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Thread: Point of no return v. Kefka's Tower

  1. #1

    Default Point of no return v. Kefka's Tower

    At what point can you no longer exit Kefka's Tower and return to the map?

    I want to exit and level after I get as many items/espers as possible.

    My cousin, way back in the day, had everything such as Crusader etc.. and was on the world map but that was 10 years ago.

    I haven't gone into the tower yet other than doing a moogle-charm raid.

    Can I warp out at any point?

  2. #2


    You can go very deep in Kefkas tower, after you beat Warring triad don´t go push three buttons because after that there is no chance to back off since your last battle begins. If you play GBA version it doesn´t matter though because after beating Kefka and watching credits you can continue your adventure by levelling in Kefkas tower or going to new dungeon called Dragons den.

  3. #3
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