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Thread: Mafia XII: Game thread - Game Over, The silent town is silenced for good

  1. #436
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Devil we're probably the only other one on right now and I don't think you're scum so I'd like to hear what you think we should do.

    I do think Bender is the most likely scum for what you said and what I and Mom have posted before. I was going to get on earlier today and vote him but I got sidetracked. But I don't want to keep this dangerous tie on for long. I'd rather take a shot at Zapp or Amy and have a chance at hitting scum rather than wait for a mafia to sneak in and ninja vote.

    Of the other inactives I didn't vote Zoidberg because he voted for Leela and that puts him below the rest. Hermes was replaced and I thought he had posted more but he really hasn't said anything in a while.

  2. #437
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Well time's up according to Donbot's last post so there isn't much more we can do.

    I hate these two or three vote lynches. But I'd rather face the devil I know than the devil I don't know.

    Sorry Zapp but your posting habits have not helped us in any way. Maybe you are a scumbag hiding and we will find out shortly.

    If I die in the night please take a look at what I have said about others, especially Bender but don't make it all about him in case I was wrong.

    ##Unvote: Bender
    ##Vote: Zapp

  3. #438
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Day closed at 2:01 pm, sry morbo

    Zapp the Vanilla Townie is dead. He was played by Yaridovich. Flavor coming eventually.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:28 AM.

  4. #439
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    *warning! not for younger eyes.*

    Final votecount


    [M] Fry (0) - [M] Morbo
    [M] Zapp Brannigan (2) - [M] Morbo, [M] Tinny Tim
    [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob (1) - [M] Nibbler
    [M] Nibbler (1) - [M] Horrible Gelatinous Blob
    [M] Amy (1) - [M] Robot Devil
    [M] Bender (1) - [M] Morbo


    Zapp Brannigan, Captain of the starship Nimbus, ready to send wave after wave of his own men to do anything to get the job done... was chick hunting in a bar.

    Aye, it had been a tense few days. All those murders, he couldn't help but be an nearly inactive asshole. but what you gonna do? He walked into the nearest bar, saying just the right things.

    "Hey baby, if you haven't seen my thingie yet, would you give it a little youknow?"
    "If I gave you a penny, would you balance it on your head while I take your clothes off?"
    "You must have fallen from heaven, because I can totally see under your skirt."
    "I've slept with your mom, wanna come back to my place and let me compare?"

    Nothing was working. Until he came by a lady of the finest sort. The miniskirt, sagged chest and a love for the cheap kind of sigarettes made her almost not a hooker. Brannigan did what Brannigan did best, he poured a fine bowl of very seductive talk.. and he paid.

    While Brannigan brought her back to his deluxe suite(it just wasn't the same without Kif licking the furniture) he started plowing like there was no tomorrow. When the martini was done, he got to work. At that moment, the holodeck malfunctioned, bringing loose a bunch of angry pregnant women and for some reason, that lawyer from CSI.

    Brannigan was beaten to a pulp by the women pregnant with his baby, but he just kept going(he was that much of a man). Plus, it wasn't often he got to take off the velour costume. He had to make it all it could be. So what if he lost an eye.. and a spleen, or perhaps a few kidneys.

    The lawyer just went to nearest bar and ordered a captain & coke.


    Zapp Brannigan died of genital JIV(Johnsen Incapacitating Virus). A terrible disease that makes it fall off. With nothing to live for, he took his own life by beating himself over and over with a soggy grapefruit. At least it was a quick death.

    Zapp Brannigan was a Vanilla Townie, played by Yaridovich.

    Night starts now and lasts 12 hours. Send in the night actions, if you will.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:29 AM.

  5. #440
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Hmm, not sure how appropriate that scene is for Eyes on Final Fantasy!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  6. #441
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Default Robot Devil's deadly ephinany


    Robot devil was laying awake that night, thinking about the deaths, when suddenly everything became clear. Who the Mafia was, and where they were hiding.

    He couldn't wait for the night to be over, he had to act now. He gathered up the townsfolk and headed to their hideout.

    "Come out, now! We know you are in there!"
    "No, we're not!"
    "Shut up, idiot."
    "Fine, we'll come out."

    As the mafia headed out of their hideout, the town, with robot devil in the lead headed towards hell. As Robot Devil entered his home, he felt blind with power once more.

    "Hit it, boys, and don't miss that note 200 years in."

