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Thread: MAFIA VII: Old School Mash-up (GAME OVER - TOWN WIN!)

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  1. #1
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Cylon Basestar
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    Default MAFIA VII: Old School Mash-up (GAME OVER - TOWN WIN!)

    ~WELCOME, you’re invited to a party at ol’ school mansion!~

    It was a party Princess Zelda was holding. Her friends all wanted to come and join her. Well of course they’d love to there’s cake.
    All was well, all was lively and fun. Yet some obnoxious person was ruining her party. She marched her way through the crowd. Bottles of booze were being left everywhere as she followed it to a group of people. They all crowded around a loud person. Arms and bodies were in her way to seeing what the ruckus was. Squeezing her body through some bigger guests she finally got to see who it was that made the noise.

    “I’m a jester! No wait…. I’m a bomb! Oh wait no. How about….” rambled Tails.
    Zelda ran over to quiet the loud idiot. She grabbed his arms, “Tails… no tails look at me. You need to leave my party. You’re making it horrible and no longer fun!”
    Tails burped in her face, “I’m the smurfing godfather, donnt tell me whut ta do”
    Zelda struggled with him for a bit trying to get him away from the party when a shot was fired. Both fell down dead.

    Zelda was played by Lekana and Tails was played by Demon Dude. Lucky you guys, he’s out of the way first

    And that’s when the suspicion set in. Who killed DD and Lekana? Well town, you guys need to find out. GO GO GO!


    Hiya It’s [M] Master Hand here. I’m your mod, your master! I’ll help you guys with anything you need. I’ll keep vote count and help you guys stay on track. No spamming kthx. Listen to me and it’ll alllll be fine…. Well not really.

    All night actions will be PMed to [M] Master hand


    There are two phases, Day and Night. These will last at the maximum of 24 hours each. During the day discussion will be in this thread and it will be closed at night. During night those with night roles will PM [M] Master Hand with their activity. Once night is up day will come again and talking may resume.


    Players must vote. If you’re not going to be around please get your vote in beforehand.

    When voting, please do it in this format
    ##vote: name

    You can also unvote for people. This takes the same form:
    ##unvote: name

    If a majority is reached, the one with majority will be lynched. If it’s a tie then there will be a sudden death. If time for the day ends, the one with the most votes will be lynched.


    Borrowed from Psy and Qwerty who Borrowed from Miriel
    • Unless specifically mentioned in your Assignment PMs, all Mafia related discussion must happen in the Official game thread. Please do not discuss the game using instant messengers, IRC, Private Messages, voice chats, phone calls, snail mail etc. etc. No, we can't enforce this because we can't spy on you, but we would appreciate it if you followed this simple rule.
    • Do not reveal your role privately to each other. You can of course role claim as part of your strategy in this thread. Just don't do it outside the game.
    • Play nice. Even if you are using second accounts, don't resort to flaming and whatnot. Kill each other without resorting to being mean.
    • Please make all posts in the Game thread under your specific Mafia accounts.
    • Play fair. Also known as the "don't be an ass" rule. Being an ass includes cheating, diverging completely from your assigned role, going back and deleting or editing all your posts, using asshole-ish methods [M] to find out information about other people's roles, etc.
    • Do NOT use your Mafia accounts to post in any non-Mafia related threads.
    • You CANNOT abstain from voting!
    Regarding roles and accounts
    • All of the roles were assigned randomly to a player and then those were randomly assigned to the character.
    • Don’t roleplay, it’s annoying. I know it is. Play your character how you want though. There will be no penalty to anyone who does role play.
    • Don’t share with others who you are or what your password is or what your role is. This makes it lose its fun-ness. Think for your selves guys! You don’t need anyone else.

    Most can be found in this flash. There are many different roles.

    There are Vanilla Town in this game.

    [M] Bowser - Governor - Levain and NeoCracker
    [M] Crono
    [M] Donkey Kong - Vanilla Townie - Oddler
    [M] Frogger - Recruiting mason - scrumpleberry replaced by DK
    [M] Ganon - Day cop - qwertyxsora
    [M] Kirby
    [M] Lara Croft - mason - GoldenBoko
    [M] Link - White Mage - Roto13
    [M] Luigi - Mafia Godfather - Sir Lancealot
    [M] Magus - roleblocker - Jessweeee & Death By Moogles replaced by Shiny
    [M] Mario - Vanilla Townie - WhatVVB
    [M] Mega Man - burglar - blackheart525
    [M] Navi - mafia - leader of mortals
    [M] Pac Man - Mafia Godfather - Jojee replaced by Dynast-kid
    [M] Peach - Vengeful townie - Craliz replaced by GoldenBoko
    [M] Pikachu
    [M] Samus - Mafia Assassin - Miriel
    [M] Slippy - Inventor - Bahamut2000X
    [M] Solid Snake - TyphoonThaReapa - Mafia Recruiter
    [M] Sonic - Bert - Vanilla Town
    [M] Space Invader - Mafia Traitor - Edczxcvbnm
    [M] Star Fox
    [M] Sub-Zero - Janitor - ~*~Celes~*~

    DAY ONE:
    It will take a majority of 12 people for a lynch. We’re gonna officially start the day when a few more get online.
    Last edited by [M] Mom – Host; 03-28-2008 at 12:50 AM.

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