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Thread: Round 2 : Compilation of Answers

  1. #16
    Now comes in a can Ace14's Avatar
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    Default Round 2 Answers

    1. When is double posting okay?

    It's usually never okay unless you're updating something like a poem thread or an art thread.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    A max width of 550 pixels and a max length of 250 pixels, all the pictures together can't go over 51,200 bytes

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button should be used when someone is spamming up a thread or has created a spam thread. It should not be used when a fellow user is doing nothing wrong at all.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    If after two years of being banned a member has a chance to prove that they are capable of behaving on the forums and appealing to the staff you could possibly be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    If cursing is used in a post it will be edited and if a poster persists with cursing they will recieve a warning or a PM about it, even more cursing could result in a banning.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    If Psy was planning to punish crashNUMBARs for the account I would try to convince him that it was just an old account that they won't use anymore and therefore shouldn't have to be punished; I wouldn't make anymore second accounts from that point.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I would confront crono giving him a warning about this issue and if he persists with the pictures I would tell another Admin about this problem and how I tried to get crono to stop but he wouldn't.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I would send her a PM kind but strict PM saying that she is spamming a bit too much and needs to stop with the massive posting.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I would send a PM to Hsu saying that he hasn't been doing his job and should try to work more or the possibility of being driven off of the staff is in order. If he continues to slack off then I would go to Loony BoB about this and request that something be done about the slacking Hsu.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    I would tell them that unless they are on the staff themselves they should not be on the staff forum so then I would log out so they wouldn't be able to get into the forum. If they were all part of the staff themselves I would just tell them not to post anything in the forum under my name and so I'd keep a closer eye on them.

  2. #17
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Default "ROUND 2 somewhere in the title." - Ouch!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist throwing in a lame joke.

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is acceptable in rare circumstances, most often when the life of the thread requires periodic updates, such as a writing thread or a tournament.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    Maximum width of 550 pixels, maximum height of 250 pixels, including text. There is also a 50KiB file size limit.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn function is used to alert staff to spam, advertising, “problematic” posts, double-posts, threads in the wrong forum… in other words, breaking rules. It should not be used unless a rule is being broken.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    After two years, if a member can sufficiently demonstrate that he has reformed his behavior, he may be unbanned by unanimous consent by the forum staff.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    The f-word and the s-word are automatically filtered from the board completely. Other profanity is discouraged but allowed in moderation. Posts trying to bypass the filter or excessive in profane content will be edited and the user will receive a warning.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    Supposing I wish to use the account in the future, my only course of action is to tell Psychotic that the account is mine. The account will be automatically banned if it belongs to crashNUMBARs, but if I’m honest, and appeal to Psychotic’s sense of mischief, I at least stand a chance. It’s like Pascal’s argument in favor of god. Assuming I’m a CK already (which may or may not grant me some leeway), telling Psychotic is the only way I have any hope of retaining the account, and thus the only pragmatic course of action. Likewise, by admitting responsibility, this wouldn’t count against crash should he attempt to be unbanned in the future, which would be unfair to him.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I suppose the first logical course of action would be to confront him directly about it. I would inform him that I know he is breaking the rules and ask him immediately to cease. As I cannot punish him, I would then have to alert another administrator of his rule breaking so that he might be properly punished.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I’d likely contact her privately through either PMs, emails, or IMs, whichever turns out to be the most effective manner of communication. I would tell her that I think her actions reflect badly on the rest of the staff. I would not reprimand her in front of other members of EoFF. If rubah decides to ignore me, I’d have to seek other staff and attempt to use the power of numbers. While I could edit her posts/close her threads for spam, there’s no reason to show a lack of cohesion to the general populous of EoFF. I have enough faith that rubah is a reasonable individual and we would be able to resolve the dispute in private.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Similarly to the situation above, I would contact Hsu privately regarding my opinions on the manner. Also like rubah, I believe Hsu to be a reasonable individual and we would be able to resolve the situation. Should Hsu admit that he no longer wishes to perform his duties as a Knight, I would alert Loony BoB (who is on my side) to this by showing a log of the conversation and then, with his influence as an administrator, proceed to convince the rest of the staff that Hsu no longer has a desire to continue to be a Knight and have him removed from staff. Ultimately, I would expect the latter to be unnecessary. I imagine Hsu would either decide to be more active or have the decency to resign himself.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    Since this question has been posed, I suppose that means I am able to identify the individuals responsible. In this case, I would confront them about their action and politely request that they keep whatever they managed to read in the staff forum to themselves, thank you very much. If I’ve invited these people into the sanctity of my home (which is actually an rather small dorm room in which I’d watch their every move), I likely trust these individuals enough to respect such a request. If they proceed to abuse whatever knowledge they may have gathered by viewing the staff forum, there’s always the usual channels of punishment on the forum.

