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Thread: When I first saw Amarant, I thought he was a chicken

  1. #1
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Default When I first saw Amarant, I thought he was a chicken

    People keep harping on about how weird Quina is, but for my money the oddest looking FF9 party member is this guy. I mean look at him, he's like a ginger Bob Marley mixed with Garrett from Thief. Plus he has arms like Popeye. Also I'm not sure if I ever saw his eyes during the game; does he even have any?

    So anyway, who do you think is the oddest looking character in the odd-looking character parade that is FF9?
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  2. #2
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    FFIX is certainly full of oddball characters...
    I'm actually of the (not-so-serious) opinion that none of the main playable cast are truly human. Like, everyday humans with no major physical differences.
    Freya, Vivi, Quina and Zidane are non-human by default. But how about the others?

    Eiko and Garnet are both Summoners - they have extra organs and brain structures that regular humans lack.

    Steiner, unlike other 'human' characters, has no philtrum - the depression in the middle of the top lip - and his mouth doesn't actually have any lips at all. Similarly, his eyes are completely lacking irises.

    Amarant - like Brahne, he has blue skin. Actual humans simply don't have blue skin. Then there's the aforementioned gargantuan forearms, which make his gait resemble a gorilla sometimes.

    So, no-one who could be considered a 'regular human' in that bunch. Though in Steiner and Amarant's case, I think we're just seeing the side-effects of having several character designers working separately, rather than one consistent style for the final in-game designs. Pity, really - Amano's concepts were bloody fantastic.

  3. #3
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Eiko naturally stood out as being rather different due to her horn, but the summoner job class in FFV had a horn as well. Admittedly I didn't notice that at the time because I played IX before I played V, but it was something I noticed later on.

    I suppose the only playable characters that are properly human (and not discounted for various reasons as Big D pointed out) are the temporary ones. And even then, the only vaguely normal looking one is Beatrix. I always thought Marcus looked a bit like a goblin, I can't quite tell if that is make-up on Cinna and Blank clearly cosplays as Cyclops from the X-Men.
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  4. #4
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Brahne ftw! She's big and blue, sort of looks like a man.. and that hairdo is just.. I'm not even getting into that. She's just all-around wicked ugly, and such also odd looking.

  5. #5
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, Brahne's also got Steiner's absence of irises.
    Considering the number of different advanced species in the FFIX world, it's possible that a lot of the characters had an ancestor from a different species... like, maybe Amarant and Brahne both had a distant predecessor from one of the blue-skinned species, explaining that trait... same goes for Steiner and Brahne's eyes...

  6. #6
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breine View Post

    sort of looks like a man..
    No. Just no.

    If she's a man, then I'm gay.

    Oh, and Steiner isn't human. He is God. We're all made imperfectly in Steiner's image. Jesus, did none of you study religion!?

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
    clicky clicky clicky

  7. #7


    steiner rocks!!!!!!
    probably the most skillfull combatant in the entire series

  8. #8


    I still think Quina is the most out there. Quina eats your choices for breakfast! Hahaha... ha.. ugh.

  9. #9
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    A toss up between these two gentlemen, maybe?

  10. #10


    When the game came out and i saw that Amarant picture i also thought he looked like a chicken
    But i like the way the characters are designed, makes them more unique.

    If I was like Cloud I don't think I would have taken that test.
    Changed to stop Jessweeee♪ from going insane. Is that better?

  11. #11
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    ...that looks nothing like a chicken.

    This is a chicken:

    "They said this day would never come. They said our sights were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come around a common purpose. But on this January night, at this defining moment in history, you have done what the cynics said we couldn't do." - Barack Obama.
    clicky clicky clicky

  12. #12


    Beatrix has unrealistic hair, if I may add that. NO ONE'S hair is that pretty or bouncy or curly at the ends.

  13. #13


    Of the entire playable cast, I would elect Amarant. He could use a smaller head of hair.

  14. #14
    Slanted and Enchanted Shotgunnova's Avatar
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    He could use a smaller head to reduce his ego's size, too. The oddest character I can think of is probably that half-fish, half-man abomination that runs the Alexandria hotel. Don't even want to know what type of stunt nature pulled to give him breath. Although...the game wouldn't be half as whimsically delicious without these goofy guys.

  15. #15
    Funkadelic Jammer crazybayman's Avatar
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    This whole topic the main downfall of this otherwise wonderful game - THE CHARACTERS LOOK FACKIN' RETARDED.

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