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Thread: REJOICE! For Xbox360 will see FFXIII!

  1. #61
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    Emm it definitely isnt a better console, but lets leave that for another time.

  2. #62


    I've gotten alot of laughs from this thread but it was mainly from the sony fan posts.

    We can each think our console is better than someone elses different console, its opinion after all.

  3. #63


    omg lets go to battle, we can beat eachother to death with our controllers!!11!!11!!!


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  4. #64


    I choose you, 360mon! Use superior software on ps3mon!


  5. #65
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Throw a pokeball o:

  6. #66
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boris no no View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    I still see this asa bad move. Most of these 360 owners probably wouldn't be interested in the game like so many others weren't 21 years ago.

    Sorry? but that is the stupidest response ever! The 360 is far more popular than the original XBOX. Look at some of the recent popular games namely LOST ODYSSEY (might I say created by the original SE folk) which is hugely popular in the UK charts and is a fantastic game!

    (sorry for the rant but this made me laugh so much I had to say something)

    That is not a stupid response if you look at the numbers mainly considering RPGs for the platform, one would know they are greatly overshadowed compared to all the others on that system. The UK is just one small part of the areas of marketing. The results of the same game in the 3 other areas is negative.

  7. #67


    Right, well luckily I don't care about crap like that.

  8. #68
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    FFXIII will do well on 360, anyone can see that.

    *Throws usb cables at everyone*
    Take that!!

  9. #69
    tech spirit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Croyles View Post
    This is horrible news. Its gonna drag the game down, just wait for it.
    First its gonna delay the game, and then SE are gonna have to make both games equal which will drag the PS3 version down. They are going to have to limit it to the size of a DVD9. Well it will probably be multi-disk but there are still certain limitations when thats the case. MGS4 was already a full Blu-Ray, and this makes you happy? Well obviously it does cause you dont have to shell out more money to buy a PS3, but it makes me angry, and not because I want bragging rights.
    This game has now gone down the drain.
    The 360 had plenty of good games without having to steal ours with their bloody money.
    Their whole conference was about stealing.
    Its all turned into damn money nothing about innovation.

    I dont give a crap about fanboyism I would happily buy a 360 if I had more money, doesnt mean that this doesnt annoy me.
    Haha, did it ever cross your mind that Square Enix just realizes that the PS3s install base is too small to make the game profitable, considering most RPG fans went with a 360 because, well, there's where the RPGs are.
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  10. #70
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    YES! Great move Squeenix, I'd been hoping and praying they'd do this so that I wouldn't "have to" buy a PS3.

    Poor Sony, NOT.... serves them right for their antics a few years ago with the PSP and such like. What goes around, comes around. Certainly the nail in the coffin for a lot of people who had one remaining reason to buy a PS3.

    Of course, it's still got MGS4 and GT..5?6? going for it. But 3 big titles become 2, that's not so good for its future.

  11. #71


    PS3 just got that one RPG.. I can't remember the name of it. First party developed

    Other than that aren't they all multi-platform?

    I don't honestly know how or why, but 360 has a ton, a lot of which either are, or were for 360 only. Which frankly boggles my mind, honestly. Its a western system and even the eastern companies are choosing it. Have -been- choosing it. All along

    Mist Walker fell in love with 360 for some reason. And though their games are all hit-or-miss. Their opinion on the matter was highly regarded

    Now there's games from Namco, Tri-Ace, Square

    I think there might be more going on than we see or realize that's opened up the eyes to all these developers

    Granted, I'm happy. But I'm just as confused as the Sony fans

  12. #72
    Is not wearing socks tidus_rox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raebus View Post
    I've gotten alot of laughs from this thread but it was mainly from the sony fan posts.

    We can each think our console is better than someone elses different console, its opinion after all.
    Meh, I am over it now.
    I am going to buy it for PS3... if other people can buy it for 360, good for them :)
    Wont bother me a bit... not oneeeeee bit... not at all....

  13. #73


    come on now, cant the PS3 get any love? i adore my system, and while whether or not it's better than the 360 is totally a matter of opinion, i would like to have some exclusive stuff here. FFXIII is the main reason i bought a PS3. BUT, hopefully Versus shall remain exclusive, like it said in the original trailer. well, hats off to 360 owners then. enjoy.
    yes, i'm a FFXIII fan.

  14. #74
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    The problem with exclusives is that they don't really help third party developers especially in today's age where good games require the budget of a Hollywood film to make. Its better for SE, Capcom, and other third party supporters to go multi-platform rather than put all their eggs in one basket and pray the console they chose will be a hit. The hype machine isn't what it used to be and its unrealistic a game can be a "system seller". Gamers are just too jaded by todays standards.

    SE chose a safe bet and in the end, I feel everyone will profit. Its not like they switched sides and made XIII a 360 exclusive. I think this whining is pointless and in the long run, I feel we all win here. This coming from a guy who has little interest in XIII and owns a Wii.

  15. #75
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    So what about all those 360 exclusives? No one ever complains about them, saying "its too expensive and doesnt bring enough profits".

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