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Thread: Round 2 : Compilation of Answers

  1. #31
    It's good to be back. Clawsze's Avatar
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    Default ROUND 2 questions

    1. When is double posting okay?
    Only when writing a story or possibly artistic things.

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    550x250 pixels

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    The warn button should be used if you see any member abusing any rule, it is up to Cid's Knights etc. for punishment, so if they feel they should let off, they will be.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    If a certain length time passes, the banned person can appeal to be unbanned, and if all those in decision making believe they will obey the rules, they will be unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    F*** and S*** are censored, and any attempt to avoid this will result in editing/warning, however, other swearing is generally ok so long as it not excessive or directed at anyone inparticular. it is not advised though due to the age of some members.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    I would inform Psychotic that the account was indeed mine and explain the exact reasons why I wanted it. I would ask for it to be removed since i don't need it and I would say i understand that i may be punished.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    I would inform another admin, with evidence of the pictures, a print screen or such like, and try to pursuade others to complain to get him banned.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    I would tell her that spamming is against the rules and depending on the kind of spam, i would inform a admin of this spamming

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    I would first, along with BoB try to contact Hsu and inform him that if he does not act his duty as a mod, he will be fired. If he resonds and gets to work, it will be left as it is. If however he does not respond, I will ask BoB to take away his moderative powers, as he is not using them.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    Depending on who the people are. if they are infact CKs or Admins, I will tell them to go on their own accounts. If however they are merely members, I will warn them on EoFF and if depending on the amount they have read, possibly have them banned.

  2. #32
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    :monster: The best ROUND 2 submission (just so there's no confusion)

    Hello everyone! I'm here to shed some light on the rules and regulations of Eyes on Final Fantasy through a series of questions and mock situations that could occur. Now, since I'm only a Cid's Knight in Training and not a full-fledged Cid's Knight, and this looks like quite the daunting task, I've asked the lovely Leeza to come help me out in answering these questions. Say "Hi" to everyone Leeza!
    [leeza]This is not funny in the least. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Sorry about that folks, she just got up and hasn't had her morning cup of coffee yet. Anyways, let's get to the questions, shall we?

    1. When is double posting okay?
    Wow, this one's a doosey. Maybe I should check with Leeza and see what she thinks. Leeza, what are your thoughts on this question?
    [leeza]Please do not post more than once in a row. Use the edit/delete button that could be found in every post instead. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    [leeza]Also, do not double or triple or post anything other than one post. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Hey, that sounds pretty good to me! Oh she did forget one minor detail. There are special circumstances where double posting is okay, like in these confessionals and I know we do it on occasion (and have a good justification) in the site staff forums. Basically, double posting is always a no-no except for special situations where you have prior moderator approval.

    I think this is going pretty good so far, so let's see the next question.
    2. What is the signature size limit?
    I think I can handle this one Leeza, why don't you go get your coffee? The signature size limits on a signature is a maximum width of 550 pixels, a maximum height of 250 pixels and these include any text in the signature besides images. Oh, and don't forget, the total file size of all images combined must not exceed 50 KiB (51,200 bytes). I know that can be a lot to remember, so I've made a handy picture to illustrate this:

    p.s. This makes a great bookmark and is a great birthday present to boot. Tell your friends!

    Well Leeza's back with us, so we'll move on to our next question.
    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    Whew, that's a tough question, but I bet Leeza knows the answer. Leeza, what's the answer for this one?
    [leeza]Please do not post more than once in a row. Also, please read the Rules/FAQ as that would answer a lot of your questions.

    Welcome to EoFF. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Okay, that was answered in a roundabout way, but I think I got the gist of it. What Leeza is trying to say is that any posts that are against the rules in the Rules/FAQ should definitely be warned. If it's not in the Rules/FAQ, use your best judgement. And don't use the warn button for personal reasons, that just looks tacky. Right, Leeza?
    [leeza]Anymore posts such as this one and your stay here will prove to be quite short. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Okay, okay. Someone needs another cup of coffee.

