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Thread: Round 3 Part 2 - Team 1 (Team Fruity)

  1. #31
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Well, as I mentioned earlier, I'd personally choose candidate three over candidate four. I agree with Linus's assessment of the importance of having a member who can help the community outside of moderating. I'm sure we'd all be competent moderating the gaming fora, as would candidate four, certainly, but it seems that candidate three would offer more than just that.

    Quite honestly, our group probably has the diverse personality thing already covered in the staff. I don't know about the rest of you quite as much, but I'm certainly not capable of spouting off the kind of information that it would appear candidate three is. I mean, I play a lot of video games (the amount of cash that has disappeared from my wallet over the past few months can attest to that), but I'm not often able to answer some of the more specific questions that make appearances in the gaming fora. While it's not absolutely necessary that a staff member can answer these questions (after all, there are likely plenty of non-staff members perfectly capable of doing it), it wouldn't hurt to have that kind of representation amongst our ranks.

    It seems general consensus is leading towards candidate four and candidate three. For this reason, I'd like to more specifically focus on the merits of these two members and how they'll fit in our group. I'm going to tackle each candidate point-by-point and weigh the value as I see them fitting into the dynamic of our group. Once again, candidate three:

    Candidate 3
    • Has been an active member for 3 years.
    • Posts a lot in the gaming forums but not much in the general forums.
    • Is well known and well respected in the gaming forums for their helpfulness and advice.
    • Calm and low-key demeanor. Hardly ever participates in forum 'events'.
    • Forum activity level is very high in the Gaming forums, much less so in the General forums.

    All the members of our team have been part of this community for some time. Three years is a considerable amount of time to devote to EoFF, and we can be sure that this member is familiar with the way the place works and also sees how it has grown. I think he'll fit in great in that aspect.

    As previously noted, the activeness in the general fora is always good, especially since it seems harder to come by. Combined with point three--that he is respected for his helpfulness and advice--we can see that candidate three will be able to offer something new to our group.

    The calm and low-key demeanor is both a hit and a miss. Ideally, we want staff members to be involved with forum activities. However, I'd say our group as a whole is currently very active in the community. As a result, I tend to put less weight in this fault.

    Again, activity in the gaming fora as a trade off to the general fora isn't terribly bad. Upon knighthood, the member can be encouraged to participate more actively in the general fora. That's something easily changed, as opposed to character traits.

    Candidate 4
    • One of the top posters in General Chat for a number of years.
    • Everyone's buddy. Has won numerous Ciddies in many different categories.
    • Generally well liked by the community, but has had run-ins with the staff due to their non-serious, jokster nature.
    • At one point claimed to be "anti-staff" but that position has since changed.
    • Forum activity level is high in the General forums. Never visits the gaming forums.

    Being a top poster is certainly an advantage. Then again, looking at our group... many of our members already have this covered. To an extent, in this regard candidate four may just be more of the same.

    Candidate four seems like an all around friendly guy. He seems to get along with everyone, and is generally popular with a majority of the board (he does win a lot of Ciddies, after all). Again, we've got both of these fairly well represented here. That cover the popularity bit of point three, as well.

    I think there's enough of us in this group who can be classified as jokesters and non-serious. I don't really think our group requires any lightening up or comic relief. In fact, we might need a little bit of the opposite.

    I think we've decided that point four is moot. The past is the past, and there's really no reason to hold previous anti-staff sentiments against candidate four if he's changed.

    Like in the case of candidate three, forum activity can be changed. However, candidate four doesn't offer the added bonus of being able to contribute to the gaming fora (at least, the information provided doesn't seem to suggest that), so while we may be able to convince this candidate to frequent the gaming fora, I don't expect to be able to get him to actively contribute. While this normally wouldn't be much of a problem, in comparison to what three can offer, I see this as a bit of a fault.

    I'll concede that my analysis has been biased by my own preference for candidate three, but that's how I'm justifying said bias right now. Hopefully someone can provide with some altering opinions. If not, perhaps we're all already in agreement? While there's no rush (we've got almost seventeen hours left), I'm going to go ahead and throw in my vote for candidate three. Of course, I'm open to being convinced, but I think that candidate three can best broaden the horizons of our hypothetical group of Knights.

  2. #32
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    After having read Ouch!'s post I'm pretty much convinced that candidate 3 will be the best addition to our staff. As I've already mentioned, 3 and 4 both bring something unique to the table, but where 3's unique-ness is moderation-wise 4's unique-ness is personality-wise. But, as Ouch! pointed out our staff is already pretty diverse when it comes to personalities, but we don't have someone like candidate 3.

    Anyway, I'm going to work now, but will be back later today to see what everyone else has to say, but as for now my vote goes to candidate 3.

  3. #33
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    I'm chiming in before I go to work. :P

    I can see a stronger case made for number 3, but I still think number 4 would be the best choice because I think he'd get a lot of respect from the regular members.

