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Thread: Round 3 Part 2 - Team 3 (Team 3SD)

  1. #1
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Default Round 3 Part 2 - Team 3 (Team 3SD)

    Congratulations! You are now part of the staff! Hypothetically, at least. For this task your group will act as the staff, and you must come together to make an important decision...the very same decision that the current staff is trying to make right now.

    You must decide the next Cid's Knight. You will not be deciding between real members, but 5 candidate profiles that we will provide you. Each candidate has their strengths and weaknesses that would make them a good Knight.

    Please discuss the merits of each candidate in this thread, and together come to a decision on who to promote, with a reason why they were chosen over the rest.

    For the duration of this task please stay out of the other teams' threads. We will be watching you. Remember, everything you do is graded.

    Here are your candidates:

    Candidate 1 -
    • Longtime member who has been around for many years.
    • Well known and respected by most of the veterans, but has not had much interaction with most of the the newer members.
    • Posts mainly in the general categories and Feedback.
    • Has a smart unique personality and outlook that not many others have.
    • Forum activity is currently moderate.

    Candidate 2
    • Joined within the last year but has become one of the top posters during that time.
    • Well received and like by most of the newer members, but some of the oldbies will probably claim they've never heard of this person.
    • Active poster in all forums, but mainly in General Chat.
    • Friendly poster but has the tendency to spam and be immature at times.
    • Forum activity level is very high

    Candidate 3
    • Has been an active member for 3 years.
    • Posts a lot in the gaming forums but not much in the general forums.
    • Is well known and well respected in the gaming forums for their helpfulness and advice.
    • Calm and low-key demeanor. Hardly ever participates in forum 'events'.
    • Forum activity level is very high in the Gaming forums, much less so in the General forums.

    Candidate 4
    • One of the top posters in General Chat for a number of years.
    • Everyone's buddy. Has won numerous Ciddies in many different categories.
    • Generally well liked by the community, but has had run-ins with the staff due to their non-serious, jokster nature.
    • At one point claimed to be "anti-staff" but that position has since changed.
    • Forum activity level is high in the General forums. Never visits the gaming forums.

    Candidate 5
    • Since joining EoFF two years ago, this person has dived right into the community and become an active poster throughout the forum.
    • Is constantly posting ideas for new events and making interesting, interactive threads.
    • Well liked by the community for their upbeat personality.
    • Sensitive in nature, this poster shies away from confrontation and prefers to go with the flow.
    • Activity level is not always constant. Periods of intense activity are sometimes followed by very low levels of posting.

    You have 30 hours (Tomorrow 5pm Pacific time) to complete this task.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  2. #2
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    OK then guys, before we start jumping in to analysing people, perhaps it would be best if we decide on some kind of a universal rating system we can all use to grade the candidates as we see fit, perhaps coming to some amiable conclusion based on that. We can still use this thread to discuss more thoroughly which of the above candidates we would choose.

    I suggest we use the following criteria;

    - History ; Has the user ever been in trouble? Have they exceeded in some way?
    - Activity ; How often are they on? Do they post often?
    - Personality ; Is the person suitable material? Are they mature?
    - Community Spirit ; Are they liked much within the community? Will they interact well with other members as a CK?
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  3. #3
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Hmm, I'll take a look at the candidates for a bit and decipher who they're based off of to make this choice a bit easier.

    Actually, no, I won't.

    Anyway, I vote for Candidate 4. It's best to vote for somebody that works best with other people to be a CK.
    Last edited by KentaRawr!; 04-06-2008 at 07:14 PM.

  4. #4
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    I vote for Candidate 5, for a couple of reasons.

    A) They are well liked by the entire community, not just the noobs or oldbies.
    B) They've already tried to make the forum a better place by making new events.

    And along with their good points, they have their bad points too.

    A) Shy and non-confrontational, so they might leave any of the face to face moderation to others.
    B) Sporadic activity.

    This candidate's pros out weigh their cons, though. So I think 5 would make a good CK.

  5. #5
    A puzzling conclusion Jigsaw's Avatar
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    Here's Jigsaw's 3 cents:

    Candidate 1 - As a newer member I probably wouldn't want someone who didn't take much noitce of the newbies. I like their unique personality but I will have to pass. I would probably pm this person or leave them a user note and ask why they don't interact with newer members.

