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Thread: A little declaration of war

  1. #31


    *standing ovation*

    Bleys, that's one of the most wonderful things I've heard in a long time. The internet has come quite boring to me as of late. I used to love coming online, and used to have fun here.. but as of late I've become quite the lurker. I miss the old EoFF.. the one I joined a year ago. Bleys, If you want to bring it back, rawk on! I'm fully behind you and you're decision, and if you get banned, or anything else of that nature, then perhaps you've ignited a spark within the rest of us and we will continue the fight, or at least.. bribe the others into letting you back.
    The only stars in my sky are the ones i haven't let fall down yet.

  2. #32

    Default Bleys!

    That post on FFL, about you leaving eoff, that scared me half to death man! Really. You were and are the most enjoyable thing on eoff. Bleys Posts were always something to watch for, so incredibly wierd&funny. And how can I forget the guy who welcomed me with: "Ahh, I smell a kindred spirit. I too posted my newbie thread in Eyes on Eachother." It's the only post I really remember from my newbie thread. Well, what I'm trying to say is, Go Bleys! I'll be with you 100%.
    I'm over there! *points* See?

  3. #33
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    That's right Danni we do need the old flame back but lets make it retro!

    I still back what I wrote before but we need to feel our wild side again too! :laugh:

    Can anyone handle that!

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  4. #34
    ORANGE Dr Unne's Avatar
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    Thanks for your support. I'll do my best.

    Starting tomorrow.

    May God have mercy on our souls.

  5. #35


    Another blooming newbie here.

    My incept date at this forum was : 11-01-2001. This is my first forum. Hell, I'd never before used the net for more than email. I came here, and I hope I settled in pretty well. I've been amazed at the people here, friendly, intelligent, diverse... it's been a great month. However, after a few days, and some frantic posting on my part (10.06 posts per day - I'm embarrassed), I began to realise there was a dark cloud that hung over this great place. I heard the name cid mentioned in hush tones... or often just called you-know-who. I saw Dr Unne's very sad announcement that he was stepping down, and then further announcements asking people to stop bothering him with well wishes. And I saw Citizen Bleys, who I'd come across a lot when he'd posted in threads I checked. There was an overwhelming sadness in his manner, and it made me pretty sad too.

    I've invariably posted seriously. I find the serious discussions here, very helpful to me. Here is a bunch of 15 - 25 year olds, (some younger, some older too), stuggling to make sense of this crazy, weird and quite often downright stupid world we live in. They're searching for faith, for a purpose, for reasons, just like I have been. Trying to understand life and death. It's the way people our age are, and this place helps me immeasurably to accomplish that.

    However, on a count of my posts usually being serious, I usually find them getting extremely long (like this one, come to think of it...). Long winded, stretched out... I'd like to be able to let loose every so often. Spam sounds like fun. Can I do it? Man, we're teenagers, young adults, we're meant to be having fun! So lets not jam ourselves into such a serious mindset. I'm with you here, Bleys, all the way. I've heard of this EoFF, the EoFF in the before time, the long ago... And I'm very sorry I missed it.

  6. #36


    Yeah! I'm with you all the way Bleys! umm.. not literally, but I'm there in spirit! Woo! *throws Bleys a roll of banana stickers* Hang on to those, they'll come in quite handy.

  7. #37
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    Originally posted by StooJ
    Another blooming newbie here.

    My incept date at this forum was : 11-01-2001. This is my first forum. Hell, I'd never before used the net for more than email. I came here, and I hope I settled in pretty well. I've been amazed at the people here, friendly, intelligent, diverse... it's been a great month. However, after a few days, and some frantic posting on my part (10.06 posts per day - I'm embarrassed), I began to realise there was a dark cloud that hung over this great place. I heard the name cid mentioned in hush tones... or often just called you-know-who. I saw Dr Unne's very sad announcement that he was stepping down, and then further announcements asking people to stop bothering him with well wishes. And I saw Citizen Bleys, who I'd come across a lot when he'd posted in threads I checked. There was an overwhelming sadness in his manner, and it made me pretty sad too.

