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Thread: EoFF Invitation - tGA!

  1. #76
    Grimoire of the Sages ShunNakamura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    What you said is pretty consistent with how we've handled technology in the past. Except for that brief period of Gundams and lasers (I wish I was kidding).
    Do I really want to know... or is it not sanity safe(I need to preserve what little of it I have left!)?

    I would have liked to play a Norris in that case!

    tGA is set in a Medieval fantasy world. I've always envisioned it as being around 1300-1500 if we compare the technology level of our world.
    Hmm... I don't think anything in her ability set would break late 1400's. And most won't break the 1300's I don't think.

    Truthfully it was that fireworks, particularly the propelled kind and grenade-pots that I was really iffy on. Despite their early date a lot of people don't seem to like them in fantasy works. I just added the others to get more detailed input.

    the mages of Alent have recently discovered technology from an ancient, extinct race and are trying to unravel the mysteries of that technology in order to build airships (think steam punk sort of stuff). So far they've failed, but depending on where the story goes, things might change (and new threats might emerge).
    That might actually give the rocket propelled fireworks some kind of use/give her a reason to make them(currently she doesn't bother, what is the point?)!

    I don't think we've ever had gnomes in the story. Our dwarves are basically the inventor types, so I think it would be easy to just switch the gnomes with dwarves as far as that backstory goes.
    I thought about that as well. But didn't want to include it as a default, just incase your dwarfs are not the type to invent that way. In a lot of fantasy settings both dwarfs and gnomes are inventor types. It is the way they invent that usually differs(from what I have read). Dwarfs seem to invent out of need in an area that other races would just work around(ie. they want a siege ram protected from arrows. Many races would just put a canopy type roof over it(like humans did in our history). Dwarves though would make a friggin tank(most likely steam powered) or something similar).

    Basically it seems when inventing the Dwarfs always ask 'why'. Why do we need to make this? If there is no need than it is a waste of resources. Gnomes though tend to be a bit... eccentric. They invent just to prove they can. For example between gnomes and dwarfs I would say gnomes are more likely to make flying contraptions(though any race would do so if they 'needed' a flying machine for something. Though I don't doubt the gnome one, in comparison, would be filled with a bunch of useless features just cause they could fill it with said features).

    The example with Greek Fire. Why would society full of mages need a flame throwing type weapon? Mages can do the same thing far safer and far more efficiently(though I don't think mage fire is usually exempted from being put out by water so that is a advantage, but it is a dangerous one). As such, such an invention would likely be made, and then promptly tossed to the side as an interesting curiosity or taboo due to the amount of danger it poised to the people playing/inventing/refining it.

    However, nothing says Dwarfs have to fit that. Just that is the reason 'Gnome' sprung to my mind first and whilst I would be careful of calling it a dwarf in an established when I don't know much about those dwarfs.

    so feel free to go with your idea.
    Yay, now if only I can finish her ability sheet and then write her profile. I just had to go and get fancy :/.

    STILL Updating the anime list. . . I didn't think I was that much of an anime freak! I don't even want to consider updating the manga list!

  2. #77
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    What you said is pretty consistent with how we've handled technology in the past.
    That's good to hear. So, will we be seeing your fundie character in the RP anytime soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by ShunNakamura View Post
    Basically it seems when inventing the Dwarfs always ask 'why'. Why do we need to make this? If there is no need than it is a waste of resources. Gnomes though tend to be a bit... eccentric. They invent just to prove they can.
    If this really troubles you, we can easily solve this. Although most dwarves would certainly be "pragmatic thinkers" as you mentioned, it's possible that there are some dwarves who are eccentric. So, maybe your character happened to meet an outcast faction of eccentric dwarves and learned stuff from them? It would also neatly explain why other dwarves would shun your character for using such "pointless" techniques and such (because the dwarves wouldn't consider their eccentric brethren kindly).

