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Thread: A little declaration of war

  1. #61
    is very female. Recognized Member Daryl's Avatar
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    It is different now, but still good.

    I went through this with the other online group I was affiated with for a few years. Our "magical time" was the summer of '97. Try as we (the "pillars of the community" so to speak) did, we couldn't get it back.

    Maybe we can't have the EoFF of old, but we can certainly enjoy the "magic" we do have.

    Sure, especially for older members, you see people around on the boards whose names just come to mind when you think of EoFF... I don't think the newer members are any less a part of the forums.

    Community is what we are. People come and go, loved and hated as they may be. A community constantly evolves. I, for one, enjoy what we have.

    I must say, however, I'm very glad you've decided to remain with us, Bleys. You seem like a great person, one whom I'd like to call my friend.

  2. #62

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    Originally posted by Spatvark
    Having read most of what's been written, I've come up with a theory... Basically, the younger a forum, in conjunction with the fewer people, the more fun it is... but if it becomes too popular, and as it grows old, it becomes less fun and more rule-dominated...
    That's not a theory. It's a basic rule of message boards, or any type of community. Ehhh, something like that. That's what we were saying happened to FFWA two years ago. Heh. (There are actually two different ways it can go, but I won't go into that right now)

    Oh, and someone wanted to see the EoFF EZBoard, I think. (I still remember the URL. Go me.), I think. So there it is.

    Yes, BoBo is right that there need to be more old-type people in the chat.'s just so boring! I can't bring myself to be in there for long.

  3. #63
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    LOL. I agree with BOU about the chat room. I've been there only a handful of times, and I've been here since the beginning.

    Britt: Hehe. You may not have wanted to go on a killing-spree of all the spammers, but you DID want to go on a mass thread-closing spree.
    "My solution to all the spam threads: SHOW NO MERCY! Close them ALL! Bwahahahaha!" Or something like that.

    BOU: FFWA two years ago? It was pretty big. I came to FFWA just over two years ago now. *fond memories* Just after I came, Rob left for 3 weeks to come to the States and the whole board went to hell: the other admin lost his power as did half the mods. Spammers held control of the General Chat and some of the FF forums. Hehe. A Bleys paradise.

  4. #64
    Dark Knights are Horny Garland's Avatar
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    I'm in your temple, defiling it.


    I've been here for a while, and although some things might be a little different, I don't think it's bad. Is it just that EoFF is popular now, and not a private club for a few? Anyways, trying to restore the "good old days" never works for anything. It's a goal, if you want to try, and it's probably a noble goal, I wasn't here in the beginning. Still I think it's in vain. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I liked Eoff when I joined, and I still do now, so I have nothing to lose. Vive la resistance?
    Knock yourselves down.

  5. #65
    ☆carrot☆ Linus's Avatar
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    I've been meaning to say this my entire 14 months here, Bleys...


    There, I did it. Har har.

  6. #66
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    I've called quite a few people here pants(a slang I picked up from all the bloody Brits at FFWA): Bleys, BOU, Britt(I actually called him skirts, since he wears skirts instead of pants), etc. BOU deserved it the most.

  7. #67
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Originally posted by NeX
    As for everything else, yeah, I guess I agree with pretty much everybody here...except a certain "Alphabet dude"
    Since when has anyone actually agreed with me?

  8. #68
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    Bleys, I know I love reading your posts. If you left EoFF I would be crushed. We do need to be able to be somewhat slightly more spammy in that you should be able to post humor without sticking directly to the topic. This isn't a self-help book. We should be having fun and laughing.

    It's funny, I was just starting to really enjoy EoFF again and then this. Heh. Let's make it great again! Gambei!

  9. #69
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Well, I havve been here for a long time now, but not as long as you people where talking about....however...thanks to my real life friend edczxcvbnm, I did see what you guys are talking about..I saw these posts at edczxcvbnm's house...he sent me emails of stuff he posted..and eventualy I decided to join.

