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Thread: Mafia XII: Game thread - Game Over, The silent town is silenced for good

  1. #286



    ##vote: Robot Santa

    If you unvote me and vote for Robot Santa, Blob, it's a tie

    Just think about that.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 11:47 PM.

  2. #287


    I'm going to something very left-field, and


  3. #288



    For the record, I don't think Santa is bad and have done this out of personal necessity. Sorry.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 11:47 PM.

  4. #289
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    [M] Leela (1) - [M] Hypnotoad
    [M] Morbo (0) - [M] Mom
    [M] Mom (4) - [M] Tinny Tim, [M] Nibbler, [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob, [M] Amy, [M] Bender
    [M] Robot Santa (3) - [M] Morbo, [M] Leela. [M] Mom
    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (2) - [M] Lrrr, [M] Zoidberg
    [M] Amy (1) - [M] Zapp Brannigan
    [M] Zapp Brannigan (1) - [M] Bender

    Day ends in a little less than 53 minutes.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:10 AM.

  5. #290


    Hey, what about my UnVote

  6. #291
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Calm down sasquash. I was getting to it.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:11 AM.

  7. #292


    I was expecting something like this. I'm pretty sure Mom is town too, so this will be a wrong lynch either way. I just hope the town has a cop or something that can help the town get back into the game.

  8. #293



    Please nobody go after Blob and Santa tomorrow. That would be making the same mistake again. The easy option is not always the right one.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 11:48 PM.

  9. #294


    You're not dead yet Mom, somebody might swoop in and save the day.

  10. #295
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    40 min left.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:13 AM.

  11. #296


    Way to stick the feeling of impending doom in there, Donbot!

  12. #297
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Robot Santa View Post
    You're not dead yet Mom, somebody might swoop in and save the day.
    Da Dada Daaaaa!!!!

    ... I got nothing...

    I have nothing more to really add I guess. There's not much to say. I dont like to do that though, but oh well...

  13. #298


    Mom, you say you're experienced? I hope you're not lying.
    ##Vote: Robot Santa
    If you're experienced, you'll be of greater help to the town then I will be. Good luck and godspeed

  14. #299



    Okay with an hour left before I possibly die, I am going to make a big long post.

    Read this badboy after I die. It'll give you something to do during the night! And when you read it, you will know I am town and that I have no agenda here but to help you.

    Firstly, you can't all sit back and show up every now and then to go "HI ^_^ *VOET*" then disappear. You'll lose, and it'll be your fault.
    Somebody needs to be me. Get out there and launch furious assaults against who you believe to be mafia. Don't go for the OBVIOUS answer either. You tried that and look where it's got you. Think outside the box.

    Stop with this "DEFEND INACTIVES" . No. Get out.
    Finally, you will see people trying to play this off. "Hurr Psy (hi that's me) isn't as smart as he thinks he is don't listen to him" or maybe "He's smart but he is often wrong!" No. smurf you again. This is not about my intelligence. This is about logic. You can try to ad hominem on me all you want. Hopefully now people have their eyes open to your .

    And with that out of the way, let's begin.

    Tomorrow, kick the ever loving crap out of Leela and Morbo. They will try to dodge it and wriggle out of it. No. Do not let them.
    Bender and Hypnotoad are also possibles; but they are also the easy options I think. We're not going for easy. We're going for hard.

    MORBO -

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Morbo View Post
    I'm sorry I've been out of the game. I thought this was going to be a slow week and it ended up being super busy. ;; I'll have more time tomorrow (real day not game day) to read up and post some thoughts.

