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Thread: You know I like my girls a little bit older - Elections - Votin' be closed, y'all.

  1. #46
    No votes for you! Recognized Member Election Booth's Avatar
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    Last one before the big one, the presidential candidates themselves!

    The World Is Square...and Enix

    Design a new world for Kingdom Hearts. It can be based on anything you like whatsoever. Maybe it can be Rambo World. Or Norway World. Or Syphillis World. I don't know. Please describe this world, Sora's appearance, the character who joins your party in this world and the plot and bosses of this world.

    Flying Mullet

    The new world would be EoFF. Sora would be a Newbie trying to fight the corruption and tyranny that currently exists in the moderator ranks. Sora would be joined by Flying Mullet and Samuraid, two of the only moderators that are still pure and walk the path of justice and righteousness.

    The world would be composed of a network of villages, each named after a forum, and Sora would travel from village to village either disposing of or healing those CK's that have lost their way and have turned down the evil path of malfeasance. Upon the cleansing the land of EoFF and its villages(forums), Sora would have to travel to the often spoken of but rarely traveled to land of "Front Site" to do battle with the final boss and his henchman, theundeadhero and Pureghetto. Once Sora finishes them off, the world is freed of tyranny and all rejoice and take heart in the fact that their world is free and unblemished again!
    World: Hyrule created by qwertyxsora

    (This world will be a two visit world, like those in Kingdom Hearts II)

    Level for visit 1: 24
    Guest: Link
    Limit: Courage Slash – Link teams up with Sora to unleash the strength of Courage and slash through the enemies.
    Sora and co are flying around when a random heartless ship crashes into them, causing their ship to fall into a forest, this crash scaring the local monkeys and alerting the local townspeople. They emerge from the wreck, and the keyblade reacts with the light spirit Falon, who tells of a darkness reaching over the area. He says to seek the bearer, and directs Sora south. However, when Sora heads south, the bridge is out, and disgruntled, Sora walks back to the Forest. There, a swarm of Heartless are attacking Falon.

    Battle: Heartless Swarm
    Survive for 3 minutes, keep the light of Falon from going out. Heartless are Shadow, Soldier, Creeper Plant, and Spyders (Small spider heartless)

    Boss: Diababa
    Command: Slice – Cuts off one of Diababa’s arm things. Reward: Half of a strange seed.

    Falon asks Sora to find the hero, and points North before fading away. Donald takes the seed for safe keeping. Sora travels North to find Hyrule field, and a strange Portal. Dragged into it, Sora finds himself a wolf, and Donald and Goofy are gone. There is another wolf in the cell, and a strange imp thing there as well. The imp is Midna, and she directs Sora and the other wolf out of the castle, where they find Donald and Goofy waiting. The half seed reacts with another half seed Midna has, and Sora and the other wolf are restored to human form. Midna, seeing a use for the newcomers, introduces herself and Link, and they join the party. (Midna actually just tells Sora to follow her into the desert) Using a canon, Sora and Link are at Arbatrators grounds, where they eventually find Zant, who uses dark Magic to create Stallord

    Boss: Stallord
    Reaction Command: Spinner strike – Weakens Stallord by breaking part of his spine

    Boss: Stallord Head

    After destroying Stallord, the Seed of Power is found, and Midna and Link thank Sora for his help, but they must find the seed of courage alone. Sora and Co then leave Hyrule, promising to be back one day. Link takes the two seed halves, and combines them to form the seed of Courage, and gives it to Sora for safe holding

    Part II
    Level: 49

    Lanayru calls Sora through the Seed Courage, telling them that it is time to fight Zant. Sora arrives and through use of a FMV, sees Links battles with Fyrus, Morpheel, Armaghoma and Blizzeta to form the Twighlight Mirror, as well as finding the Seed of Power and the Master Sword. Goofy comments that a lot has happened, when Zant appears and steals the courage seed, and uses his magic to curse Sora into the wolf form again. Link and Midna then arrive, and learn that the seed of courage is the key to break the curse. Using the Mirror of Twilight, they assault Zant’s castle, and eventlually find the seed. Using all three seeds, the ability to change to wolf form is unlocked, allowing Sora and Link to transform into wolves.