  3. #18
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    :monster: Dynast-Kid's ROUND 2 Q&A!!!

    Yep, these are my answers for the Round 2 questionaire! I hope they're not too wordy! xD

    By reading my answers you'll probably notice that comraderie and teamwork are major parts of my functionality.

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is only acceptable in the case of a thread which entails timely updates (i.e. art thread, writing thread, etc.)

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    The signature size limit is a width of 550 pixels, and a height of 250 pixels. A very generous size, in my opinion!

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button should be used by non-staffers in the case of a poster who is posting inappropriate things/content, and the problem has yet to have been addressed by a Cid's Knight or other staff member. It should not be used if a staff member is currently resolving or has previously addressed the issue.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    In almost all cases, banning is a permanent punishment. However, if after a time span of at least 2 years, the banned member in question may appeal to the forum Staff and plead his case, and if all staffers are in unanimous agreement, they're account can be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Eyes on Final Fantasy is filled with many mature and intelligent members, but is in essence, a family forum. Which is why the use of swear words (with the exception of the S-word & F-word, which are censored automatically), is vastly discouraged. Failure to abide by these standards may result in a post edit, alll the way up to a banning, based on severity.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    Hmmm, well...Second accounts, in general, are strictly against EoFF policy. I would probably PM Psy, informing him of the history and nature of the second account in question. I would hope he'd understand, and leave the account be. If he still wanted to have it deleted, i'd take it up with the rest of the CKs/Staff. If they all thought the second account should be banned, i'd be a team player and let it be banned.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    What a tough question! xD

    I would firstly ,more than likely, converse with my fellow Cid's Knights to gain insight into the situation. I mean, WTF, crono wouldn't do that!? I would then PM him, telling him my opinions on the situation, and reinforcing how serious of an offense this really is. I would attempt to negotiate and work out the situation in a firm, yet calm manner. Should no resolution come to fruition, i'd immediately turn the situation in the hands of the other Administrators.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    What a fascinating question! I've never taken Rubah to be the uber-spammer type! xD

    I would, at first, make sure to keep a calm, and non-antagonizing behavior. When dealing with your associates and teammates (in this case, fellow Knights), I believe that confrontation is best when acted upon in a gentle, yet firm, manner. I would inform her exactly on my view of her recent spam, and hope that my words get through to her. If they were to no avail, I would take the issue to the rest of the Knights, and see if they felt the same way as I did. If no one else was on my side, i'd quietly explain my opinions to Rubah, and hope for the best. However, if most were on my side, I would inform Rubah of the majority's view, and convince her to ease up on the spam.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Well! xD My first action would be to, well, remind him of his duty as a Cid's Knight: to moderate and defend the sanctity of EoFF. If that didn't work, i'd take the problem to fellow Cid's Knights, inquiring their stance on the situation. If most of us were in agreement, a formal nomination of downgrading would be in order, and taken to the Administrators, specifically to Loony BoB. With his similair stance on the issue, and with the apparent agreement of the rest of the Knights, I believe all proper actions would be made.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    Those rascals!

    I would assert myself firmly and calmly with these pesky members. Warnings and threats would be in big supply! After a little intimidation and reinforcing the notion of what they did was majorly wrong, I would dish out a punishment using a combination of personal opinion, the views of other staffers, and base it on the severity of the crime.

