I went to VGChartz.com | and looked at the Japanese weekly sales charts. I looked at the first weekly sales in Japan for the main entries in the Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Pokemon series. I got the numbers, I'll list them here, although some numbers appear to be erroneous...

Japanese Rpg Sales Info
-First week Japanese sales for main entries in Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Pokemon series

Title			Console		Date		First "Week" Japanese Sales
Dragon Quest IV		Nes		2-11-90		1,124,684
Final Fantasy III	Nes		4-27-90		0,619,491
Final Fantasy IV	Snes		7-19-91		0,182,435	-Error??
Dragon Quest V		Snes		9-27-92		0,962,268
Final Fantasy V		Snes		12-6-92		0,472,523	-Error??
Final Fantasy VI	Snes		4-2-94		1,258,668
Dragon Quest VI		Snes		12-9-95		1,529,679
Pokemon Red/Green	GB		2-27-96		0,265,071	-Error??
Pokemon Blue		GB		10-15-96	?
Final Fantasy VII	PS 1		1-31-97		2,025,834
Pokemon Yellow		GB		9-12-98		1,353,359
Final Fantasy VIII	PS 1		2-11-99		2,592,405
Pokemon Gold/Silver	GBC		11-21-99	1,528,509
Final Fantasy IX	PS 1		7-7-00		2,031,207
Dragon Quest VII	PS 1		8-26-00		1,821,450
Pokemon Crystal		GBC		12-14-00	0,319,667? or 806,798?
Final Fantasy X		PS 2		7-19-01		1,906,152
Final Fantasy XI	PS 2		5-16-02		0,070,016	-ERROR!!
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire	GBA		11-21-02	1,273,279
Final Fantasy X-2	PS 2		3-13-03		1,561,553
Pokemon FireR/LeafG	GBA		1-29-04		1,092,747
Pokemon Emerald		GBA		9-16-04		0,747,707
Dragon Quest VIII	PS 2		11-27-04	2,267,827
Final Fantasy XII	PS 2		3-16-06		1,819,872
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl	DS		9-28-06		1,646,064
It doesn't show any of the games I'm looking for before Dragon Quest IV, that was the earliest one. Sales for Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, and Pokemon Red/Green appear very low, so I'm not sure if those specific numbers are accurate. I didn't see sales information for Pokemon Blue either.

Also, I have a question about the first week sales information for Pokemon Crystal. I browsed on Vgchartz.com for the date I was looking for...
VGChartz.com | Japanese Weekly Chart
They don't show Pokemon Crystal but they show a new game called "Pokemon Trading Card GB 2" with sales of 806,798, which is what I'd expect for Pokemon Crystal sales. I looked for information on the game but couldn't find it. I went to the next week's sales though...
VGChartz.com | Japanese Weekly Chart
That game was not on the charts but this weeks sales shows a new game "Pocket Monsters Crystal" with sales of 319,667. That's the right name but incorrect date and unexpectedly low sales. I'm thinking that the 806,798 sales from the game a week earlier actually is Pokemon Crystal, not sure though.

Also, the first week Japanese sales for the original PS 2 version of Final Fantasy XI shows up as 70,016, which is definetely an error. I don't know what the true sales are but they would be over a million in the first week definetely.

All the other numbers on the list seem accurate. Now everybody can get a great idea of what the top Japanese rpg sales are. I searched through the Japanese weekly sales information for all 19 years they had available! It took a while, but I was really curious to get this information. Also, no other Japanese rpg's approached the sales figures of the main entries in these three rpg series. Oh, and from the sales figures I've seen throughout those charts, it appears that rpg's sell three times as much in Japan versus the United States!

What do you think of this information?