    That's all I have time to say right now. xP I should be home in time to add more.

  4. #34
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Yes, I'll be at school, so I'm not sure what will happen next until I get back. I still stand by 4, but as 3 is my second choice, I wouldn't mind conceding to 3 if the majority wants them.

    So, thus far, it seems that

    Breine - 3 (runner up: 4)
    Ouch! - 3 (runner up: 4)
    Roto - 4 (runner up: 3)
    Rye - 4 (runner up: 3)

    I'm not sure if Linus is for 3 or is just continuing devil's advocate, so I'm not sure where to place him there.

    We still need a definitive vote from:

    Flying Mullet:

    More comments, especially from those who haven't really participated would be greatly appreciated, since we have to come to a consensus by 8 Eastern Time (or 5 for Pacific Time folk)
    Last edited by Rye; 04-07-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  5. #35
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    Seeing as there is no point in reiterating what everyone else has already said I'm just going to say that I agree with the concensus that 2 and 5 are not the CK's for us.

    1, 3 and 4 are all in with a fair shout for mine though. Out of the three so far I think 3 is probably the option I'd go for but it's not set in concrete yet.

    Number one doesn't have many negative points aside from the fact that they don't intergrate well with the nubby nubs, which probably wouldn't be so bad if they weren't openly hostile or anything like that. If they just stuck to their own friends but kept everything open minded and dealt with everyone fairly as far as moderating goes then it would be fine, but if not then that's something that's going to need to be sorted out. Apparently they don't post much in the gaming forums either but that is something I will come to later.

    Number 3 has been around for a while and so knows how things are going down and they have pretty much an all round good review. The only thing that seemingly works against them is the fact that they don't post a lot in the general forums (should be noted that it's just that, they post LESS there, not not post at all there like the other two). I actually don't see that as much of a problem, they just post there a lot less. They're still actively checking them we can assume, and they're also posting a lot in the game forums. General forums are currently viewed by almost all of the Cid's Knights on a regular basis, and that alone imho gives this candidate more of a case than the other two.

    Number 4 probably has the highest potential as far as being a CK goes, but it's going to be hard to make a decision with what we've got because it's something that you'd have to take in the persons personality to fully make a decision. Obviously we can't do that because it's a hypothetical situation, but being "everyone's buddy" is not necessarily a good thing because we don't know if this person has the responsibility to act as a CK should with everyone or if they will be lenient on people they are close with or what. Also the fact that they never visit the game forums at all works against them. Not POSTING I could deal with 'cause as long as they're checking them and reading threads it doesn't matter, but if they don't go there at all then it'd again depend on the person, would they be willing to go do it if the other CK's asked them or would they just sack it off because they only want to go to the Gen forums? Again it's not a question we can answer but it should be something to consider.

    Although I don't think them having previous with the Staff should really be a negative, it's just another case of needing to know the personality of this candidate so we can tell if they would have the responsibility to do the CK job properly or not. Something we can't judge them on so for the purpose of this exercise I am not sure they are the best choice. Some of the highest potential for real Cid's Knights, sure, but yeah. We'll see.

    Edit: just to clarify what I'm saying about #4, two people who could fit that description are Psychotic and Primus Inter Pares. Would Psy be a good Cid's Knight? Yes, he does a fantastic job. Would PiP be a good Cid's Knight? Would he bollocks. We just don't know enough about this person IN THIS EXERCISE to make a good call on them.
    Last edited by DK; 04-07-2008 at 12:47 PM.

  6. #36
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linus View Post
    Y'arr, I just woke up and had to read this MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT.
    Yeah, my thoughts exactly. xD But then, I had another half a wall of text to read after his post.

    On to the serious business.

    For my quick analysis of the candidates(based on the ten of us being the current staff):
    Candidate 1
    It's great that their forum activity has been consistent for many years, but their lack of inactivity with newer members is a huge negative for me. Currently our forums seem to be "goeing" (We love you bipper!) through a renaissance of sorts and I know that's partly due to the new "class" of newbies that have joined recently and pumped some much needed life-blood into the forums. Someone that doesn't interact with them and seems to be content to leave things as they are will result in a boring forum in a state of decay.

    Candidate 2
    Another active candidate, with a lot of opposites to Candidate 1. I think they might be a great candidate in another year or so once they've settled down and matured in their forum usage. Right now it seems that the novelty of the forums hasn't worn off and they're more interested in being the class clown then focusing on maintaining and furthering the forums through leadership.

    Candidate 3
    Lack of participation in forum events can be a problem. I don't care that they don't post as much in General Chat. Most of the moderating staff hangs out there so it has plenty of coverage. I like that they're regulars in the gaming areas as those seems to have less moderator coverage.

    Candidate 4
    Another opposite, this time to Candidate 3. It seems that we have a few of these right now on staff, so another one won't add much new, probably just another one-of-the-same.

