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Thread: Alone alone alone.

  1. #1
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Default Alone alone alone.

    What was the hardest thing about moving out and living on your own, besides the cost? What are some things you learned to do?

    I'm moving out this August. My parents are very smothering (to the point where my parents didn't even let me help wash the dishes when I was younger), so as a result, I really don't know how to do much in the way of taking care of myself, and I have to learn everything this summer before I go to college. It surprises people because I'm pretty mature in that I'm not one of those girls who sits around without a drivers license or a job and bugs their friends and family to pay for everything and bring them everywhere. I have two jobs, in fact. But when it comes to domestic things... I'm pretty hopeless, and that bothers me. So I feel like it'd be a good idea to see what other people learned to do by being on their own.

  2. #2
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    waking myself up in the morning

    Most things you can just ignore. So basically, learn to clean dishes with bathroom soap, do laundry, and you're done! then when it's move out time (like it will be with me in a couple of weeks) you can be like 'mom, will you sweep/mop/vacuum the floor while dad and stu and I take all these bags/boxes to the car?' <---- my plan

  3. #3


    The loneliness will crush you.

  4. #4
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rubah View Post
    waking myself up in the morning

    Most things you can just ignore. So basically, learn to clean dishes with bathroom soap, do laundry, and you're done! then when it's move out time (like it will be with me in a couple of weeks) you can be like 'mom, will you sweep/mop/vacuum the floor while dad and stu and I take all these bags/boxes to the car?' <---- my plan
    That's not too bad to learn! I don't get a kitchen my first year, unfortunately, so I'd probably only need a few plastic cups and paper plates and stuff for when I'm eating in my room and not in the dining hall, which isn't too bad since there's a CVS on campus!

    And that's a good idea, allie. xD My Mom might just do that compulsively though, without even asking, since she and my father are the biggest neat-freaks I've ever met.

    Quote Originally Posted by Parker View Post
    The loneliness will crush you.
    I really doubt that, since I'll have a roommate, and I'll be in a freshman dorm. I think that I'll probably be a little overwhelmed by all of the people around me, because I'm overwhelmed sometimes by even my small family.

  5. #5
    Recognized Member smittenkitten's Avatar
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    You have to keep the place clean, do dishes, wash clothes and buy food. I think I'm use to living on my own, I do have Daniel though and he helps out alot. I think I need to clean more though and help out but it hard when you've got a job and go to college too.

  6. #6


    it's the most excited you will ever get about a sale on canned ravioli


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    The Anti Mosher Balzac's Avatar
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    Going to bed at a resonable time.
    You hold my heart in your manly hands I wanna feel the throb of your handsome gland. I wanna hold you tight like a newborn kitten, against my flesh like a cashmere mitten. Tickly tick, I'm makin' skin bump heaven and all the way down it's lookin' cleanly shaven. Prickety pricks, it's stubble on stubble I better slow down or I'm in real trouble. Want you, touch you, feel you, taste you! Knick knack whacky whack 'till I see the man stew. spin you around let me see that hole! I'm a tunnelin' in a like a short hair mole. Once I'm inside I'm gonna leave a trace, half in there and half on that face! One finger, two finger, there fingers gone! Mano a mano I love you John!

  8. #8


    you may want to hang motivational posters with inspirational phrases like "keep on trucking" or "yaaaaaaaaaaay!"


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  9. #9
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Overall it was easier to be in charge of my own space, since I could already do most chores. I did have to have my mother-in-law school me on cleaners though. I forget how to spell it, but that Fantastic(?) spray lives up to it's name.

  10. #10
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Living without your family is slightly different because roommate/friend dynamics are different than family dynamics. I'm extremely easy going, to the point of absurdity, imo. So I don't usually call people out on sh...stuff, but it also means if I do something that incessantly annoys people I won't change either (on my own - you have to call me out).

    That is the hardest thing about moving out, to me. If you live with people, make smurfing sure you like them, you get along with them, and you are similar to them. For example I cannot live with somebody who's neurotic about cleaning (I'm too easy going, so I'll leave a mess 'for later'). I'm not messy, hell no, but it's a conflicting personality. Also, extremely bossy people, but they don't get along with most people who I would be friends with xD

    Since you will be in a dorm and won't have to deal with money related things, you'll just have to hope your roommate and you get along. I've heard that dorm mates (females) can be so close that their menstruation cycles sync up. Scary, to me. =D

    Incidentally I didn't get along with my roommate when I was in residence =(

  11. #11
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Room mates are the worst thing ever. I refuse to ever have another room mate as long as I live. It's impossible to be comfortable in your own space if you're living with someone.

  12. #12
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    That's true, having roommates can suck. My roommates in college were a source of amusement more than anything, but they sure got on each others nerves. Which is why I was entertained.

  13. #13
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    The most trying part of life away from home tends to be other people. Flatmates, whatever you want to call them. I've never actually shared a room with another person, but when you've got a bunch of people living under the one roof things can always potentially go awry. Just be sure you actually know the person before moving in with them - that's a reasonably good move. But flatting with your best friend isn't always the best idea, though you may well end up best friends with your flatmates.

    I've had some of my best times ever whilst flatting, thanks to the people I live with; but there've been challenging times, too, that made it feel pointless and intolerable, if only temporarily.

  14. #14
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    I knew how to cook, i learned how to clean, do laundry and not to spend all my money on food thats actually tasty.. i have to live as poor person with a 600 dollar a month rent

  15. #15


    I'm perfect for being alone and alone is perfect for being me. But roommates are okay.
    " The secret is to just keep moving."- Franka Potente, actress
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