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Thread: Eyes on Plays Final Fantasy IV!

  1. #76
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Default ITT I go back on my word and do post screenshots with vague attempts at humour

    I was getting pretty worried about Mt. Ordeals but then

    My mind was put entirely at ease.


    And so Kain offers to take care of him.


    And so Kain gets laughed out the room.

    Thankfully Scarmiglione can sort it out.

    Just proving that he isn't a complete tosser, Golbez is even kind enough to ask Rosa her opinion.

    "Yeah, I was thinking perhaps he could open with a dance number, couple of dancing girls in there with some fireworks and figureskating, I figure Cecil would really appreciate that."
    Not my words Carol, the words of Top Gear magazine.

  2. #77
    Holy Dragoon Kain <3 Recognized Member KoShiatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    I don't know how to post DS pics, but I'm at that magnetic cave. And darn it! I can't get through. I can't equip anything and I'm not strong enough to last without it.

    Plus, I don't think my level is very high. xD
    You could take pics with a camera or with a camera phone.

    Octomammoth beat the crap out of me. I need to gather my forces and retry.
    The game is hard, but well balanced meaning that the difficulty is compensated by a lot of fun in exploring the dungeons. Too bad that not being able to change names lowers the degree of customization you can give to games.

  3. #78
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    I don't know how to post DS pics...
    Like Koshi said, I use a digital camera to take my DS pics. Crop them in Paint or Photoshop.

    I'm just entering the Mist Cave. Again.
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

  4. #79
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Okay go. Crappy cell camera.

    Menus are nice!

    "Sure did, cutie. Now if you'll follow us into the forest here..."
    Turns out Rydia has a pet this time around:

    Hi, Maxx! Rydia tells me you're friends with fat chocobo!

    And here he is, in the middle of town. Naturally.

    Okay Maxx, Mr. Fat Chocobo is gonna help you to a new face more fitting a man of your calibre.

    That's more like it!

  5. #80
    Sane Scientist Bahamut2000X's Avatar
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    Rantz has the most awesome dude ever!

    Well then, last time on Lost FF IV. Our heroes were attacked by Leviathan after getting ready to mount an assault against Golbez. Leeza was left stranded.

    After some exploration, Leeza realizes she has appeared at Mysidia, that place full of mages she torched at the start of the game. Ya this'll go over real well.

    Do I detect a wang joke? Yeah I detect a wang joke.

    After downing a few beers with the Elder and talking about how Leeza torched his peoples, he pawns off some little kids on her and sends her up a mountain, saying Leeza can't be a bad ass Dark Knight anymore, she's gotta become a less cool Paladin.

    Hey what'dya know. 2 little kids named Heath and Rubah had a misspent childhood and like to blow skullskullskullskull up.

    Up on the mountain we ran into DD again.


    Oh Heath and his antics.

    Look at those levels baby! I'm so ready to own this Paladin trial!

    What?! No fair! Dark Knight is much more bad ass. It's like they wanted to mock me about how much less cool I'll be for the rest of the game.

    No worries, with all my leveling on Dark Knight I should be ready to kick loads of ass on Paladin.

    GRAAAAHHHHH!!! *aneurysm*

    Looks like it's time to go back to the level grinding.
    This space intentionally left blank.

  6. #81
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    It's so crazy that Cecil has 600 HP at level 1. xD



  7. #82
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    Urgh, got the DS version and I'm already getting destroyed by Octomammoth. :/

  8. #83
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    Octomammoth was so easy, I killed him with one character.

  9. #84
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Yang? More like Wang, m i rite?

    No, I like totally died and stuff. See? I'm a zombie.

    I haven't had a taste in weeks!

    God he's a pussy. He just falls down for no reason. Even on the boat, everyone else is hanging on and he just collapses and people rush over to make sure his frail little self is ok.

    I love this name. xD

    My ass is my best friend ever.

    I'm so mature:

    Now I'm off to be a Paladin!

  10. #85
    Holy Dragoon Kain <3 Recognized Member KoShiatar's Avatar
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    First off, just to show you the DS is mine and none else's.

  11. #86
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    That image looks totally hacked.
    Figaro Castle

  12. #87
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Those 'My Ass' screenshots slay me every time, roto :chef:

    So it's off to Screw you Emulator Cavern to find the crystal which is under the control of the Dark Elf. You can't use metallic weapons and armour here, but regular rules of physics don't apply to your backpack.

    Dark Elf greets 50Cent with a few unpronouncable sentences.

