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Thread: Things get HECTIC at the Staff's Ciddie after-party

  1. #1
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Default Things get HECTIC at the Staff's Ciddie after-party

    It's well known by everyone that after the Ciddies the staff all get together for a little shindig of celebration, along with Award Guy (Award Girl) himself. This time around it was held at my house being as how I was a new CK at the last ciddies and Flying Mullet is still too new this time around. It just happened to be my turn.

    Things began as they usually do with everyone showing up. They all showed up within an hour of each other, some alone and others in pairs with their lovers. ShlupQuack tried to bring Raistlin along as her date but of course with him being Former Staff we just couldn't allow him in and she started the night off sad. Of course Kishi was a no-show due to his usual Ciddies-avoidance affair. Anyways, things continued along with everyone talking about the surprise winners, Ciddies of the past and nostolgia of the old times, all while drinking the lovely strawberry punch. Little did they realize that I had mixed the punch with tequila. It was mixed so smooth that not a drop of the alcohol could be tasted.

    Around midnight things got crazy. Azar, being Site Staff's resident most awesome reporter, began reporting everything as it happened as if he were a live-action responder in front of a news camera. News being boring like it is he started to mix things up a bit. It started small with things like, "This just in. FOA has just started singing dirty songs and KoShiatar has just been seen winking slyly at eestlinc standing in the corner." With all of us being close friends and the tequila having us feeling good we began acting out what was being reported. FOA sang a song about a cowboy sleeping with all six of a farmer's daughters in the same night and eestlinc blushed as Koshi gave him a wink. Azar got braver and before we knew what was happening we had BtV drawing lipstick moustaches on everyone and Flying Mullet peeing in potted plants.

    Award Girl's lipstick moustache got Psy all excited and they started feeling each other up on the couch. Everyone was laughing at the show but by the end of the night they were both naked with Psy screaming, "<i>Award me, Girl! Award me!</i>" as they played.

    BoB had a little too much punch to drink and lost his voice. It didn't slow him down for a second. Finding a stack of sticky notes, he wrote phrases on all of them and then stuck them to his bare chest. Whenever he wanted to say something he would come right up and stick the note to your forhead. It was hilarious!

    ShlupQuack's night started off sad, but by the end of the night I think she had more fun than anyone. At some point during the night she stepped outside for some fresh air. Something was moving in the bushes and she decided it was a stegosaurus. Then she decided she was a stegosaurus! All night long she stomped around and growled at everybody.

    Del Murder and Miriel stayed quiet for the first part of the night but then they decided they were hungry. Their hunt for some good food began as they went into the kitchen but before they could decide what to eat it turned into a food-fight adventure. Noone even knew it was coming. We all heard giggling coming from the kitchen so we asked what was going on. A second later Miriel Murder ran into the room ambushing everybody with food. I have to admit that KoShiatar looks pretty good covered in spaghetti sauce. After the excitement they spent most of the night feeding ShlupQuack lettuce thinking that stegosuarusus eat plants.

    Hearing FOA's song about cowboys eestlinc decided that he wanted to be a cowboy that night. Not just a cowboy but an outlaw cowboy. He kidnapped FOA and so the two of them played cowboys and sherrifs all night with BtV and Zeromus_X. At one point they were tied together in the closet.

    BtV and Zeromus_X decided to play along as sherrifs, but they weren't exactly normal sherrifs. BtV decided he was going to be a lute-playing feathered-hat wearing sherrif out of the middle ages. All night long he sang songs about chasing outlaws, the glorious adventure he was on and all the things he saw along the way. I never knew songs about stairwells and plants could be so awesome. Did you know that plants get up and dance when noone is looking or that stairwells drive cars and fight with each other over winning the parking spot for the stairwell of the month? Zexy decided he was going to be a superhero sherrif. All night long he ran around with a towel strapped to his back and a belt strapped to his head. Every single move he'd make had a sound effect. A sound effect he made for himself. Whooshes and zooms were everywhere.

    You might not know much about Cl_out or Samuraid but that just means you don't know they can dance! All night long they had a dance-off. At first we saw the typical dance styles like The Chicken and The Robot, but you can only dance so much before you have to start making up your own dances. Dances that have extras and props. Cl_out invented a dance that uses pumpkins which can only be described as hilarious and Samuraid really knows his way around a lawnmower. What more can be said?