    Onto question number four.
    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    Oooh oooh, I know this one! After two years they can ask/apply for an unban, but these are very rare and it's completely dependent upon the reason the person was banned in the first place. Bam! I nailed it. Aren't you proud of me?
    [leeza] NO. ~ Leeza[/leeza]

    Question five...
    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    Since Leeza was so quick to put me down after nailing the last question, I'm going to let miss smarty-pants answer this one. Good luck Leeza!
    [leeza]Language such as that will not be tolerated here. Do not use it again. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Oh... that was good. But what about if I put an asterisk in the curse word? Then it's not a curse word, right?
    [leeza]Do not go around the filters. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Oh, wow. See, this is why I have Leeza here, she keeps me on the straight-and-narrow. So remember kids, EoFF has a zero-tolerance policy for cursing and trying to get around the filters that help to keep this a family-friendly forum.

    You know what Leeza, we make an awesome team, you and I! This reminds me of this one time my friend and I were headed over to the mall to pick up...
    [leeza]This is going off topic. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Oh, yeah, thanks! You sure are good to have around. So let's get to question six.
    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    Wow, the questions are getting a little more interesting now. Well, lucky for me Leeza has my back. Right Leeza? Leeza? Bummer, she must have wandered off to play with a kitten. I guess I'm on my own for this one. Well, most likely I wouldn't have any knowledge of him having found my second account unless he banned it, at which point I would unban it, then he would ban it, etc... Hopefully in the middle of this ban/unban-fest one of us would have the decency to either note who's banning/unbanning or make a thread about it in the secret forum staff forum so we could get the matter resolved. But then again, this is Psy, so he'd probably ban it anyways for his own personal amusement.

    No Leeza yet. Looks like I'm on my own for number seven as well...
    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    Being a computer dork, the first thing I would do is try to see how he did it(by looking at the page's source code. Not asking him. There's no challenge in that) and try to disable it, if possible. While I was doing that I would also approach the other administrators with my evidence and pleade my case to get some admin muscle behind me. Then once we had our united front I/we could approach munty and do the dirty work.

    Okay, another question answered without Leeza. This is getting a little stressful. I hope she gets back soon, because if I stay stressed for too long I sweat a lot and when I go to the bathroom...
    [leeza]Thank you for that info, but we can do without it. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Leeza! Alright, you're back. Very cool. I was just about to work on question eight. Hopefully you can help me.
    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    Hmm. Rubah being chatty. Yeah, that never happens. Anyways, Leeza, what's do you think of Rubah flinging posts like a runny monkey?
    [leeza]This is spam. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    But she's doing it in General Chat. I thought that's where all of the fun talk goes?
    [leeza]This might be GC, but there is a limit to the spam that I will tolerate. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Okay, okay, I get the picture. So we have to stop Rubah because spam is bad. Hmm... I've got it! I'd send her a PM asking her why she's posting so much and telling her that it's getting a little out of control. Since she's a CK, there's a good chance that she's either not realizing that she's posting so much or perhaps she just happened to drink five sodas and is on a caffiene rush. Either way, it's most likely a temporary, unintentional occurance and a nicely worded PM will help to sort things out.

    Eight down, two to go. I'm pumped, Leeza. Shall we check out number nine?
    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    Uh-oh, this means you and I are against each other on this subject, Leeza. Don't worry, whatever you post about Hsu I'll go behind you and edit it so you're in agreement with us. How awesome is that?
    [leeza]Do not touch a Mod's edits. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Fine, fine. We'll just have to do this the old fashioned way. Hmm, should he stay or should be go? Hsu seems to have a pretty good head on his shoulders, so if he were to lapse into inactivity, I'd want him back in action. I would probably start by PM'ing him, assuming he's still active, and ask him why he's pulling a Yams. I would hope that a private discussion with him would shed some light onto the situation. Maybe he's inactive because life is busy, maybe he doesn't care or maybe he's always the last to the party and misses any modding opportunities. After having this discussion, if he's not going to pick up his modding activities without good reason, then I'd probably have to side with the others and ask him to step down.

    Last question. Let's do this!
    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    Me? Host a meetup? With EoFFers? In my house? Hah! Surely you jest. Anyways, I would need to see who browsed my machine. You never know, there could be a chance that it was just CKs and Admins, in which case I would be more worried about them browsing my porn stash than EoFF. If it was non-forum staffers though, I would have to alert the rest of forum staffers of my failure as a CK on my opening night and hope they take pity on my souls. Damage control, basically.

