I have heard alot of people talking about this, but I didn't see a thread about it here... For shame!

Crazy, Funny, Great game play, very very inappropriate moments.

Your a perverted guy who got a light saber (they call it a beam katana) off an internet auction. You become an assassin and become involved in a real life leader bored of assassins, you drive a huge motorcycle and fight ridiculous bosses. The game starts with you attacking the 10th ranked assassin in the world to take his place.

It is ridiculously bloody, has a bizarre sense of humor, you get to use the Wiimote to deliver vicious finishing blows that send blood spraying all over the place, or use the Wiimote and nunchucku at the same time to perform crazy wrestling moves.

You sit on the toilet to save the game, there is hot chick with a ridiculous French accent who is helping you out, you are making ridiculous passes at her and trying to convince her to have sex with you if you make it to number one.

And I have only been playing the game for about an hour and a half!

What is not awesome about that?