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Thread: A little declaration of war

  1. #76
    Custom Title. Funkmonkey Deluxe's Avatar
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    I've been here about 8 months (See the custom rank?), and it's a great forum. If the good Citizen manages to restore the forum to its former glory, I imagine it'll be a blast!

    Wow. 8 months I've been here. Time really... sloths by when you're at EoFF.
    No need for anything. At least not here.

  2. #77
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Ok, ok, ok. I'll check out the chatroom more, and I'll bug some other old vets to do so(although I hate being alone with all fricken newbies or few month old members that think themselves veteran...but maybe that's just me.:P).

    I'll see if I can drag Britt, BOU, and Bleys(c'mon Bleys, a place that'll appreciate you for the spammer you are!) to go to chat.
    Hell, maybe even Carpie. *remembers the first time he got Carpie to go in an AIM chat* Then again, maybe not.

  3. #78


    Well, Bleys, you already know how I feel on this issue, but I figured it couldn't hurt to come back here and let you know that I hope you do exactly what you are trying to do. The mods and admins here take themselves way too seriously. Even Rydia has become one of the most dry, dull, overserious people I know. Britt, Unne, and Asorie are great, but I have often wondered if they ever laughed in their entire lives.

    Life is supposed to have its moments of fun and insanity. If you can't laugh, if you can't relax for a few seconds and see humor in something, and if you can't have fun; you are just an automaton that thinks it's human. You're a machine that doesn't know how to live.

    That's how I feel about 80% of the staff here, and why I jumped right back over to FFL when it came back up.

    You've become robots. Think you could try to remember what it's like to be human? That's what this place needs most. Humanity.

    Bleys, you have my full support. I hope you bring this place back to some semblance of what it was like. When people from FFL and other sites could come here and not be looking over their shoulders all the time. Serious discussion is fine and good; maturity is great; but ask your grandparents this: "Is humor essential to life?" You'll hear "YES."

    Learn to laugh. Some of you are so serious and so intent on being seen as serious, knowledgeable, wise, all-knowing people that you scare anyone who wants to have a few seconds of harmless fun that would make others laugh. You're empty and oversophisticated and you need to climb down a few rungs, try to join the rest of humanity.

    This may get this thread closed; I hope it doesn't. I'm not trying to flame you guys, but I am criticizing you. You need to hear these things from someone you can't dismiss too easily.

    Try being human again; it would do you, this board, and the rest of us a lot of good.


  4. #79
    Scary old lady Kalen's Avatar
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    Note: I love and respect every mod/admin here. I just think we all need to relax and have fun.

    The last couple months I've been pondering leaving but the people I love in this forum have made it really hard to think about that. I miss the old EoFF. I only joined back in january or something like that, and I'm sure EoFF was even better before that, but it has gone down from then, or maybe It's just getting old for me. I'm not sure, but I'm with ya Bleys. You're fighting for what I want too., and if you're banned, I'm leaving.

    Rawk on, man. I'm behind you 100%.

  5. #80
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    I was thinking that by the time the anniversary came around, we would still be pretty dull, but this is bringing my hopes back up.

  6. #81


    Bleys! Do some more of your comedy routines or movies where you sing and tell jokes! I love those!


  7. #82
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    It's going to be easier than I thought. I've been getting a LOT of support from PMs since I posted this, and it's made a big difference in me. Last week, I was on the verge of weeping when I thought back to EoFF and the magic that used to be there at the ezBoard. I needed that magic more than anything else in the world. There was a big gaping void...When I first came to the ezBoard, I resembled the main character of the Belisarius Cycle more than the boy I am now. EoFF changed that. The wonderful synergy, the turned me into a better person. I've been calling that my Healing. It cured all the damage that had been done to my mind. That was what made me believe in magic--having it practiced on me in the most monumental, powerful way possible. EoFF taught me what love really is.