    And that's it! We're done Leeza. Thank you for your help, you were wonderful. I say we take a picture of the two of us to show everyone what a great team we make. Don't you know what they'd say?
    [leeza]Photoshopped ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Yeah, probably. Oh well, it's their loss. I guess it's time to go for now. Thanks Leeza!
    [leeza]Good bye. ~ Leeza[/leeza]
    Good night everyone!
    Figaro Castle

  3. #33
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    I think I need to elaborate on #6 some more XP

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    There are no second accounts. You should explain to psy that it was your old second account and that you have not used it in forever. You forgot it existed but this should not go as a mark against crashNumbers for his possible future reinstatement.

    That is what was and here is what I am adding to it

    This question states that it was an old second account that you have not used in sometime. As a mod you get a second account to test stuff out right? If I have not used this one in quite sometime then I must have forgotten about it and probably made a new one when becoming a knight. It becomes a memory trigger thing where you see the name and go 'Hey....wasn't that mine like 4 years ago?' XD

    Due to how I interrupt the question, I would have no need for this 3rd account in the future and if I really wanted it again I could always name change my brand new Knight second account or delete the knight second account and use that one as my knight second account.

    This question just sounds like a trick question on so many levels XD

  4. #34
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    Default Round 2 answers


    1. When is double posting okay?
    Seems to me double posting is never ok, unless you needed to say something really important

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    I dont seem to know this one

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    Warn button should be used when members are causing trouble or when they're not following forum rules

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    Once a member is banned, they stay banned

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    There is no cursing allowed whatsoever

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    I dont have a second account, but if I did have one, I would tell Psy I would use that second account for undercover stuff

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    I would tell him that what he's doing is wrong and we would lose lots of members and the site would close down. If he ignores it, I would personally tell Loonybob about chrono and hopefully he does something about it.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    I'd tell rubah that we are mods and we are supposed to set a good example for the members. We cant set a good example if we are high above the rules.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    I would provide proof. I would look up threads that he posted in that should've been closed. Look up posts that breaks some forum rules etc.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    When I have guests, I turn off my PC before they arrive.

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  5. #35
    get mad Zeldy's Avatar
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    Default Zeldy; round two~

    1. When is double posting okay?
    In my opinion, double posting is not okay and I don't see why people would choose to do it, editing a post allows you to add that little bit you forgot. If, however, it's a mistake and has been posted twice on accident then that's different, as the person didn't mean to do it. Generally, though, I don't appreciate seeing the same username several times in a row.

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    Maximum width of 550 pixels (I remember when it used to be 500 pixels). Maximum height of 250 pixels; this includes any text in the signature, not just an image. The total file size of all images combined must not exceed 50 KiB (51,200 bytes).

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    The warn button should be saved for serious spamming or aggressive behaviour. Someone posting twice is a nuisanse but it is not unethical so doesn't need to be warned. If someone is being aggressive (in all forums but more importantly in EoEo) then this straight away must be warned so the staff are alerted and can remove of it straight away and ban the user.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Wait for two years and then ask to be considered for unbanning. I'm pretty sure that is correct, but I've never been banned so I wouldn't know first hand.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    I rarely swear but from what I've witnessed on the forums there are swearing filter's for a reason. Teenagers as young as 11 or 12 log onto this forum and do not want to come across posts filled with swear words. Including a swear word between every other word is just pointless, use the spam filter if you really feel the need to swear. EoFF's policy is anyone who tries to get around the swear filter's posts are edited and if it persists the person is warned.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    If I already had an account, which assuming I do, I would have no need for an old second account, so I would allow him to believe it's crashNUMBARs and wouldn't say anything if he deleted it. If you already have one account, why do you need another?

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    I would pm another admin such as Loony Bob and inform him of what was happening. Firstly though, I'd assume that crono_logical had been hacked and so confronting him would do nothing. It's up to the admins to ban, not the Cid's Knights.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    I'd tell rubah through a pm that she wasn't setting the best example of how to post on a forum and hope that she would realise what she was doing and saved it for #eoff.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    I would drive him into activity. I'd converse with Loony Bob and choose little activities we could ask Hsu to do to keep him active.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    I'd turn the computer off straight away and say 'fancy another beer?' to distract them (not if they were under 18 ofcourse!)

