View Poll Results: Which is your least favorite Final Fantasy?

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  • Final Fantasy I

    4 3.15%
  • Final Fantasy II

    25 19.69%
  • Final Fantasy III

    7 5.51%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    7 5.51%
  • Final Fantasy V

    6 4.72%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    2 1.57%
  • Final Fantasy VII

    11 8.66%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    23 18.11%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    9 7.09%
  • Final Fantasy X

    9 7.09%
  • Final Fantasy XII

    24 18.90%
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Thread: Least Favorite Final Fantasy

  1. #46
    trancekuja's Avatar
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    They still haven't made one,sorry

  2. #47
    Darkswordofchaos's Avatar
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    I havent really enjoyed FFVIII so far

  3. #48
    Stupid Malaka Rebellious Eagle's Avatar
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    Out of the few I've played so far, IV would come in close. I've had it for almost 3 months and haven't touched it since a week after I'd gotten it because the ending (and nearly all of those stupid bosses) was too difficult for me, and some days I just wanted to throw it at my wall. :|
    But, I'm willing to II, I guess, would be my least favorite. The "leveling" system is just way too screwy.
    Era Vulgaris
    "My life's a chip in your pile. Ante up!" ~Setzer, FFVI

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  4. #49



    Gunblades...killed it right from the start...i know its under the fantasy title but the simple mechanics of it being basically a shockwave transferred through the blade to deliver a more powerful blow killed it.

    After that I really was hoping for Seifer to end Squalls whining on about flashbacks...I strode threw it to finish the game once and only once...

    It was too weapon sucked...

    Selphie looked horrible.

    And omg the following around the main char with the 2 other in the party when inside a room or cave...good god shoot me now that was annoying.

    One redeeming quality it had was Zell, I have always been a fan of the martial arts and the MA type characters in the FF series (Tifa, Zell ad Amarant). Was kinda bummed about X not having a true MA character but Wakka was good enough...favorite char in X.

    Granted all the FFs had something I personally disliked about it, but what game doesn't? This one was just horrible...

  5. #50
    100% Stubborn Anniexo's Avatar
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    I don't like VIII because I hated how if someone wasn't in your party, they wouldn't level up, but I also didn't like X because I didn't like how I had to level everyone up myself, but I like X more then VIII so VIII wins my vote

  6. #51
    diafnaoplzkthnxbai NeoTifa's Avatar
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    Oh gods, why? ಥ_ಥ

  7. #52


    FFXII was the biggest letdown of my gaming life.

    FFIX RULES! It's definitely the best one.

  8. #53
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Haha XII was something I liked the more I played it. I started it and was like "well, this really isn't the type of story I typically enjoy, but everything else is awesome so far, so I'll keep going." So I finished it and was like "hey, it's not so bad" and after I played through a second time I loved it xD

  9. #54


    I just couldn't get into that damn game.

  10. #55



    It is average game if you just play it through but if you are going to do everything and power lever your characters, it is very tedious and worst super bosses in the series. In order to wins these clowns like Penance you have to play so much that your characters are at maximum power. XII has bit tedious super bosses too but leveling is nice and smooth.

    Also I donīt care much about the characters. They dress ugly ( all people in Spira), Tidus is annoying, ungrateful and disrespectful to things and people.Story is in general is good, threat of Sin is great but I just donīt care much about playable characters. I find XII cast much better and unique ( although their clothing is awful too, not all but some like Vaan).

    Monster set is pretty shallow. Nothing but Flans, Wasps, some lizards and few others, nothing else. This game is worth playing two or three times but it is not good FF when compared to others.

  11. #56


    Yeah, sorry for another wall of text. For those of you not interested in any of my responses, you can just read this paragraph:

    It's really difficult for me to decide which FF was my least favourite, because I really liked all of them. When I give it more thought however, I realize that I didn't particularly care for a lot of things in FF VIII [which is what I voted for]. It had nice things about it, but a lot of irritating things. The thing I remember most about it [it's been many years since I've played it] was that damn draw system. It really drove me up the wall. I didn't care for FF X much either, but I have to say that FF X-2 was definitely the weakest in the series. I thought it was ridiculous, from beginning to end. I wouldn't call it a waste of money, but it didn't seem like "Final Fantasy" at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vermachtnis View Post
    II, because I thought the Emperor was a chick! And the name was bad localization. Plus I don't like the stat system. And I taught Holy to what's here face and cause she didn't have enough stat it wasn't any better than Ice 20. And also I like Leila and for what ever reason she didn't rejoin and was stuck with that one guy.
    The Emperor does look like a chick, doesn't he? I don't think you're the only one who thought that. However, I still thought FF II was a good game. I'm surprised so many people dislike it because they thought the skill up system was "too hard" or whatever. I personally thought it was extremely innovative for its time, and to this day I'm still pretty shocked that all of this information was able to be crammed into an NES cartridge. I'm also confused as to why you liked Leila, seeing as how she was the most useless character to join the party [she was the only fourth character to join that constantly popped out 0's against monsters, in comparison to the other fourth characters to join the party]. I was so happy when I got rid of her the first time, and I was sorely disappointed when she re-joined.

    Also, what's this about Ice 20? My understanding is that the max level for all skills and spells in this game is 16? Or am I wrong about that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vivisteiner View Post
    And I never understood why people don't like FFII. I'm playing it now and it's fun.
    I'm with you there, for the reasons stated above. Also, I thought a lot of dungeons in it were involving and fun [with nice scenery too, especially the Jade passage].

    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    Hmm I wonder why no one's defending the post I made about VII, I guess everyone can agree that it's highly overrated and Sephiroth ain't nuttin' but a Mama's boy.
    Well this goes both way for me. I actually liked FF VII a lot for various reasons, but I actually agree with everything you said. Despite the fact that I could rant forever and ever about how many horrible things they did to FF VII like those stupid mini-games, and madam Sephiroth [you can ask Roogle how opinionated I get about these things], at the end of the day, I still remember all of the positive things about FF VII I enjoyed. And just so all the Sephiroth fan-boys hear it clear, I'll say it again: I detest Sephiroth.

    I hate cliche villains that lack character development.
    I hate men with woman-hair [this includes Cecil].
    I hate villains that show no apparent reason for their courses of action [we need to move OUT of the era of 80's RPG's, not back into it!].

    Still, as I said, I liked FFVII a lot in the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unstoppable Pig View Post

    Also I donīt care much about the characters. They dress ugly ( all people in Spira), Tidus is annoying, ungrateful and disrespectful to things and people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Unstoppable Pig View Post
    I find XII cast much better and unique ( although their clothing is awful too, not all but some like Vaan).
    Quote Originally Posted by Unstoppable Pig View Post
    Monster set is pretty shallow. Nothing but Flans, Wasps, some lizards and few others, nothing else. This game is worth playing two or three times but it is not good FF when compared to others.
    Agreed on all points. Especially in Vaan's case. Vaan is an extremely rare occurance where a guy with a nice build is showing off some skin, yet I don't like it. Honestly, he looked sheepish somehow, as well as silly-looking.

  12. #57


    3 cause it had pretty much nothing going for it

  13. #58
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Probably FFX. Purely because I couldn't quite understand why they would make the lead character an annoying surfer twat.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #59


    i think the total lack of any character development in 3 is worse than twat characters

  15. #60
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I don't know, I can deal with a mute more than I can handle an obnoxious character that won't shut up.

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