    These past few days, I've seen that again. A spell has been wrought that is just as powerful as the one that I benifited from back then. A week ago, I cried out to whatever God might exist that I needed that magic.

    There must be a God of some sort out there, because you, the people of Eyes On Final Fantasy, have answered that prayer. What has happened these past two days is as powerful and moving as what happened the first time. You've accomplished the Second Healing of Citizen Bleys. Thank-you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    So the magic is still here. All I have to do is find a way to invoke it. And by god, invoke it I shall.

    BTW, Sita: On the way. I just need a few props, and possibly a camera operator.

  8. #83
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Hehe, Bleys, remember The Revolt? Think we might start up one again(although I starter up the last one by myself to liven up Jojoy's board)?
    Although, on second thought, Jessie did get quite pissed and threatened to ban me on numerous occasions. So, maybe it's not quite such a good idea.

    We will get the magic back, Bleys. One way or another.

  9. #84
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    I think a repeat of the Revolt here at EoFF would hinder my efforts, not aid them.

    OK, rather than call this my "war", in quotes, and making it just my thing, I've decided to give it a real name: the Lazarus Project. And since, as I said in my last post, the magic is still here and just needs to be invoked...I see no reason why this thread needs to remain sticky.


  10. #85
    Good Grief Guru Clef's Avatar
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    *arrives a bit late*

    Less rules, more fun!!


  11. #86


    Yea, all we need for a war is the wrench throwing battalion. I could be the Brigadier General of Wrenchness.

    *throws a wrench in the system*

    "Coolest newbie, ever. *hands repo man a Ciddie*"~Agent Proto

  12. #87
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I have to say this business sounds like fun, although as a voice of reason I must say that some people are taking this website a little too seriously. Yeah, it was fun back in the day (although I must say I never joined the UBB because after lurking a bit it looked a little droll still) and its not as fun now. Its still something to do I guess... I dunno, I guess I don't see it the same because I've been on the outside of it most of the time. I've known Sean for years, but I don't even know when the last time I talked to him once. (Acctually, I do, it was sometime in late September/Early November at an Order52 show where he took his place as Crate Boy). Sean was the only friend I had here and I haven't really made any other ones.
    I have nothing inspiring to say, so have at your EoFF revival attempts. I have never had, nor will I ever have anything to contribute here. Its all the same to me.

  13. #88


    Die, Bleys.

    Secondly, there certainly IS the issue that I have a bad habit of running away from my problems. I think that running away is the right move here, no matter how much it hurts, but am I just setting myself up for a fall?
    You sound like Shinji! HAHAHA

    (Hah! Eva reference! Take that! )

    But really, if you think I can help with anything, even if it's posting a stupid thread, just let me know and I'll do what I can.

  14. #89
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Doug, as you Bleys, has always been good at stupid threads. Meh.

    The Revolt would hinder your efforts? Didn't the Revolt lighten up the NUTs board? Well, ok, it did kind of destroy the General Chat forum...and the newbie forum...and the spam forum(the WTW? had a hell of a time fighting me), if a spam forum can be destroyed, as well as most of the FF forums. But it was for a good cause...well, no actually. The cause was to have me rule the board(which I nearly did, btw), and it also got me nearly banned a couple of times...

    I see what you meant Bleys. A Revolt would completely crush the defenseless EoFF, so it's best put off...for now. *evil grin*

    And, I think I should specify, that Bleys and Co. do not want to make EoFF have "less rules". These rules are prob'ly(I never did read them) identical to the ones we made during the EzBoard. However, the only difference is that they may be enforced differently, and that the members are newer. It's kind of hard to bring back the magic of knowing everyone when there's over 1000 people that ya don't know. *shrugs*

  15. #90
    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Melted Snowman
    You sound like Shinji! HAHAHA
    Sod you, I do not sound like Shinji. Shinji's all "nigetsu dame da, nigetsu dame da, nigetsu dame da..." *horrible scream*, and I'm just the opposite.

    Except for the horrible scream bit.

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