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Thread: Mafia XII: Game thread - Game Over, The silent town is silenced for good

  1. #406
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Hope's Peak


    Actually, Blob is right. I didnt have the deciding vote. It was Tim that had it.

  2. #407
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


    Oh yes, I made a mistake. They came so close in time and the posts were right next to each other. My apologies. Still, it's hard to believe that Nibbler showed up right at the deadline and voted his mafia pal out 2 minutes after the tie had been cast just to look good. Could have been a ninja edit but that's risky and also going down a conspiracy theory path that doesn't usually lead to good conclusions.

  3. #408
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


    No one has talked about Bender for a while, so let's do him.

    I noticed some things on Bender when I was doing my catch up yesterday but I forgot most of it. And I'm not about to go sift through 400 posts again to try and remember it. Maybe later depending on time and circumstances.

    Mom was kind enough to summarize Bender's earlier posts here.

    I'll just reiterate the argument she already provided. That being Bender has been popping in at convienent times (during activity of others) to make a couple general statements and then leave. No real discussion taking place.

    Let's move on to votes. Bender voted for Zapp, twice, in the last two days. No other votes on the other days. Though I applaud his effort to try and bring out the inactives, Zapp was a very safe person to have a vote on since he doesn't say much and no one else even mentions him. Avoids the big discussion of the day but still stays 'active'.

    Yes, I do realize my vote is currently on Zapp. Once again I can't fault the idea behind it. However, a campaign to get inactives up and about needs to come with some level of grandstanding, which I hope I have been accomplishing here. One vote for an inactive under the radar does nothing, and that's what Bender has been doing.

    I'm tempted to switch my vote to call Bender out now since I think he's the most likely to be lurking this thread, but something is telling me that would not be the right move. I guess I'll leave it as Zapp and see where it goes. Plenty of day left.

    More people post!

  4. #409


    Something unexpected has come up, and I will probably miss most of today. However, I'll try and find access to the internet later tonight to try and assist the good townsfolk.

    Right now my suspicions are on Zapp and Fry, both of which have not posted a whole lot. It is possible that the mafia are all active, but this would be risky as it increases the chance one of them will slip up. If I get the opportunity tonight, I'll post more detailed thoughts on everyone.

    For now I'm going to
    ##Vote: Zapp

    Fry is likely to be modkilled, so it would be a wasted vote.

  5. #410


    Just got back online.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Nibbler View Post

    Bender: said his internet is breaking, which may be so he can have an excuse if he ever needs to lie low, but I doubt it.
    Good thing you doubt it, as I already said that I fixed it by clearing out my cookies.

    He said he didnt like what Mom said about going after inactives, and soon changes his vote to Zapp, an inactive... Hasn't said much, but has said a hell of a lot more than Blob. I am guessing town or smartish mafia.
    The first time was because I wanted to unvote Mum but still have a vote. Don't remember why I did it a second time.

  6. #411


    Another pretty vote count
    Day 1
    [M] President Nixon (2) - [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob, [M] Professor Farnsworth
    [M] Professor Farnsworth (3) - [M] Calculon, [M] Fry, [M] Scruffy
    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (1) - [M]President Nixon

    Day 2

    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (2) - [M] Calculon, [M] Hypnotoad
    [M] Calculon (3) - [M] Mom, [M] Leela, [M] Robot Santa

    Day 3

    [M] Leela (1) - [M] Hypnotoad
    [M] Morbo (0) - [M] Mom
    [M] Mom (4) - [M] Tinny Tim, [M] Nibbler, [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob, [M] Amy, [M] Bender
    [M] Robot Santa (4) - [M] Morbo, [M] Leela. [M] Mom, [M] Robot Santa
    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (2) - [M] Lrrr, [M] Zoidberg
    [M] Amy (1) - [M] Zapp Brannigan
    [M] Zapp Brannigan (1) - [M] Bender

    [M] Leela(4) - [M] Hypnotoad, [M] Robot Devil, [M] Zoidberg, [M] Tinny Tim
    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (2) - [M] Lrrr, [M] Hermes
    [M] Hypnotoad (3) - [M] Leela, [M] Amy, [M] Morbo
    [M] Zapp Brannigan (1) - [M] Bender

    I'll run some stats of what % of each voters votes were for a townie or a mafia or none at all in the next post. Day 5 won't be included because nothing is confirmed yet.

