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Thread: Mafia F11! Game Over - Del Murdered - Town Wins

  1. #211
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyxsora View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    oh god no please don't kill me
    Give me a reason not to.
    I don't like this logic. There's 2 mafia and 7 town, so the town have a big majority. Thus you should look at it as give me a reason to kill you rather than give me a reason not to kill you.
    I see that as a reason to kill someone. A townie should not fear death with such a majority.

  2. #212
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Everybody should fear death; but some moreso than others.

  3. #213
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Everybody should fear death; but some moreso than others.
    i guess I'm playing this wrong then, because I don't fear death.

  4. #214
    Free-range Human Recognized Member Lawr's Avatar
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    See you later guys.

  5. #215
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Sagensyg was headed to the town. Late, as usual. He was welcomed with a chorus of screams. "BLAAHAHAHAHAHAH! GRAAAAAAAAG" "RANDOM YELLING!" Sagensyg's head hurt, "smurf, I'm not voting for anyone with all this stupidity going on."

    "Not voting! You can't do that!" A voice exclaimed. It was the Giddy God Goldenboko, who swept down from the heavens and carried Sagensyg away to be eaten by his babies at the nest.

    Sagensyg was a Vanilla Townie, played by Sagensyg!

    Night One now begins. Someone close this here thread, and rename it F11: Night One, Inactives go to Hell


  6. #216
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    qwerty was tired. He dragged himself home slightly behind the others. That's when he started hearing noises. Bangs. Plops, moans. He got scared and didn't know what to do. He hurried and ran home, and locked all the doors. He was safe.

    Later on a meteor hit his house.

    qwerty was a Vanilla Townie Played by qwerty. Thanks for playing! 24 hours go!

  7. #217
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Lancealot did latch onto qwerty at the end of the day yesterday by voting for Levian without a reason. Kind of interesting I guess.

    Also, qwerty said he was worried about Del because he didn't know his mafia playing style. Silenced before his suspicions could fully develop maybe? Who knows.

    Lekana still worrying.

    Tired now; will look for better stuff in the morn'. These are my initial thoughts though.

  8. #218
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    qwerty posted things about quite a few players in the first day. Psychotic mentioned some but he failed to mention his boy Levian, who qwerty actually voted for. However, that could be too obvious a connection and is exactly what the mafia wants us to think. Unless that's what Lev planned all along!

    Maybe Psycho left out Levian because they are the mafia team...again. That would be such bs if we got that setup again.

    That last line was mostly kidding. We shouldn't be looking for 'teams' at this point, and focus on finding one mafia. It's highly improbable that the mafia is acting as a team or voting as a team. Not on day 1. That's mafia suicide and I think we all know it.

    I had some suspicions of Levian before the day ended, but I got called away and never got back around to this. At this point I think I'll keep them to myself since they are not very strong suspicions and we have a whole day ahead of us.

    Sort of OOC: Obviously in retrospect voting for Sage didn't work out but I'm not sorry he died. He died because his lack of voting cost him. In mafia you have to vote. Yeah, it's hard on day 1 but that's just how the game is. Not voting is not playing. Having irl stuff to do is understandable but he did come back and had a chance to save himself but didn't. I don't care if he didn't suspect Levian, it's a 1/8 chance of killing a mafia instead of a 0% chance. Anyway that's my vent.

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  9. #219
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Lancealot did latch onto qwerty at the end of the day yesterday by voting for Levian without a reason. Kind of interesting I guess.
    I voted for Levian as I had no reason to cast a vote that could have caused a lynch. Don't forget that my vote could have gone to qwerty for that same lack of reason.

  10. #220
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Could you elaborate on that? What do you mean 'caused a lynch'? At no point were we near the majority to lynch. (5 votes)

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  11. #221
    Some Mitten Lover Sir Lancealot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Could you elaborate on that? What do you mean 'caused a lynch'? At no point were we near the majority to lynch. (5 votes)
    This is what mean(Names in italics are votes caused ones who didn't vote by end of the day).

    Quote Originally Posted by qwertyxsora View Post
    Sagensyg (2) - Del Murder
    Demon Dude (2) - Aerith's Knight
    Lekana (2) - Psychotic, Lekana
    Levian (1) - qwertyxsora
    qwertyxsora (1) - Levian
    Sir Lancealot(1) - Nobody

    Not Voting

    Sagensyg, Demon Dude, Sir Lancealot. Lekana

    I added 1 to everyone who is not voting.
    Lev and qwerty only had 1 vote against them, where as Sage, Lekana and DD had 2. Had I voted for one of them, that person would have had 3 against them at the time. As I had voted with 30 minutes to go, I was unsure if someone would vote after me, so my vote would have caused the lynch of someone I wasn't suspicious of.

