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Thread: Mafia V: Official game thread (Day 7 - Game Over. Town Win!)

  1. #736
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Edgar showed up at the police department for work, like he always did. He had a busy day of eating donuts and stuffing weasels into his pants ahead of him. He had just finished his morning nap when an angry mob showed up outside, calling for his head.

    Edgar would not go down willingly. Shots were fired from the windows, as Edgar screamed that they would never take him alive. He was an officer of the law, and this was anarchy!

    The town could not break into the police station. So, waiting outside, they summoned some help.

    Enter your dashing hero, Bahamut. The great dragon descended from the heavens, and obliterated Edgar and the police station with a mighty Mega Flare.

    Edgar, Mafia Cop, was played by leader of mortals & Goldenboko.

    Game over. Your winners: Aeris, Cid, Firion, Rinoa.

    And what of Vivi? Well, he dropped down dead soon afterwards. His mission was a failure. You see, Vivi was a Jester
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #737



    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:56 PM.

  3. #738
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Mafia Godfather
    Quina - Roto13
    Mafia Ninja
    Auron - oddler
    Fran - Miriel
    Mafia Cop
    Edgar - leader of mortals (later joined by Goldenboko)

    Scum Lovers

    Scum love Doctor
    Lulu - Demon Dude
    Scum love Killer
    Irvine - Denmark


    Rinoa - Del Murder
    Terra - Sir Lancelot
    Mog - Sheep
    Faith Healer
    Basch - Aerith's Knight
    Ramza - NeoCracker
    Edge - I Took The Red Pill (REPLACED by Kentarou and Shiny)
    Barret - Captain Maxx Power
    Aeris - Shauna & Raebus
    Cyan - Mrs. Peacock
    Firion - Lekana
    Cid - Dolentrean
    Rydia - Shiny

    Vivi - Sergeant Hartman
    Faris - Bahamut2000X

    Side Switching
    Ingus - Goldenboko
    Mafia Usurper
    Freya - Jesweeeeeeeeee and Death by Moogles
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:40 PM.

  4. #739
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Night choices

    Night one
    Ramza - Rinoa
    Barret - Fran
    Mog - Cid
    Rinoa - Fran (ROLEBLOCKED)
    Terra - Cyan (Aeris)
    Edgar - Cyan (INNOCENT)
    Lulu - Irvine
    Basch - Fran
    Edge - NONE
    SCUM KILL - Barret
    LOVERS KILL - Ingus

    Night two
    Ramza - Rinoa
    Barret - Ramza
    Mog - Ramza
    Rinoa - Freya (gun)
    Terra - Rinoa (Freya)
    Edgar - Ramza (INNOCENT)
    Basch - Fran
    Edge - Cyan

    Night three
    Ramza - Barret
    Barret - Cid -> Ramza
    Rinoa - Fran (gun)
    Edgar - Faris (innocent)
    Basch - Aeris
    Edge - Barret
    USURPER KILL - Auron

    Night four
    Ramza - Vivi
    Rinoa - Vivi (no gun)
    Edgar - Aeris (Innocent)
    Basch - Aeris
    Edge - Basch
    SCUM KILL - Faris

    Night five
    Ramza - Vivi
    Rinoa - Firion
    Edgar - Vivi
    Edge - NO KILL.
    SCUM KILL - Edge

    Night six
    Ramza - Rinoa
    Rinoa - No choice - Roleblocked
    Edgar - Firion (GUILTY)
    SCUM KILL - Ramza
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:40 PM.

  5. #740
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    In case anyone wants to know, my grandma is doing much better, but she thinks the year is 1971

  6. #741
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Mafia Forum
    Lovers Forum
    Mason Forum

    NOTE: Mason forum is blocked off because I forgot my password for it. qwerty'll fix it whenever he gets online I guess, but if you're desperate you can always register
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:40 PM.

  7. #742
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Vivi was a jester? xD!

  8. #743
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    ROLE PMs

    Note: I have lost the Godfather one 'cause qwerty is the one who wrote that. So uh, Roto, if you still have it it'd be cool if you could post it here


    Your role is Mafia Ninja

    Auron couldn't take it anymore. The fangirl obsession that EoFF's fire_of_avalon had with him had driven him round the bend. Why couldn't this broad just leave him alone? Eventually it got to him too much, and Auron decides to join some friends with a plan of mass murder.

