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Thread: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

  1. #31
    Mr. Encyclopedia Kirobaito's Avatar
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    That was.... wow. I honestly don't know what to say. I know about the mystery of real-life crystal skulls fine, but I was not expecting that. The end kind of ruined it entirely. I think you could have done a hell of a lot better with the premise, than what they did.

  2. #32


    Personally, I loved it. The film is a great tribute to the spirit of the first three films. In those there were so many ridiculous set piece and action sequences that it felt almost like a thrill ride except for one thing, the action rocked and it was always hilarious just to see Indy escape from one impossible situation to another, all while throwing hissy fits all throughout the film and screaming like a school girl whenever a snake showed up. I really felt this film preserved that spirit. The actions scenes are as eye popping as they are hilarious, indy may be a senior citizen but he still kicks @$$. And the entire film just feels like something thats been sitting in a vault since 1988. So to those of us around the ballpark age of thirty, I think we will be the ones to really "get" this film and those of the younger generation will be the ones sorta scratching their heads going "WTF" all the way through.

    Oh, and as for the rumors of the torch being passed to shia, well lemme just say this. The film states at the end, in no uncertain terms, that the ONLY man who wears the fedora in this family, is Dr Henry (Indiana) Jones. And don't you ever forget it kid!

    And no, Indi doesn't die. In fact by the end of the show he's never walked taller. Just don't stay around for the credits looking for the proverbial, final scene. There isn't one. Just stick around for that awesome theme song.

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  3. #33 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    1935: <i>Temple of Doom</i>
    1936: <i>Raiders of the Lost Ark</i>
    1938(approx): <i>Last Crusade</i>
    1957: <i>Kingdom of the Crystal Skull</i>

    It's also rumored that Shia LaBeouf will take up the "mantel" of the whip and Harrison Ford will make an appearance later in the fifth movie as a mentor much as Sean Connery did in <i>The Last Crusade</i>.
    Not gonna happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Supposedly they used the same special effects techniques the original movies used so it would have the same feel and avoid the backlash the newer Star Wars movies received over their overuse of eye candy. They also tried to make it more fun-serious like Raiders of the Lost Ark rather than a comedy like The Last Crusade.

    Hopefully it works out that way.
    You can tell that they did in fact use a lot of the same SFX techniques, but there is quite a bit of George Lucas LOOK AT THE PRETTY EVERYTHING in there too. Especially at the end. I really loved the beginning sequences (SPOILER)in New Mexico because you can tell Spielberg really went for a 50's look to the film, even. The spotlighting techniques, especially on Cate Blanchett, were absolute hallmarks of 50's era film making, which made sense as Spielberg was trying very hard to demonstrate that this was a different time for Indy.

    Quote Originally Posted by I Took the Red Pill View Post
    Unparalleled in its utter disregard for the conventions of a coherent plot. (SPOILER)Would someone please tell Steven Spielberg he wasn't billed to direct a sequel to E.T.? Thank God the action sequences provided a crude buoy for the rest of it.
    Hahahahaha. Word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito View Post
    That was.... wow. I honestly don't know what to say. I know about the mystery of real-life crystal skulls fine, but I was not expecting that. The end kind of ruined it entirely. I think you could have done a hell of a lot better with the premise, than what they did.
    I kind of agree with this, but I still liked everything but the last 20 minutes or so. Harrison Ford is still every bit as Indiana Jones as he ever was. Especially (SPOILER)when he sees Marion for the first time and he just smiles - that is CLASSIC Indiana Jones right there.

    Contrary to what a lot of people were saying, I think Shia LaBeouf did a great job in the movie, aside from the hokey ending bits. (SPOILER)"blah blah blah DAD" *giant grin*

    It lacks what a lot of Spielberg movies lack - well developed secondary characters. People love them some Spielberg but he's really not that great at directing people.

    All in all, I think this movie lacked the class, the wit and the charm the previous three films retain to this day. I've been a fan of Indiana Jones since I was a small child and I always will be, but this one just isn't up to snuff compared to the rest of them.

    And I miss Marcus Brody!

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  4. #34


    I actually liked the ending. The villain gets their quasi-mystical and utterly spooky comeuppance, no treasure or relics to take back for fortune and glory, and the way (SPOILER)Indy and crew just sat down on those rocks after the aliens leave and watch the valley fill with water, like they are sitting into a comfortable chair at the end of hard days work was pure vintage cheese (of a good sort)

    and of course there are the final sequences that really tie off the saga, I felt it lead to a good sense of closure for the series as a whole.