    But I've read all the flavors and their quite funny! I'm so sad that Calculon died, he was one of my fav chars from the show, and also a doc too man that sucks.
    After reading the thread, my vote is between Blob, Mom, and Robot Santa.
    Horrible Blob - Blob was the most active in day 1 and pretty active in day 2, however that alone should not be enough for scum because we need to promote activity. Day 1 I think he was just trying to stir up activity which points to not scum, but day 2 he started to spread that rumor of multiple killers even though we have had no evidence of it. Spreading misinformation is very mafiaish. Calculon voted for Blob and Calculon ended up being a confirmed docotor. Not saying calculon knows the truth but we can be sure a confirmned town's opinions are genuine. I want to give Blob the benefit of the doubt for his earlier activity though. If he stays active he will probably slip up if he is mafia anyway.
    Mom - Mom's posts from the earlier time doesn't make any sense. Then she was told to post better and she makes a little more sense now. When I read her posts I thought she was either a naieve new player or a cunning mafia trying to fool us. But she could just as well be a naieve mafia. In her eyes I would make a very safe vote for her if she was mafia due to my inactivity. Then she tries to connect me and Bender in her above post which is silly because if we were connected as evil then if one goes down the other goes down. If the mafia had vetaran players it would not make such a mistake. Still I cannot be sure that she just doesn't know what she is doing.
    Robot Santa - Robot Santa had the deciding vote for Calculon. Then after the deadline he took his vote off. He seemed to know it was past deadline, but did he know it wouldn't be counted? Here's the most important piece of evidence. His intial vote came AFTER Calculon claimed doctor. He had opportunity to take his vote off before deadline but he didn't do it. Mom did almost the same thing so they could be in cahoots but that seems too obvious so I won't pursue it.
    Here is what I think happened: Mafia saw that the vote was very close and that the doctor was one of the possible targets (they would know or at leat suspect calculon's claim was real). They wanted to take advantage of this opp to kill the doc but to avoid suspicion they came up with this plan to take santa's vote off after the deadline. At worst it would lead to a tie which could be broken by a mafia who hadn't yet voted or an ususpecting town.
    Firstly, look at the different posting style. "Their" and the use of the ;; smiley (let's not get into pedantry here, but to me, if I wanted to pretend to be less intelligent, I would use the ;; smiley) compared to a well-written srs bsns post. I might be clutching at straws here, but it's something to note. It's not the major issue though.

    Secondly, I've already discussed inactives and why there probably is one among them. Re-examine what I said. It has logic to it. Yes, it could be any of them, as maybe Morbo will say. Well, we'll worry about the others later. "Everyone else did it!" is not an excuse.

    Now, last of all, Morbo definitely has picked the three easy targets for today. It's classic scum behaviour. Pick the easiest, then at the end of the day you can go with whoever. Blatant and absolute red flag. I wish he'd done this before my predecessor went hog wild on him, as then I'd have a leg to stand on. As it stands, I don't, but this is extreeeeeeeeemely scummy to me. Watch him.


    Leela has also pulled the "I won't be here guys" excuse and again gets rather defensive when called out upon it. Notice how she has been saying "INACTIVITY DOESN'T MAKE YOU SCUM I SAY SO!" when she's been inactive for a period herself. Yeah, okay. I just wanted to let you all know that people with heart (or boob) shaped hair aren't scum because I say so. You can trust me. I have no personal interest in the matter.

    Day 2, when nubby Mom votes Calculon, Leela comes in and takes advantage of that with some huge ass post with a bunch of poor logic and some "you are dumb dont be an ass" useless condescending fluff. Read how much of it is actually of value. Very little! It's a terrible post and I don't know if I have time to pick it apart now, but if I had been in the game I would have ripped it to shreds. I encourage somebody else to do so in my stead.
    Anyway, the point is, she made a poor post disguising it as something good and intelligent to take advantage of the vote laid down by Mom. Scummy as smurf.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leela
    Benders point of your point of inactivity equaling scum being poor is right. Inactivty=scum Activity=scum coughing=scum. Everything equals scum. You don't have to do much to be a suspect. That's pretty much the root of this game. You basing everything on it is a bit foolish. People get busy when these games go about, others are indifferent timezones, the fact that you ignore all that is foolish as well. You are a naive player it seems. I wouldn't say scummy just very very very naive. Then again naivety is a scum tactic so I dunno about you.
    What the hell does this post even mean. I have read it a few times and I don't get what Leela is trying to say. Call me an idiot (and I don't doubt she will) but seriously, I just do not get it. "Anything can be considered you saying that a guy doing something makes him scummy is WRONG". So basically because anything can be scummy, it's wrong to accuse someone of being scummy for doing something? What. Just seems like a misguided attempt to condem flavour of the day and perhaps defend Morbo (I don't know) to me. Either way, it stinks.

    And of course we finally have the overzealous TOWN TOWN HURRAY YAY post. No, it isn't a smoking gun. Think of it as a small piece in a big puzzle.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 11:48 PM.

  15. #300



    holy skullskullskullskull santa you crazy bastard thank you.

    Could've told me you were doing that before I wrote my farewell novel though xD
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 11:48 PM.

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