    Because Auron is such an indisputable badass, he cannot be seen at night by a watcher, nor tracked by a tracker. This means he can go about his kill-crazy rampage without being detected!

    - You will win with the mafia.
    - You can discuss who to kill at night with your fellow mafia, who are: Quina, Fran, and Edgar.
    - All four of you can post in the mafia forum. It is located ()


    Your role is Mafia Goon

    Fran was irritated by the way the humes discriminated against her. And she had also had the misfortune to check out Eyes on Final Fantasy, a forum filled with drooling nerdy humes who wanted to have sex with her. Disgusting! Fran decides to join some friends with a plan of mass murder.

    - You will win with the mafia.
    - You can discuss who to kill at night with your fellow mafia, who are: Quina, Auron, and Edgar.
    - All four of you can post in the mafia forum. It is located ()


    Your role is Mafia Cop

    Edgar had joined the police force with such high hopes and ambitions. Unfortunately he was stuck with a desk job, filling in countless forms and doing endless paperwork. When he'd ask to go out on patrol and catch some criminals, the chief of police had simply laughed in his face. Well, Edgar couldn't take anymore. He'd show them what he was capable of! Edgar decides to join some friends with a plan of mass murder.

    - You will win with the mafia.
    - You can discuss who to kill at night with your fellow mafia, who are: Quina, Auron, and Fran.
    - All four of you can post in the mafia forum. It is located ()
    - Each night, you can choose to investigate another player. You will receive a GUILTY or INNOCENT result, based on whether or not they are town.


    Your role is Lover (Killer)

    Irvine had a rough childhood. Losing his parents at an early age, and being abused by Cid and Edea in the orphanage made Irvine bitter and resentful. After saving the world with Squall and co., he began to have flashbacks of the abuse. He soon turned to alcohol to forget about it, and harder substances later. Irvine became a washed up mess.

    But then...then he met her. Lulu, the pretty young med student. She made him feel alive, like he was finally worth something. He cleaned up his act and planned on settling down with her. Unfortunately, the town ostracised the two young lovers, and the stress caused Lulu to lose the baby. Irvine absolutely lost it. The town had destroyed his one chance to be happy.

    And the lovers want their revenge. And they intend to have it.

    - You will win when only yourself and your fellow lover are left alive.
    - Each night you can choose to kill any player you like.
    - You will have access to the Lovers Forum, along with Lulu. It is located:


    Your role is Lover (Doctor)

    Lulu came from a middle class family. She was a straight A student and was on the cheerleader squad. Her proud parents encouraged her to go to med school to follow in her father's footsteps, which she did and qualified as a doctor.

    And then...he entered her life. Riding a motorcycle and with a dashing ponytail, Irvine was the man of her dreams. Unfortunately, his devil-may-care attitude and rebellious temperament do not sit in well with her parent's lifestyle. Soon, she falls pregnant with his child, and although it is stillborn, the townsfolk have already turned against her and thrown her out.

    And the lovers want their revenge. And they intend to have it.

    - You will win when only yourself and your fellow lover are left alive.
    - Each night you can choose to protect any player you like.
    - You do not have the ability to kill anyone. Your lover, Irvine, will be conducting the kills himself, as he does not want you to get your hands dirty.
    - You will have access to the Lovers Forum, along with Lulu. It is located:


    Your role is Gunsmith

    Rinoa is the town's expert in guns and firearms. She can tell whether or not a person is keeping firearms in their house by examining for powder burns, spent shell casings and so on. Rinoa intends to use this skill to help root out the Final Fantasy characters who have turned to evil.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Every night, you can submit a night choice to investigate whether or not a character has a gun.
    - Be warned, mafia are not the only ones who carry guns. Cops and Vigilantes also have guns, so be careful when sharing your results - you might be giving away a key townie!


    Your role is Tracker

    Terra was fed up of being the centre of attention. Whenever she transformed into her esper form, who could fail to notice the roaring, pink and very naked monster in front of them? After saving the world, she devoted her time to going about her business unseen, and undetected. With the threat of murder hanging over the town, Terra decides to silently follow certain townies to see what she can uncover.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Every night, you can submit a night choice to follow another player, and find out who they targetted.
    - Note that not everybody who targets others is a mafia member. Look at yourself, for example!


