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Thread: Should I play this game for the Dark Knight class?

  1. #1

    Default Should I play this game for the Dark Knight class?

    Well, as I said in another post, I'm sick of WoW, and considering either renewing this or buying Conan.

    The biggest pull for me to this game is the Dark Knight class (I only ever got to 18 or so before); I've loved every incarnation they've had in the FF series, particularly FFIV, obviously, and Tactics (Gafgarion was awesome). If I play FFXI, it will be almost solely for the DK class, so I have to ask, how much do you think I'll get out of them? I know that they're a DPS class, essentially, but you can choose if you want to do more physical or magic oriented damage based on race/secondary, correct? (Maybe not correct...) I'm just wondering what this class plays like and what Secondary I'll be basically required to do with it if I want to get a party.

    Really appreciate responses from people who know the game.

  2. #2
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    well when I first started FFXI I was just like you, I was really drawn to the DRK class for the exact same reasons but after obtaining it I wasnt really that impressed as I was with say the DRG class, still if you do go with DRK there is 3 types of sub I would recomend, RNG (ranger) from 1-30 is good as it will give you a nice acc boost (DRK are notorious for missing alot) and I hear (although iv never tried it myself) that THF is one of the best from 40+ and lastly I would recomend BLM since you want to be versitile with you DD this would suit you perfectly.

    My opinion may be outdated as I havent played FFXI for ages.

  3. #3
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    I've played a tarutaru Dark Knight until level 40. I'm going to be perfectly blunt, even though I had the highest INT and MP offered by any race, I didn't do much nuking at all. I used drain and aspir (dark magic) frequently, but other than that, not so much. At the high 30's, DRK starts obtaining the Absorb spells. These spells steal points from a monster's stats and add it to you own. With a high MP pool and INT, they're probably decently useful. Absorb-STR will make the monster hit softer and you hit harder. Absorb-VIT will rob the monster of defense, making you and everyone in your party do more damage as well. There's also stun, which was a lot more useful before BLU. DRK gets stun before BLM, but now BLU gets an ability with stun much, much earlier.

    Unfortunately, most DRKs don't possess the MP pool to use these regularly. In fact, the only spells most DRKs will use are drain, aspir, and Absorb-TP. If timing permits, you can also use elemental nukes for magic bursts off of skillchains. Conventional nuking is not possible. DRK receives the spells later than RDM, BLM, and SCH, and its elemental magic skill is much lower, too. Nukes are inefficient compared to the damage DRKs can do by melee, and FFXI is all about efficiency.

    That said, let's discuss subs. You'll never use /BLM in an exp. situation. I'm not sure whether or not it has uses end-game (my guess is not likely), but it's not worth it in a party. In parties, /WAR, /THF, and /SAM are likely your bread and butter. From level 20-30, /DRG is a good option, since DRG receives the passive ability Accuracy Boost, which grants +10 acc. At 30, though, with /WAR you'll receive Berserk (increases attack, decreases defense) and with THF you'll get Sneak Attack (critical hit when attacking from behind).

    Ever since an update last October (or around then), two-hand weapons have received significant boosts. Conventionally, 2 STR = 1 attack and 2 DEX = 1 acc. Two-handed weapons, the relationship has been altered. Both operate on a 4:3 ratio now, making two-handed weapons hit harder than before. At level 25, Samurai learns Hasso, which grants bonuses to STR, accuracy, and haste when using two-handed weapons while imposing penalties on casting time and recasting time. At level 50, DRK will receive this with a /SAM sub. I'm not sure accuracy and haste are are included when it's used from a sub, though.

    At level 60, you will also obtain Trick Attack from /THF, which allows you to perform some pretty massive spike damage through weapon skills by combining SATA.

    /NIN is used occasionally, more often for the addition of utsusemi: ichi and utsusemi: ni than dual-wielding.

    Anyway, as you can see from all my examples regarding possible subs, none of them really capitalize on DRK's ability to use magic. That's my point, though, you won't be nuking. Aside from an occasional magic burst, your spell repertoire will likely be limited to drain, aspir, and the absorb- spells (almost exclusively absorb-TP, in most cases). Race doesn't make a significant enough impact to change this (even a tarutaru DRK can't nuke effectively). In this case specifically, can does not mean will. You can nuke, but you almost always won't.