  6. #36
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    This is a good task.

    Task 2:

    1. When is double posting okay?
    If your thread is an art or writing thread and you have new piece of work to add to your thread but have had no comments since you last posted (considering a fair amount of time has passed since you have last posted instead of like an hour or so) then that is an exception.

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    The maximum file size is 50KB and the maximum dimensions are 550x250px.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    The warn button should be used to make staff aware of posts/threads breaking the forum rules, or of threads that have been made in the incorrect forum. The warn button should not be used if there is no rule break, or to send spam messages to the staff. A staff member might also use the warn button to get a second opinion on something if they are not sure what to do.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    After two years of being banned, a banned member can appeal to be unbanned. Of course, appealing doesn’t guarantee being unbanned. The member would need to show that they have changed their ways and that they can behave; what they had done to get themselves banned in the first place would also have an effect on the decision.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    EoFF is supposed to be ‘family friendly’ as there are members here of all ages so swearing is discouraged throughout the forums. If somebody is seen as overly swearing by the staff they’d probably receive a warning and be asked to cut it out. If the overuse of profanity continues then they could be banned.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    I would. I’d PM him or tell him on MSN and he could easily check by matching the IP of the account with my own. I’d have to come to terms with the fact that the account would have to be banned or merged with my account as they’re not allowed. ;]

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    I’d inform another admin of the situation firstly so that they could take action with it and I'd also send a PM asking cl_out what the hell they were doing and would ask them to stop. In the mean time I would try and remove as much of the porn from posts as possible.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    Instead of making a big deal of it by making a thread about it in the staff forum and such, I’d probably approach rubah directly by sending her a PM about the situation and what I thought. If she chose to completely ignore me that would probably be the point where I brought it to the other staff members attention (had they not already noticed themselves.)

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    Oh crap, I’m screwed. :laugh:

    It would depend on the situation to what course I would choose to take. It would depend on whether Hsu had a legitimate reason as to why he had been so inactive or whether he was just being lazy. Either way, I would stand my ground and present my thoughts and feelings towards the situation to the staff with the hope that they would understand mine and Daniel’s side of the argument. I think we would need to hear Hsu’s side of the story, and I also think that the staff would need to be in a majority agreement before any action could be taken.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    My personal computer has a password, but honestly; this is something that I wouldn’t deal with on my own. I’d make the other staff aware of what had happened to see what they would have to say about it and what action they would like to take.

  7. #37
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Default Breine's ROUND 2 answers.

    1. When is double posting okay? My first thought is never, apart from user notes and such of course, but I guess it can be acceptable if a newbie does it in his/her welcome thread.

    2. What is the signature size limit? 250 x 550 pixels or 50 kb.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not? It should be used when someone has cursed, bashed another member, posted porn of something else forbidden in a reply. It shouldn’t be used for personal gains/reasons, e.g. if you don’t like another member or something similar.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned? The banned member has to wait two years, and then he/she can ask to get unbanned – each Cid Knight then has to decide whether or not they personally find him/her eligible to get unbanned.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing? It’s a big fat no-no.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future. Me wanting to use such a second account is very unlikely, but hypothetically I’d confess to him about it no matter what, and then if I really wanted to use the account in the future I’d ask for his permission, and if he said no I’d accept it and move on.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin? Well, I’d send him a PM where I'd highly suggest him to remove the javascripts right away, and also inform him that I’m going to take it up with all of the other Cid Knight’s and administrators – because he is an admin it should really be a group decision among the CKs and admins.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard? Again since she’s part of the staff and a Cid’s Knight it’s not really something I can do by myself. So therefore I’d also inform her that I'm going to take it up with the other Cid's Knights and staff members, and that we're going to find out what to do about the situation.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is. I’d suggest that if he still really wants to be a mod it would be a good idea to become active again, or else it would be a good idea to step back, since being a mod without actually doing anything moderative is kinda pointless.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    I’d immediately shut the computer down, and then when I come back online I’d give them a warning for doing such a thing. Friends or not, doing that is forbidden.

