been too much voting yet. Not like yesterday. >.>

    Though would be nice to know the remaining time.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:37 PM.

  11. #281
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Edgar(2): Lulu, Rinoa, Barret

    Ramza(2): Fran, Quina

    Lulu(1): Rinoa

    Barret(1): Ramza

    Not voting:
    Aeris, Auron, Basch, Cid, Cyan, Edgar, Edge, Faris, Firion, Freya, Irvine, Mog, Terra, Vivi.

    With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch. Deadline is set for 6PM GMT on Sunday, 20th January. That's 16 hours from now.

    Someone tell me if I've made a mistake with this.

    EDIT: Yup! Turns out I messed up the non voters.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:33 PM.

  12. #282
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    You got voters included in the not voting list Bahamut. =P
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:37 PM.

  13. #283



    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    Indeed, though if a Vigilante exists, and both Mafia and Vigilante target Ingus, who did the other killing/Anti faction target

    The Ramza has noticed the past two games both had multiple Anti-Town Factions. So, if we assume that it was the Cultists, then we can't assume the protection is what stopped a second kill, as both could have targeted Ingus.

    If it is actually a killing faction, however, then we can probably assume that one protection worked, as it is not likely 3 night kills targeted one guy.

    So as soon as a Non-Mafia, Anti-town Role is revealed, The Ramza is starting to think this line of thinking won't help the town much.[/B]
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    The Ramza didn't read up much on the Cults, so just had something wrong, and The Ramza missed over the part that said, "One" and thought they were all in.

    Also, how is The Ramza playing dumb about a night kill? All we need is 1 Vigilante, and two anti-town factions to get three kills. If that is the case, where is the third kill? Were both blocked?

    And how is it so obvious the Mafia kill was blocked? If there are in fact Cultists, and there are only two kills, why was there only one?

    1) The other Kill Was Blocked.
    2) They targed the same guy.

    Why would a Vigilante wanted to target Ingus? Because he seemed like Mafia to many.

    Why would Mafia Lynch Ingus? To put blame on two other people, The Ramza for initially going against Ingus, as well as Edgar for his fight against Ingus.

    Mind you option 2 is under the assumption that both The Ramza and Edgar are not on the side of the Mafia. Mind you this does not exclude us form other anti-town roles.

    So tell The Ramza, why is it so obvious to you the Mafia kill was blocked?

    Edit: To Irvine
    The Ramza was only saying that if a thrid killing faction existed, more possobilities could happen. And when did Third mention a third, killing anti-town faction?

    The Ramza said a second Killing/anti-town faction, and presented a possobility on the night activities based on whether or not that was true. And with all the roles, a definate Vigilante possobility is there, leaving it possible for a total of three killing factions.

    This was all The Ramza's speculation as to why there can't be to much trust placed a person that was protected on night one.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Irvine View Post
    Ramza, we only know of the existence of two nightkilling powers: the Mafia and the Vig/SK. You're implying a third nightkiller when there is no evidence to suggest that one exists. I'm just confused by your logic, which doesn't seem to be readily evident.

    Another possible reason for there only being one kill could be thus:
    The Mafia's kill is given to the mods by one person who represents the Mafia, possibly the Godfather. It's possible that that person was roleblocked and that a roleblock of a Godfather prevents the Mafia's kill. This is just a possibility.
    And as you presendted one, thats what The Ramza had done.

    As The Ramza said, most other MAfia Games have had 2 killing factions.
    So there is a posoblity that if there are no Cultists, There is a Third killing Faction, if you count on their being a Vigilante or a Serial Killer. Though if there are only 2 killing parties, its likely Ingus was targeted by both.

    All The Ramza is trying to get across is that anyone who protected someone Night one, shouldn't be too confident that they protected a potential Victim, and that there are many different possobilities exist from what was being suggested.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    Um, Fran, the only one trying to convince anyone of something is you.

    The Ramza is only trying give a posibility. You are the only one of us rejecting the others Idea, now why is that? The Ramza still wished so know why you don't think The Ramza's Idea on on person getting targeted by multiple people isn't a valid option?
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Ramza View Post
    Cults aren't the only other possible Faction Irvine. Werewolfs have also been used in the game.