    Your role is Watcher

    Mog has always had a bit of a weakness for ladies...of the human variety. Unfortunately, these ladies were not interested in pursuing a relationship with a moogle, and so Mog took to other activities to satisfy his needs. Namely, he hides in the bushes outside other FF character's houses to see what they get up to at night! (hopefully undressing in front of the window)

    - You will win with the town.
    - Every night, you can submit a night choice to watch another player, and find out who visited their house that night. ie, you will know who targetted them.
    - Note that not everybody who targets others is a mafia member. Look at yourself, for example!


    Your role is Faith Healer

    Basch was short on gil after saving the world. After all, all his previous income had come from beating up innocent monsters, and now there were none. Instead, he decided to run a scam. "Basch, faith healer! Forget western medicine, I can cure all wounds with the power of my mind, and it's cheaper!"

    Of course, it's all bunkum, but sometimes the placebo effect comes into play and if patients really believe they'll recover, their mind makes it happen. And now, with evil coming to town, Basch has turned his "talents" to good.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Every night, you can submit a night choice to protect one player. There is a 50% chance of your protection succeeding, as certain characters might not believe in the power of faith.
    - Obviously Basch does not believe in this, as he knows it is a scam, so he cannot choose to protect himself.


    Your role is Jailkeeper

    Ramza is in charge of the town's jail cells. He can lock up townies at night time in a jail cell which cannot be escaped from or broken into. He does this either to prevent them from doing harm to others...or to prevent others doing harm to them. In the morning, he frees them, and they are free to go about their daily business of discussing who to lynch.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Every night, you can submit a night choice to lock any townie up in a cell. This person cannot be night killed, but they also cannot carry out any night actions of their own. This is a powerful role, so be sure to think about your choices.
    - "Any townie" excludes yourself, obviously, as there will be nobody to free you in the morning, and you'll die of starvation!


    Your role is Roleblocker

    Barret was possibly the best looking Final Fantasy character of all time, and all the other townies knew it. And they all wanted a piece of him. There's not enough Barret for everyone, though, so Barret has to choose whose house he wants to visit in his sailor suit. Naturally his gun arm has been replaced with...well...let's not go there.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Each night you can submit a night choice to sleep with another character. This will mean that they won't carry out their usual night activities, because they're a little tied up.
    - They will have no memory that it was Barret who paid them a visit.


    Your role is Vigilante

    Edge is, well, a man on the edge. He's had enough of seeing his fellow townies being killed and he thinks the lynch method just isn't working. No, he has a better idea. He's going to take the law into his own hands and wipe out the scum himself.

    - You will win with the town.
    - Each night, you can submit a night choice to kill another player.
    - Be warned, if you kill too many innocent townies suspicion will point to you. That and you won't win, of course.


    Your role is Mason

    Ah, the ancient masonic order. Townies who are members can sit around at night, drinking potions and talking about the crazy nonsense that has been happening in the town recently. Oh, and Tifa's jugs. The town's masons are Aeris and Cyan.

    - You will win with the town.
    - You and your partner have access to the Mason Forum. It is located () Post whatever the heck you want there.
    - There are NO mafia masons in this game. I want to make this abundantly clear so that the two of you trust each other and can function as a true town power role. You are both masons and you both have the same win condition.


    Your role is Miller

    Firion is a good guy at heart, but unfortunately, his fellow town members will not see it that way! Unfortunately for Firion, he was infected with a particularly nasty status effect whilst on his heroic quest, called "Guiltyitis" (hey, it's better than "Itchy") When investigated by a cop, the cop will get a guilty result on Firion. Which is a pity, because all he wants to do is help the town.

    - You will win with the town.
    - If a cop investigates you at night, the result will be guilty.
    - But what will your role be revealed as if you are lynched or night killed...?


    Your role is Nexus

    Cid has always been a very paranoid member of the town, and even though the world is safe, he has taken extra measures to ensure his safety. He is never seen without his trusty reflect ring, used to protect him from harm.

    - You will win with the town.
    - If a player targets you with a night choice, the choice will be reflected off you and randomly target another player. Note that it can also randomly target yourself!