  8. #38
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    Default Round 2

    Finished Round 2 Questions

    1. When is double posting okay?

    When updating a situation after some time. Or in art/poem/writing thread updates.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    550x250 50KiB <-Thanks to Leeza for that one!

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    Use the warn button when you feel someone is being overly inconsiderate, foul, abusive, et cetera. If you feel that a CK/Admin would not permit it, warn.Also, if they are spamming horribly, you should use it. The warn button should not be used to be mean to a member in any way. That isn't nice.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    When Del Murder decides to pick a random member, of course! Or after the usual two years? and all the staff agreeing it would be okay. I think. Yeah.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    Go ahead, just do not go around the filters. They are there for a reason. And in the writing section, if there is a lot of profanity that you are posting, leave a warning in your title. Just remember to that there are young kids here as well.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    Of course I would. I would PM him directly from my main account telling him so and asking if he could leave it intact.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Well obviously I would tell him to knock it off. I would ask, but this is too serious. If he did nothing I would be forced to bring up the issue to the other admins who do have the power. I would also be sure to take the javascript out of the posts as soon as I could. Nonos are nonos.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    xD Spam harder! No, I kid. I kid. I tell her she is spamming overly much and it might just be giving up a not so great rep. Could she please tone it down. If she refuses, well, then I bring it up with everyone else.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Me and Loony BoB will, through a joint effort, convince Rubah that Stu needs a little push to get him active again. If we could get Rubah on our side there would be no stopping us against Hsu. That is fact. This would likely be done through pms and immense bribery.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    Why thank you for such an honor! Party at my house? I think so! Oh no, they somehow figured out my passwords and sneaked into the staff forum. Oh shoot. Not good. Now I must kill them and dispose of their bodies in the river. Or I suppose I could tell them that was a very large nono and temp ban them. But I would likely discuss it with you guys first, because that is a very sticky situation. After I changed all my passwords, of course. After all, the other CK's and Admins will have so much more experience for me to learn from.
    Last edited by Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World; 04-05-2008 at 02:10 AM. Reason: Fixing

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  9. #39
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Default ROUND 2 - Answers

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is fine very rarely. It is only okay if the thread double-posted in requires information updates on a regular basis, and a new post will alert other users of new information, such as with RPG's which are sometimes made by members of our site, or in this very competition, when Del Murder was updating the list of people going on.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    According to the FAQ, the limits are a maximum width of 550 pixels, a maximum length of 250 pixels, and the total file size cannot exceed 50kiB.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The Warn button should be used when a member is seen breaking a rule on EyesonFF by either members, or moderators. This button is not limited to a certain kind of member in any way. Generally, this means that you should use it when someone is being an un-warranted butt. However, it should not be used in cases where a member is merely coming off as mean, but isn't actually insulting you or someone else in some manner, it should NOT be used to alert moderators of things unrelated to the post, it should not be used jokingly, and it should not be used due to someone's religion or belief being different than your own.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Banned members can be unbanned after a certain period of time, IF the staff agrees that the ban wasn't necessary or if the banned member has proven themselves to have changed from their bannable behavior.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    EyesonFF moderators normally disapprove of excessive or unneeded vulgarities, and cursing too much may land you a warning. However, cursing and allowing the word to be censored is fine.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    I do not know why I would want to use this old account, but it was likely closed anyway if he believed it to belong to another member, so there would be no reason not to tell him, unless he decided to be a jerk and land the banhammer on me.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    I would likely Warn his posts in order to alert other moderators of his posts if they have not seen them yet, and then proceed to go into the Chat-Room to ensure that it's actually Crono_Logical doing this.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I would likely make some sort of witty post in response to a single one of her posts to hint that she's being annoying.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Loony BoB penetrated Hsu's account and did all sorts of moderating things to himself, himself being Hsu.

    I wouldn't WANT to drive Hsu to do anything, but if I really had to, then I'd probably go with driving him to activity by sending him an encouraging PM of sorts.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    I share the Staff porn with them.

