I've been meaning to get back into the groove of things anime-wise. I've taken a break from the scene and outside of keeping in touch with a few of the more long winded and commercially successful series (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Death Note... etc.) out there I can safely say I am out of the loop.

Recently, a friend brought back my senses by lending me Galaxy Railways and as huge Leji Matsumoto fan, it brought back some interest into the anime scene.

But I find it boring to just ask for some suggestions and I've always been pretty good about choosing good series. Instead I want you to warn me about series that are just downright terrible. I don't generally run into bad anime too much but then again I'm pretty picky. About the only series I can say I never cared for were Blue Gender (bad Starship Troopers knock off), Onegai Teacher (The Standstills!!!), Fushugi Yugi (Miyaka...), and S-CRY-ed (just bad...)

So what series do you feel is best for an avid anime fan to avoid in the future?