  4. #19
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Default Round 2

    1. When is double posting okay? when it's your own story or art thread, or you're running an RP.
    2. What is the signature size limit? 550 wide 250 high and 50 KiB file size
    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not? It should be used when a member is outright breaking the rules, ie. flaming. It should not be used to contact the CKs/Admins for any other reason.
    4. How can a banned member get unbanned? Apply for reentry after a 2 year probationary period.
    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing? It is generally frowned upon and the major curse words are filtered out already, it is semi acceptable in RP and stories as long as it doesn't go over board.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    I'd PM him directly and tell him that it was mine, and ask if it would be possible to not ban it because I might have use for it in the future.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin? I'd try and find proof before making any outright claims to it being his doing, finding none or insufficient ones I'd confront him, and then I'd talk to other admin about it.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard? I'd say that it's not fitting of a CK to go on massive spam sprees all the time, it's almost impossible for someone to not spam unless they stop posting altogether, I'd probably ask her to at least cool her jets and give the posting a break.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is. I'd try to get him more active. My first course of action would be to ask him why he hasn't performed any moderatory actions in a year, if it was because he had no time, that is understandable, but if he had made lots of posts and was highly active, just not moderating, I'd remind him of his position and what it manes and represents.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    I'd immediately change my password and make sure to log off and not be remembered by the computer whenever an EoFF member came over to prevent it from happening again, I'd apologize to the rest of the staff, and if need be ban the offending members.

  5. #20
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Default The Sexy Picture Thread of Round Two!

    Yah yah, here they are

    1. Double posting is ok in our confessions obviously, in a thread you made in the Writers Corner and it’s a story you are continuing in. If you run out of room in your first post, or and this one is just for me… it’s a setup for a decent joke.

    2. Width 550 pixles : height 250 pixles and it can not be larger than 50 Kib

    3. The warn button should be used when an advertisement thread is being posted, it’s a flame thread or with people trying to get around the language filter or any other instance when you think a staff member should be alerted… I mean just use your common sense people, is that so hard?

    4. I think if the person waits two years and then the staff decides they should be unbanned.

    5. Its alright as long as its not far to much and you don’t go around the chat filter. I mean I like showing off my vocabulary as much as the next person, but I can use restraint if I must.

    6. Ummm… I probably would just let him remove it as I wouldn’t use a second account, but if I did, I would probably ask him why he likes to hurt me so, offended that he would not recognize my impeccable wit, then I would ask him if I could keep it, because I sometimes like mingling in the forum without people knowing I’m a CK.

    7. First I would probably go to another admin, obviously, tell them what was going on and that as much as we all love penises and vaginas that this really isn’t the place for them.

    8. I would probably just… you know… tell her to cut back on the spam and that she is setting a bad example, and if that didn’t work I would probably do something involving ninjas… I know, I am great at improving

    9. Hmmm… I may use my and BoBs combined charm to lure him back to the site, probably send him some messages telling him that he needs to be more active or he may be at risk of being removed from the staff.

    10. I would probably tell walk over and in a very condescending manner pat them on the head and tell them to stay off of daddys computer. And if they gave me any lip I would threaten to put broken glass in there beds.
    Oh, did I mention I'm awesome?

  6. #21
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Default You can roll it down a hill like a ball because it's ROUND 2


    1. When is double posting okay?

    In very rare circumstances would this be okay. In the situation where the posts go
    Poster A
    Poster B
    Poster A
    And poster B deletes his post, poster A will not be accused of double posting, If poster A is responding to poster B's post then depending on the circumstances there might be a negative effect on B. Other wise editing posts is prefered to double posting.
    It's also allowed in the confessional threads.
    And I guess user notes too but i'll be honest im not sure about that.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    550 width * 250 height pixels including text
    Image file size maximum is 50Kb total

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    It should be used to indicate:
    Reviving month old threads, Swearing or avoiding swear filters, Ad's, double posts and threads in the wrong forum. As well as inappropriate threads or posts which are (unfriendly) insults or just plain distasteful. Also when a thread has gone far off topic.

    It should not be used when people simply disagree with your opinions but are not breaking the rules.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    I do not know. If I become a CK I do not intend to do any unbanning. The only type of unbanning i know of is when it was a joke ban in the first place. Though i have heard of some two year parole type situation.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    If it's filtered dont avoid the filters. Otherwise use it in moderation or preferably not at all. And none of these should be aimed towards a specific person in a malicious manner

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    (Assuming im not a ck) I guess I would be upfront about it and tell him it is mine. If he deletes it so be it, I cant see a way of keeping this account without lying and saying it belongs to my brother or something who uses the same IP as me. Conversely i could give it to my brother so i technically would not be lying. Second accounts arent allowed.
    If i was a ck. I'd say it was mine and politely ask him to sod off.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    OOC: Lol at the underlined section
    I'd inform another admin or make an urgent thread about it in the staff forum and hope some one deals with it before we harm any more virgin eyes! In the mean time i attempt to edit out as many of the images as possible