    I'd probably advise them away from secret stuff (if there is any), but otherwise, I wouldn't really mind. From what I hear, that place is boring.
    Last edited by KentaRawr!; 04-04-2008 at 11:17 PM.

  10. #40
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Default GoBo's Response to Round 2

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is okay in a few different times. Double posting is perfectly acceptable when updating a work in the Writer’s Corner; note this does not mean you may bump a thread with a message like "OMG SOMEONE RESPOND!", but if you have a new Chapter to post you are more then welcome to post it even if you have the last post. This rule applies to all other projects, whether or not they are in the Writer’s Corner (a good example would be oddler’s hero spirits.)

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    A max width of 550 pixels, max height of 250 pixel, including text outside the images and the file size of all images combined cannot be higher then 50 KB (Think I got that abbreviation right).

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button should be used when a members has broken a rule listed in the Rules/FAQ that has yet to be fixed/commented on by a CK or an Admin. The warn button should not be used if you do not like or do not agree with the person’s opinion.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    A banned may be unbanned if they appeal after two years of their banning and the staff forum has an unanimous vote to allow them back. Also, if you are less then 13 years old, and your posts clearly demonstrate you are not mature enough to post at EoFF, you may be banned until you are 13 years or older.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Some cursing is okay, but once cursing has been deemed excessive (deemed as such by a staff member), then your post will be edited by a staff member to remove the swearing, repeated offenses will result in warnings, extreme cases, in bans.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    I would immediately tell Psychotic that the old second account was mine. I wouldn’t want crash to be blamed for something that isn’t his fault, especially if I was to blame. I would probably PM him, so I can privately tell him about his mistake, seeing as I have already found out from personal experience that calling someone out in front of an entire forum (or in this case staff), is not the right thing to do before a PM.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Obviously banning him by myself would be impossible. My first reaction, would probably to find another Admin, and get him to ban him. I probably wouldn’t confront him head on, because as an Admin if he really had gone haywire then he could remove my CK title, and ban me making me useless to the staff. Also, by going to an Admin, I could find out if there was some reason that he was not being banned that I, as a CK, wouldn’t know about, although if he had posted penis’s and vagina’s then there probably wouldn’t be a reason.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    I think I would PM rubah, and suggest that she tone it down because she is setting a bad example for other members, especially younger, more impressionable ones. If the problem continued to occur, then I would start, by going to another CK, or an Admin, and asking if they too feel it is a problem. If I get general disagreement, then I would stop, realizing that as long as the rest of the staff sees it isn’t setting a bad example, then it may just be a lapse of judgement. If after PMing a few I see some agreements, I would probably reattempt, to PM her one more time, before checking with the CKs one more time, and calling it out publicly (in the CK forum).

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    In this situation I would probably start by bringing up the problem with the other staff members, saying that we shouldn’t keep Hsu on the staff just because he wants a shiny title. If you are a moderator, you should moderate. I would urge him to either A. Begin moderation, or B. Step down from the position. If he says he will start moderating, but doesn’t (we’ll say I said that he should have resolved the problem in a month), then I will bring up the problem with the staff again, restating my opinion, hoping to convince others that my opinion is right. Once I’ve convinced others to see my opinion, I think eventually others would give way. If I fail to convince others, then perhaps I should go back, and look if he has actually been failing his moderating duties, and prehaps, readjust my opinion.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    My immediate action would be to switch my password, just in case a member viewed it, and to let the others know of the situation. I would recommend that the we send out PM’s to the possible people who have viewed asking them if they did in fact do this, if they answer yes, I would recommend, giving them a warning, but not to ban them, as it was my fault for leaving my password stored on my computer. If this event where to occur, it would’ve been entirely my fault, so I apologize, and tell the staff that I am ready to face any repercussions they wish to punish me with.

  11. #41
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    1. When is double posting okay? art threads, poetry threads, graphics threads, and other threads of that nature ONLY.
    2. What is the signature size limit? 50 KB or 550x250 pixels
    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not? used: when you think a post is inappropriate or offensive. not used: just as a joke or just because you don't like the person.
    4. How can a banned member get unbanned? if after two years they can prove that they're going to behave and the staff unanimously votes to let them back in ^^
    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing? try not to do it at all. If it's excessive, you'll be pmed about it.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future. I'd tell him that it's mine, and that I'm only using it for fun or whatever, and I'd promise that I'm not using it to cause any mischief. I'd then tell him that he could ban it after I'm done with it.

