Ok iv been thinking about posting this for quite some time and thought now was a good as time to do as any.

I think Final Fantasy VI is overrated.

Yep I said it I personally like the game alot but obviously im missing somthing here, Kefka for example... he doesnt seem very menaceing and I cant stand him... I have always thought evil was supposed to be tempting but I just cant seem to like Kefka at all.

I really dont see how this game can be so popular... dont get me wrong though I enjoyed playing it (completed it 3 times) but I honestly dont see why so many people make this game out to be gods gift to RPG players which no one has come out and said but meh its the feel I have about it.

I dont expect many people to agree with me but I thought I would just share my feelings with you.

Note: if I made any grammer or spelling errors please dont be compelled to point them out to me, surely you understand what I meant and feel its kinda lame and pedantic to do a "[word]? dont you mean [correct word]" Thankyou very much.