    Boss: Zant
    Reaction Command: Dark Hand – Midna grabs Zant and throws him into the Air, ans Sora hits him with the keyblade

    After Zant is defeated, Ganondorf appears and claims to already have Zelda, and challenges Link to try and stop him. The party returns to Hyrule field for another showdown againt 200 Knight heartless (Similar to berserkers only can’t use invulnerability attack)

    No reaction commands, Magic disabled.

    Gonondorf then unleashes the full power of Darkness, and pulls Link and Sora into a corridor of Darkness. There he appears as the beast Ganon, and draws a full out attack

    Boss: Ganon
    No Magic, Wolf form sealed.
    Reaction command master light – Using the Master Sword and Keyblade, Ganon becomes vulnerable to attacks for a period of time

    After Ganon is defeated, Zelda wakes up and uses her magic to extract the Triforce of Courage. Midna and Zelda agree to use both light and darkness to keep evil in chack, and Donald tries to take the Trifoce of Power. Goofy pulls him in the ship before he can get it, and Link gives Sora a new keychain.

    Chain is shaped like a Triforce
    Power: 8
    Magic: 6
    Ability: Courage boost: Defense + 3

  2. #47
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Disappointed that nobody went with syphillis world.

    Also I just realised with the examples - syphillis? Norway? Obviously someone was thinking of Levian at the time!

  3. #48
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    omg qwert <3

  4. #49


    Mullets was short and undetailed, Qwerts was long, detailed, and well thought out, however it lacked much originality and humourous Value.

    Yes, any chance I get, I fully intend to talk down on both parties proposals.

  5. #50
    No votes for you! Recognized Member Election Booth's Avatar
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    Here's the big one.

    Presidential Debate

    The economy of EoFF is in a recession. Less members are coming in, and thus less ad revenue and membership fees are coming through. How would you help to encourage new members and turn things around?

    According to EoFF expert Fonz, President Leeza's reign has been full of, and I quote, "fail and gay". Where did she go wrong, and what makes you think you would be a better president than her?

    Launch a scathing attack on your presidential opponent.

    Settle a heated debate. You know, Cloud vs Sephiroth, McCain vs Obama, etc. etc. (And why, obviously!)

    The economy of EoFF is in a recession. Less members are coming in, and thus less ad revenue and membership fees are coming through. How would you help to encourage new members and turn things around?

    Well, I think this is a problem that we can look to the people to help us solve. I propose that we reopen the EoFF Store – and we have our members contribute to it. I feel that we should have more competitions in the art forums, where the winner would have their designs used in the store. Not only would this help bring revenue in through the store, but it would encourage more members to join, because people like to join forums where they are an active member of what happens on the website. Art members tend to network through websites such as Deviant art, which could bring it a lot of new members, if our designs for clothes are displayed there by the winners of such competitions.

    I do believe that we should also re-utilize the referral system. As long as I have been a member, it has never been much more than a bragging number. I propose that we offer small rewards to members that refer certain numbers of ACTIVE members (to prevent just getting friends to join who never post), such as colorful custom titles and such.

    According to EoFF expert Fonz, President Leeza's reign has been full of, and I quote, "fail and gay". Where did she go wrong, and what makes you think you would be a better president than her?

    President Leeza, a small town hockey mom from Alaska, was very corrupt during her years in office. For example, when Cid cheated on her sister, Leesha, she demanded that he be taken out by Levian and kikimm. When they refused to perform such an unethical action, they were fired, though this was covered up by the God Hates Fraggles squad to make it look like they “resigned” from their positions.

    I would never do such a thing, as president. I pride myself on my integrity and honesty. If you elect me into office, domestic affairs between my family and friends would be kept OUT of the government.