    However, at the same time, they're just plain illegal and I'd have no reason to make one.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin? I'd pm another admin about it and take a screenshot as proof so it doesn't look like I'm only out to get him in trouble.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard? Kick her in the butt >:\ for reals though, I'd PM her to inform her of how I feel about it, but I'd be as polite as possible.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is. I would drive him to activity by telling him that Rubah won't kiss him anymore unless he's more active. Or if you want a serious answer, I'd say "look...we have a lot of people who post around on this forum daily, and we need all of the staff, including you, to be around...Can you try to be on more for the sake of the site and the rest of the staff?"

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do? "See, there are two staff forums. One is for serious business, the other one is for joking around. The one you're looking at is for joking around." Or, I'd talk to the rest of the staff to see what they think should be done.

  12. #42
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Default Round Two! What time is Pacific time in GMT?

    1. When is double posting okay?
    When staff do it!

    2. What is the signature size limit?
    Too small for Patrick Moore.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?
    Should: "Shut the smurf up, you stupid dip."
    Should not: "You're such a silly billy." or "Psychotic, shut the smurf up, you stupid dip."

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?
    After two years, and only if they give all the staff sexual pleasures for three months after the unbanning.

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?
    Whatever it is, I think I just broke it in 3.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    Leeza would've found it years before Psy, and would have merged the two. <---- real life story.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?
    Dingalings and Fairy Caves are wonderful pieces of God's creation. We should treasure them. Just not before marriage.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    "rubah, Del says children are better seen and not heard".

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    PM Spoony BarD to convince rubah to join us (with some begging like "Please rubah, we just want EoFF to be working at full efficiency. Hsu is pretty much the best member of staff we've got here, so without him it's all slowly falling apart"), then get her to go celibate on his lazy ass.

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    Quote: "Get the hell off my computer you weird ass nerds. I'm reporting yo' asses to the higher ups and, when they say yea, I'm gonna ban y'all to ebaumsworld."

  13. #43
    Polaris's Avatar
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    Default Hop eis not too late : Round 2

    I just saw I had passed to the second round now O_o why did u post the winners in different times


    1. When is double posting okay? When it is occasionaly updated!

    2. What is the signature size limit? 550*250 max size 50kb
    (being a sigmaker I know this better than anyone :rolleyes2 )

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not? It should be used when there is a post or thread that does not respect the rules. Eg. Spamming, violence, when a memeber is rude and also if there are images containing pornography or nudity.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned? After 2 years, if you show you're able to be back and also if you require to be unbanned!

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing? It is forbidden to use any type of cursing words. However EOFF substituted some of them so when mambers use them we type but they appear in different words like hm... smurf it'll appear smurf or it'll appear skulls!

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.
    Well it is forbidden to have a second account so yes I'd inform him and even thouhg I'd like to have it I'd request to be closed!

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    'It is forbidden to post images of any type of nudity. Unfortuntely we can't allow that in this forum, we do appreciate your position as an administator, however rules are rules. And being you an administrator you should know it better than anyone. Therefore you might as well know that the only measure the staff can take is ban you'

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?
    Well first of all we have to notify her of what's she's doing. If she keeps spamming she must be banned!

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.
    I'd try to make him do some things just to keep active again like contest and things like that. However is he's not moderating or active he must have a good reason. Sometimes is work or family!

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?
    Well as long as they browse there's nothing wrong, however I would have to make my security tighter!

    Next time please post all the winners at one round
    Last edited by Polaris; 04-04-2008 at 11:51 PM. Reason: Azar told us to put it in the tittle! -.-"

  14. #44
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    I am a bad Jess.
    Last edited by Jess; 04-05-2008 at 12:15 AM.

  15. #45
    o double d to the l e r oddler's Avatar
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    Default oddler's ROUND 2 Answers

    1. When is double posting okay?

    Double posting is generally not allowed unless a thread needs continuing updates. See Hizzle Spizzle for an example.