    I've invariably posted seriously. I find the serious discussions here, very helpful to me. Here is a bunch of 15 - 25 year olds, (some younger, some older too), stuggling to make sense of this crazy, weird and quite often downright stupid world we live in. They're searching for faith, for a purpose, for reasons, just like I have been. Trying to understand life and death. It's the way people our age are, and this place helps me immeasurably to accomplish that.

    However, on a count of my posts usually being serious, I usually find them getting extremely long (like this one, come to think of it...). Long winded, stretched out... I'd like to be able to let loose every so often. Spam sounds like fun. Can I do it? Man, we're teenagers, young adults, we're meant to be having fun! So lets not jam ourselves into such a serious mindset. I'm with you here, Bleys, all the way. I've heard of this EoFF, the EoFF in the before time, the long ago... And I'm very sorry I missed it.

    StooJ..You should have been here from the very begining, people like you is what make Eonff one the greatest places on the net to be on and yes you are going to be one the special people for the time to come.

    Is everyone ready to defend our site from the darkness? Are you ready to defend Eyes on Final Fantasy before darkness takes over and the Eyes will close forever on our fantasy?I'm ready.. *brings out his Gunblade Nemesis*

    Lets do it...
    Last edited by Rodarian; 11-25-2001 at 06:26 PM.

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  8. #38
    why Recognized Member Pancaek's Avatar
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    I, too, have noticed the board go downhill, even though I must have joined in the midst of its downhill-going. I remember going through the old ezBoard, and it looked like so much fun. I want that fun back.

    I fully support you, Bleys. =)
    Last edited by Pancaek; 11-25-2001 at 06:34 PM.

  9. #39
    #eoff Flayer Mindflare's Avatar
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    Default Woo!

    *supprorts Bleys all the way*

    EoFF was well on the downhill when I joined in March, but I could still see hints of the things you are talking about. I'm sad to have missed it, but I really think that this could strengthen EoFF again. Make it the way it was before. I really can't wait.
    --It's me!--

  10. #40
    This is not your country Killy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Skye-chan
    I, too, have noticed the board go downhill, even though I must have joined in the midst of its downhill-going. I remember going through the old ezBoard, and it looked like so much fun. I want that fun back.

    I fully support you, Bleys. =)
    Can we still visit the old Ezboards Forums?

  11. #41


    Quoth the Lorax.......

    if you take this seed and plant it maybe the Lorax and all his pals will come back.........

    Godspeed, Godspeed

  12. #42
    Recognized Member Nait's Avatar
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    You have my blessing, son. Go into ROCKING PIECES that shall bounce around here, creating life!

  13. #43
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Quit your whinning and leave already? That isn't me. Quit your whinning and just do what ever you are going to do already. That sounds betterz. Applies to all cases.

    I agree this place has gone down the crapper. I don't post a whole lot at all any more. I do wish this place was back in the good ol' days like Kawaii said. Drex, Linus and Kawaii in the post war with me about 100 behind with no chance to catch up :P. BLARG! I could swear and get away with it as long as it wasn't excessive.

    Bleys could make his illogically logical posts. I never really liked them because they are a true meaning of spam but "Its a part of EoFF" I was told. I never really cared for them. The only one I like was the one about ninjas. Who doesn't like ninjas?

    But times change. Bleys can't makes his posts anymore because of what I will now call "Dr. Britt syndrome" Britt and Unne are not bad people but far to serious and with out the crew of mods we use to have their serious intellectual influnce has spread to the point where we are now. Its not always a bad thing but it is too much now. That is just me. I am no better than they are...I am just on the other end of the spectrum. Total chaos and fun. Seriousness is not for me. There needs to be a balance again.

    I would join you in your quest to return things back to the old days and raise some hell but I would get banned by this new leadership and era in a second.