    On return to Troia with the crystal, I got mobbed by a bunch of weirdos who have a habit of shouting out things that are completely random and irrelevant. I don't even know what BANZAI is meant to mean.

    Upon delivering the crystal to Kain, we end up in some castle somewhere which has the double feat of not looking like every other dungeon, and being insanely difficult. Am I underleveled or something?

    Also, the Magus Sisters!

    After all that hassle trying to get Meteo so he can defeat Golbez, Dr. Dre dies in the attempt. The gang ponders this for a while, ignoring Kain suffering in the corner. And indeed, LilKim, who was the reason they came here.


    From there it's off to the underworld, which, living up to its name, contains the worst creatures in FF, the dwarves, and their mothersmurfing retarded greeting.

    ChuckD is so disgusted with this skullskullskullskull that he bugs out back to the overworld under the pretence of fixing his airship. Alone. This can only mean that we're getting someone else on our team pretty soon.

    After another meeting with Golbez, Jay-Z returns and the team enjoys a coffee and watches while Golbez's disembodied arm takes the crystal and dissappears right in front of them. They proceed to gasp in shock.

    Wandering around the castle, I come across the 'Developer's Room'. This can't be good.

    Then again...

    16BIT PORN!

    In other news, Jay-Z now has some pretty kickass summons to go with the unstoppable ChocKick.

    In order to stop Golbez from stealing the last crystal, the team decides to go to his crib while he's away and steal the ones he has already taken. Clever stuff.

    During the fight with one of his minions, the evil doctor Lugaborg who turns innocent people into monsters (typical german stereotyping), I totally forgot to take a screenshot until the very end.

    He refused to believe that we'd just killed him though.

    Moving on, we get to a room where 3 dudes are firing cannons at the dwarf tanks. Enviable position really


    In order to stop the cannons from exploding, Yang sacrifices himself by locking himself in the room while they explode...or something. Seriously, what? Nobody really thought this one through. I also forgot to take a picture of it, so this will have to do.

    After climbing all the way back down the tower, Golbez is back at his pad and he's pissed. So pissed that he decides to destroy the only entrance to his tower. Good thinking, homie!

    In a set piece rivaling something out of The Matrix, as the party falls to their death, ChuckD comes to the rescue and catches them in the airship. He then decides to kill himself for no reason by jumping off the ship and blowing himself up. Since when was FFIV set in Bridgend?

    From there it's off to Eblan Cave, for reasons unfathomable by logical processes. The game seriously gives you no reason to go there. This smurfing game!

    The 'proud' people of Elban also live in this cave.

    They're probably the only beings in FFIV who would be proud of the fact that they were homeless

    This woman in the infirmary provides us with some advice she should really be giving the dying men lying next to her.

    The bats in this cave are all the same size, no matter what their names say to the contrary.

    From what I gather from the cavesfolk here, their prince is off to go and deliver some physical justice to a blokey called Rubicant. This prince is obviously an asshole, judging by the fact that he leaves his bodyguards to die when they get injured.

    He's lying, obviously. The next room is full of even more dead bodyguards.

    Turns out that the prince is a playable character. I bet he kills himself.

    He's also a giant pussy at level 25, doing half the damage 50Cent and Nas do.

    We end up back at the Tower of Babil, and the monsters have been doing some grinding.

    At the top we run into Edge's parents, whom were presumed dead. Queue touching moment

    I actually laughed at that

    there was a picture here

  13. #88
    Holy Dragoon Kain <3 Recognized Member KoShiatar's Avatar
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    Here we go!!

    The starting FMV is considerably beautiful. Bravo SE!

    Introducing the (for now) dark hero.

    What we try to do every night, Pinky! Try and take over the world!

    The same old good story...

    The Mist dragon beats me up sorely.

    Cecil and Kain strike a pose.


    Child Rydia looks considerably cute. I like how she looks up to Cecil in that mischievous way and how she waves when you select an item fit for her.

    ...What made you think that? Perhaps my totally super dark armor???

  14. #89
    Holy Dragoon Kain <3 Recognized Member KoShiatar's Avatar
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    Now on what basis should I take advice from a crazy old guy who goes around pantless and wears pink flower pattern underwear?

    We're in trouble!

    (Sorry for double posting, but for some reason the forum prevents me from making a single post with so many links in it).

  15. #90
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoShiatar View Post

    What we try to do every night, Pinky! Try and take over the world!

    How do you take such consistently clear screenshots? Mine seem to be completely random. :(

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