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Thread: Did you find MGS3 a bit too light-hearted and comical?

  1. #1

    Default Did you find MGS3 a bit too light-hearted and comical?

    I guess the title's misleading: I meant to say "light-hearted and comical when it wasn't intended to be?"

    So the other day I asked one of my friends: "Is MGS3 actually series canon or was it just a light-hearted parody intended to entertain and amuse the fans while they waited for resolution of MGS2's plot?"

    He said it was indeed series canon, but having heard me ask the question and throw up the alternate viewpoint, his tone seemed to lean towards the other notion as well. In other words, he seemed to think both.

    I can honestly say I didn't like the game personally, but the top-ranking things that really made me think the game was silly would have been The Boss' villain costume (I believe it was some kinda new sneaking suit, but I will always refer to it as a "villain costume" because that's how I saw it as it made her look like a Marvel/DC Comics villain) as well as her horse, the absurd supernatural bosses that made you wonder what Mr. Kojima was smoking, the James Bond style intro (actually most of the Bond movies are very light-hearted, which in turn leads me to believe that the case was meant to be the same with this game) and the scene where you climb this insanely high ladder to an acapella of the theme song (I tried dropping off from the top to see if it would play backwards real fast, instead I got to see Snake fall away from the camera... no watching him crunch on the floor? Meanie pants...)

    There were a number of other things that made me find the game a bit silly (being able to break both your arms and fix them by pressing start, the Raiden-related injokes) but they were the main ones. They reminded me of when I was in my early-mid teens, wanted to make an RPG Maker game and had a load of ideas that I would now, frankly, find stupid. I'm not a huge fan of the Metal Gear series in general, but MGS1 and 2 had been a lot of fun for me so as I say, this game felt like total farce the entire time I was playing it.

    Anyone else happen to think that Kojima was somewhat taking the Michael with MGS3?
    Last edited by ReloadPsi; 05-12-2008 at 12:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Not really. All of the Metal Gear Solid games have their little jokes. Ever call Rose or the Colonel (I forget which one triggers the scene) while standing under that soldier's urine stream in MGS 2?

    MGS3 isn't the first game to have crazy supernatural bosses. Fortune could swerve bullets out of her way with luck. Vamp is basically immortal. Psycho Mantis could read people's minds. Vulcan Raven could control birds.

    As for The Boss with her costume, it's not any more crazy than Solid Snake's sneaking suit.

    Besides, the ending was heart wrenching. MGS3 SpoilersSnake kills the woman who is basically his mother figure and finds out that it was all a conspiracy and she hadn't really done anything to deserve it. She was a hero who would be remembered as a traitor forever. Nothing crazy and goofy about that.

    EDIT: If you're sincerely unsure about whether or not MGS3 is canon, it is. MGS4 spoilers that have been revealed in previewsEva is in MGS4 and I'm pretty sure they discuss what happened to the philosopher's legacy.

  3. #3
    KentaRawr!'s Avatar
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    It didn't seem all that light-hearted to me. o_O

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    All of the Metal Gear Solid games have their little jokes.
    Indeed, they're all a little bit quirky and cheesy in their own way. What I'm getting at is that I found MGS3's cheese to be a much deeper shade of orange. I'm ever so sorry to say that I laughed far more times than I was supposed to.

  5. #5
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Mei Ling sticking her tongue out. Meryl in her underwear. Psycho Mantis reading your memory card. Otacon wetting himself. The rat eating the PAL key. The baby wolf peeing on the cardboard box. "We're not paying you to be a scarecrow, ya know!". The Tuxedo unlock.

    Vulcan Raven figure. Otacon's Mei-Ling impressions on the tanker, as well as the real thing showing up. A hold full of guards in their boxers. Raiden being urinated on. Girly posters. Guards ogling porn on the computers. Emma wetting herself. Looking up the female hostage's skirt and her pressing her legs together. Raiden's modesty being protected by a drinking straw, and a guard being impressed by the size of it. Books, and going into a toilet cubicle with said item. I need scissors...

  6. #6
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    My main complaint with the game was that nothing really happened in terms of the story at large, apart from learning a bit more about the Patriots

    there was a picture here

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Mei Ling sticking her tongue out. Meryl in her underwear. Psycho Mantis reading your memory card. Otacon wetting himself. The rat eating the PAL key. The baby wolf peeing on the cardboard box. "We're not paying you to be a scarecrow, ya know!". The Tuxedo unlock.

    Vulcan Raven figure. Otacon's Mei-Ling impressions on the tanker, as well as the real thing showing up. A hold full of guards in their boxers. Raiden being urinated on. Girly posters. Guards ogling porn on the computers. Emma wetting herself. Looking up the female hostage's skirt and her pressing her legs together. Raiden's modesty being protected by a drinking straw, and a guard being impressed by the size of it. Books, and going into a toilet cubicle with said item. I need scissors...
    Most of that stuff was intended to be funny. Most of what I've picked at with MGS3 was ostensibly intended to be serious.

    I guess Kojima needed to re-read this: Uncyclopedia:How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

  8. #8
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Reading this thread actually made me remember everything I loved about MGS3. And now I'm playing it again xD

  9. #9
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    the absurd supernatural bosses that made you wonder what Mr. Kojima was smoking
    Psycho Mantis and Vamp anyone?

  10. #10
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    This is one of those rare occasions where I completely agree with both Roto and Psychotic. Everything they said, and then some.

    All the games are loaded with supernatural villains and occurrences; the only real difference in MGS3 is that it felt like they'd run out of ideas a little, where the bosses were concerned. In MGS1, every FOXHOUND member had a profound story or background that tied directly into events in the game; but the Cobras and Volgin felt like they belonged in a low-grade comic book. A bee man... who is covered in bees! etc.

    Snake Eater's story, especially the way it affects The Boss and Big Boss, is actually quite tragic and revelatory. Damn grim stuff.

  11. #11
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    The end of MGS3 leaves me depressed. xD I wouldn't consider that ligt hearted or comical.

  12. #12
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Wow. I...don't see how anyone could even begin to find it "light hearted" or suspect it of not being canon. o__O
    I like Kung-Fu.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel that the series has always had some mix of serious drama and light comical fun and I don't feel MGS3 was more either way. Of anything I think your sense of humor is just different from the design team's (nothing wrong with that btw ).

    The arm breaking thing is quite absurd but remember we are playing a game so some liberties have to be taken. I actually liked the ladder scene and only found it comical when it was later satired by VG Cats and other fans of the series but during the actual game I found it no different from musical interlude's used to create tension or other feelings. I didn't find the bosses any weirder than previous installments. Of anything I was happy to face a colorful cast of villains instead of the lame ones' in MGS2. Besides, have you ever seen the villains from the MG series for MSX? Running Man? Shotgun Joe? Arnold(actually made to be a rip off of the T-800 of Terminator fame)? The series has a long history of goofs and TV movie rip-offs. Its what makes it so damn endearing.

    The series is canon as it basically tells the story of the origin of Big Boss and his reasoning for creating Outer Heaven and betraying his country; as well as the origin of the Patriots as you mentioned. Considering how pivitol of a character Big Boss is to the series I highly doubt it could ever be considered non-canon cause its theme song is a James Bond-spoof and the bosses blow up when they die. To this day, only Snake's Revenge, Ghost Babel, the Ac!d series, and the radio drama's are considered non-canon in the MGS timeline.

  15. #15
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Brawl is canon, btw. They're totally going to have flashbacks of Snake getting Volt Tackled in 4.

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