    That said, if the idea of being a good melee damage dealer appeals to you, go for it. I've just rejoined myself, so I'm not so sure of how much of the bias against DRKs still exists. I had fun playing the job. I stopped playing because at level 40, the accuracy obsession meant I'd be sacrificing all my STR+ gear for accuracy+, which, as a tarutaru, really hurts my DPS. Sure, I hit slightly more often, but I hit for peanuts. With the changes to two-hand weapons, though, accuracy gear has become a lot less of a must, allowing for more use of DEX (which aside from increasing accuracy will also increase your critical hit rate) and STR.

  4. #4


    And yeah, in no way do I -want- to cast, I just got the impression DRKs were -supposed- to. I'm perfectly content (and expecting) to do loads of melee damage; so long as I can do it WELL I would be pretty satisfied playing the class. Does it sound like the class will live up to my expectations?

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    DRK can do pretty good melee damage. Too much at times. DRKs have a lot of moves that increase their damage but leave them open to get shredded if the monster attacks them, which is bound to happen if they are doing so much damage. You just have to find a balance.

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  6. #6
    I might..depend on you.. Lionx's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, most DRKs don't possess the MP pool to use these regularly. In fact, the only spells most DRKs will use are drain, aspir, and Absorb-TP. If timing permits, you can also use elemental nukes for magic bursts off of skillchains. Conventional nuking is not possible. DRK receives the spells later than RDM, BLM, and SCH, and its elemental magic skill is much lower, too. Nukes are inefficient compared to the damage DRKs can do by melee, and FFXI is all about efficiency.
    Actually the only real hindrance is the fact that you get the spells later/mp(race dependant) and you have no access to tier 3 nukes. DRK have a B+ in Elemental skill, matching SCH and is stronger than RDM's C+. But that doesnt mean they nuke in experience points parties, and is more of a solo endeavor. In parties you usually use Absorb spells to boost your melee than actually use them to do direct damage.

    However in relation to Absorb spells, they were lowered in cast time to two seconds, and therefore is much more useful provided you get some form of Refresh(mana regen) and the Parade Gorget/Vampire Cloak helps you alot with that during downtime. You can i think get up to +9 or 12 STR temporarily and thats alot considering what people pay for those kinds of gears. Not to mention Absorb-Acc.

    From level 20-30, /DRG is a good option, since DRG receives the passive ability Accuracy Boost, which grants +10 acc.
    /RNG is the one that gives you a +10Acc. /DRG gives an Attack Bonus that you already get at lvl 10 and it does not stack. Only thing worthwhile would be a Jump. Although Ouch! is probably wont be using /BLM anytime soon with the exception of Warp.

    With Hasso you receive the same bonus as a SAM does at lvl 37 if you are at 75DRK. So a +5 STR, Acc, and Haste.(very good)

    Using a SAM sub though you can let loose a little better after level 70 with Dread Spikes, and Seigan + Third Eye combo. Before that, its a little scary to use WAR sub with reckless abandon. I personally find DRK to be very good in endurance if they can use Aspir, Refresh gear, and absorb spells often. So in the end, i think they rawk. But dont expect awesomeness the minute you get it...its more of a work hard, get awesome later kind of job imo. But every step on its way is pretty exciting with spells and abilities.

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  7. #7
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lionx View Post
    Unfortunately, most DRKs don't possess the MP pool to use these regularly. In fact, the only spells most DRKs will use are drain, aspir, and Absorb-TP. If timing permits, you can also use elemental nukes for magic bursts off of skillchains. Conventional nuking is not possible. DRK receives the spells later than RDM, BLM, and SCH, and its elemental magic skill is much lower, too. Nukes are inefficient compared to the damage DRKs can do by melee, and FFXI is all about efficiency.
    Actually the only real hindrance is the fact that you get the spells later/mp(race dependant) and you have no access to tier 3 nukes. DRK have a B+ in Elemental skill, matching SCH and is stronger than RDM's C+. But that doesnt mean they nuke in experience points parties, and is more of a solo endeavor. In parties you usually use Absorb spells to boost your melee than actually use them to do direct damage.

    However in relation to Absorb spells, they were lowered in cast time to two seconds, and therefore is much more useful provided you get some form of Refresh(mana regen) and the Parade Gorget/Vampire Cloak helps you alot with that during downtime. You can i think get up to +9 or 12 STR temporarily and thats alot considering what people pay for those kinds of gears. Not to mention Absorb-Acc.
    They got Absorb-Acc. in my absence too? Jeez. xD

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    Not responsible for WWI Citizen Bleys's Avatar
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    DRK75 here--it's pretty fun, but it's hard to get invites, either for exp or merits.

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    Markusdot Markus. D's Avatar
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    They're pretty goshly at the moment or so I hear.

    But nothing beats poking stuff with a Dragoon's spear :3!

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