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Thread: Do you know your music?

  1. #16


    "Big A Little A" by Crass

    The meaning is fairly obvious but for those who dont wanna read it all its basically about choosing your own path and making your own rules. With a little bit about the futility of using violence to bring about change.

    PLEASE NOTE: Numerous comments made on the Youtube link contain swearing, offensive opinions etc YouTube - Crass - Big A Little A

    Big A little A bouncing B
    The sytem might have got you but it won't get me
    1 2 3 4
    External control are you gonna let them get you?
    Do you wanna be a prisorner in the boundaries they set you?
    You say you want to be yourself
    By christ do you think they'll let you?
    The're out to get you get you get you get you get you get you
    Hello, hello, hello, this is the Lord God, can you hear?
    Hellfire and damnation's what I've got for you down there
    On earth I have ambassadors. archbishop. vicar. pope
    We'll blind you with morality, you'd best abandon any hope,
    We're telling you you'd better pray cos you were born in sin
    Right from the start we'll build a cell and then we'll lock you in
    We sit in holy judgement condemning those that stray
    We offer our forgiveness, but first we'll make you pay
    Hello. hell. hell, now here's a message from your queen
    As figurehead of the status quo I set the social scene
    I'm most concerned about my people, I want to give them peace
    So I'm making sure they stay in line with my army and police
    My prisons and my mental homes have ever open doors
    For those amongst my subjects who dare to ask for more
    Unrulyness and disrepect are things I can't allow
    So I'll see the peasants grovel in they refuse to bow.
    Introducing the Prime Sinister, she's a mother to us all
    Like the dtch boy's finger in the dyke her arse is in the wall
    Holding back the future waiting for the seas to part
    If Moses did it with his faith, she;ll do it with an army
    Who at times of threatened crisis are certain to be there
    Gaurding national heritage no matter what or where
    Palaces for kings and gueens, amnsions for the rich
    Protection for the walthy, defence of privelige
    They've learnt the ropes in Ireland, engaged in cibil war
    Fighting for the ruling classes in their battle agaisnt the poor
    Great Britain? Future? b*llocks, you'd better look begind
    Round every other corner stands P.C. 1984
    Guardian of the future, he'll implement the law
    Big brothers system's always there with his beady eyes on you
    From God to local bobby, in home and street and school
    They've got you name and number while you've just got their rule
    We've got to look for methods to undermine those powers
    It's time to chage the tables. the future must be ours.
    BE exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
    I am he and she is she but you're the only you
    No one else has got your eyes, can see the things you see
    It's up to you to change you life and my life's up to me
    The problems that you suffer from are problems that you make
    The <img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /> we have to climb through is the <img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /><img src="" alt="skull" /> we choose to take
    If you don't like the life you life, change it now it's yours
    Nothing has effect if you don't recognise the cause
    If the programmes's not the one you want, get up, turn off the set
    It's only you that can decide what life you're gonna get
    If you don't like religion you can be the antichrist
    If your tired of politics you can be an anarchist
    But no on ever changed the church by pulling down the steeple
    And you'll never change the syustem by bombing number ten
    Systems just aren't made of bricks they're most made of people
    You may send then into hiding, but they'll be back again
    If you don't like the rules they make, regust to play their game
    If you don't want to be a numver, don't give them your name
    If you don't wnat to be caught out, refuse to hear their question
    Silence is a virtue, use it for your own protection
    They'll try to make you play their game,refuse to show your face
    Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do
    I am he and she is she but you're the only you.

    p.s. i couldnt be assed to correct the numerous spelling mistakes from cutting and pasting the lyrics
    'All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.' - Nietzsche

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by redxiiii View Post
    Anything by Coldplay (my fave band) usually has a good meaning.
    I especially like "Lost" of their new album, which begins- "just because am losing, doesen't mean am lost" some people find their songs to be depressing, personally i find them very uplifting, and always cheer me up cool idea for a thread by the way :P
    We need to do lunch. I love coldplay. I am particularly in love with Viva La VIda and Strawberry Swing from their new album. But every song on there is good! Coldplay is the best band and their music just moves me like none other.

    Strawberry Swing:

    They were sitting
    They were sitting in the strawberry swing
    Every moment was so precious

    They were sitting
    They were talking in the strawberry swing
    Everybody was for fighting
    Wouldn't wanna waste a thing

    Cold, cold water
    Bring me round
    Now my feet won't touch the ground
    Cold, cold water
    What ya say?
    It's such…
    It's such a perfect day
    It's such a perfect day

    I remember
    We were walking up to strawberry swing
    I can't wait 'til the morning
    Wouldn't wanna change a thing

    People leaving all the time
    Inside a perfectly straight line
    Don't you wanna curve away
    It's such…
    It's such a perfect day
    It's such a perfect day

