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I was trawling the tubes, and I saw someone say that Halle Barry had wide hips, and I got very angry. Her hips in the picture posted are basically as wide as they can be before she has a waist/hip ratio of 1, basically, a flat boy shape. I don't understand how anyone can think that is wide. At all. Except in bizarro world.

So I decided I'm making a wide hip appreciate day, because I'm tired of feeling bad that I'm the only girl my age around where I live who actually has hips that can be considered womanly, and I'm sure other people do too. People need to be educated about wide hips.

My hips are not fat, they're bone, part of my bone structure. If you pinched the skin around my hips, you couldn't "pinch an inch of fat!11". People need to understand that hips don't necessarily equal fat. At all.

Also, I hate when people are like "Oh... your hips are wide... but I guess that's good... you know... for when you have a kid.....*cricket*..." That's not cool to say to someone, and it's not a compliment, no matter how you put it.

People can be beautiful in all sorts of body shapes, but having no hips is appreciated every other day of the year, especially if you're of a race where your figure is supposed to be flat to be pretty, (I envy black and latina women because they get appreciated for hips) from the way clothes are made to what's considered beautiful in this day in age to how whenever you're told to dress by your shape, wide hipped women are only given tips to "hide" their shape, and it makes women with hips feel bad, so everyone woman who has wide hips is going to be appreciated today, dammit. >:o

We're going to list reasons why wide hips are nice and women who are pretty with wide hips, like Beyonce. Guys with girlfriends with wide hips can be all "unf unf unf I'm lucky" up ins, as well. No being mean, or incur the wrath of Rye.

Discuss how lovely wide hips can be.