
Greetings My Wonderously Wonderful Friends on EoFF! A Most Loved Man has an EXCITING-ZING-A-ZING topic of discussion for his friends on EoFF today!

Today, A Most Loved Man was being a very good Servant of All the Gods And Goddesses of Heavenly Heaven and he was reading about their adventures in the bible. A Most Loved Man LOVES the Bible! It is his favourite book of all time! It has LOTS AND LOTS OF DEATH murder, butchery, war, disease by locusts, and his favourite character of all time, Jesus!

A Most Loved Man is wondering therefore...

What religion are his friends on EoFF? How many of you are Christians, Catholics, Hindu's, Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims, Jewish, and, err... Scientologists!?

Tell A Most Loved Man these things and, together, let us spread the righteous words of the Heavenly Gods and Goddesses of Heavenly Heaven!