    Sound Lantern - Robot Devil Death song

    As the song ended, Robot Devil woke up in a dark storage shed, in some kind of metal contraption. A large shrouded figure was in front of him.

    "We know you've been watching us. And we knew you'd figure it out eventually. This device let us know when that time had come. I'm afraid you'll have to disappear."

    "I can't disappear! I haven't sung the Cresendo yet!"

    "Well, my grapefruit went missing, so we're all having a bad day."


    The next morning, Robot Devil was found beaten to death by a solid gold fiddle. A smaller silver fiddle appeared to be missing.

    [M] Robot Devil was a Vanilla Townie, played by Blue Harvest, then replaced after day 3 by qwertysora. Thanks for playing!


    [M] Fry was found to be repeatedly smashed over the head by a few extremely irritable Mods for being an inactive Smurf.

    [M] Fry was played by f f freak, was a Vanilla Townie, and is not thanked for NOT playing.


    Day 6 starts now and lasts 24 hours.

    With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 12:29 AM. Reason: Robot Devil's deadly ephinany

  7. #442


    Me neither!

  8. #443


    Horrible Gelatinous Blob:


    Alright guys, looks like we are in the Slammer right now. I think we need to get together and smurfing get Mafia. I think we should target Bender. He's virtually useless to us in terms of cracking Mafia, and everyday he barely escapes lynching. Think about it, every game there's some sort of barely active mafian who stays under the radar, rides logic coattails, andwe (the town) gets are asses served to us. He's useless ans scummy to me.

    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 10:55 PM.

  9. #444



    Robot Devil.

    Oh HI BLoB! That first post just screams scum and sucmmier to me. Yes Bender has been flying under the radar, yes he has been posting enough to be noticed, yes he hasn't been worthwhile and was a target for today anyways, why the sudden urge to vote him off (attempted speed lynch?)

    Anyways I had a lot thought out last night and I lost it since it took forever for night actions to go through, but I wanted to talk about Nibbler some since that fish finding bugged me some.

    The only possible roles in play that I figured he could be based on that would be...

    Miller (Fishy since cops get wrong results)
    Death Miller (Same as Miller, but also shows up scum when they die)
    Godfather (Fishy since they throw off cops)
    Traitor (They are revealed as town, but really work for mafia)

    And Robot Devils Burglar idea seems plausible too.

    Of those though, Miller and Godfather only work if there's a cop in play, and if there is one then they haven't found scum yet is my guess and they haven't revealed themselves.

    Of course there's also the possibility that he's a role we have yet to see in play or we went about thinking about the clue wrong.

    Also Zoidberg! Post something constructive lest you want to go the way of Zapp.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 08:27 PM.

  10. #445


    Horrible Gelatinous Blob:

    His motives aren't clear enough to us he can't post them, Lrrr!
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-29-2009 at 10:55 PM.

  11. #446



    What'cha talking 'bout Willis BloB?
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 08:27 PM.

  12. #447
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    After reading through some of the Devil's posts I think he had some good things to say about Bender and Amy. Both are in the 'semi-active' category and post just enough to provide input but most of it either doesn't make sense or is just restating what others have said.

    I wish I had more to say on the issue but this inactive town is bugging the crap out of me and has lead to two more unnecessary deaths. Zapp could have been avoided if he ever posted something useful. If we lose it will be because of people like them.

    Lrr makes some good points about the possible role of Nibbler. I guess we can't ignore that fish. But I'd like to hear a response to that from Nibbler before I make up my mind on him.

    Bender has a vote and I don't want to risk a speed lynch so early in the day by giving him another. Right now I'll vote for Devil's final vote of Amy. Maybe he was killed because he was on to her, or maybe it was because of Bender. Or they could be working together.

    ##Vote: Amy

    We should hear from everyone but now that they have a vote a piece hopefully one of them will surface.

  13. #448


    I'm not one to talk but I guess I can't say anything useful because of an inactive town. ( With a little of the blame on myself of course. )

    Could I at least point out why you guys are so hastily voting? Wouldn't a speed lynch in the Town's situation be a bad thing?

  14. #449


    Oh I see.

    We should hear from everyone but now that they have a vote a piece hopefully one of them will surface.

  15. #450



    Zoidberg popped up finally I see.

    Alright then, who do you find suspicious Zoidberg? Why do you think Devil was picked off last night instead of someone else? What are your thoughts on Nibbler?

    Also BloB has vanished without explaining his incoherent statement.
    Last edited by Goldenboko; 01-30-2009 at 08:27 PM.

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