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I would first ask her to politely tone it down and try to set a better example.
    Then I would trick her into posting in a thread about her least favourite final fantasy character
    Then i would change her avatar into said character

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Firstly i would need definite proof that he is shirking his duties. How? Using some form of second account to make a spam thread which is inevasive but still against the rules, a third acount (or have a non staff member) warn such a thread and demanding to all the other staff they do nothing about the thread. If he does not react then he is clearly shirking his duties. I would then make a thread about it in the staff forum politely asking him of his behaviour and if there is no reasonable explanation i would post convincing arguements until i got my way.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    The notion that I would hold a party at my house is laughable. But i guess i would just tell them to get off and make them leave the party. Theres nothing legal i can do to make absolutely sure they dont tell anyone what they saw through pm's or word of mouth but i could threaten them with banning. But chances are i'd just ask them politely not to mention it, if i invited them to my party they would most likely be a nice person. I guess all i can do is keep a close eye on them. But as many Staff have said before, there is really nothing in the staff forums which would be that interesting and i choose to believe that. (But i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt true)

    Well i guess thats it. Not very funny, but I think I made enough spam during the first round.

    Thanks to Loony BoB, rubah, and Miriel for the questions.
    Last edited by blackmage_nuke; 04-04-2008 at 06:34 AM.
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  7. #22
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Default Round Two-sday?

    Here are my answers for the round of twos...the second of rounds....pound it out or something XD

    1. When is double posting okay?

    It should generally only be allowed when there is a reason to double post such as updating a art threads or something. There maybe other ones but they are more obscure and fall under judgment calls

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    250pxl high and 550 wide and is not to exceed 50KB

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    If you think someone is breaking the rules the use the warn button and give a description of what you feel they are doing wrong. Do not use it to send notes to the staff.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Wait 2 years after the banning has been made 100% official and appeal to the knights for reinstatement.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Don't go around the swear filter and try to keep it down even though there are filters. But lets face it...I know the limits of this rule better than almost anyone XD I have gone right against the limit numerous times and know when stuff is too much for a prolonged period of time ;D

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    There are no second accounts. You should explain to psy that it was your old second account and that you have not used it in forever. You forgot it existed but this should not go as a mark against crashNumbers for his possible future reinstatement.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Talk to other admins through PMs and convince them that he needs to have his powers removed temporarily until this can be sorted out in an orderly fashion in the staff forum. You can't just make the thread in the staff forum to begin with due to a possible backlash and even more power abuse by having people demodded. It must be handled behind the scenes as much as possible till his powers are removed.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I would just be blunt about it and PM her to stop spamming it up. What are you gonna do if other people start spamming too much and you tell them to stop? They are just gonna bitch and call you hypocritical and ignore you. Then when you try to silence them power abuse comes up. As a mod you have to be on better behavior than a normal member. Trust me...I did those things to mods before you came along. It happens and quite easily.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I choose to drive him off the staff. I would make a thread in the staff forum that goes something like this.

    Part of being a knight is being active. He has been inactive for so long that he should just be demodded. If he comes back and wants to be remodded then a new discussion of whether he should be remodded at said time can happen. If you want to go and prod him to come back then go ahead but you shouldn't need to be reminded to come back here just so you don't lose your staff position.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    First off, I don't trust random people online enough to let them really stay at my place >.> I have trust issues.

    But in the super unlikely event that this does happen, I would probably just log them off right away. Tell them to keep whatever they saw to themselves and inform the staff of the security breach and to keep an eye on this person so that they don't get to out of hand with potentially dangerous knowledge.

  8. #23
    Thou shall not speak... Randgris's Avatar
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    Default Round 2, this are my answers

    I read make a thread here so here it is...

