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Thread: Mafia F11! Game Over - Del Murdered - Town Wins

  1. #301
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    I never said conclusive, which is why I didn't vote for you. I didn't warn you about my party because I was hoping to post this when I got back.

  2. #302
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I checked the thread earlier today but didn't have time to post. I started writing a post and then checked again so if there is a time discrepancy between then and now that is why.

    Of course I'm suspicious of Psychotic as always. But I have not gone after him yet for many reasons. First of all I do feel bad about what happened last time when I immediately targeted on day 1 because he is who he is. He was upset by it, and I don't know if it was his mafianess talking, but if it was it worked because I felt bad afterward. So unless I saw something strange out of him on day 1 (and him bickering with Lekana isn't all that strange to me), I was going to lay off of him for the time being.

    Now, I didn't call for his investigation like I did last time, but I think the 'investigate Psychotic immediately' mentality is still out there. There is only a 50% chance of having a cop, I know, but if there is one I'd say Psychotic is the most likely candidate to be investigated. Hell that's who I'd pick. No cop has spoken up yet so no guilty verdict was obtained (or there is no cop). That doesn't clear Psy by a long shot but that is enough to put him aside for those who I see multiple mafia red flags.

    Finally, the epic battle Psy and I had last time left me drained, and I'm really hoping he's town this time so I don't have to go through all that again. But I will if I have to! Psy is most dangerous when people are blindly following him. I don't think that's happening yet. AK (EDIT: and later DD) is voting with him right now but in his (EDIT: their) defense Lancey does look like a prime scumbag at the moment.

    One thing Psychotic is doing is making strategic posts to see how people react to them. Rather than trying to play people off of each other like you are doing. You have explained why you are doing that but a mafia can explain anything. It's up to us to buy into it. To me your behavior is more likely for a mafia who has his back cornered than a town who is trying to find mafia. It's hard to say that Psycho's suspicions of myself, you (Lev), and Lance reek of mafia. Who wouldn't be weary of us as good players? And Lance is acting like a stooge right now. Now that he is in the lead voteswise so (hopefully) we will see something more out of him.

    After I wrote most of the above Psychotic posted this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    Rest assured, townsfolk, my #1 suspect will have my vote before the day ends.
    How convienent for you. In a small game with votes spread out here comes Psychotic at the end of the day to swoop in and post his REAL thoughts. Then you can just vote for whoever isn't on your mafia team and make it through another day. At the time you posted that you were the 'deciding' vote (on AK, Lev, or Lance). Now that Lance has 3 I don't care as much but it is something worth noting.

    During the day (America day not mafia day) I only have time for one post so bear with me here. Towards Lekana: I'm not saying you have bad reasoning for going after AK, but there's always something you can find on AK. He's a very easy target (for either mafia or newbie players) because once pushed he just goes into crazy defense mode and makes even more mistakes. He does that whether he's town or mafia. Admitedly this makes him harder to peg but in this game he's actually one of my least suspected people. For people 'playing it safe' you seem to be one to do quite a bit of that. A mafia Lekana would indeed be smart enough to stay out of the Del-Lev-Psy love triangle and focus on an easy target like AK.

    @AK: Right now I don't really have anything on you besides your usual overly-defensiveness. One thing you did say is that you suspect me because of my posts against Psychotic. But until this one I haven't really said that much about Psychotic. Also if you are mafia then who is your partner? Probably either Lev, Psy, or Lekana. I doubt an AK-DD or AK-Lance combo would have gone after qwerty in night 1. Just doesn't fit for me.

    @Lance: No response to anything. No real insight on anything. Maybe this is a time zone thing or maybe the guy is shaking in his boots right now. Or maybe he is just bad at this. I'd change my vote but I don't want others to feel too comfortable. Plus I still think Levian is scum.

    @DD: Man with all this other stuff going on I kind of forgot about him. He's kind of like a little bug that just flies around and you swat at to shoo away but you're too lazy to really go after him. Lance is an easy vote at this point but that could just be because he is actually mafia.

    My final thoughts right now: I think Levian is the big fish and Lance is the little fish. That's why I keep my vote where it is. I'm perfectly fine with seeing Lance go today.

    Since I don't think there will be another extension I'll try to check in before day end to see what's going down.

    EDIT: Gods dammit, Lance just posted. I don't have time to edit my thoughts into the above post, but I'll try to have a response later.

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  3. #303
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    The little bug insult hurt Del, if you read my posts there are actually some valid opinions.

