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  1. #31


    FFVIII is my all time favorite game!
    it was my first FF and to this day the very best game i played, with FFXI as a very close second
    I'll be here... Why...? I'll be For what? I'll be waiting...for you come here...You'll find me. I promise.
    Final Fantasy XI: Spikie - WAR75|DNC60|NIN37||ZM14|CoP2.5|ToAU22|Rank 8|WoTG 2-3

  2. #32


    the game is one of my favorites...and im not entirely sure y. i like the atmosphere of the game alot...and ive always thought of squall as the most "badass" of all ff characters

    WOW!!!! 8)

  3. #33
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I enjoy playing FFVIII, yeah. I last played it 2-3 months ago. First time with the whole Boko thingy!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by bdon333 View Post
    i like the atmosphere of the game alot...
    I couldent agree more. Theres somthing about FFVIII's atmosphere that really "feels right" to me.

    FFVIII is IMO the most well thought out FF of all time, and the most well thought out game of all time again IMO. FF6 was also extremly well thought out and is my second favorite.

    It took a tremendous amount of thought to create a story as that of FFVIII. It really makes you think. FFVIII is my all time favorite period and is simply a work of art

  5. #35
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    I loved the game. I played it when it first came out, and I was one of the first people in my group to like Final Fantasy "." then when I borrowed the game from one of my friends they seen the opening scene and was completly amazed by it. The said the graphics were kick @$$ and they wanted to play it too. Thats when we went down the store and bought our own copy. there were about 4 or 5 of us. We spent a month playing it cause we couldn't play without everyone being there. in the end after we beat the game I leveled all of the characters up alone.
    "No cloud, no squall shall hinder us!" - FF9

    Games completed - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 10-2, 12, 13, 13-2, 13-3 Tactics, Tactics Advanced, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, KH, KH2, And played 11.

  6. #36


    Sora, thats a really cool story, I bet you have a lot of good memmories tied to it. I also played it when it first came out, hard to believe that was like what 8 years ago?

  7. #37


    Final Fantasy VIII is my favourite game in history. No game has ever made me feel the way Final Fantasy VIII made me feel. I love everything about it and hate nothing.
    The below sentence is true.
    The above sentence is false.

  8. #38
    Lightning Fast Speed! Hyperion4444's Avatar
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    I Love FFVIII.
    I know that Final Fantasy XIII will be great.

  9. #39
    FFIX Choco Boy's Avatar
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    I don't like the magic system, or the fact that monsters level with you, or the level 100 level cap(L5 Death rips me everytime...), and I don't like that magic only does like 1/10th of normal damage compared to other PSX FFs.

    Overall though, I liked the story, the characters were cool and diverse; I liked Zell best; it had nice plot twists, was fairly easy to understand after thinking for anywhere from a moment to a few hours, I liked all the side quests, Gilgamesh killing Master Tonberry for me was cool too(Got lucky as Hell, eh?), and I LOVED Triple Triad. I dropped 20 hours into it before I even left for the Fire Cavern. I also like the conspiracy theories people come up with. Oh, and by the way, R doesn't = U. U=R.

    If I was to score FF8 1 to 10, I'd give it a 7.

  10. #40


    Final Fantasy VIII was my first RPG, and was also my first Final Fantasy.

    To be frank, I love this game.

  11. #41
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanak4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by bdon333 View Post
    i like the atmosphere of the game alot...
    I couldent agree more. Theres somthing about FFVIII's atmosphere that really "feels right" to me.

    Agreed. :P

    Final Fantasy VIII is in my top three Final Fantasys.

  12. #42

  13. #43
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Best game evar.

  14. #44
    ♥ Italian Princess ♥ *~Angel Wing~*'s Avatar
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    I love Final Fantasy VIII. :hello:

    It was the first Final Fantasy I ever played and is my favorite video game ever. I love everything about it...the story, characters, soundtrack, gameplay etc. and I think it has a nice balance of action, comedy, drama and romance. I felt it was more touching and emotional than some of the other Final Fantasys. Thinking about it brings back so many good memories of when me and my younger sister played it for the first time, and that point in my life as well. No game has ever made me feel the same way as Final Fantasy VIII has. (Kingdom Hearts is a close 2nd though) I doubt I would be on this site today if I didn't play it but more importantly, I probably would have never met my boyfriend if it weren't for that game. There are so many reasons why I love Final Fantasy VIII, and it will always have a special place in my heart.
    Last edited by *~Angel Wing~*; 11-19-2008 at 11:18 PM.

    *~Love is the best feeling in the world~*

  15. #45
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Like many others here FFVIII introduced me to the universe that is the FF series. I love VIII for this. There are some deep flaws in the games system, drawing magic for example was capped at 9 spells but it'd give only 9 max even if you'd bothered to get magic stat to 255. Still per spell if you could guarantee 9 spells drawn thats only 11 rounds of the beasties beating on your ass, try drawing 100 ensuana or 100 double in the dollet mission, thats damn hard!

    The atmosphere of VIII is brilliant, theres something that even when the characters do something stupid you end up feeling for them, when Irvine cracks in Gabaldia what Squall said to him really makes you feel for the party because Squall doesn't expect to win against Edea face to face let alone against all the G-soldiers in the vicinity and Seifer but needs Irvine to signal the assault. He essentially asked Irvine to sign their death certificates as far as he could tell. In this little action Irvine goes from being a shallow "ladies" man character to a lot deeper he has troubles and issues too and has to face these every day. To compensate he tends to act like an ass. Zell also has his moments in the prison and esthar where he proves himself to be more than a blonde airheaded jock. The characters of VIII truly progress and divulge these weaker or stronger sides in the storyline the world adds to this and encourages the player to engage in the story fully.

    The forums contain lots of theories, some have merit...many do not. I've repeatedly clashed with writers of the theories in here, I mean not to be strange or a hater of the story but the story if you look in to it properly has lots of information and is far more explaining than it first seems, a big comment of note here is: Ultimecia most R=U theorists say theres no information about Ultimecia, if you pay attention to the game and speak to everyone more than once you eventually realize the game tells you all you need to know about her. You learn everything the people of your time know about Ultimecia, she is only known about because of her actions so Edea, Odine ect can only give limited perspectives, they can't say "Ultimecia is 30 standard years old, she was born in timber and is in fact SELPHIE!" what they know of her is what they learnt when she possessed Edea and in the time she has spent trying to get to Ellone. So they know Ultimecia is from the far future, her goal is time compression, they know and understand what time compression does and they know Ultimecia is willing to hurt anyone to do so. SeeD was not prophecised to destroy Ultimecia speciffically by Cid, they were in fact created to stop ANY sorceress of great power who got out of control...including Edea his wife. As far as Squall being the Legendary SeeD, by the time passes til Ultimecia's natural time Squall could have become legendary for many things not in the least destroying Ultimecia not that Ultimecia would be able to see her own future in the past. Squall led SeeD to over all victory against the G-Army, he stopped Edea, he got Esthar to re-open it's boundaries he done many things before we even hear the name Ultimecia. Ultimecia obviously knows of Squall because he was stopping her but changing the past doesn't mean you automatically know how it plays out because it's still your future.

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