    1. When is double posting okay?
    Its not OK. I consider it spam. Better use the edit/delete tab instead.

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    Its 50kb, 250x500 in length-width respectively.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    When something offensive is posted or the persom has put too many spam posts (honestly I'm not even sure if this is right)

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    Honestly, I don't know, for I've never been banned, or know someone that has been banned. Maybe in due time, or they made ammends to the reasons why they were banned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    Well the last time I saw someone cursing, it was either snipped, skulled or the member cursing was banned.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    The truth is I've made this was my second account, but I've informed Leeza about it firsthand. I did not know that second accounts were prohibited then, it was my first time joining and I did not know of the name change service then. She said she'll merge my two account. I won't use my old account anymore. I will still inform him, and apologize for the error. I'll ask him if he can merge my accounts.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    Pm him my opinions about the matter, politely. If he still refuses to stop, I may have to go to a higher authority.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    I won't force her to stop if she doesn't want to. I'd probably ask her, politely, to minimize spam threads.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    Well first I would want to know the reason why he hasn't been active as a moderator recently. It may be financial issues, family problems, or other emergencies that need high priority. If he justs slacks off and neglecs modding duty, I'd tell Loony BoB to call him up, and let him explain. Maybe I'd create a thread that would peek his interest (does anyone know what he's into?)

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    (I don't think this is possible, most of the members are from foreign countries and ME being in the Philippines, I view this as both an advantage and disadvantage) I would tell them that, those are confidential things and should not be messed by ordinary people. If you want to look, you can look, but I'll have to kill you later.

    I did not look up the rules, I just thought of the most logical and viable answers to the questions.

  9. #24

    Default EoFF new CK challenge ROUND 2

    1.Double posting is only acceptable when an update on an important thread is needed.

    2.Maximum width is 550 pixels, while the maximum height is 250 pixels

    3.The warn button should be used only when a forum rule is broken and never anytime else.

    4.Only when it is a temporary ban.

    5.EoFF does not allow the S-word or F-word, any other profanity is discouraged.

    6. I would inform him that it belonged to me through a PM and email to make sure he is aware of the fact it is mine and that I gave it to a friend of mine because he wanted to join but did not have an email address.

    7.First inform an EoFF admin about the offence, afterwards confront him and tell him that I have informed said admin about what he has done.

    8.Tell her to stop spamming so much because she is making the forum look bad.

    9.I would try to get him back into activity by reminding him of how great the forum is and how much fun it is to be there, also that Loony BoB misses him.

    10.Make sure I know who did it and confront them about it. Afterwards I would check my most recent posts and make sure they didnt post anything vulgar or inappropriate under my identity.

  10. #25
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Default No time for love, Dr. Jones! (ROUND TWO)

    1. When is double posting okay?

    In the Site Staff forum it's acceptable if multiple updates are required for a page or you've used up all five of your attachments for one post or even just to check the status of something that wants bringing to SS attention. Likewise in the Help Forum for similar reasons would also be relatively beneficial. Also necessary during some one-off events such as this where there's one main thread that's being closed and reopened periodically.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    50kb in terms of file size. 550 by 250 pixels in terms of the actual size.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    Should be used if you come across a post that you think needs to be brought to the staff's attention, simply. For example, if you saw some advertising, flaming or spamming that had until now gone unnoticed by the staff, you should warn the post to bring it to their attention. It shouldn't be used if there's no infringement of the rules or if the reason for the warning is somewhat frivolous. And it shouldn't be used just to spam the forums staff.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    After a period (I think it's two years) they have the opportunity to appeal their ban with the forum staff. However there's no guarantee that they'll agree to it. Naturally if the person has acted a jerk in the two year period then there'll be little inclination for the staff to agree to. Otherwise you can wait until one of the staff members has gone made with power and decides to unban all the people they've banned for not posting pictures of them with braids.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Mild cursing is acceptable provided it's not excessive. Naturally there's a swear filter which is in place to cut down on bad language. Anything covered by the swear filter should remain so and shouldn't be got around by messing around using tags halfway through a word to avoid the filter. Crap is acceptable. The swear word synonym beginning with 'S' is not.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    If it's something that he's doing outside of a thread in the staff room then I'd PM him about it directly and explain the situation. I'd explain why the account was made and why I wanted to keep it. If it is being discussed in the staff room, I'd PM him, but also raise the issue there. If I want to keep it, then I'm assuming I'd have some logical reasoning behind it and so I'd present my case to the staff. If it was a reasonable enough demand and there was some potential good that could come from it, I'd hope the account would remain unbanned.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Explain that they're being a prize jerk about it and it's really not something that's terribly good or appropriate given the nature and membership (there's a lot of underaged people here). Ask him to remove it. If he doesn't, raise the issue with other staff who are online and get in touch with an administrator who is online who can deal with the situation. If not, then edit the the posts (hopefully with back-up from other Knights) as is possible to remove the javascript elements to them until such a time when further action is possible.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    Tell her about it. If it's coming across that it's fine for staff to spam but it's unacceptable for the normal members to spam then you're going to get a lot of unhappy people who perceive things as being unfair. Explain that to her because, when in context, it's fairly common sense. Point out that everyone does it from time to time (because most members - staff or otherwise - do), but that it's got excessive. However, I'd also point out that despite it being spammy, it was good that she was being so active on the forums.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I'd rather drive an inactive staff member into activity rather than simply remove them. There's a reason they were put on staff in the first place and so I think doing that would be preferable to outright removing them from the go. I'm assuming this has been raised in the staff forum (hence why there's a divide in opinion) for the rest of the answer. I'd make my case arguing that while Hsu might not be very active at the moment, he has been in the past and has made valuable contributions to the staffing of the forums. I'd point out that if he's being as active as he can be and that he's being active to a sufficient degree then he's aiding the staff by being around in case something does need doing. I'd pursue the issue only as much was necessarily to save creating unnecessary drama. The staff is run as a team and it should be a team decision that makes something and if you've stated your case as best you can and they still don't buy it, then go with the team decision.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    Immediately ask them to stop and ask them what they've seen. Assuming that they've been compliant, then I specifically alert the staff of what's been seen and by who. Regardless of the temptation to look, it's still breaking the rules. Might seem a bit harsh, but you can't have one set of rules for your friends and one for the ordinary members and they should've known they were breaking the rules.


