Okay, you people have your little Vader/Yoda Thread, now this Game deserves a real thread.

IGN: Soulcalibur IV Preview

So far, the Character Designs and artwork are beautiful, and it's fun that they introduced destructible environments. (Mostly this seems just for show so far, like bark on trees breaking, cracks in the floor, not sure if it will go farther than visuals.)

Here are some of my favorite screen shots so far.

IGN: Soulcalibur IV Image - They seem to be keeping with the Ivy loosing clothes trend.

IGN: Soulcalibur IV Image - While not a big Raphael Fan, this new design in him is stunning.

IGN: Soulcalibur IV Image
Nightmare simply looks like a demon Hellspawn.

And of course Mitsurugi on the main page is also amazing.