    However, President Leeza's hair is quite nice.

    Launch a scathing attack on your presidential opponent.

    I am not one to mudsling or launch a scathing attack. I respect my opponent and his service as a Cid's Knight. In the eternal words of Livin' In Color:

    I did hear his girlfriend, livingdeadgirl, gave MichaelC a lap dance, however. Ooooooh!

    Mukki vs. Midgar Zolom.

    I support Mukki. This is a man who knows what he wants – and is able to obtain it. By the time he turned 40, a respectable age, he had his own party: the “young bubby's” group. This party promises to help all engage in fun activities with his young friends, such as cabin trips into the forest, exercise, and having fun in the hot tub. In these hectic times of Loony BoB penetrating and pinching nips, I think we all need to have good... wholesome... fun.

    I'm proud to call Mukki my “bubby”. I think Mukki has touched all of his “bubby's” in special ways, and you should touch your “bubby” too.

    As for the other, far less respectable candidate, Midgar Zolom... All I can say is: who wants to elect a stick in the mud?

    I sure do not.

    So in conclusion, please vote for me as your presidential candidate. Avalanche will lead Eyes on Final Fantasy to a future with more freedom, opportunity, and most of all, more enjoyment... the thing you joined this place for! Thank you! Thank you!
    The economy of EoFF is in a recession. Less members are coming in, and thus less ad revenue and membership fees are coming through. How would you help to encourage new members and turn things around?

    How would I encourage new members and turns things around? This is exactly what the ShinRa party wants! Short of getting the approval we want of disabling registration all together making it so less and less members join is another means of achieving our goals. Our hopes are that in time no new members join at all even though they have the ability to. Think about it, do you really want members like kk999999 bestshoes coming in here advertising for their forums or ripping people off advertising cheap PS3 or FFXI gil? Do we really want members like VTG around willfully breaking rules and then railing against the system when they do what needs done or Sasquatch coming in here luring people into banning via political persuasion? No changes are needed because things are exactly as they need to be.

    According to EoFF expert Fonz, President Leeza's reign has been full of, and I quote, "fail and gay". Where did she go wrong, and what makes you think you would be a better president than her?

    The Fonz makes these quotes because he is an Avalanche supporter. Leeza is far from fail and gay. Leeza is the very embodyment of a ShinRa member. If her term of years was up I wouldn't be running to take her place. I would be a heavy supporter of her. Any ShinRaist can agree the Leeza represents a true ShinRa and has been very successful at getting the forums where they are today. I only hope I can be as well of a leader as she has been.

    Launch a scathing attack on your presidential opponent.

    You're a girl. A silly silly girl.

    McCain or Obama? (and why obviously!)

    McCain, because when Obama wins God is going to destroy the world and I don't want the world to end. I've sort of grown to like living here.
    Voting will begin as soon as I edit the first post and thread title

  6. #51
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Where that's tough to beat, calling Leeza Sarah Palin makes me want to not just vote Shinra, but kill all Avalanche members. >:0

  7. #52
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    I should probably point out that I've officially renamed "The Third Party" to "The Turks Party" just to keep with the theme. I hope they don't mind too much.

    Also no, they didn't get a thread, and they didn't get to take part in the debates. We have a two party system, so they didn't have the funding. But with the weighting to the presidential section, can Cracker pull off a famous victory...?

    Voting's now open so go forth and multiply!

  8. #53
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    I do like the name, "The Turks"...

    *strokes 3-day beard*

  9. #54
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Turks and Third sort of sound alike. Sort of.

  10. #55
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    ..... XD i love the tshirt. me wants. and i was supposed to draw them, but i ran outta time *finishes 2 day late java project thats probably already a zero*
    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  11. #56
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Good job and good luck to all involved.

  12. #57
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    in psy's panties <3


    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  13. #58
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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  14. #59
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Doesn't stfu mean "show titties for u"?

  15. #60
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Doesn't stfu mean "show titties for u"?
    I'm game

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