    I do realise I have immunity for this round, I just thought I'd take part anyway.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  11. #26
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Default Round 2... just for you!

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is only allowed if it is a timely update. Such as us in our confessions.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    50 kb, 550 pixels wide, 250 pixels high

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button should be used for a spammer, flamer, or other inappropriate material such as porn or excessive swearing. A summary of the offense should be written. A warn button should not be used for minor offenses such as two people arguing over an issue.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    After 2 years a banned member can appeal to forum staff, and with unanimous consent, can be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Swears are discourage, with S- and F- automatically censored. Someone who attempts to bypass the censor or swears in a post will most likely have their post edited, a warning(in thread or PM), or in extreme cases even banning.


    A statement should be mentioned here, that I would attempt to add all active members of admin and mods to msn, aim, or yahoo to make contact quicker and more efficient in cases of emergency.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    As soon as I was aware that he found the account I would inform him that it was my own account. I would give him a specific reason for wanting the account to still be active(as there must be one if I want to keep it). If the reason is not valid, I would accept the banning of the account. (In truth he could track using the IP address as to whose second account it was)
    Example: I made [M] Bomb account for a joke during one of the mafia games. To quote a joke from Barats and Bereta web series, I said “I’m so bomb, Iran can’t have me.” The account was banned shortly after with a message directed to me as “ljkkjlcm9.”

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Sadly, I would probably not be aware like I was unaware of everything during April fools with my no-script add on. However if I was aware of such I would message crono stating he is clearly breaking the rules of the forum and ask him to refrain from doing so. Other admins would also be contacted that have the power to do such things to him if the behavior was not stopped and punished by himself.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    As usual, scolding of other admins and mods should be done in private such as PM. Public criticism would show weakness and disagreement among the power of the website. Rubah would be contacted over aim, msn, or yahoo first, because then an easy discussion could be had. If not reachable by these means, a PM will be sent to contact her about the issue. Simply stating to her that many of her posts are spam and cluttering up the forums as well as reflecting negatively should be enough for someone such as rubah!

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I don’t think choosing one way outright is the correct way to approach this. I believe the correct option would be to inform him that he has a duty as a moderator and he must actively begin to do this duty. If he still refuses to do so then actions to have him removed should be taken. Talking to the other members of staff to remove him would be the next step. If the other members of the staff do not agree that he should be removed for not doing anything… they are unfit for the job as well! Sad… but true.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    If such a thing were to ever happen, which is extremely unlikely it would (them being able to use my computer and accessing it, not the party) then I would ask them firstly what it was that they had read. I would explain to them how there is no reason for them to be involved in the issues, as it is none of their concern nor their job. They should respect the privacy of the staff as people should respect the privacy of others. Internal affairs are to be dealt with internally. All who read anything must swear to never speak of it again. If it is found out that they did… they don’t want to face the wrath of
    Last edited by ljkkjlcm9; 04-04-2008 at 10:24 AM.
    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  12. #27
    There's a Bo In My Fro Garnie's Avatar
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    In the Basement of Alexandria Castle

    Cookie Garnie has a shot at the 2nd round and fails! with epic win fail!!