    The example with Greek Fire. Why would society full of mages need a flame throwing type weapon? Mages can do the same thing far safer and far more efficiently(though I don't think mage fire is usually exempted from being put out by water so that is a advantage, but it is a dangerous one). As such, such an invention would likely be made, and then promptly tossed to the side as an interesting curiosity or taboo due to the amount of danger it poised to the people playing/inventing/refining it.
    Yeah, you have a point, but I think that there can certainly be areas where there are few if any mages (maybe they just don't have the "gift" or maybe superstition prevents anyone with such talents to live long enough without being lynched), so in such areas people might actually find Greek fire and other effective weapons useful (at least until they found mages to do the job). For example, the pseudo-Arabic warrior tribes who live in and around the desert city of Vanna (in Southern Libaterra) have traditionally had few mages at their disposal, so they might've tried to develop weapons like that which could be used for counterattack if an army of mages tried to invade their homeland etc.
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  3. #78
    Grimoire of the Sages ShunNakamura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kossage View Post
    If this really troubles you, we can easily solve this.
    Not so much 'troublesome', I just don't want to be 'rude' and 'forcefully' redefine, say how 'dwarfs' think . Better to err on the side of caution and take things slow. And besides being just a small fyi back story bit, it wasn't overly important(As long as the ability is balanced who cares who she learned it from? From my point of view the flying spaghetti monster is just as acceptible as gnomes... it doesn't matter as long as she had a teacher(even human or elven would be fine)).

    For example, the pseudo-Arabic warrior tribes who live in and around the desert city of Vanna (in Southern Libaterra) have traditionally had few mages at their disposal, so they might've tried to develop weapons like that which could be used for counterattack if an army of mages tried to invade their homeland etc.
    Oh... wow... that is kinda uncanny. My character's last name has arabic roots. And her names for the tech she uses are derived from the Persian-English Dictionary I got my hands on.

    However, I think you may need to look at how useful these weapons would be against a mage. All it takes is a single misplaced spark and any garrison with this stuff in it is gone in a blaze of not so great glory. Or a single apprentice mage who can conjure fire at a distance. Once the mages noticed that flaw, it would be game over. My character is quite terrified of mages for that very reason(even to the point that she is studying 'anti-magic' i.e. ways to suppress/disable magic. Her brother is her guinea pig). Of course... perhaps mages in tGA can't conjure a flame inside a sealed container? That would make this tech a bit safer... at least against enemy mages. Sometimes fantasy mages can sometimes they can't.

    And just to continue creating conversation. Is this medieval society like ours in which it views left-handed people as a sign of 'the devil'/something to be feared? Not overly important but if that is the case people fighting left handed would be rare. Which would give left-handed fighters a nature advantage(trust me, defending and attacking against a left handed fighter/wrestler is just different and can really throw a person for a loop if they aren't experienced).

    STILL Updating the anime list. . . I didn't think I was that much of an anime freak! I don't even want to consider updating the manga list!

  4. #79
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShunNakamura View Post
    Not so much 'troublesome', I just don't want to be 'rude' and 'forcefully' redefine, say how 'dwarfs' think
    Well, it never hurts to ask and be curious, so don't worry. As far as tGA goes, though, players are free to introduce stuff as long as it doesn't go into god-moding. After all, Councillors (admins) shouldn't be the only ones to dictate the direction of the story: we actually prefer if players don't rely on Council to direct the story all the time. So, if someone wants to create a new faction or new villains etc., they're free to do so.

    We've never really used dwarves as main characters (there have been very few dwarven player characters in the story; the most common class has been male human fighter xD), so I think it's alright if you want to flesh them out.

    Of course... perhaps mages in tGA can't conjure a flame inside a sealed container?
    I don't think we've ever defined whether mages can do that particular thing or not, but I suppose it might vary between what level the mage is. So, a rookie mage probably couldn't, but an archmage could do that easily. But I'll leave it up to players to decide: I think we've only established mages as people who can't god-mode their powers and that they need to rest after casting a few spells (and thus they'd have to plan a strategy when and where to cast spells and how powerful spells they can use).

