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Thread: Mafia Again! GAME OVER - MAFIA WIN! edczxcvbnm is everyone's hero! <3

  1. #76
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You plan to go after me, do you? OK, champ. Bring tha noize.

    But you're going to have to give me something to actually, y'know, answer to. GB agreeing with me on a common town strategy for mafia games aint gonna cut it, especially when qwerty and AK did exactly the same thing. Why are you ignoring them acting the same, anyway?

  2. #77


    Your under the impression we have good Mafias Boko. We've all seen your Mafia antics, so If you are Mafian, you very well may have connected yourself to Psy by mistake.

    ##vote: Goldenboko

    I would vote Psy instead, but as stated before, he's smart. If you are not Mafian, I won't be as suspicious of him, as you were the basis for these assumptions, and if that guess turns out wrong, I may not want psy lynched as he could be a smart townie for us.

    However if you are Mafia, Psy, you are next my friend.

    Edit: To psy.

    Simply because Gobo slipped up and quoted you and said "So thats what we are doing now?" That seems like a much more solid connection then the other two had.

    As as stated above, I'm only that worried about going after you if Boko is Scum.

  3. #78
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
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    Vote Count

    (1)Goldenboko: Psychotic, NeoCracker
    (1)leader of mortals: Goldenboko
    (1)Levian: Psychotic
    (1)Del Murder: Aerith's Knight
    (0)Aerith's Knight: Dynast-Kid

    47.1 hours till the day is over
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  4. #79
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    Your under the impression we have good Mafias Boko. We've all seen your Mafia antics, so If you are Mafian, you very well may have connected yourself to Psy by mistake.

    ##vote: Goldenboko

    I would vote Psy instead, but as stated before, he's smart. If you are not Mafian, I won't be as suspicious of him, as you were the basis for these assumptions, and if that guess turns out wrong, I may not want psy lynched as he could be a smart townie for us.

    However if you are Mafia, Psy, you are next my friend.
    I am an EXCELLENT mafian

    You have still yet to answer why you ignored AK, and qwerty doing the same.

    EDIT: xD Are you smurfing serious? I said that because I was confused why he voted for me, then I noticed he was voting for people yet to post.

    Neo just seems to be trying to get votes against me because me being mafia is held as such a commonplace.

  5. #80


    I answered it in the Edit.

  6. #81
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    If you remember the staff game, I was eestlinc. I think for myself, and don't blindly follow psy or Del or anyone else. Minus Psy's jokevote, I had the first vote, so how could I follow what came after?

  7. #82
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Hmmm, well, I see not much has happened since I took a nice, refreshing shower!

    But anyways, I really don't think that Psy and Boko have a scum-to-scum relationship. At least not one that I can tell at this point.

    I know that Mafia is all about what happens inside the thread, but, like I said earlier, Boko & Psy are two pals! It's natural that when one does something, the other may follow suit.

    I'd have more suspicion if Boko had actually voted for the same person that Psy did.

  8. #83
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Chums? Oh please! Goldenboko is no friend of mine and I hate him with every fibre of my being

    Really though it kind of sucks that Cracka made the game go all serious before everyone has even posted 'cause I was just gonna joke around at this point, like in C9 I. Aw what the hey, I'll do it anyway. NeoCracker is scum because he accused me and only a mafia would accuse a townie of being scum right???

    I may have a theory or two a-brewin' in the back of my mind but really, we haven't heard from Lev, Del, ed, leader of mortals and Laddy. I don't really want to lay down anything concrete and start making decisions until everyone has even posted 'cause that's just suicide for the town.

  9. #84
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    I'm going to sleep then school but before I do that....


    Do you think I'm scum? Do you think I have a connection with Psychotic? What do you think about NeoCracker's claims? Do you have any bad vibes from anyone yet?

    EDIT: I agree with Psychotic no theories from me till everyone gets here, but I am willing to answer all questions asked.

    EDIT2: Thats not what you told me in bed last night Psy

  10. #85
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    I dont really believe Neo, because he is just trying to illecit responses to measure from..

    but why do i get scum vibes from your answering, psy? You didnt act like this last game, i think i'll keep my eyes on you..

    however, its nowhere near vote scum vibe.

  11. #86
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    How have I acted differently, AK? Apart from the whole not shooting people thing.

  12. #87
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Well.. it's hard to explain. It's how you defended against Neo's claim(which no one would believe anyway)..

    but its prob nothing.


  13. #88
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Wiff wiff waffle waffle

    I confirm that I am playing at that I will vote for AK for absolutely no other reason other than he posted above me XD

    ##VOTE: AK

  14. #89
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
    I'm going to sleep then school but before I do that....


    Do you think I'm scum?
    Hmmm, well, that i'm not sure of. The game started like, 3 hours ago, so...Too early for me too start becoming suspicious!

    Do you think I have a connection with Psychotic?
    Uhh, I know that you and phycotic have connected many times...

    But for serious, it all goes back to you and Psy's parasitic friendly bond. Assuming you're both town (which I can never be sure of), and since no matter what you're going to act like you're town, it's easy for someone to notice the "connection" between you two.

    What do you think about NeoCracker's claims?
    I'm not exactly sure. Neo may just be paranoid. He also said he hadn't put much thought in his claims, so...

    But I can sorta see why he would think what he does. When Boko said: "So that's what we're doing now?", I can see how it could be misconstrued. Or he may just be trying to see how you two would react under accusation. He said he wanted to play differently this game (I think he's the one that said that).

    Do you have any bad vibes from anyone yet?
    Uhh, not really.

    The only thing that strikes me as odd is how quiet the others are being (especially Laddy and LoM). But hey, maybe they're just busy?

    Thats not what you told me in bed last night Psy
    Boko! Are you cheating on me!?

    So, i'm gonna ask some questions:

    Boko = How do you feel about being branded as Psy's "lap dog"?

    Psychotic = You seem to have a rep as a notoriously smart player. Do you think that may have given you a sort-of "advantage" over others? Even though Mafia is a team game, do you think that your reputation may keep you in the game longer?

    Neo = Do you find Psy and Boko's reactions to your accusations at all scummy?
    Last edited by Dynast-Kid; 04-02-2008 at 04:43 AM.

  15. #90
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
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    Vote Count

    (1)Goldenboko: Psychotic, NeoCracker
    (1)leader of mortals: Goldenboko
    (1)Levian: Psychotic
    (1)Del Murder: Aerith's Knight
    (1)Aerith's Knight: Dynast-Kid, edczxcvbnm

    46 hours till the day is over
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