    I kind of know of the magic you have been talking about...I mean, I am also a member of the official Marilyn Manson BBS(also a forum...duh). Around the time I joined here is when I kind of stoped posting there. Now I fi nd myself posting there more often again and I figured out why just today. I was posting there when there was anticipation for the bands last album "Holy Wood"...and now I find myself posting there again more often becasue there is once again anticipation for another album..I find that place a lot more fun becasue of the magic there when that happens....

    The reason I told you that pointless story is that I am encouraging you to go on the track that you seem to be going on...I never thought I would post in that place again...but all it took was that attitude that I like...go for it for here..bring it back!!

  10. #70
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Big Ogre Umaro

    Yes, BoBo is right that there need to be more old-type people in the chat.'s just so boring! I can't bring myself to be in there for long.
    See, imagine five oldbies. Say... Asorie, Rydia, Sean, edcwhtvr and Skanker. All back, fooling around in chat. Would that be boring? If you outnumber the newer people that you don't know, then you can have fun (and actually get to know the newbies *sarcastic shock*). But to do that, you gotta have them THERE. So... you wanna know why it's boring? It's coz they're never there. Sucks.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #71
    Posts Occur in Real Time edczxcvbnm's Avatar
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    Do you really want me back in the chat that badly BoB? If you want me there then I will try to go there once in a while and give it another go.

    I remember the chat when I could go in there at 2 am my time and be the only one there. Seriously. No Op. Just me and myself. Then eventually someone else went in there. Then left right away. It was funny!

  12. #72


    Yes, the chat needs some of the more humorous vets like Robert Downey, Jr. needs a fix. The first time I was in the IRC chat was August 2000. It was much more enjoyable back then as it was still relatively new and more people were interested in it and it was about 3 or 4 times more active than it is now. After disappearing from the board for...*counts*...11 months, I went into the IRC chat again expecting to see 50 or so people in there since the site had grown so much since the last time I was there. Instead I found about 15 people(4 of which I recognized) and none of them were talking. Now I see less familiar names and more newbies/chat bums/silent types who actually talk about FF games and related's just not right. And the sad thing is that it's not getting more active as it goes least, not at the rate it should.

    As for the board, in the month and a half that I was an active poster over a year ago, I had about 250-300 posts. Maybe 10 or 20 of them were in gaming forums. the rest were in gen chat in numerous off-the-wall and random threads. Threads like 1000 things to be happy about where Del Snizz and Acmlm mercilessly spammed made you feel like you'd stepped into a very accepting environment and you weren't worried about what you said. During that entire time I can only think of 2 threads that I saw that were closed and one of those got reopenned. I have less than 50 posts since I started posting again 3 or 4 months ago and alot of that does have to do with lack of silly/fun/pointless threads to have fun with.

    It's going to be a rather large pain in the ass to pull the board out of the groove it's in now. Save setting up something with the mods and admins to not close anything unless it's blatant advertising or flaming for awhile, letting them get used to the normal spammy stuff again, I can't see anyway to bring back the old atmosphere.

    Now that I've put my 2 cents in, I'll just go back to minding my own business.*g*

  13. #73
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    We'll see about "impossible".

  14. #74
    Wanna live forever? Mikztsu's Avatar
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    People say that individuals doesn't matter that much, but I say if we can make Del Snizz to post more, even 1 post a day, this place will be much greater.

    I've tried to make him post every now and then because I love his posts, and especially his threads. Anyone who has been in here 5 months or so surely can remember that Weed Whacker thread for example, which was ace.

    Everyone- When you see Del Snizz in chatroom, give him no peace at all before he has made his post of the day. And Snizz will have to make at least 1 thread every fecking week.

    I personally will ding you and make you cry unless you carry out this, Snizz.>=)
    Last edited by Mikztsu; 11-26-2001 at 07:16 PM.
    ('-'*)/ - "sup"

  15. #75
    lomas de chapultepec Recognized Member eestlinc's Avatar
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    Mik, I have been known to cajole Del Snizz about posting more. T'is a darm shame he doesn't.

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