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Thread: OH SHI-?! This Are Election Thread!

  1. #46
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Posting in Election thread

    there was a picture here

  2. #47
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I must admit, I too dislike the idea of disallowing people from making new parties. This is oppression!

    I have been very much looking forward to the elections on the grounds that I wished to make a political stance about my viewpoints on EoFF rather than being forced to side with someone who shares more of my viewpoints than the other, regardless of whether they are 5% or 75% in line with my ideals.

    I refuse to recognise any government elected through this process.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I must admit, I too dislike the idea of disallowing people from making new parties. This is oppression!

    I have been very much looking forward to the elections on the grounds that I wished to make a political stance about my viewpoints on EoFF rather than being forced to side with someone who shares more of my viewpoints than the other, regardless of whether they are 5% or 75% in line with my ideals.

    I refuse to recognise any government elected through this process.
    Then show your resentment for the system and Vote for The Third Party!

    With your help we can disassemble the Machine!

  4. #49
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I may need to look into this third party but if it does not suit my ideals closely enough then I may opt to not vote for a third party, either.

    Alas, I get the feeling this may be difficult for Americans to understand.

    EDIT: Also, it should be noted that I disagree with the process as much as the parties, so joining a party involved in the process would probably only promote the process, whereas I'm looking more for a revolution against the process itself.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I may need to look into this third party but if it does not suit my ideals closely enough then I may opt to not vote for a third party, either.

    Alas, I get the feeling this may be difficult for Americans to understand.

    EDIT: Also, it should be noted that I disagree with the process as much as the parties, so joining a party involved in the process would probably only promote the process, whereas I'm looking more for a revolution against the process itself.
    Didn't you ban the last guy who tried that?

    Aren't we being a tad bit hypocritical here?

  6. #51
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    You could always make up a pie chart telling hoow much each party has sway over your vote BoB.

  7. #52
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    Didn't you ban the last guy who tried that?

    Aren't we being a tad bit hypocritical here?

    I don't recall banning anyone who did such a thing. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else on the staff. Alternatively, perhaps he broke the rules instead of simply saying he wanted a revolution!

    Also, anyone who accuses someone of being a hypocrite is being a hypocrite for calling them a hypocrite when they are a hypocrite (because they called them a hypocrite when they are a hypocrite because they called them a hypocrite when they-- oh, you get the idea). 8-)

    I will consider the pie chart process. Any process involving a pie chart is at least worthy of some consideration.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    Didn't you ban the last guy who tried that?

    Aren't we being a tad bit hypocritical here?

    I don't recall banning anyone who did such a thing. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else on the staff. Alternatively, perhaps he broke the rules instead of simply saying he wanted a revolution!

    Also, anyone who accuses someone of being a hypocrite is being a hypocrite for calling them a hypocrite when they are a hypocrite (because they called them a hypocrite when they are a hypocrite because they called them a hypocrite when they-- oh, you get the idea). 8-)

    I will consider the pie chart process. Any process involving a pie chart is at least worthy of some consideration.
    For being part of the staff that banned him, you are equally responsible.

    And of course he broke rules. He started a rebellion. Aren't rebels, by default, those who go against the establishment snd the rules they have set up? To desire a revolution would be to desire a person who will break these rules.

    You can't have a rebel who follows all the laws and codes my friend.

  9. #54
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Are you saying that what the terrorists did on 9/11 is the equivalent of what colonists did in the Boston Tea Party?

    I have not yet gone against any rules, I have merely challenged a decision made by a self-elected official.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Are you saying that what the terrorists did on 9/11 is the equivalent of what colonists did in the Boston Tea Party?

    I have not yet gone against any rules, I have merely challenged a decision made by a self-elected official.
    Well, if you are insistent on drawing the comparison, both were acts of aggression against people they though were in the wrong, so in that sense they are similar.

    However Terrorists aren't rebelling against a power thats oppressing them, they attacked said power.

    And I never said you went against rules. I simply point out you wanted a rebellion, yet were for banning a guy who broke the rules in the name of a REbellion. Yet by default, a rebel breaks rules, otherwise he isn't much of a rebel.

    And remember BoB, if I get elected, it won't be by the system that was here when I started. They only allowed two parties, but me, being the REbel I am, created a third without consent of anyone. I am directly challanging the powers at be regardless of their dirty machine like rules.

    We could really use your support BoB. With you backing the Third Party, we can dismantle the Machine!

  11. #56
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I'm sure a lot of people could use my support but I won't throw it out just because they want it. They will have to closely match my ideals without going against any of my priorities.

    I never once have mentioned the word 'rebel' or 'rebellion'. Just 'revolution'.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #57


    Semantics my friend. Either way I'm the only one willing to change a system.

    Sure, you might not like m Ideas, but it will change the system from one we know fails, to one that has a chance of not failing as hard.

    Odds say a vote for me is more likely to be benificial then a vote for the machine.

  13. #58
    No votes for you! Recognized Member Election Booth's Avatar
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    This entire last half of this page has just put me in a state of "wow".

  14. #59
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    This entire last half of this page has just put me in a state of "wow".

  15. #60
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    I, for one, am disappointed that we have not seen any "Member Name '08" signatures yet.
    Be disappointed no more!

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