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Thread: WEIRDOS - Do you attract them?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Kes View Post
    Hm. Does the guy who gave me his WoW name and server instead of a phone number or e-mail after hitting on me count? >.>


  2. #17


    We used to have a couple of those crazy bible pushers on street corners here that would run out into stop traffic whenever the light was read and start preaching at people in their cars about the apocalypse because of our dependance on technology or something. The one was rather loud and obnoxious

    I tend to get a lot of crack heads begging for change rather than homeless people. I dont like how they want a drink or something and you give 'em enough for that and they start rambling trying to con another dollar or two out of you. I'm all for helping people out in a pinch but don't waste my time and try to use me :[

  3. #18
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Ugh, that's so smurfing annoying. When you actually give them something and they ask for more. Once someone does that, I don't give them anything else ever.

  4. #19
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    Oh my, you people have such wonderful stories to tell. I just attract normal weirdos. I wish I had fun stories like you people. Well there was this one at the beach. I was just setting there napping and woke up to find some fat kid just standing there staring at me. I was all like Huh, what? and said something about snowcones and ran off.

  5. #20


    I used to work in a town about 30 minutes away, and I always was encountered by weird people. It seemed almost every other day when I'd go out to my car, someone would beg me for money. Often it was something as small as quarter for the bus. But other times it was outlandish things they wanted. Some stranger asked me to drive them to Kewpee and buy them lunch and then take them home. >.<

    I also went to Cedar Point and asked some guy if I could ride in the first seat on Top Thrill Dragster with him. He agreed, but the whole time we were together, he hit on me. I was flattered, really, but not interested. :X

  6. #21


    usually the people asking me for another dollar are trying to buy a guitar from me

    EDIT top thrill dragster is hella bitchin'


    -tie fighter

  7. #22
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Personally, I would just like to know where you meet normal people?

  8. #23
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~*~Celes~*~ View Post
    Also, in the Manchester airport with Alan, we were sitting at a cafe table and all of a sudden some guy walked by with curled sideburns...looking as if he'd actually taken a curling iron and curled his sideburns. I asked...someone about that and they said he's Jewish or something like that.
    Yeah that's a Jewish thing, it's not weird at all in hardkoar Jewish societies.

    Once a random guy did an evil voice at me as I walked past, but he was sitting next to his friend and they looked like they were waiting for something, so I reckon they were just bored.

  9. #24
    get mad Zeldy's Avatar
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    ohh my god, my town has like the weirdest people ever xD there's 'Johnny Welly man', who's actually a legend in our town and I always see him walking around, in wellies, muttering to himself. There's this guy that I always see in coffee shops muttering away to himself too, and then there's this woman who walks round with a suitcase and loads of teddies. We were in McDonalds and she was shouting at me to wear more badges and then she tried to curse these two lads. The women just kept TALKING TO ME my mates all got up to leave and were going "Amy, come on, AMY, come on, AMY" and I was like "okay okay I'll wear more badges, bye ;___;"

    I've had loads of weirdos stare, ask for money, ask me to.. do stuff to them () and have heard things get shouted/wolf-whistling.

  10. #25
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Well, Quin seems to like me.

  11. #26


    I pretty much ignore every weirdo that I encounter. Give a homeless person money, they will continue to pester you from then on. Talk to a random stranger and they will consider you their friend and will continue to pester you. IGNORE EVERYONE.

    There was one tramp who I regularly talked to though while I was going to secondary school called Pierre who, according to him was once a french millionaire who got conned out of his money from his wife. He was the man. He smoked on the train and didn't give a smurf about what anybody thought. Plus we wrote him a sign saying "Why lie. I need a beer" and he used it from then on. I must have given that man about £50 over the time I knew him. He was a great man.

  12. #27
    Recognized Member Croyles's Avatar
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    I was sitting on a park bench with a friend during a hot day when this guy suddenly sat down next to us and started blabbering.
    Didnt understand a word cause he was speaking in another language. But when he saw our confused faces he said
    So ok right, hopefully now he understood that we cant speak Romanian. But NOOOOOOOO he just carries on for 5 minutes and me and my friend just start laughing and he still doesnt stop, then we just walk away. He carries on until we are like 30 meters away then stops.
    Maybe he was trying to win over the bench?

  13. #28
    The Dork Next Door Montoya's Avatar
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    When I was in Downtown LA, a friend of mine was trying to give this homeless person that was picking up bottles the bottle of her own that she finished. When she tried he started screaming at her and told her that "She gave ankles a bad name." XD
    Anon say I. Photobucket

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by o_O View Post
    This other time I was walking down one of the busier streets in Auckland with a couple of friends quite late at night, when we walked past another homeless guy, almost not noticing that he was taking a crap in one of the planter boxes that line the street. That was one of the more disturbing things I've seen in my life.
    dude rofl you should have taken a picture

    usually i get weirdos hitting on me all the time. when i went to my first concert ever at a whopping 14 years old this guy in one of those big hats that were popular at six flags like in the early 90's and a big fat beard and actually he was all fat started hitting on me. he looked like a fat leprechaun and nasty crap was in his beard.

    oh also one time i was in canada at my ex friend's boyfriend's concert this total creep started talking to me that was like 38 and he was like 5'6" too and bald.

    i definitely attract the creepiest guys no matter what

  15. #30
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I only attract weird kids, not adults. There was this kid in my football team, Dion. He couldn't make training one day, so we took him home from school then to training. He went through our personal filing and did other random weird crap. But I swear he was gay, he kept touching my arm at school xD

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
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