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Thread: Best console to buy in the next six months?

  1. #1
    I have one matching sock PhoenixAsh's Avatar
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    Default Best console to buy in the next six months?

    Okay, I'm not rolling in money at the moment, but hopefully should have some coming in and want to get a new console (I just got a Gamecube at the weekend cheap to tide me over for a while). Unfortunately it seems that the consoles have divided the games I want amongst them. Here are my thoughts:

    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.

    Wii: I love the pointer, not necessarily the motion censor. I REALLY want Smash Brawl, and Zelda... But I'm not seeing much else. At a push, Harry Potter looks more fun on Wii.

    XBox 360:Nothing shouts to me (GTAIV aside, but not sure I have time for it), but I do generally like 360 games, and I like the potential in the console.

    DS: Not really that interested...

    PSP: Didn't have any interest at all, but god Crisis Core looks good.

    So anyway, advice? Discussion?

    I say what I think. If you disagree, then that is up to you.

  2. #2
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Depends what you want the thing for. If you want to play games, get a 360. If you want to play gimmicks, get a Wii. I can't comment on the PSP but the DS is fairly decent, unless you're expecting the stylus to be used well, because most games don't use it well at all.

  3. #3
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Depends what you want the thing for. If you want to play games on the 360, get a 360. If you want to play games on the Wii, get a Wii.
    Fix'd, you big meanie you.

    Anyway, I think you shouldn't feel obliged to get a next-gen system. You just got a GCN, and you could probably find a lot of good games for it pretty cheap. But if you really want to get a next-gen system, I'd look at videos of games that interest you for each system.

  4. #4
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.

  5. #5
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    I don't get all the hype about the DS. I have one and no games interest me.

    there was a picture here

  6. #6


    Get a 360. Best games selection as of now. But be sure to know that both 08 and 09 for the 360 are looking a little tame to its 07 offering. Same goes for the Wii. Both Microsoft and Nintendo (especialy Nintendo) have released all their big guns already. So the future is a little drab.

    The PS3 would be a better console if so much hadnt been delayed till this year. But because of this, the PS3 is going to have an incredible 08 and 09. Buying a PS3 (with MGS4 packed in) would be my advice to any gamer looking to buy a console. Of course, if what the PS3 is offering doesnt interest you, dont get one.

  7. #7
    Steiner is God Vivisteiner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.
    Metal Gear solid 4 + Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy Versus XIII = you'll have to get it someday.

    If you like Grand Turismo as well, add that.

    PSP is good. FFT and Crisis core are awesome. GoW is good and Dissidia looks cool. Ive heard great things about Patapon.

    About the others, I havent played them enough to comment properly.

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    clicky clicky clicky

  8. #8
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.
    Qft. Also, Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy XIII.

  9. #9
    praise the sun Nifleheim7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    Okay, I'm not rolling in money at the moment, but hopefully should have some coming in and want to get a new console (I just got a Gamecube at the weekend cheap to tide me over for a while). Unfortunately it seems that the consoles have divided the games I want amongst them. Here are my thoughts:

    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.

    Wii: I love the pointer, not necessarily the motion censor. I REALLY want Smash Brawl, and Zelda... But I'm not seeing much else. At a push, Harry Potter looks more fun on Wii.

    XBox 360:Nothing shouts to me (GTAIV aside, but not sure I have time for it), but I do generally like 360 games, and I like the potential in the console.

    DS: Not really that interested...

    PSP: Didn't have any interest at all, but god Crisis Core looks good.

    So anyway, advice? Discussion?
    From what you wrote here i think it's better to stick with your GC.
    Maybe consider it after another 10 years or something...

  10. #10
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    I don't get all the hype about the DS. I have one and no games interest me.
    I do think the DS is given more credit than it's worth, but to have no games on the DS interest you at all is surprising to me. :mog:

  11. #11


    Just because the Nintedo already released Mario Party, Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda, Smash Bro's, and MEtroid hardly means they are all used up.

    I mean 64 got two full Zelda titles and four Mario Parties, so the Wii is likely to see more as well of those titles.

    And with more 3rd party support this time around, and Free Online play, I don't see the Wii looking bleak at any point.

    360 has some Good RPG's with Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssy, and a lot of online games. albeit it does cost for XBox Live, a big disadvantage seeing as how PS3 and Wii are free online. So games like GTA IV, and any other online that is multiplatform, is likely going to be better equiped to play on a PS3, unless you want to deal with the monthly charges.

    In addition, all of the Microsoft titles, Like Gears of War, Army of Two, and Halo, are all getting, or have been, released on the PC anyway.

    So if you're interested in Cross Platform games, or any game published through Microsoft, the 360 isn't the way to go.

    If you choose 360, do it for third party exclusives.

  12. #12
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    From your list, it sounds like the only ones you're really interested in are the Wii and Xbox 360. It's kind of awkward because it sounds like the Wii has more games you're dying to play, but the Xbox 360 would have more games you'd just enjoy. It comes down to quality vs. quantity. xP

    The only thing that I can think is to ask yourself how much time you plan to spend gaming. If it's a lot, you'd be better off with the console with lots of games you'd enjoy overall. If not, you might as well go for the one with the few games you'll have more fun with.

  13. #13
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivisteiner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.
    Metal Gear solid 4 + Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy Versus XIII = you'll have to get it someday.

    If you like Grand Turismo as well, add that.
    not to mention it can play blu ray out the box, HDMI, Wi-Fi, plenty of storage format inputs so you can transfer your *cough* legally downloaded videos and music (sopranos season 5 on mine) from your computer rather than pay for it with xboxlive, linux support alone gives it a game library vastly overshadowing the 360, Wii, DS, and PSP combined - due to *cough* legally downloadable roms, plus plenty of USB slots so you can have your keyboard, mouse, and joypad all plugged in, Rockstar's first attempt on PS3 brought the 360 to its limit, and to go back to the point made by Vivi 22 and Vivisteiner, there's masterpieces-to-be being made for it that wouldn't be able to be ported to the 360 even if they wanted to.

    Oh, and it can cure cancer.

  14. #14
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivisteiner View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixAsh View Post
    PS3: No. Unless anyone has a remotely compelling argument for it.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.
    Metal Gear solid 4 + Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy Versus XIII = you'll have to get it someday.
    I would have mentioned more games but, honestly, MGS4 is in a league of it's own.

    But, to actually mention some other games, you can also grab Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo Prologue, Resistance, and Warhawk.

    For multiplatform games you can also grab Rock Band, Call of Duty 4 (if you don't have a PC that can run it), Oblivion, Virtua Fighter 5, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Devil May Cry 4 (if you're into the series anyway).

    And for awesome stuff coming out within the year, you've always got MGS4, Resistance 2, Echochrome, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, and Socom. And that's without listing any multiplatform games like Soul Calibur 4 coming out for it later this year. I doubt anyone could say there's nothing on the system (or any of the systems) that interests them if they look hard enough.

  15. #15


    Roto's right. You do seem like you're most interested in the Wii and XBox 360. If you like the Wii's innovative controls and/or classic Nintendo games like Mario, Metroid, etc. go for the Wii. If you're interested in better graphics, shooters, and high quality online gaming go for the XBox 360.

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