    Is this medieval society like ours in which it views left-handed people as a sign of 'the devil'/something to be feared? Not overly important but if that is the case people fighting left handed would be rare. Which would give left-handed fighters a nature advantage(trust me, defending and attacking against a left handed fighter/wrestler is just different and can really throw a person for a loop if they aren't experienced).
    If you want my opinion, I think it'd be something like that: the less educated commoners would be in awe of such people or fear them, just like they would be if they met someone with powerful magic, whereas more educated people like nobles and mages wouldn't care (unless their religion or beliefs or whatever said that left-handed people are evil etc). Most characters have been right-handed but there have occasionally been left-handed people and even warriors who could use either hand in battle.

    However, I don't think we've ever defined that, so feel free to go with that wherever you want. That's what tGA is about: collaborative writing.
    How I met your mother, Donald Duck's parents style! Love at first temper tantrum!

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  5. #80
    Grimoire of the Sages ShunNakamura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kossage View Post
    Well, it never hurts to ask and be curious, so don't worry. As far as tGA goes, though, players are free to introduce stuff as long as it doesn't go into god-moding. After all, Councillors (admins) shouldn't be the only ones to dictate the direction of the story: we actually prefer if players don't rely on Council to direct the story all the time. So, if someone wants to create a new faction or new villains etc., they're free to do so.
    Yup, my questions are sort of of the community, but I figure since you are conveniently answer whatever I ask that I will just throw them at you. I figure you have a fair idea of how the community has used such. I don't want divert too strongly too fast... Even if I later decide to make a sharp turn at least there will have been build up to it rather than just *plop* and leaving everyone wondering just WHERE that came from.

    We've never really used dwarves as main characters (there have been very few dwarven player characters in the story; the most common class has been male human fighter xD), so I think it's alright if you want to flesh them out.
    Hmm.. even if I do mention her teacher it won't go as much fleshing out unless things contrive against her(ie. she is forced to teach one of the taboos to an outsider). At which point he would be a direct antagonist against my characters... what with him trying to assassinate her and all. And I really don't know how she would survive that. A miracle perhaps? Note: he got away with teaching her(an outsider) because he KILLED his teacher(the teacher is the one who kills the student if they breach the conduct).

    I don't think we've ever defined whether mages can do that particular thing or not, but I suppose it might vary between what level the mage is. So, a rookie mage probably couldn't, but an archmage could do that easily.
    Hmm.. so she still has reason to be studying anti-magic. Good. I have always wanted to flesh that out.

    If you want my opinion, I think it'd be something like that: the less educated commoners would be in awe of such people or fear them, just like they would be if they met someone with powerful magic, whereas more educated people like nobles and mages wouldn't care (unless their religion or beliefs or whatever said that left-handed people are evil etc).
    Yup, that is about the way I was thinking(though it is more than just his left-handedness that does this. It is the whole package of said individual... that and the grunting, growling and roaring probably doesn't help).

    However, I don't think we've ever defined that, so feel free to go with that wherever you want. That's what tGA is about: collaborative writing.
    Master of questions, be I!

    Though it appears that at this time I have run out of them. Darn... I like asking questions. I know! Why am I asking so many questions? To bump the thread while not spamming! Ok that isn't the 'real' reason. Though it does have that nice benefit.

    P.s. Got tired of typing the color code in... or rather I got tired from shoveling snow and am now being lazy.

    STILL Updating the anime list. . . I didn't think I was that much of an anime freak! I don't even want to consider updating the manga list!

  6. #81
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShunNakamura View Post
    Yup, my questions are sort of of the community, but I figure since you are conveniently answer whatever I ask that I will just throw them at you. I figure you have a fair idea of how the community has used such. I don't want divert too strongly too fast... Even if I later decide to make a sharp turn at least there will have been build up to it rather than just *plop* and leaving everyone wondering just WHERE that came from.
    Well, this thread is aimed for questions about tGA RP among other things, so definitely feel free to ask questions whenever you think of something. Maybe these answers will be of use to other people as well who might have similar questions in mind. Usually my answer will be "Sure, go ahead with that idea" (as you've probably noticed by now xD), because we don't really want to have too strict rules on characters and storyline (after all, it won't be as much fun if only one or two people dictate the story; it's much more awesome and more surprising when everyone contributes to it).