    @Sir L: But we were telling you off before you went, I though you'd be more careful in that regard.

  4. #304
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Dude View Post
    @Sir L: But we were telling you off before you went, I though you'd be more careful in that regard.
    Only Psychotic and Del were when I left, and Psys had being there a long time.

  5. #305
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Well, I'm the only one not voting, so
    ##Vote: Demon Dude
    I'm voting you because I doubt you're are going to get lynched, and so I don't have the vote against me for not voting. Yeah, I don't think your scum.

  6. #306
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder
    How convienent for you. In a small game with votes spread out here comes Psychotic at the end of the day to swoop in and post his REAL thoughts. Then you can just vote for whoever isn't on your mafia team and make it through another day. At the time you posted that you were the 'deciding' vote (on AK, Lev, or Lance).
    I have posted my REAL thoughts and have all along. It's just the vote that I have been holding back, and I feel justified in doing so to be honest with Levian's little song and dance but more on that in a minute. With regards to "AK, Lev, or Lance", I have never planned on voting for AK at all and he's never been at the top of my list of suspects. Lance or Lev? Well now...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lancealot
    I find it funny that you go after me for inactivity, yet DD has posted about has much as me. Could be wrong about this.
    I haven't gone after you for inactivity at all; you've posted plenty of times. The problem is, you hadn't posted content. As for Demon Dude, I told him to post more content too actually!

    However, your longish post has satisfied me for now. At the end of the day, if you don't put your thoughts out there and just ask simple questions and make low-content posts, it harms the town and it's gonna harm you.


    I don't know what the hell Levian has been up to. It's like he wants me to vote for him. If someone jumps up and down saying "vote for me! if you don't vote for me you're suspicious!" well, how do you react to someone doing that? iI a suspicious character tells you to do something, it's probably not a good idea to go right ahead and do it. The way I see it, there has to be more to it because Levian wouldn't act like that normally. He wouldn't give himself away this much, and he wouldn't repeatedly try to squeeze my vote out of me. Something has to be up and I don't know what it is. So I held off because I thought it could be some crazy mafia genius qwerty-esque trap designed to screw me over and I needed to think about what to do next.

    And I have thought about it. It's time to spring the trap. Let's see what you've got for me.

    ##vote: Levian

  7. #307
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    @ Lance

    Wait a second. You're voting him even though you know he's not scum and you're sure he wont get lynched?

    So because you can't take the time to look at the thread to vote so to rather not get a vote against yourself you just put a random vote out. This is only day 2 but we've discussed a lot today. Not like anyone doesn't stand out at all. You just vote.

    That's just... Seems very very odd

  8. #308
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Oh my tied again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post
    Official Votecount
    Sir Lancealot (2) - Demon Dude, Aerith's Knight
    Levian (2) - Del Murder, Psychotic
    Aerith's Knight (1) - Lekana
    Psychotic (1) - Levian
    Demon Dude (1) - Sir Lancealot

  9. #309
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    I agree with Lekana, that post does not help your cause. (Which is not over yet)!

  10. #310
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    How much time do we have left?

  11. #311
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I haven't gone after you for inactivity at all; you've posted plenty of times. The problem is, you hadn't posted content.
    Same thing to me.
    As for Demon Dude, I told him to post more content too actually!
    I must have missed that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lekana View Post
    @ Lance

    Wait a second. You're voting him even though you know he's not scum and you're sure he wont get lynched?

    So because you can't take the time to look at the thread to vote so to rather not get a vote against yourself you just put a random vote out. This is only day 2 but we've discussed a lot today. Not like anyone doesn't stand out at all. You just vote.

    That's just... Seems very very odd
    I'm doing it so I don't have the 'not voting vote' against me.

  12. #312
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    But if you read the thread and pick up some little snippets of info, you can come to a conclusion, I'm sure.

  13. #313
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Which I'm planning to do.

  14. #314
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    So I held off because I thought it could be some crazy mafia genius qwerty-esque trap designed to screw me over and I needed to think about what to do next.

    And I have thought about it. It's time to spring the trap. Let's see what you've got for me.

    ##vote: Levian
    What's happening? A dyslexic unicorn will organize your refrigerator magnets in what he thinks is alphabetical order.

    You voted for me too late, I'm already way suspicious of you. Which may not hurt so much today, but maybe in the morning.

  15. #315
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lekana View Post
    How much time do we have left?
    3 hours and 50 minutes.

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