  12. #222
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Phew, now I don't have to spend all day trying to lynch a citizen.

    Two townies is a bit unsettling, cause I really hope we have a cop. I mean how else are we going to figure Psychotic out? or even Del or Lekana. One of them should be mafia seeing as none of them died today. I thought something was up with Lekana, but her reaction when there was 10 minutes left and she was in the lead turned me off that. But sure, there wasn't actually 10 minutes left, just qwerty's silly macgyver trap. So it could very well be her.

    About the death, it's easy to see who was the craziest floopy floop and therefore easier to frame, that would be me. I'm not going to waste time defending that because it's a situation that could be discussed in circles, like this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Del
    However, that could be too obvious a connection and is exactly what the mafia wants us to think. Unless that's what Lev planned all along!
    A Psychotic/Lekana team up would be killer. :mog: Him die hard holding a vote for her on Day 1 and hoping no one else would. It was a bit strange that he kept his vote on her all day long, I though Psychotic usually liked to toy around putting pressure on people trying to get other people to vote for his candidate. This time it's just Lekana acting strange, which she didn't really do for all I saw. How probable it is, I don't know, but it's a fun thought.

    Del Murderer can also very well be a mafia. For the same reason as yesterday.

  13. #223
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Hmmm, a few things spring out at me, but otherwise a normal day 1.

    Lekana of course jumps out by her vote for Sagensyg, but it seems to be nothing. She was in a 3-way tie, she had to vote, and this gave the lead to someone else. I would feel suspisious about this, but it wouldn't have happened had Sagensyg voted. I wouldve gone for someone else though. However, Levian wasn't much of a choice either.

    Psychotic and Old Manus have been messing around, and I sort of expected it from a day 1 Manus, but Psychotic usually does better. Psychotic actually only sucks as a mafia, which makes me keep my eye on him. I mean, last mafia I didn't even notice him until he pulled out his master plan.

    Del Murder could be both, mafia or town, so I won't say anything about him yet.

    Demon Dude didn't vote, which makes me more annoyed than suspisious, but I am willing to let that go.

  14. #224
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancealot
    I voted for Levian as I had no reason to cast a vote that could have caused a lynch. Don't forget that my vote could have gone to qwerty for that same lack of reason.
    Yeah, it could have gone to qwerty. That's just it, though, isn't it? It didn't. If you're going to latch on to a townie, you may as well say you might vote for them too to make it look like you're less obviously following them.

    Del Murder is playing it a bit too safe for my liking. Demon Dude and Sagensyg were the safest votes he could have made and he made them. And today he's posted a "whoops guys sorry...but not really, he deserved it!" as an ooc before anybody's even called him out on lynching a townie - a bit eager to defend himself.

    Lekana's vote for Sagensyg had pretty much no reasoning to it (I know you wrote some post telling him not to follow me or something, but that didn't have much reasoning to it tbh) so I dunno what the hell that was all about. Not saying that's suspicious, mind you, just, y'know, what?

    Levian was something I wanted to come back to once I'd had sleep. I think he was way too casual yesterday! Yeah I was pretty casual but he was casual TO THE MAX. Mafia objective for day one is to keep your head down and not say anything incriminating. Being a casual mothersmurfah and playing off things as jokes (eg falling for qwerty's trap) is a fantastic way to go about that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Levian
    I mean how else are we going to figure Psychotic out? or even Del or Lekana. One of them should be mafia seeing as none of them died today.
    Ah, where to begin. Maybe the mafia want you to think that. Maybe you are the mafia and want us to think that. qwerty and yourself are both priority targets too, don't forget. And don't forget the possibility of a doctor. No no no, basically!
    Quote Originally Posted by Levian
    I'm not going to waste time defending that because it's a situation that could be discussed in circles, like this:
    How convienient for you, eh?

  15. #225
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    Great. >.>

    I did say "I don't think Sagensyg is guilty", then I unvoted him but I guess that was pointless.

    I haven't really got any reason to draw conclusion on anybody yet, I'm still hanging on to my AK/Del vibe though, although the only reason is because I still haven't got any really bad scum vibes.

    I'm likely to change my vote, but I'm only doing this because if you have an idea, you gotta stick with it until someone proves you wrong.

    ##Vote: Del Murder

    (I'll be more then happy to retract my vote, but it is the only thing I have right now)

    EDIT: If there is a cop who got a scum result, it'd be cool if he reveals himself, it's better to have a confirmed mafia down, then a cop who knows the mafia, but dies before he gets a chance to tell everyone.

    But if a cop got an innocent, don't say, it'd be a waste of a vital role.

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