    1.When is double posting okay?It's not. Unless its an accident. but even then it should be deleted.
    2. What is the signature size limit?550x250 pixels(including text) should'nt exseed over 51,200 bytes. ...amount of times leeza repremanded me for that lols
    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?should be used when a member is being particully rude or spamming consently. should be used when the user has been repremanded before hand about behavour and is still misbehaving and not going by the rules.
    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?through the adminstrators panel.
    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?i dont think any swearing should be allowed honestly. because of the younger members but i think that its kept to a minimum..(but i would'nt allow it at all)

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    yes i would! even tho i was a secret under cover spy!...second accounts are not kewl!
    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    i would politley explain that it is agaisnt the rules and kindly ask him to stop. if he laugthed at me then i would go to another Administratior and confrount him with the problem.
    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard? again polietly ask her to stop. im never rude.
    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    i would ask him why he was'nt doing his job! ask him if he still wanted to be a mod! Also i would create an oppertunity to hsu involed more.
    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    straight away change my password and account settings. let the other mods know and admin asap. hope to gawdb they did'nt see the nekkid pics of johny depp and the sheep!

    sorry bout the spelling!!

  13. #28
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    Default ROUND 2 Q&A


    1. When is double posting okay?

    Sometimes when updating an art or writing forum. It’s good to ask a moderator first though.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    550 pixels wide x 250 pixels tall including text; no larger than 50 kilobytes

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    Use the warn button to notify a moderator when someone is spamming, swearing, engaging in flaming or personal abuse. It does not need to be used for people disagreeing as long as they are civil about it.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Appeals are permitted after two years to the forum staff. Unbanning can occur if the staff unanimously agrees that the user has reformed.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Some words like F___ and S___ are automatically censored. Trying to circumvent using spaces or the like will get edited and possibly a warning. Curse words as self-expression are discouraged. Results of abuse include warnings PM up to banning.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    I would be honest and inform him that it’s my old account, since I wouldn’t want to get someone else in trouble. In addition having a second account violates the policy of the site.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I would PM him and ask why he’s doing that and explain that it’s offensive to everyone. I would also notify the other administrators.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    If it was advertising spam I would use the warn button to notify the staff. If it was just plain talkativeness I would start with a PM to suggest curbing her enthusiasm and only post a reply publicly if that wasn’t effective.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I would start with a PM along the lines of ‘What’s going on? We haven’t seen much of you this year’ to encourage a dialogue. Failing that I would ask Loony Bob to send a similar message. If unresponsive I would suggest that I can help if he’s been busy with other things. I would avoid taking steps to remove him from his post unless he states that he’s not planning on doing anything and not leaving either.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    I would be irresponsible if I left myself logged on in with company. I would make a note of everyone that had access. I would then contacts the moderators and explain the situation, including the members who had access to my account. I would also offer to resign. It may sound cliché but I have a strong conscience.

  14. #29
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Grin Spin a Round Two upside down. Get a clown!

    Hi peoples.

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Typically it's not okay, but I understand that the art and writing boards allow it, especially since it's possible to fill up the maximum size of one 'post' and you pretty much have to double post in order to fit everything into one thread.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    Image size: 550x250px
    Size limit: 50 KB

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    Well, you should use the warn button in order to bring to staff's attention any posts which break forum rules (spam, double posts, inappropriate behaviour, etc). Reasons to not use the warn button would be, and not limited to: personal messages to staff (hi BoB asl?) , spamming staff, personal messages to the person you are warning (hi stop posting porn plox), since the warnings go to all CKs and admins, and not the warned user.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Well let's look at one of the people who have been unbanned: Baloki.

    Baloki either went for an extended hiatus from 2-10-2005 to 2-11-2007 or he was banned for that period. That happens to be two years. It turns out, if there is unanimous agreement that a member should be unbanned after two years, they can be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Well this is a family board. Even though the system asks you whether you are over 13 when you sign up, you can be a member if you are younger (Rye was what, 11 when she signed up?). So naughty words, whether sexual or profanities should be avoided if ever possible.

    If somebody uses a lot of profanity that isn't covered by the swear filter staff can PM that person, edit the post, warn the person, and in extreme cases ban the person.

