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Thread: Round 3 Part 2 - Team 2 (Team Awesome)

  1. #76
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Alright, I think at this point we should narrow it down to 1, 3, and 5. Ed, you have been the main supporter of two so are you alright with taking him out of the running? If anyone is against this speak up.

    EDIT: I also think that between 5 and 1 the clear choise is 1, I think that event planning is a good thing, but I also think we also have that covered.
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  2. #77
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    I agree with Dolentrean, on our staff 1, 3, or 5 seem like the best fit.

  3. #78
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    After your point about the people posting in Gaming, which must post in some of the areas I don't go to in gaming, as I don't see all of you where i post in gaming... I think we have that area covered.

    I truly think that candidate 1 will be the best for our group.

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  4. #79
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Candidate 1 is fine by me...although I would prefer 5. I am already the the old as crap guy that doesn't talk to newbies XD

  5. #80
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    1 and 5 are tough choices for me, I'd like to hear opinions on them.

    Both of them provide qualities that the other doesn't.

    1 bridges the gap to the old that is a weakness for us, and has a good outlook which is always a plus.

    5 will help a lot with events, which is good, because we'd need another good candidate for Award Guy, and have help with the other events. He also views more forums then 1.

  6. #81
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Default I'm still in favor of 3 and 5, but I can agree to 1 as well.

    Candidate 1 -
    • Longtime member who has been around for many years. I see this as a plus, as this person is dedicated enough to the site to keep coming back. +0.5
    • Well known and respected by most of the veterans, but has not had much interaction with most of the the newer members. I do not like that this person does not interact with new members. A good mod should have at least some interaction will all members, and especially with newer members as new members are constantly coming to the site. -1.0
    • Posts mainly in the general categories and Feedback. While general gets the most traffic, it is also the best covered by our group. S/he still at least posts in the other forums at least. +0.0
    • Has a smart unique personality and outlook that not many others have. Being unique will always be a plus too me. +1.0
    • Forum activity is currently moderate. This person is not the most active, but still comes to the site after years, and it shows that s/he likes this site enough to come back. +0.5
    Overall score = +1.0 While this person could make a good moderator, more interaction with the newer members should occur before I felt more comfortable adding him/her to the staff.

    Candidate 2
    • Joined within the last year but has become one of the top posters during that time. This person really loves the site, however some of these posts could be spam. +0.0
    • Well received and like by most of the newer members, but some of the oldbies will probably claim they've never heard of this person. This is the opposite situation from candidate 1. While being popular with the newer members is good, everyone should at least know who each moderator is. +0.0
    • Active poster in all forums, but mainly in General Chat. This person is active in all of the forums, and may be able to catch rule breaking quickly. +1.0
    • Friendly poster but has the tendency to spam and be immature at times. Being friendly is good, but the spam would have to be cut back a lot for this person to be a good moderator. This person would be a much better candidate without the spam. -0.5
    • Forum activity level is very high This could taper off after another year, or stay active. +0.0
    Overall score = +0.5 I would keep this person on watch as a possible Knight in the future. If the spam lessened, I would be fine in Knighting this person in six months to a year.

    Candidate 3
    • Has been an active member for 3 years. Active for a good time. Not as much as 1, but still a good amount. +0.0
    • Posts a lot in the gaming forums but not much in the general forums. This is where not as much traffic is, but also where there is less moderator activity in our group. +0.5
    • Is well known and well respected in the gaming forums for their helpfulness and advice. A helpful attitude would always be a good thing, and I think that this attitude would transition well into being a CK. +1.0
    • Calm and low-key demeanor. Hardly ever participates in forum 'events'. This is the main problem I have with this person. Our group is moderate with event activity, so I am not too caught up in this detail. +0.0
    • Forum activity level is very high in the Gaming forums, much less so in the General forums. This person is active mainly in the gaming forums, but at least post occasionally in the general forums. +0.0
    Overall Score = +1.5 This is one of my top picks for knighting, as s/he covers some of the less covered areas of the forum.

    Candidate 5
    • Since joining EoFF two years ago, this person has dived right into the community and become an active poster throughout the forum. Again not the oldest member, but an active member of the community. Also somewhat active in all the forums. +0.5
    • Is constantly posting ideas for new events and making interesting, interactive threads. This is similar to candidate one, as this person is original and could bring new ideas to the staff. +1.0
    • Well liked by the community for their upbeat personality. A well liked moderator is always a plus. +0.5
    • Sensitive in nature, this poster shies away from confrontation and prefers to go with the flow. This is not as much of a problem for me with the members, but if this person is added to the staff and does not agree with one of us but not speak up would hurt the moderation team and the site in general. -0.5
    • Activity level is not always constant. Periods of intense activity are sometimes followed by very low levels of posting. While there are periods of low levels of activity, this person still at least occasionally comes on during these periods, and still does come back. +0.0
    Overall score = +1.5 I could see this person as a good addition to the staff, but s/he needs to be able to confront others on at least some issues.