    The Ramza only thinks the possibility of another killing faction exists.
    Here are all of The Ramza's Posts. The Ramza present different possobilities, and even reasons to support the chance that Both a Mafia and a Vigilante would target Ingus.

    The Ramza could also give a reason the Serial Killer (If there is one) Would target Ingus.

    He would target someone he wasn't really connected too, and Ingus was a good option for anyone not directly connected.

    The Ramza's main point in posting this is to show that The Ramza hasn't definitely said any of this is true, and only that these are all the possibilities that The Ramza has come up with.

    Fran, on the other hand, is continually shooting down The Ramza's Idea that two factions targeted the Mafia. The Ramza am still curious as to why she is doing that.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 01:54 PM.

  14. #284
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Yeah, there's been a lot of talk but not a lot of voting. I don't currently suspect Ramza, but I still suspect Vivi, because I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary relating to him, and for other reasons I posted earlier. Thusly, I will vote as such.

    ##Vote: Vivi

  15. #285
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Aaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Cyan View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Firion View Post
    While I understand the basis of your non Cyan suspicion, new edgar, but I think we should address him.

    Cyan had brought forth the rydia issue. Personally, I don't think rydia hadn't done anything wrong, they were just stupid. Look at all the previous games, there was always someone doing something odd, hypno did it, BoB did ect ect. I saw no reason as to why they would be an immediate threat. Yet Cyan, during his analysis throws in Ingus, who at the time I believed to be the townie he was. Also they brought up vivi. They made a point on how the beginning vote of vivi's was suspicious. Yet how the suspicion shouldn't be held.

    If you look at the list, two confirmed townies and one "?" A mafia might want to throw in two townies and at least one mafia. It was the people who choose to believe cyan. If they picked vivi instead and got a mafia member then cyan would have support. Could vivi be a mafia member as well as the possible Cyan? Yet vivi himself hasn't done much to earn that suspicion just yet.
    I can understand why you'd be suspicious of me because of my persecution of Rydia. However, I stand by my arguments and so did the majority of everyone else. She did behave in a way antithetical to townie-dom.

    However, you are a liar. Please refer to the bold portion of your quote. You claim that I maintain Vivi is a suspicious character. I never said anything like that. My exact words on Vivi were as follows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Me

    I think Vivi is just employing the easiest strategy at this time. Vote for someone. That isn't suspicious, it's just what you have to do. What IS suspicious are those that are voting for Vivi and talking about how suspicious he is. What? How can you be suspicious if you haven't really done anything? Lots of people in the past have voted randomly on day 1. Hell, most people vote randomly on day 1 and a lot of people in this thread voted randomly before Ignus, Edgar and others started talking way a lot. So why is Vivi suspicious? I say s/he isn't. I say the people voting are looking for a scapegoat. This also applies to votes for Irvine and Aeris. Aeris hasn't even done anything! What's so suspicious about them? Nothing. This my suspicions for Freya, Faris, Auron and Terra.
    My question is, why on earth would you lie about that? I don't think it's even possible for you to say "Cyan thought Vivi was suspicious, but that that suspicion shouldn't hold" given the actual content of my post. There is no wiggle room there. So why are you trying to tell everyone I held Vivi in suspicion when, in fact, I never did. The only people who have any need to lie are anti-Town. Welcome to my #1 suspect.

    Right now, this is very tenuous. Firion is definitely my #1 suspect, but I don't have enough conviction to lynch 'em. Fran is also a little suspect (and way obvious in their posting style, lol.) but I have no conviction on that.
    I assumed the list was your suspicion list, that's what I meant when I said that. Also it's what I had written down as notes, so quick little blips, I should have gone back and looked at your quote but alas, laziness consumed me.

    Sorry if I had messed that up. I never voted you either Cyan, I was just using what info I had at the time. Since then you've jumped off my radar. Others are presently on it but i'm waiting for more talk and more reasons before i make any more assumptions.

    EDIT: cutting out part of cyans quote that i'm not addressing sorry for spamming up the thread
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 09:50 PM.

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