    About halfway through the night rubah and Hsu decided that this should be a costume party so they ran all over the house looking for costumes. I think it might have been because they saw BtV and Zexy. Hsu wound up wearing a pair of leather pants and a red wig while rubah painted a box so she could become a washing machine. She got paint all over herself so Koshi tried to help but in the end Koshi decided she was going to be a smurf and painted herself entirely blue. She then figured that since rubah was a washing machine she would try to wash all the paint off but that only ended in disaster. Then the three of them disappeared! I'm not sure what happened but I can only imagine they left the party and went out into puclic to find their own adventures. I've yet to hear from them today. Let me know if you see them.

    A big secret was also uncovered at this party. Leeza and Roogle are lovers! I don't know how they kept it secret for so long but it all came out at the party. When they thought noone was looking they would be kissing in the corner or hugging out of sight. At least, they thought they were out of sight. I have something to tell you two: putting a lampshade over your head doesn't hide you from anybody.

    Aside from peeing in plants, Flying Mullet's night also included using crayons to color on the photos hanging on the wall, trying to get my mom's phone number so he could hit on her, and trying to give me Baloki's phone number because he wanted me to hit on him :rolleyes2 Most of my pictures now have devil horns, moustaches, missing teeth, and then some. My personal favorite is the one where he made my older sister look like she was falling off a tricycle. None of the pictures of my mom have anything drawn on them. I think he's in love. He took all her pictues and put them in a pile on the living room floor and danced in circles around them while begging me for her number. I gave him my neighbors instead.

    Yams... how can I say this? Yams ran around in his underwear all night pretending to be a caveman. He wouldn't talk to anybody other than grunting, he would run up and hit you with a big stick he found, and he spent all night chasing ShlupQuack so he could eat her for dinner.

    Now, as for me, well... I don't really remember what I did last night. Won't somebody tell me? Please? What happened? What did I do? All I remember clearly is Leeza grounding me to my room and that instead I hid on the stairwell for a few minutes.

  2. #2
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I wish I were a staff member now

    But, what you don't know, is that I was there, secretly, in the bushes That's what Shlup saw, but then I zapped her so that she'd think SHE was a stegosaurus.

    While you were there, you kept prank calling a bunch of non-staffers, telling them their refrigerators were running and that they needed to go catch it. When a bunch of people suddenly ran out into the streets to look for their refrigerators and they saw rubah running around like a washing machine and Koskullskullskullskullar as a smurf, they all realized what was going on and went back inside their find their refrigerators really WERE missing.

    Mass chaos insued. Questions were asked and people wanted answers. They all turned to the one man they knew who could help solve the case: Breine.
    Last edited by ~*~Celes~*~; 06-23-2008 at 06:36 PM.

  3. #3
    <3 Recognized Member Jess's Avatar
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    Man, what a night! If you can't remember, it must have been good.

  4. #4
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    I did read up to the "Award me, Girl! Award me!" part though!

  5. #5
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    I think I saw rubah running down the street.

  6. #6
    Recognized Member smittenkitten's Avatar
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    Awesome undead I read the whole thing. Sounds like my kind of parties usually I would do a Yams but pretend I was a cat.

    I don't know what you did, I was too drunk~

  7. #7
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Thanks for the recap, tuh! I have a wicked headache today and I couldn't remember how I woke up next to your neighbor.

    p.s. I thought this was a Sandwich Man thread when I read the title.
    Figaro Castle

  8. #8
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hero
    "Award me, Girl! Award me!"
    Oh god don't tempt me. Really, really do not tempt me. I have a habit of going for the joke over the smart play.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    p.s. I thought this was a Sandwich Man thread when I read the title.
    Me too!

  9. #9
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    we went to get ice cream at mcdonalds ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^ they wouldn't let us into the dining area though. . .

  10. #10
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    This sounds much more fun than my little birthday get-together :kaocry:

  11. #11
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    But... wasn't that the Invisiblity Lampshade that was given to you by the elves of Middle Earth?! You lied!
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  12. #12
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    p.s. I thought this was a Sandwich Man thread when I read the title.
    Me too!
    and I thought it was a murder mystery! :mog:

  13. #13
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    Man, what am I going to do with all these refridgerators?

  14. #14
    (。◕‿‿◕。) Recognized Member Jojee's Avatar
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    I'll take a fridge :mog:


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    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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