    Candidate 2 - I am partial to this person but then again we have to respect those who have been on the site for a long time. In time I think they would grow to become an excellent candidate but now would not be their time.

    Candidate 3 - I'd say this person 'stands out' the most of any of the other people for their involvement in the game forums. It seems that the leaders of this site care a good deal about their game forums and that those should be well covered by staff. I would go for this person.

    Candidate 4 - Almost the opposite of #3, but I think a very good candidate. It just depends on which direction we want to go. Their previous anti-staff nature doesn't seem to be a concern now. Having a popular, active member on staff can be a plus because it gives staff energy and better knowledge of various social circles. An inside-man if you will.

    Candidate 5 - It is always good to have someone with some energy and enthusiasm. However, being a mod does mean you will have to take some verbal abuse, and I don't know if this person can handle it. I would pass on them for now and wait and see if they improve in this regard.

    So I would vote for either #3 or #4.

  6. #6
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    Would it help if I made a spreadsheet on this?

  7. #7
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Well here are my thoughts on the members. In an effort to encourage some form of universal rating I'll be using the criteria I initially suggested;

    - History ; Has the user ever been in trouble? Have they exceeded in some way?
    - Activity ; How often are they on? Do they post often?
    - Personality ; Is the person suitable material? Are they mature?
    - Community Spirit ; Are they liked much within the community? Will they interact well with other members as a CK?

    Candidate 1 -

    History: This person has been here for a long time, suggesting they know the forum and it's members well. They haven't done anything much for the community directly, but they do post in Feedback meaning they have probably contributed to improving the community in some way.
    Activity: They have a moderate rate of activity, but really a CK doesn't need to be around all the time. Since they are mainly in the general/feedback catagories that might suggest they won't spend much time moderating the other gaming forums.
    Personality: Is well liked and respected, suggesting they are probably smart and capable as many people who stay around for such lengths of time are usually on-the-ball types. They have a unique personality and outlook, which could be good for initiative but may cause some tension with the majority of the staff
    Community Spirit: The biggest problem is that they have spent little time interacting with newer members. It shows they may have issues caring about the "little people". The majority of younger members may see them as some kind of malevolent "elitist" presence

    Candidate 2

    History: Is a newer member but has been here for a year so they will know the forum rules well. They have probably been in trouble for spamming or being immature in the past
    Activity: They are here an awful lot which is good but not a necessary pre-requisite. Their high volume of posts suggests they browse most topics, meaning they'd be more likely to spot any perps. Their tendancy to General Chat is good in some ways since it's the most active forum, but they may let other forums slide
    Personality: They are friendly which is always a bonus when dealing with a community, but their immaturity would be a major issue. CK's need to be shown to not fall into "bad behaviour"
    Community Spirit: They have a good repour with the newer members, which is probably more important since they're more likely to be the ones to watch than oldbies.

    Candidate 3

    History: They've been around for three years so they will know the community and it's rules well. They have given a lot of gaming help in the past, meaning they will be respected by the community at large. Their lack of participation in big "events" is a downfall as it suggests they may not deal well with bigger gatherings and groups
    Activity: A lot of focus in the gaming forums than general is a problem, since most issues occur in the general forums. But they are on a lot already which is a bonus, and they will most likely keep a very close eye on the gaming forums, which together constitute more work than the general forums
    Personality: Their calmness is suggestive of a levelled-headed type, as well as their gaming knowledge showing they are prepared to help others. I can see no disadvantage to this person apart from their lack of attending big events, showing they may be more of a "loner"
    Community Spirit: As mentioned above the fact they don't participate in events is an issue, but they are respected which is good

    Candidate 4

    History: A top poster, but only in general chat. This is an issue since it shows little to no knowledge of the gaming forums
    Activity: Having won many ciddies and been a top poster they are obviously well-known and liked. Again though this applied exclusively to the general forums. The fact they have a previous "record" with the staff is also an issue, suggesting a problem with authority and taking things seriously
    Personality: Fun and liked, so that will give them a good rapour with the rest of the forum. However their non-serious personality may make the more official side of moderating a real issue. Their "anti-staff" stance also suggests this.
    Community Spirit: Well-liked and active so will take to the position well with other members. But again their unwillingness to visit the gaming forums suggests a community selectiveness which may be an issue