    The background of the story of tGA is there for those who are interested in that stuff, but it isn't necessary to know much about the world of the RP before entering. Even if someone wrote something that seems to be in conflict with what has happened earlier, it's usually relatively easy for other players to retcon that into the story somehow, so it's not necessary to remember every detail or even bother learning all the history and whatnot. That sort of retconning is basically what we've been doing these past few years.

    Yup, that is about the way I was thinking(though it is more than just his left-handedness that does this. It is the whole package of said individual... that and the grunting, growling and roaring probably doesn't help).
    Yeah, the more quirks the characters have, the more likely it will be that villagers and townspeople etc. will be afraid of them or get curious of what all that quirkiness is about.
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  7. #82
    Warm and Floppy Nic's Avatar
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    After all, Councillors (admins) shouldn't be the only ones to dictate the direction of the story: we actually prefer if players don't rely on Council to direct the story all the time.
    I think that's why this arc of the story has been going so well (in my opinion, anyway). We've had a lot of people contributing their own ideas, and building on others...I'm pretty pleased with how much the Blood Fever stuff has been fleshed out between all of our posts.

    As far as the anti-magic thing goes, I think it'd fit in great, especially in Libaterra. Alent wasn't always a magicracy (and it wasn't always Alent, for that matter xD) and I would imagine that there are people that ain't happy about their city being taken over by a bunch of sissy mages. We've done anti-elf, anti-Yamation, why not anti-mage?

  8. #83
    Mr. Smiles Kossage's Avatar
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    As far as the anti-magic thing goes, I think it'd fit in great, especially in Libaterra. Alent wasn't always a magicracy (and it wasn't always Alent, for that matter xD) and I would imagine that there are people that ain't happy about their city being taken over by a bunch of sissy mages. We've done anti-elf, anti-Yamation, why not anti-mage?
    Yeah, I agree. We haven't had a proper mage war in the story, and it's always fun to play with people's prejudices.
    How I met your mother, Donald Duck's parents style! Love at first temper tantrum!

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  9. #84
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    New chapter up again~

  10. #85
    Eternally Lost Chibi Youkai's Avatar
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    I think I joined tGA at one point, but never posted. If it weren't for the oh so lovely hours I work, I'd try again, and actually post this time.

  11. #86
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    If only..

  12. #87
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Just don't drop the soap if you join in!

  13. #88
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Or you'll get pummeled with ass fire.

  14. #89
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    You'll probably get pummeled by assfire anyway. o_o

    I'm too lazy to edit the original post righ now, but we're now on Chapter 4. We're finally moving on to a new area (a small group is off to rescue our kidnapped king and dealing with fearsome creatures such as the all-powerful Soap, *cough* while the larger group is off to join in the war going on in Maar Sul), so it wouldn't be too hard to jump in.

  15. #90
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    [HERE] is the link to the current RP chapter for those of you who are interested.

    If you want to join the RP but are worried how you might fit into the story, don't worry. You don't have to have any prior knowledge of the plot in order to RP; you just need to post a profile in the Profiles thread and get your profile approved, and then you're ready to go.

    We tend to structure the plot so that people can just hop in at any time with little to no knowledge of what's going on. FAQ, Rules and Profiles threads are useful to read through, though, and links to those threads can be found on the first page of this thread.

    If the plot or something else seems confusing, you can always PM/IM me or Nic or just post your questions in this invitation thread. That's what we're here for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chibi Youkai View Post
    I think I joined tGA at one point, but never posted. If it weren't for the oh so lovely hours I work, I'd try again, and actually post this time.
    We still have the thread where you posted your character profile, and I liked the ideas you had for your character. It would've been interesting to see her in the RP. This time around we don't have Innate Abilities, though, so it's even easier to make a character profile nowadays.

    I'm sorry to hear about your busy schedule, but I'm glad you had the time to at least post in this thread. It's always nice to hear from earlier members.
    How I met your mother, Donald Duck's parents style! Love at first temper tantrum!

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