View Poll Results: Which is your least favorite Final Fantasy?

127. You may not vote on this poll
  • Final Fantasy I

    4 3.15%
  • Final Fantasy II

    25 19.69%
  • Final Fantasy III

    7 5.51%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    7 5.51%
  • Final Fantasy V

    6 4.72%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    2 1.57%
  • Final Fantasy VII

    11 8.66%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    23 18.11%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    9 7.09%
  • Final Fantasy X

    9 7.09%
  • Final Fantasy XII

    24 18.90%
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Thread: Least Favorite Final Fantasy

  1. #76


    V. Yeah, the job system was interesting for awhile, but it got to the point where it was just so much work. Plus, the story was a little weird to me.

    I wasn't particularly fond of II, either, but for it's time, I'd say it was okay. I mean, the first FF, the characters didn't even talk! (Not that FFI isn't incredible)

    Garland is freakin' awesome.

  2. #77


    I don't get what people hate about 2.
    I heard it was the worst thing in the series so I start it up and...I had a lot of fun. I'm still playing both it and IV but I can honestly tell you I'm having way more fun with 2 than i am with 4.

    Also why are the games pre-IV forgotten almost when it comes to music? I positively adore these tracks
    YouTube - Final Fantasy II OST : 13 - Ancient Castle
    YouTube - Final Fantasy II OST : 2 - Battle

    Another thing I like about II in relation to the other games is you start 2 basically ed. With the other games the global threat is kinda looming on the horrizon but with 2, you start on the brink of imminent ownage and it's up to you three to kick some ass and save the world.

    Also, Guy can talk to beavers. BEAVERS!
    This game can't be the worst if only for that.

    Oh and can I just say Gordon wins for being th emost useless character ever to start but then gaining a heaping help of awesome in no time? I groaned and wished death upon him when he joined my party and was weak as Hell. Then BAM! He's like my best character.

  3. #78


    I like and have played most of the FF games though if I'm honest I would say Final Fantasy XII, as I found it very hard to get used to the new battle system, although I also dislike Final Fantasy V's job system.

    I like both of the games but it took me quite a while to get into the story and job system used in FF V.

  4. #79


    4. The story is all right, but the characters come and go before you really get to know them. Even the more permanent ones you don't get time to know! I'm a fan of character development, and 4's lack thereof just kills me.

    Quote Originally Posted by captkrill View Post
    Was kinda bummed about X not having a true MA character but Wakka was good enough...favorite char in X.
    I think the closest you could get to a martial arts character in 10 was Rikku, who fought with claws.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anniexo View Post
    but I also didn't like X because I didn't like how I had to level everyone up myself
    Then I'd steer clear of 13.
    Last edited by Rodney; 03-08-2010 at 05:15 PM.

  5. #80


    While Twelve is far from perfect -- and clearly not what the original creator had intended it to be -- it has gotten a terrible rap that it does not deserve.

    They absolutely made the right decision on giving a completely new team (and one that proved themselves with games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story) reigns to do something fresh with the main series. Not to mention fresh for the RPG genre. It was a really bold move. Unfortunately, Square didn't want to be too bold and wouldn't let them go all the way with the game. The final product suffered because of it.

    Sure, the story was pretty basic, and the characters for the most part were underdeveloped, but the battle system was ingenious and deserves to be brought back. I would love to see what that battle system would look like after it gain's some refinements. Also, the wide, open world they created was really terrifically designed. Much more interesting than the linear worlds of FF10 and FF13.

    I still say Twelve is easily the best of the PS2-era Final Fantasy games. I don't have much faith that Thirteen is going to do anything special with the franchise based on what I've seen, read, and played of it, so it's really a shame that FF12 was considered to be so much of a failure. I hope it hasn't scared them off of doing something new and innovative with Final Fantasy XV.

  6. #81


    Im kinda surprised that VIII is in the lead right now. It was the next best thing to VII and My favorite title in the series. Also II, but then again i never completed it, I oved the fact it was based off of Star Wars Episode IV though! Id say the least best have to be I, It was pretty lame to me for some reason, after that would be XII but thats just because Ive never played it : (

  7. #82


    Worst FF and worst JRPG I've played in my whole life, and I've played over 50 JRPGs.

  8. #83
    Let's mosey. Imperfectionist's Avatar
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    May 2006
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    XII. I've already explained why I don't like this many times so basically: rubbish story, boring characters, mediocre soundtrack, no soul, Penelo, tedious scenery and gameplay.


  9. #84


    Can you reopen my thread? This one is outdated and you closed the up to date one.

  10. #85

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