    Candidate 5
    I don't care what redeeming qualities they might have, but avoiding confrontation and long periods of inactivity make this a less-than-ideal candidate. No thank you.

    My votes?
    I think Candidate 3 and 4 are the best choices, but because we have more Candidate 4's on "our staff", I prefer Candidate 3 for some balance. In my mind a moderator is a moderator first and Candidate 3's browsing habits add moderation to areas that need moderation more than Candidate 4.

    Flying Mullet - 3 (runner up: 4)
    Last edited by Flying Mullet; 04-07-2008 at 01:13 PM.
    Figaro Castle

  7. #37
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    While I initially discounted 4 and then gave them some thought and reconsidered, I'd have to say that I've always favoured number 3 over number 4. On the face of it, despite the evident character development of number 4, I think I'd be happier with 1. So based on that:

    My votes'll go for number 3, then number 1 as my runner up.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  8. #38
    Recognized Member smittenkitten's Avatar
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    I think after reading some posts Candidate 3 is the best option. We do need a CK for the Gaming Forum and he/she sounds like a helper which is always good. He/she seems to be a sensible chap so that's why I would vote for Candidate 3. I can see that we already have a Candidate 4 and I think we need something new. It's ashame Candidate 5 is so sensitive and doesn't post enough because a person with ideas is always a good thing to have.


  9. #39
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Okay, so now it's:

    Team Fruity Votes:

    Breine - 3 (runner up: 4)
    Ouch! - 3 (runner up: 4)
    Roto - 4 (runner up: 3)
    Rye - 4 (runner up: 3)
    smittenkitten - 3
    Heath - 3 (Runner up: 1)
    DK - 3 or 4
    Linus - ???
    Jess - ???
    Flying Mullet - 3 (Runner up: 4)

    So 5 for 3, 2 for 4, and 3 undecided. I think it's basically 3, unless the remaining 3 people vote 4, which is a possiblity because DK is on the fence with 4. But I'm not sure about Linus' opinion on 4, only his opinion of 3. I think Jess is pro - 4, but I'm not entirely certain.

    However, I have to say in defense of 4, we do not have many 4's in staff. I am pretty staunch in supporting 4. Maybe we have a few in OUR staff, but if we were to considered ourselves integrated in the general staff, I'd still say that there aren't maybe 4's. I think there are far more low-key calm staffers that stick mostly in the gamer forum than 4's, so I wouldn't vote 4 out JUST on that count. Just putting that one out there for 4, because the only 4 I can think of is Psychotic, and he's one of the CKs I respect the most, and that's not just because he's one of my best friends. Just something to mull over.

    But either way, I'll be happy. 3 and 4 are both great candidates. I think we're making a great choice either way, and what's even more excellent is how we all did look beyond the predictable candidate 4 assumption (weak candidate spam lolz!) and looked at them more deeply. :]

    Get your votes in! <3
    Last edited by Rye; 04-07-2008 at 06:51 PM.

  10. #40
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    To be honest I don't get where this "there are lots of 4's" has come from either, the only one I can see is Psy, unless Michael and Warren have got a storied history that no one has filled me in on. Either way that's no reason to be choosing someone or not anyway, it doesn't make a jot of difference whether "there are too many of this type of person on staff!"or not, all that matters is how good they'll do the job.

    edit: oh I see, in this group of 10. Well, either way, I still say the way they'd do the moderators job is far more important than what sort of flavour they add to the staff.

  11. #41
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    The reason I said "we have a lot of 4s" is out of our team, several people seem to frequent Gen Chat more than gaming sections including:

    Flying Mullet

    I like 3 better than 4 because "our staff" mostly posts in General Chat and doesn't hang out in the gaming sections as much. It's definitely possible that they post in gaming areas and I haven't seen it. This is based on my perceptions.
    Figaro Castle

  12. #42
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    I am certainly not a 4. And I visit the gaming forums pretty often, I just read and don't post because I have nothing to add to the discussion, but there is a lot of humour to be found in those forums

  13. #43
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Jess is posting now, so we'll see her choice. Are you voting for 3 or 4, Dan?

    I have a feeling this is going to end up being a tied vote. Uh oh! <3

  14. #44
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Well as long as we pick 3 or 4, I'm okay with it.

    I don't like 1 because I feel that they would let the forums stagnate while reminiscing about the good ol' days and wouldn't take advantage of all the fresh newbie meat to keep the forums exciting and interesting.

    I don't like 2 because they don't seem to take the forums seriously yet. Once they've been around a bit longer and are more interested in its well-being than their own personal amusement, they might be a good fit.

    I don't like 5 because they're a wuss and I've never liked having a yes-man in an authoritative position.

    Since we had to pick one, I vote 3, but I'd be comfortable with 4 as well.
    Figaro Castle

  15. #45
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    I'm not deciding yet. I'm waiting to see if any people who are staunchly 4 are going to post anything that will convince me to vote 4, if not then I will vote 3. But that'll come later.

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