It's been too long since I've drawn the lovely Ashe. In preparation for some ultra-in-depth studying for FFi's Character Study series, I thought drawing her again would be a wise thing to do.

I gave her an interesting expression ( :P ) to add a little personality to the picture. This is a new style that I'm currently experimenting with, and I can see a few more works done with this technique before I move on to something else. It's great for expressive faces and simple contours, but I found myself having a little trouble when it came to more complex shapes like hands, so admittedly it's a bit messier than I had originally intended. Messy is fun, though, so I may try going in that direction in the future.

I originally had a reference for the overall pose, but deviated from that quickly. The arms and shoulders were done completely from memory, in case they look a little off (my "artist's eye" hasn't worn off yet, so I don't see much wrong with it).

Comments and criticism appreciated!

And if you want to this in better context: propaganda