    Now the sky could be blue
    I don't mind
    Without you it's a waste of time

    Could be blue
    I don’t mind
    Without you it’s a waste of time

    Could be blue,
    could be grey
    without you I’m just miles away

    could be blue
    I don’t mind
    Without you it’s a waste of time


    I think this song is about taking life as it comes and enjoying it despite all of the horrible things going on around you. It's just very deep, for me. And the music is brilliant.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by o_O View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Germ Hamee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by o_O View Post
    In the two consecutive songs Wings for Marie and 10,000 Days (Wings Pt. 2) by Tool, Maynard questions the faith that his mother placed in God after she died approximately 10,000 days after being paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. It's a very emotional song and if you site there and listen to it carefully, you can notice marked transitions between different styles and intensities of the music and lyrics - each "section" of the song represents a different emotion.
    Wings is a smurfing amazing song. Any time I sit down with headphones and really listen to it, I find myself completely blown away.
    I agree, though I find 10,000 Days to be more emotional, personally.
    Both of these songs are a sight to behold live, and I actually think that Tool may never play them live again.

    To expound on the former: I saw the Wings / 10,000 Days suite performed twice, once in 2006 and again in 2007. It was much better the second time - the mood and atmosphere were perfect. The arena was dark, with the backdrops showing moving clouds, and the lightshow simulating rain through the mist of the room (they had those smoke generators going), plus the sound of thunder, and the ominous bass and guitar of Justin and Adam. Everything about it was just perfect - the climaxes of Keenan's lyrical delivery, the intensity sustained throughout the instrumental section, right down to the quiet, cathartic closure of the "Daylight dims..." section.

    To expound on the latter: Throughout the tour, Maynard was really sensitive while they were playing this song. Before starting he would kindly ask the crowd not to use any flash cameras. And in fact, the second time I saw it, he actually stopped singing (the band was still playing) the end of Wings pt. 1 to say "Please, no flash cameras, please." Obviously it's a very personal song for him and he wanted nothing to ruin the atmosphere of the live performance, and rightfully so. In fact, in a recent interview with Revolver Magazine, Keenan talked about the writing and performing of that song in particular, and said they'll probably never do something like that live again since it's simply too draining for Keenan - he bears his emotional side (not something he does often) with songs like 10,000 Days and in turn many of the fans just react coldly, which is a shame. Oh well, at least I got to see it performed!

    @Ryth: Are you the same Ryth that posts on 5/8? Anyways, everything about GYBE's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven album is crushing and overpowering on the soul. What a gorgeous and wonderful album.

  4. #19


    Pretty much everything from Transatlanticism, by Death Cab. It is quite simply the most amazing album I have heard in a long, long time. Look up the lyrics (or even better, just buy it) and you will see what I mean.

  5. #20
    This is gonna be legen- Proxy's Avatar
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    I personally bawl my eyes out when I listen to Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Aparatus.
    And in certain parts I think about my daughter, and just wow.
    When I see your smile
    Tears roll down my face I can't replace
    And now that I'm strong I have figured out
    How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul
    And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

    I will never let you fall (let you fall)
    I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
    Even if saving you sends me to heaven

    It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
    Seasons are changing
    And waves are crashing
    And stars are falling all for us
    Days grow longer and nights grow shorter
    I can show you I'll be the one

    I will never let you fall (let you fall)
    I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all (through it all)
    Even if saving you sends me to heaven

    Cuz you're my, you're my, my, my true love, my whole heart
    Please don't throw that away
    Cuz I'm here for you
    Please don't walk away and
    Please tell me you'll stay woah, stay woah

    Use me as you will
    Pull my strings just for a thrill
    And I know I'll be okay
    Though my skies are turning gray

    I will never let you fall
    I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all
    Even if saving you sends me to heaven
    [to fade]
    It`s a powerful song to listen to, and think about someone, or something you love, with all your heart. Check it out =)

  6. #21
    *insert meme here* Ryth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chzn8r
    @Ryth: Are you the same Ryth that posts on 5/8? Anyways, everything about GY!BE's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven album is crushing and overpowering on the soul. What a gorgeous and wonderful album.
    Yes, I am and I completely agree. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven might be my favorite album ever, it's slowly becoming that at least. Sleep is just the "song" on the album that always spoke to me the most.

  7. #22
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tigmafuzz's Avatar
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    weird al's "hardware store" just speaks to me.
    *snort-like cracking up noise thingy*
    *bursting with laughter and choking and dying and exploding with the pudding and the lord of the rings*

    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้

  8. #23


    Corroded, by Headphones President.

    amazing song, though lyrics are pretty much pointless. pretty much, it's an audio play about her going insane.

    I really dont know how to describe how or why I love this song so much, it just struck me as like a mirror of myself when I heard it the first time and I wanted to share that with the world....untill i got a noise complaint.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    I'm like, Mr. Arsonist 2000. And 2003, if you saw my beautiful work on assorted AOL CDs. I've kinda not been up to my old form in 2004, but here's hoping.

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