  7. #412


    I would make this into a pretty table but I'm too lazy.
    Also funny note, all voters from day 2 are dead.
    50% No Vote Days 1&2(Was then replaced)
    50% Town 3&4
    50% No Vote 1&2
    50% Inactive 3&4
    50% No Vote 1&2
    50% Unknown 3&4
    25% Town 1
    75% No Vote 2&3&4
    Horrible Blob
    50% Town 1&3
    50% No Vote 2&4
    Robot Devil
    75% No Vote 1&2&3 (Was then replaced)
    25% mafia 4
    75% No Vote 1&2&3 (Was then replaced I think)
    25% Unknown 4
    50% No Vote 1&2
    25% Unknown 3
    25% Mafia 4
    75% No Vote 1&2&4 (Replaced day 3, missed day 4 vote by ~2 min)
    25% Town 3
    50% No Vote 1&2
    50% Unknown 3&4
    Tinny Tim
    50% No Vote 1&2
    25% Town 3
    25% Mafia 4 (Replacement)
    75% No Vote 1&2&4
    25% Unknown 3

    Not a lot of info from that, but making it gave me a suspicion about Miss Amy. I'll make a new post for that suspicion.

  8. #413


    Amy is playing a pretty easy game. She is inactive for a couple days, then throws easy votes out then vanishes. This post here looks quite fun to rip, so lets go
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Amy View Post
    To answer Devils question first. Though beeing a partly inactive character too I agree with you that Leelas defence on Fry seemed a little rash. (IŽll make a note here to look at Fry, if Leela turns out to be Mafia). The other point is her vote on the end of her attack on Calculon. Of course she could have waited which what I think would have been a more town-style of playing but at least she even cast a vote. Another thing for us to keep in mind is that I do not think that Day 2 was one of those days full of evidence on other Players. She simply used the best she could find.

    The rest of your (lets say) quoting spree does seem more accusing than incriminating on me though IŽll give the 2 points mentioned some credit.

    IŽll now move on to Morbos sudden change of personality. There wasnŽt much I thought about him before as he hasnŽt been active at all until day 3. This new Morbo makes much more sense to me than the old one. A focus attack on Leela will of course get us to lynch her but I must admit that our evidence appears a bit weak. I canŽt say much about the Blobs case. His multiple faction idea seemed to be some misplaced distraction to me and IŽm still not sure that this should be put awa so lightly.

    In his last post Morbos goes in on Hypnotoad who I mention in my posts to be of high suspicion. This is mainly because of his vote-and-leave strategy. Once Hypno came in and stated that this is based on her scummy behaviour or something like that. I must say that I am more on new-Morbos site here, thinking, that it looks like someone taking orders from another one.

    Hence my vote today will be between Leela and Hypno not considering someone like Fry who I mentioned earlier to be suspicious if Leela turns Mafia or other ones.
    Paragraph 1, she agrees that my attack on Leela is valid, but then says she justifies Leela's vote. Mentions Fry twice.

    Then she moves onto Morbo, who was replaced.Supports him. Defends Leela again. Attacks Blob.

    Paragraph 4 attacks Hypno-toad for vote&leave. More Morbo love.

    quick closer, mentions Fry again.

    Now we have her vote post. She says she mistrusts Leela and Toad, then votes alongside Leela. That makes no sense.

    ##Vote: Amy

  9. #414



    So we bagged a scum, but at the cost of a power role. Not much of a fair trade off though.

    Anyways as for the whole "Let's ignore Nibbler he threw a vote on Leela last minute!" really troubles me. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid, but I don't see it as a good reason to just ignore him so much and call him town so readily. It very well could be he threw that vote out since it was obvious Leela was dead already, if we didn't lynch her yesterday because of the tie, she was going down hard today because of Hypnotoads investigation. Someone asked why would he vote off scum if he was one? Yet no one thought about what if Blob were scum as well as many think he could be? Yesterday our 2 big scum candidates were Blob and Leela, if we're right and both were scum, then the logical conclusion is that Blob is a power role for mafia.

    But of course that's speculation, it just bothers me a lot everyone quickly just brushes him off for a last minute vote against a mafia who we all knew was dead to begin with whether it be today or tomorrow.

    Remember Hypnotoad said Nibbler got Fish. Though we don't have much to go off of since he didn't reveal all his results and what a Vanilla Townie would end up getting. Take whatever you want out of this since there's many holes and little info to go on. But I don't think counting Nibbler out entirely is a wise action to take. There is still probably a good 3 more scum out there with at least 1 power role.

    As far as other people, Fry just seems inactive to me if he's about to be modkilled. So I'm thinking there's a good chance he's just a bored Vanilla Townie.

    On the other hand we have Hermes, Bender, Zapp, Zoidberg and Amy who all play under the radar. Now SOME of you have to be town, so if you are get your asses in here and contribute. Now is the time for the town to start laying things on the table and contributing, otherwise we'll be chasing after ourselves while the Mafia bag another kill.