    I'm still in favor of 3 and 5, but I can agree to 1 as well.

  7. #82
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Well now we will have another crotchety old man for you to play backgammon with, or whatever you bitter old guys do.

    Anyways, we still need to hear from a lot more people, and it could only be a positive thing to hear your contrast between 1 and 5.

    EDIT: I personally think 5 will be a good candidate in a couple of years, maybe the next time we need a CK they will be ready, right now I just think 1 has more experience, is going to prove more useful, is smart, thinks outside the box, just a generally good seeming candidate.
    Oh, did I mention I'm awesome?

  8. #83
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    I think 1 would be better for dealing with problems that arise, which is really important. 5 would have a hard time arguing with any of the other members of staff, or bringing up new points when everyone else is agreeing. 1 would be perfect for this, as his smart unique outlook and such would give him different ideas that we may not have considered. And being an old well respected member would mean he probably wouldn't be shy like candidate 5, to bring it up and possibly create conflict.

    also, in a situation like this where we're arguing over whoever is the best candidate. I feel candidate 5 would just side with whichever was the more popular choice, while candidate one would inspect each candidate and probably help bring up things we didn't think of.

    Last edited by ljkkjlcm9; 04-07-2008 at 09:43 PM.
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  9. #84
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Tbh I think they are both excellent choices. So excellent that I feel we should refer to the first post

    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Please discuss the merits of each candidate in this thread, and together come to a decision on who to promote, with a reason why they were chosen over the rest.
    I think we should promote both 1 and 5. As they both are completely different in their strengths and are both excellent choices.

  10. #85
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    a'ight. I be down.

    We promote 1 and 5 because 2 is too n00bish, 3 just games and nothing but that, 4 a douche bag XD

  11. #86
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Actually promoting two candidates is a pretty decent idea, the only thing i disagree with on that is that if there are two separate candidates we promote I think that one of them should be 3 so we have the diversity >.< and that just brings up more problems. Though I would be alright with both 1 and 5 joining our ranks.

    I think what we should do right now is each post our thoughts on candidates 1 and 5, compare, contrast, who should be picked, and why you think they should be picked. Sure it is just us reviewing what we have already said, but it may give someone else a new perspective on it.
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  12. #87
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
    Tbh I think they are both excellent choices. So excellent that I feel we should refer to the first post

    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Please discuss the merits of each candidate in this thread, and together come to a decision on who to promote, with a reason why they were chosen over the rest.
    I think we should promote both 1 and 5. As they both are completely different in their strengths and are both excellent choices.
    I agree with 5 fully, and can accept 1 into our staff. Bahamut approves of 1, and I can agree with this promotion.

    Lets start a final vote. If a member of the group submits no vote, they automatically vote yes. We should try and get a unanimous approval of the promotion. If we get a no vote, then we can discuss this further.

  13. #88
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dolentrean View Post
    Actually promoting two candidates is a pretty decent idea, the only thing i disagree with on that is that if there are two separate candidates we promote I think that one of them should be 3 so we have the diversity >.< and that just brings up more problems. Though I would be alright with both 1 and 5 joining our ranks.

    I think what we should do right now is each post our thoughts on candidates 1 and 5, compare, contrast, who should be picked, and why you think they should be picked. Sure it is just us reviewing what we have already said, but it may give someone else a new perspective on it.
    I fail to see how 1 and 5 don't give us diversity... can you explain more on that?

    Also, I think we could go around in circles about why one is better then the other because their strengths are so different.

  14. #89
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    I fail to see how candidate 5 would be useful. All he can do is events.

    A problem comes up, and they're the only one online. Can we be confident this person can fix it?

    A bigger issue comes up, and the staff is all arguing over what to do. This person will sit back and avoid getting involved with the argument, and just side with the popular opinion.

    I'm sorry but, I can't promote this person to staff. If candidate 5 were on our staff right now, being a part of this. He would sit back and watch this argument and say nothing, in the end, siding with the popular opinion.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

  15. #90
    Pretty Cool Dolentrean's Avatar
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    Alright, the only thing special five brings to the table is the events, but there is also the problem that they are absent for periods of intence inactivity. There usefulness in helping with events is all but worthless if they aren’t here when we are trying to put one together. Shying away from confrontation, going with the flow aren’t attributes that go with being a CK.

    Now, I think that with 1 mostly active in the general forums, and 3 mostly active in the gaming forums, then we would have diversity, both are popular and well liked, both are respected in there fields. If we had 1 and 5 we would have two new moderators, one in General, and one is active without focus everywhere in the forum, one we use to help plan events, and that is there only real strength, when me, and I am sure many others are more than happy to help work in the events.

    I think we should promote 1 and 3 to give us the best blend of attributes we are looking for!
    Oh, did I mention I'm awesome?

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