    I think what I am really worried about is that the younger generation just won't get it. The first trilogy came out in a time when hollywood was still coming to grips with what was possible with special effects, and Speilberg and Lucas really pushed things as hard as possible. Now it's twenty years later, and FX have more or less peaked with the advent of higher and higher quality CGI. Kids these days are burnt out on the whole "lookit da pretty action scenes" fad and well, when people aren't being wowed by that, you gotta admit that the whole indiana jones thing can be really cheesy.

    Me, I loved it all. It made me felt like I was twelve again at the (no longer existing) cederbrae cinemas with a big bag of popcorn in my lap and a large coke and being so bedazzled by everything going on I totally forgot to eat either.

    Except this time, it was mineral water and a energy bar, and yes, again I totally forgot about either until the end of the flick. Gotta pity those with weak bladders who see this flick, and those sitting next to them as well I might add.

  5. #35


    I love the IJ-movies, and have the box set. But I was slightly disappointed by this one, I have to admit. It was - in a lack of a better word - too Spielbergy. With that I mean: (SPOILER) Too mushy in the ending (Indy getting married?!, and too alieny. Aliens that look like they did in movies and literature 20 years ago, complete with a flying saucer?! I also thought they overdid the special effects. Not too happy about the whole IJ's son-thing, either. And the greedy traitor is something I've seen before, and it's too obvious too early in the movie that he will end up dead.

    Apart from that, it was a true IJ-movie that I really enjoyed!
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  6. #36
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    I really didn't like it. I suppose I'd be willing to say I hated it, but I think more than anything I was disappointed. The dialogue didn't seem well written, the characters other than Indiana Jones himself felt very unnecessary and didn't play much of a role at all, didn't like Shia LeBeouf's character and the plot was downright lame at some points. I rather liked the mythology of the other films, but being told that the (SPOILER)aliens were from the "space between spaces" just seemed frankly ridiculous. foa touched on the secondary characters not having much of a role to play and I was particularly disappointed by the lack of prominence given to (SPOILER)Marion Ravenwood. I was looking forward to her addition quite a lot, but she just didn't seem to play much of a role beyond marrying Indy, taking part of some action scenes and shouting about the father-son thing. I liked the father-son relationship in Last Crusade, but I didn't in this one. It just didn't feel right. Ford was good, the other characters were not.

    I'd like to say that perhaps I'm holding the other films up in too high esteem and remembering them as better than they were, but I'm not; I watched them very recently and enjoyed them as much as ever, but not this one. I didn't have terribly high expectations, but this film just failed to meet them. There were some good scenes, I particularly liked the opening scene (though it paled compared to the openings of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Temple of Doom) with that nice shot of (SPOILER)The Ark of the Covenant at the end of it. Perhaps if I saw this one first, I might have enjoyed it slightly more, but I just didn't think it was good film. The action sequences weren't great, but perhaps I'm being too negative. It wasn't terrible, but it certainly wasn't great.
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  7. #37
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Bah, I'm going to have to stay out of this thread until I see the movie. There's too many spoilers to make sense of anyones' posts.
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  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirobaito View Post
    Last Crusade > Raiders
    So's your mother, Kirobaito! Ha, ha ha ha ha!

  9. #39
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    Saw it last night. Lol'd super hard. Hubby was very angry.

  10. #40
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    General consensus from everyone at my uni course who has seen it is that it's pap, with some people just straight up despising it, so I don't think I am going to ruin my childhood memories by watching it.

  11. #41
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    It was ok. Nothing memorable but it wasn't terrible. It was worth seeing in my opinion. I don't care what people say, Harrison Ford is still one of the coolest guys out there.

    Some of the action was pretty far fetched though.

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  12. #42
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    Completely butt-smurfed my childhood, terrible film. I could on and on about it, but it'll just give me a headache. So smurf it.

  13. #43
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    I loved everything about this movie except (SPOILER)that a human was able to ride out a nuclear freakin' blast in a FRIDGE, and then immediately walk out into the intense fallout and still be completely fine after a quick shower and scrub down. That was a little <i>too</i> far-fetched.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by o_O View Post
    I loved everything about this movie except (SPOILER)that a human was able to ride out a nuclear freakin' blast in a FRIDGE, and then immediately walk out into the intense fallout and still be completely fine after a quick shower and scrub down. That was a little <i>too</i> far-fetched.
    The lead fridge part did make me lol hard.

  15. #45
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I saw it today, I wasn't exactly impressed. The action scenes were nice, but the story was too farfetched to get into.

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