    Tinny Tim also bugs me for the same reasons as the above, and with his final vote on Leela, the possibility I mentioned with Nibbler also applies to him (i.e. we got the vote between 2 scum so he went and finished off his scum who we knew was gonna die soon to look good or possibly off the goon and not the power role), early on he did a big Spaghetti Plating post involving everyone. It bugged me a little but it wasn't as bad as most Spaghetti Plating where they say nothing, since he did really contribute a little bit with it. It just irked me no one called him out on it earlier.

    Alrighty then, let's get this ball rolling!
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 08:27 PM.

  10. #415


    I managed to find internet here, yay! Alright, apparently posting thoughts on everyone is "spaghetti plating", and I have no idea what that means. That being said, I'm going to give my thoughts on who I find most suspicious.

    First of all, Fry. Fry has made very minimal posts and those we've received haven't helped at all. If Fry is town, he's not being very useful. That being said, it's likely Fry will be modkilled tonight and so any votes on him would be wasted. Let's just hope he's scum.

    Zapp is in the same boat, with few posts that don't really assist the town. I just get the feeling that Zapp is scum, moreso than any other inactive. I don't know how much weight you all place in gut feelings though.

    Haven't seen much of Zoidberg or Hermes, so I can't comment on them. Though it is possible one or both of them are scum laying low, but I just don't get bad vibes from them.

    I'm undecided which of Lrrr and Blob are most suspicious to me. They are both fairly active posters, and I feel that one of them is using that as a way to hide. I can't decide who, if either of them, is scum.

    It would make sense if the mafia killed off the helpful townies, so closer examination of the most active members could help find scum. That being said, don't ignore the inactives or those in between, the mafia could be anyone.

    I have to run now, but I'll try and get back later on and see what else I can think of. Good hunting!

  11. #416
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007


    In regards to Amy, I do agree with the points Devil is making. Calling out Leela and then voting with her is kind of strange. Her two main suspects, Hypno and Leela, did vote for each other, so she'd be siding with one either way, but she picked the wrong side! I'd really like to hear what she has to say about that. She's at least semi active so if she doesn't show up I think we can assume she is avoiding the issue.

    Lrrr, I'm understand your point on Nibbler, but it's still a stretch. Timmy though, I don't think so. We can't ever be 100% sure on anyone but I find it really hard to believe that the mafia would kill off one of their own rather than the Caterer (once he claimed) just to look good. Timmy's vote was the decider (I was wrong earlier) so I'd say he's off the hook for today.

    As for Nibbler, the times were so close that I find it hard to believe. But I do agree that a fish result from Hypno is, obviously, fishy. Nibbler hasn't even addressed that yet. He's made an arguemt for Blob who has already been suspected and could be an easy vote, and when it came to the inactives just called them 'FAIL' without any attempt to put pressure on them. I call those minor things though.

    Tinny Tim, thanks for making some posts but I wish you'd post more. You're one of the people I think is least likely to be mafia so I really want to hear more of what you have to say.

  12. #417


    And back. I'm sorry I haven't posted much, but I'll try and be more active.

    Hypnotoad left us with Nibbler = fish. This is the only bit of solid evidence we have to work on, but the meaning is still unknown. The link should be fairly obvious, like the apple and spaghetti links were. This leads me to believe that Nibbler is scum.

    Leela would not have escaped prosecution today had Hypnotoad been lynched. There were still enough voters against Leela to ensure her demise today, so I believe that Nibbler tried to cast the final vote in order to look innocent.

    I understand that this argument could very well be used on me, but I was urged to vote by Donbot as soon as I took over the account, and wholeheartedly believed that Hypnotoad's roleclaim was accurate. That is why I voted for Leela, and we got our first scum.

    I'm going to leave my vote as is for now, until I can find some more evidence against somebody else.

  13. #418


    Also, if anyone still supports Robot Santa's idea that one of the Day 1 voters is mafia, then it's between Fry and Blob. I'm not in favour of this theory however, as the evidence shows the town basically turning on itself.

  14. #419


    I wish to ask a quick question about Nibbler's vote on Leela.

    It is quite possible that you can argue either of us were casting the deciding vote to look innocent. However, I have found something quite odd, Nibblers post doesn't have the 'Last edited' stamp on the bottom of his post.
    e.g. "Last edited by [M] Donbot; 12-19-2008 at 11:44 AM.. "
    Why is this not visible if he has written an edit in the post?

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Nibbler View Post
    I guess I will vote for Leela, because it wouldn't make much sense to vote for hypnotoad after that, although I dont understand his role. Sorry I havent been here, so in the morning I will try to make a good suspision list.

    ##Vote: Leela

    Edit: Ahh beaten...
    Does this mean that Nibbler edited the post while writing the original, admitting that I had actually posted before he had?
    If so, what was the point in posting the vote other than attempting to make himself look innocent?

    I'm not sure how the post edits work, so it would be nice to know.

  15. #420


    I'm not scum!

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