    Candidate 5

    History: Has been here for two years which more than long enough to know the community well. Suggesting new events shows they have a pro-active interest in the community
    Activity: The inconsistency is an issue in regards to posting, as it shows they may leave the other CK's to "flounder" when they are not around to pick up the slack. They do post throughout the forum however, which means they'll have a good idea of whole of the community
    Personality: They are upbeat which means they will be a positive influence on the community. However, their unwillingness to confront others and be passive is a very bad thing since it shows they may have issue admonishing members when it is required. This could work to their advantage since it would be a problem if a person were too confrontational
    Community Spirit: As mentioned above, posts right across the board, and is well-liked which works to their advantage perhaps better than anyone else in the candidate list

    VERDICT: None of the candidates are perfect, but to me 3 is the best. Activity needn't be massive for a CK to be able to moderate successfully, and we need someone who is level-headed and smart rather than someone who is just liked by the community. 3 of course is liked which is a bonus, with the only issues being their lack of activity in the general forums which could easily be rectified after their indoctrination.

    Side thought: Dyou think the twist will be that all of these profiles are based on the current CK's?
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  8. #8
    What You Say? Recognized Member BG-57's Avatar
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    I've posted a table so I can do side-by-side comparisons.

    Right away I see two red flags:

    Candidate #4: Was anti-staff at one point. While I believe in rehabilitation I'm not sure someone who generates friction with staff would work very well cooperatively.

    Candidate #2: Tends to spam. That's not a good example for staff to be setting.

    I don't see any really huge red flags with the other three.

    These could be based on real people but I don't quite see myself in any one of them.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. #9
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    They almost certainly are based on either current or previous staff, if not that, it could be based on some of the hopefuls in this contest, to see who us, as competitors, would pick out of ourselves, not knowing that we were.

  10. #10
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Candidate #2: Tends to spam. That's not a good example for staff to be setting.
    Psychotic's a pretty decent CK, if you ask me.

  11. #11
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    I vote for candidate 1. If he's been here for so long, he should deserve to be CK. He follows the forum rules and is very much respected by everyone else

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  12. #12
    The Bearded One Tasura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crossblades View Post
    I vote for candidate 1. If he's been here for so long, he should deserve to be CK
    That's not really that good of a reason. By that process every member whose been a member for over a certain amount of years should be a CK.

  13. #13
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos Is the Key View Post
    That's not really that good of a reason. By that process every member whose been a member for over a certain amount of years should be a CK.
    I edited my post before you even posted

    Vaan - "Hey, you!"
    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  14. #14
    IF I WERE A BOY~ Dynast-Kid's Avatar
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    Haha, looks like i'm a memeber of Team 3SD! I knew i'd miss alot over the 2 days I was gone!

    Also, great teamwork guys, and great organization! BG-57, love the charts, and Maxx, you're a great leader!

    But anyways, I looked over all the information, and my first choice would probably be Candidate #3. Even though he's not very active in General, it would be great to have a CK focused mainly on the gaming aspects of the forums, and not just being liked and participating in forum activities.

    Hmm, my second choice would probably have to be #2. Even though he's not well-known with the oldbies and veterans, he seems to be well-qualified. He's also active in all of the forums, and I think that a good Cid's Knight should be willing to peek into all of the forums, at least every once in a while. His immaturity would probably be the main problem, but with time I think he'd be able to change his ways.

    That's all i've got for right now. I'll post more later, 'cause right now i'm on my cousin's crappy laptop!

  15. #15
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Personally, I think we have enough CKs that browse the gaming forums, and the gaming forums don't need much more supervision than they already do, and Candidate 3 already contributes to the Gaming forum as best he can. Rather, we need someone who covers more ground, and being a member of the staff will help him or her connect to the staff more, to give recommendations more directly, and have their recommendations cover a larger portion of the site. But, of course, being a CK also means you have to not be too biased towards certain people and let them go easy on obvious obstructions of the rules, so maybe everybody's friend isn't the way to go here.

    I think Candidate 5 looks best.

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