    2. What is the signature size limit?

    There are more than one! Signatures can't be wider than 550 pixels, higher than 250 pixels, OR larger than 51,200 bytes.

    3. When should the warn button be used and when should it not?

    The warn button is used to notify moderators of problematic or rule-breaking posts/members. So, it should be used to do so but should not be used as a mass PM machine. It's also a good way for guys like oddler to stop member-moderating. Just letting you know.

    4. How can a banned member get unbanned?

    Depends on the ban type. Some bans (Specific Forum bans, Signature bans) are lifted after a set amount of time. The dreaded Full-Out Permanent Ban can be appealed after 2 years. With a unanimous vote from the staff, you might be able to get back in!

    5. What is EoFF's policy on cursing?

    Profanity, in general, isn’t tolerated. Some words are censored and some aren’t. Even if the words aren’t censored, you might find yourself in trouble with the staff if they feel it’s not necessary.

    6. Psychotic has found your old second account but thinks it belongs to crashNUMBARs. Would you, and if so how, inform him of the discrepancy? You still want to use the account in future.

    Well, this is touchy. To me, it seems that some second accounts are great for the novelty of certain events. I find it hard to believe that a fella like Psychotic wouldn’t know that I had one prior to this point but… it depends on the use for the account. Loony BoB penetrated me, Award Guy, Rad Zak. I mean, some of them can be awesome. If it’s an account just to have two accounts, ban it. Sure, I’d let him know either way. But I wouldn’t have a second account for the heck of it. The only way I’d consider it would be to add some good legal fun to the forum.

    7. crono_logical is injecting javascript into everyone's posts that makes pictures of penises and vaginas (nonos on eoff!) pop up on every thread. How do you confront him and get him banned, him being an administrator and you a lowly Cid's Knight who can't ban admin?

    Nonos, indeed. I can think of two options. One, create a thread in the Staff Forum about it. Notify the staff and have the ban issued. Two, warn a post of his with details on what’s going on so that the staff gets instant notification. Either way, I would not confront him by myself since it wouldn’t accomplish anything; he’d deserve to be banned quickly to prevent something worse from happening and having a heart-to-heart with a Cid’s Knight wouldn’t have much effect, in my opinion.

    8. rubah won't shut the smurf up. You're really tired of her spamming everywhere and you think it's giving the rest of the staff a bad, if rather active, name. How do you tell her children are better seen and not heard?

    Okay, this one’s a heart-to-heart for me. Cid’s Knights are leaders. They’re who most (won’t say all) members look up to and if this happens, then the members will start following suit. A little is fun. A joke is much-needed. I know I wouldn’t want to start a trend of spam posting in all areas of the forum as a Cid’s Knight because that would just make more trouble for the staff. More cleanup, more edits. Cut back a little, rubah. You’re just going to give the staff, including yourself, headaches.

    9. Hsu hasn't performed a moderative action in a year. Pick a course of either trying to drive him off staff or drive him to activity and state how you would do it. Assume that Loony BoB is on your side and no one else is.

    Alright, BoB. Let’s you and me brainstorm, here. I’d rather salvage an already-experienced Knight than start fresh with a green kid like oddler. Maybe we can set up a weekly checklist for everyone? We can all rotate forums, even usernotes, looking for rule-breaking, oversized signatures and whatnot. Yes/no? How about giving the guy some empowerment? Maybe he feels that he’s not needed? Let’s give him a task. Hsu, you get to take care of General Chat by yourself this week. Hsu, you get to screen every new member this week and welcome them personally. Hsu, it’s your turn to spearhead an event and make announcements for it!

    10. Congratulations! You've just been made a Cid's Knight and you've decided to host a EoFF meetup at your house to celebrate. While you and your fellow EoFF buddies are partying it up, several people manage to browse a bit through the staff forum via your personal computer. What do you do?

    Let me just whip this out: Seven Ps. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I can’t believe that I was careless enough to leave myself “remembered” while everyone was over. The information inside the Staff Forum is for members with access only. I’d tell them that if they read anything that was confidential that they are not allowed to spread it. They did not have permission to access the forum and entered another member’s account to do so. I’d ask them not to attempt to do so again.

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