    Oh and it goes without saying that doing things to circumvent the swear filter is a no-no.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    I thought long and hard about this and had to conclude this is a trick question. Even clout's 2nd account └┤ ∵├〆 is banned.

    Anyway, the question itself states that Psychotic thinks that a member in the forum other than myself has double accounts. The right thing to do in this case is to ask him to compare IP addresses of the second account's posts, and it should match up with my IP address. This should clear the name of any innocent members.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I would probably have little recourse other than to ask him to change it back and hope his sensibilities return to him. Regardless, I will also have to inform another administrator that I caught cl_out doing this. I will probably inform this administrator via IMs rather than a forum post, for various reasons such as privacy and to avoid retaliation from cl_out, just in case.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    This is definitely best settled out of the public eye. I would either send her a PM or ask her on msn/aim to calm down.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Is this due to him being away for an extended period of time or just him posting like a regular member and not contributing to staff duties? I doubt it's the former because then staff would know and it wouldn't be an issue. If Hsu's just hanging around like a regular member I would just PM him and ask him if there's a reason he's not doing much. Maybe there's a valid reason.

    If Hsu is not being receptive I would talk to Loony BoB about discussing this with staff. I need his support so I don't appear as if I'm just starting drama, so I would run my thread by him to get his okay, then post it, and have him reply to show that we have some valid reason for doing this. The whole idea behind this post isn't to ostracize Hsu but to bring to attention his lack of activity and have the proper individuals make an official decision.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    This is why I don't have cookies saving my password, so the chances of this happening are slim to none. In fact I'm about to be roommates with an EoFFer so if I win, I'd be even more cautious about my password, especially when using her PC, etc.

    However if there's a hull breach, what do I do? While I'm a believer of not worrying that something has already happened, it is pertinent to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm at fault in this case, but other people should know better. I'd probably chastise them for it, and see what, if anything, they did.

    This might be one of those situations where I need to come clean to the staff and submit myself to their judgment. If, for example, they decided it would be a larf to start posting as PG all over the staff forums, I'm not exactly going to be able to cover that up. That's not to say that if no actual harm was done that I would treat it less seriously -- I would probably tell people to shoo if they tried to look over my shoulder when I need to browse the site staff forum. It's a private forum for a reason.

  15. #30
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Default ROUND 2 - CMP

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Only when the previous topic poster needs to update the topic with new information, e.g. with writing, art, personal game challenges etc.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    Width - 550 pixels
    Height - 250 pixels
    50KiB of pictures

    Size limits include all text and pictures within the signature

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button should be used to report spam, advertising messages, problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts, double-posting, threads in wrong forums and other issues that the staff should be contacted over. It shouldn't be used to personally contact the poster.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    If after a period of two years the member in question contacts the site staff and makes a suitably convincing case that they have been reformed and are suitable for reintegration into the forum then they may be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Certain swear words are automatically censored, with members advised not to go around the censor. Other swear words are permitted but must be used with due care. Excessive or inappropriate swearing may result in a warning or in extreme cases a ban.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    I would be honest with him and inform him that I had erroneously made the account in the past. Despite needing the account I am aware of the current rules regarding second accounts, so I would accept losing the account.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I wouldn't confront him directly. I would instead immediately inform another administrator, such as Yams, and tell him about the transgression. As another option I would make a post in the Staff Forum so that everyone on the staff would be aware of the issue.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    Tactfulness is the key. Since it would be a personal issue I would send a PM to her explaining clearly that I feel her current posting habits aren't necessarily a good indicator of how the staff on the site should behave. I wouldn't demand a change in her attitude, but rather suggestions. If she contacted me back refusing to be civil on the matter, I would most likely refer the issue on to another CK.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    I would most likely send either a PM or an email to Hsu asking him to step up his activity, pointing out that both myself and Loony BoB are in agreement that he should be more active. I would send copies of any PM's or emails I sent to BoB so he could keep track as to what was said between the two of us. If after a while Hsu was still refusing to do any administrative work I would most likely put a case forward to the rest of the staff with the backing of BoB about possibly taking Hsu off the staff.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    I would inform them about the forum and explain it's use, but ask them to respect my privacy and not repeat anything they read within the forum. I wouldn't necessarily threaten them with banning, but I would keep a close eye on them for a few weeks to make sure they didn't post anything in the forums that may compromise the integrity of the staff forum.

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