What deep-seeded secrets does your username hold? Find out here. I'll share with you some of the startling secrets that I've personally uncovered about some of our prominent members here.

Let's start off with DK. His name is so boring and devoid of meaning that the generator can't do anything with it. Take a step back in the time machine, however, and use his old name. What happens? Only the generator can tell.


This next one came as no surprise.



(I'm intensely disappointed that this didn't come out as MIDGET or SHORT or something of that sort, but LOTION is suggestive too, right?)



It seems when I punched in FONZ, it not only gave me what his name might read sideways, but, to my surprise, also revealed the quality of his posts!


Have at it!

A few forewarnings:
  • It can be quite slow
  • Not all names produce something, and some of the ones that are created, suck
  • Lowercase and Uppercase will make a difference sometimes.