    Your role is Hider

    Rydia was a very frightened young woman. The prospect of being killed at night frankly terrifies her. She knew what she had to do. She would hide behind other members of the town, in the hopes that nobody would see her and kill her.

    - You will win with the town.
    - You can submit a night choice to hide behind another player. This means that nobody can kill you if they target you, but you will die if you hide behind somebody else who is targetted for a night kill, so choose carefully.


    Your role is Jester

    Vivi's life was nearing its end. That was the way all black mages were designed to be - with limited life spans. However, Vivi wanted to end it on his own terms. He didn't want to die in his bed. He wanted to go out in style...he wanted to be lynched.

    - You will win if you are lynched on an even numbered day. 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on.
    - If you are lynched on an odd day, get night killed or survive the game, you will lose.


    Your role is Attention-Seeking Survivor

    Faris didn't care about mafia or town. Faris just wanted to retire and go on a round the world trip on her pirate ship. But in order to do that, she'd have to survive the massacre and subsequent witch hunt about to take place.

    Now, the smart thing to do would be to keep her head down. However, Faris loved to be the centre of attention, and would simply die if she was ignored.

    - You will win if you survive the game. You have no effect on the town or the mafia winning, and they have no effect on you winning.
    - Because you want attention, you must post at least three times every day, and be mentioned in at least two posts (being quoted counts as a mention). NOTE: This may change, depending on how hard/easy it is to achieve this.
    - If you don't get the attention you seek, you may just get depressed and kill yourself! Unless a doctor helps, of course...but why would a doctor want to help someone who doesn't want to help the town?


    Your role is Saulus

    On his travels, Ingus had an unfortunate incident with a vampire, resulting in him being bitten. Of course, the only way to kill a vampire is to drive a stake through his heart, right? No. The only way to kill a vampire is to lynch him!

    - You will win with the town UNLESS
    - The mafia try to kill you, and in which case you will no longer be allied to the town, and will join the mafia instead.
    - The mafia may or may not be the only ones with night kill abilities. Serial killers, vigilantes, rival mafia factions and so on and so forth may also be on the prowl. If there is someone else besides the mafia with a night kill ability and they target you, you will just die.


    Your role is Mafia Wannabe Usurper

    Freya has noticed these mafia fellows, and thinks they're pretty damned cool. She'd love to join them! Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to earn their respect...but then it hits her. If she kills the don, they'll have to respect her and make her the new don.

    - You have a ONE TIME ONLY night kill ability. If you kill the Godfather with this ability, you will join the mafia and your role will change to Mafia Godfather.
    - If you kill somebody else, your bungling will blow your chance to join the mafia and you'll stay with the town.
    - You will win with the town UNLESS you successfully join the mafia.
    - Note that if you are investigated at any point (unless you become the Godfather) the investigation will come up guilty.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 04:41 PM.

  9. #744



    I'm really sorry I thought your grandma's sickess was a game ploy.

    I'm also sorry I dropped the bomb on Fran when she was unable to give a reply. I wanted us to go to the very end and have an epic showdown, but at that time I had no one else to go on.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 11-08-2008 at 10:47 PM.

  10. #745
    not you naan bread Sergeant Hartman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Bahamut View Post

    - You will win if you are lynched on an even numbered day. 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on.
    - If you are lynched on an odd day, get night killed or survive the game, you will lose.

    So unfair, there were only three even numbered days and I wasn't here for one of them

  11. #746
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    We wanted to give you a bit of a challenge! It's easy to get lynched. It's harder to get lynched if you acted normal on a previous day.

  12. #747
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Here you go.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Bahamut
    Your role is Mafia Godfather

    Quina was tired of random people asking questions like "Whats Quina's gender? or "How sexy is Quina?" After years of the mental torment Quina has had enough of it. Getting together with like minded former heros, Quina has decided to end the questions, permenantly.

    - You will win with the mafia.

    - You can discuss who to kill at night with your fellow mafia, who are: Fran, Auron, and Edgar.

    - All four of you can post in the mafia forum. It is located HERE!

    - As the don, you also will come up innocent in any cop investigation. Who would guess that Quina is a heartless murderer?

  13. #748
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Thanks one million.

    With that out of the way, this thread can now be closed and we can all move to the other one.

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