    Bleys has always = Coolest mod alive

    I may revive that awesome game Princess Usa made....That might help. It has been on my mind for a while. I am surprised no one mentioned her in the list of forgotten people.

  14. #44
    The Man Of Steel NeX's Avatar
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    Well I don't see my name being mentioned anywhere, therefore I don't think my return makes a difference on your opinion or the old EoFF order...

    However Bleys, for what is worth, reading all of that reminded me of how I felt when I left this place, the main reason was because I moved and had no DSL for 4 months, I couldn't stand dial-up, so I am on your side completely.

    First off, let me start telling you it is really unhealthy to become so extremely attached to a message board, but I cannot judge for I was almost in your position once with this same place, so with that out of the way let us start the ranting.

    Words cannot describe the EoFF of old, it was almost magical, we would post all day long then talk all night long at the chatroom, everyone was best friends with everyone else. We all had a common enemy, Tonberry, remember him? Now he's like comparing Golbez to Sephiroth, then eventually we had edczxcvbnm, not as bad, but someone to target and blame for most of the spam going on. I too miss it, greatly, I already made a come back a few months ago, it was horrible, I decided to leave before it was too late, none of the regulars were here, it was a whole other message board, it still feels that way somehow.

    My welcome back thread has made me change my mind, you posted there, Del, Unne hasn't posted, and when I read he left I felt incredibly bad, BOU is nowhere to be found and neither is Cid, those are two big voids, but Britt is still here, Usa posted a little message, Kawaii seems to be pretty active, Agent Proto posted some threads in the FanArt forum.

    All I can say is that I'm back, and hopefully for good, I'm going to start posting more pictures in the FanArt forum because I feel the need to draw again after being away from it for so long.

    Leave us, don't leave us, that is your decision, I'm back, I am willing to adapt to an extent, I've already found some newbies who remind me of old EoFF, people like Mars who I share at least one thing in common we both enjoy Smallville deeply, without BOU, Cid and the other key players this place will never be the same, never. So let's be happy that there are still others around like Britt, Kawaii, Agent Proto, Usa, and the always loved/hated Del, I will not mention them all but you know who you are.

    Bleys, you are one of those key players, and I see some newbie potential here like I mentioned before. Gaming-wise this place has gone down the crapper, I went to the Gaming forum and it's just an unanimous hate towards the X-Box, I was horrified, people was being extremely biased, with deep, smart comments like "Microsoft is the devil and Bill Gates is a demon so I don't want to give it a chance" But games are not the reason I come here, I use IGN for that, I come here to just relax with friends and talk about important stuff like why kuppos like nuts and not berries or what's the name for those plastic things at the end of your shoe-laces.

    In a nutshell, I'm back and willing to give this place another chance, I'm with you in making it what it used to be, not matter what it takes, I support you if you want to fix it and make it at least 10% what it used to be. The most important thing to achieve that is to make the vets stay no matter what, we can't afford to lose someone like Del, Britt, Unne or you, then we'll all be in real trouble, if people like them decide to leave and never come back then say good bye to NeX too eventually, so let's stick for a while and try to fix it, for old times sakes.

    I propose that we make an old EoFF forum here at the boards, even if it is temporary, with a password, for vets only, you know, the people from a year ago like us, not to diss out the newbies, but just as a strategy to lure back the ones that are gone, then we send Cid, BOU and all the others that have left us an e-mail for the first EoFF reunion, sort of like a class reunion. I am sure most of them will not resist the temptation and once they are here, among the ones we have always loved, once they see this place could come back to being what it used to be I think most of them if not all will stay and give it another try.

    I hope I helped at least little because man, you know how I hate typing so much stuff at once!

  15. #45
    Prinny God Recognized Member Endless's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dr Unne
    Thanks for your support. I'll do my best.

    Starting tomorrow.

    May God have mercy on our souls.
    I think that's Bleys' point. We need to meet the devil within us from times to times.
    We'll see what it brings.

    And then there is Death

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