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Thread: Consistent Methodology of Documentation

  1. #1

    Default Consistent Methodology of Documentation

    Why is it important for an organisation to follow a consistent methodology of documentation? I tried to google this but I couldn`t find what I want.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    It's kinda an abstract concept, but having a consistant way to document things helps to eliminate interpretation errors. If you have a bunch of layout plans for a park or something and you consistantly label the the benches in the park in a brown color, your contractor won't mistake that for a pond or something.

    That may not be a big deal when laying out a park, but in something like a high rise with a hundred stories of girders and I beams, knowing that each girder will look the same in each section view of each floor, the margin of error in inserting some other beam or using another material is reduced.

    Also, if a human error is introduced, or if there is some vagueness, being consistant will provide enough context for the missing information to be more accurately accounted.

    I guess the gist of it is, if you have a lot of people working on a single project, having one method they are all following means that any person can read it and understand all of it, not just the part they worked on (if any).

  3. #3


    Thanks, ruby! This Quality Systems assignment is not fun.

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