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Thread: Talk.

  1. #1
    The Dork Next Door Montoya's Avatar
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    Default Talk.

    Talk about your life. Anything important? Anything you need to get off your chest? Positives? Negatives? Say anything. Woo-hoo!
    Anon say I. Photobucket

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    My mom made me clean my room and we moved a bunch of stuff around and there's new furniture AND THIS ISN'T MY ROOM WHERE THE HELL AM I D:

  3. #3

    Default Am I doing this correctly?

    Dear Talk thread,

    Today Persona 4 did not come in the mail. As a result I have spent hours asphyxiating myself and listening to The Ying-Yang twins for ultimate torture. Why did I do this? Why do I torture myself? Because my mother told me I am a bad person, and she is always right. She told me everyone would laugh at me if I went to prom, and they did. They spilled pig's blood on me. Thankfully, I was able to muster telekinetic powers and murder them all. But that doesn't change the fact my mother was correct. Of course, then I killed her too. Sometimes I wish I had never been prom queen.

    A few days ago I was watching this musical performance in Japan. The Japanese make me laugh sometimes. They're so over the top when it comes to fun. I wonder if this makes me a racist bag of bad seed. It probably does. Oh well. I used to want to live in Japan, back when I was a big Japanophile and every other second some kind of disturbing yaoi picture was in my profile. But then all the sudden my love for anime fell away. It's probably a good thing. At least I don't do the shota stuff anymore. Now Momiji is the only pedophile left on the forum. Somehow, it makes me feel a bit jealous, really. There, I admit it.

    Ever since Roto was banned, I have been on a downward spiral. Sometimes I stare at his pink banned letters all night long. I've considered using my Heart power to coerce his unbanning, but it would most likely only get me laughed at. I wish I had a more offensive power like the other Planeteers. Damn that firecrotch Wheeler.

    My aunt bought her ridiculous little girl a 1GB mp3 player. She wants a bunch of Miley songs, and she wants me to do it all for her. Now I have two Hannah Montana albums and one Miley Cyrus album on this computer. At any moment I expect the Cool Police to jump through my window and cockslap me. They probly won't because I'd enjoy it, though. I bet the Cool Police have aviator sunglasses. Man, I want some aviator sunglasses...

    Rantzien told me he's getting bored of forums. He gave the impression he would not migrate to a new forum if EoFF members all moved somewhere else. It seems the bigger Oprah gets the smaller the forum gets. I wasn't too depressed about it until a thread was made. My thumb has seen much comfort sucking since that thread. Are forums really dying? Is social networking taking over? Should I really answer the coffee question with, "I like it black, like my men"? I don't know anymore.

    I'm reading some books about a girl who can read minds. I wonder what that would be like sometimes. I feel if I could read minds I would be even more cynical than I already am. Most would be thinking horrible or self-centered things. The rest would be thinking about frivolous stuff like hamburgers or wondering why Samuel L. Jackson doesn't run for President.

    Lately I've been listening to loud music through headphones, or more than usual anyway. I keep hearing a ringing in my ears, which means frequencies are dying like the weak women they are. Soon I'll be deaf. I figure it won't be all bad if it happens. I will milk that handicap for all the pity I can get. Then other deaf people will be offended at my attention whore ways and shank me. If you're gonna die, do it in an unnecessarily elaborate way, I say.

    I gotta visit with my mother and brother for Christmas. I wonder if it will go alright. I hate Christmas, if you want to know. I'm not a family person and all that noise. Everyone around here is so pious at Christmas time too. I live around a bunch of fundamentalists I'm afraid. For some reason they think America invented Christianity. Or perfected it, or something. I'm not sure what they mean when they say that. But they try to convert me into a religious man around this holiday. I miss when I lived in the city and all my religious friends were cool and laid back. I think atheists should band together and make our own holiday. A holiday where we all have promiscuous sex with each other and go cow tipping. Hey, maybe Eyes on Each Other needs a thread about religion. I've never seen one there before.

    They're making me eat out at a restaurant too. I normally never do that. I'm too cheap for that sort of thing. I'd rather just stay home and eat animal crackers. But I only eat the giraffes. The rest of them look at me really funny, and once I swear I heard the kangaroo call me a Halo lover. I've never been so insulted before.

    It's colder than Yaridovich's vagina in Indiana. Really icy too. I went out to get my mail this morning and nearly slipped on all this ice. One of these days I'll gather every Hottest Male/Female Ciddie winner and throw them at any ice or snow in my way and watch it melt.

    Once winter is over, my boyf will be visiting me again soon. I'm quite excited for that. Man, I hate to bring him up anywhere. It makes me feel guilty. When you talk about your relationship everyone else is always like, "Here we go with all this jell-o, ugh." I can see the boredom and hate in their face. I taste it in the air a bit too. I taste their hatred. It kinda tastes like a bitter puppet that never got to be human.

    Free Willy was on not too long ago and I watched it. That movie makes me really sad. It's so cheesy and ridiculous, but I love it anyway. I plan on adopting some kid and naming him Free Willy. I will adopt another child and name him John. It will be good entertainment to watch one grow up miserable and the other grow up normal and well-adjusted.

    Well, I guess I'm out of thoughts. Thanks for listening thread. You're a good friend. Have a snausage.


  4. #4
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I'm happy because I'm getting back into photography, and I've been posting in the art forum again. I'm happy because I'm learning to bake and cook. I'm happy to be home and to be relaxing.

    I'm sad because my brother is struggling with his aspergers and is depressed. I'm sad because I'm not with Huxley and his family right now. I'm sad because I'm a tummy ache.

    I'm excited for Christmas and my presents. I'm excited to turn 19 in a few months. I'm excited to go to England on study abroad and be with Huxley. I'm exicted to travel.

    I'm apprehensive about this summer and the surgery I might get, but excited too. I'm apprehensive about going back to college, and having to readjust to sharing space. I'm apprehensive about being even more broke next semester.

  5. #5
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Dear Talk Thread,

    Today, the Overseer ordered our finest miners to dig deep, deep down. They had the work done in a rapid time, being experts of the craft. For some reason, however, the Overseer directed them to dig into the side of the Chasm, which loosed the Troglodytes residing near the lowest levels of it. They are currently running amok through our fortress, which the Overseer had previously attempted to drown via no fewer than three times. Our single combat-ready Dwarf, also the Sherriff, is/was the Overseer's loyal ally, and if he's still alive, isn't going to be doing much to remove the lunatic from power.

    I think this is the end of Chillgorge.

  6. #6
    Ogre Araciel's Avatar
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    I got a new job and am moving in the new year.

  7. #7
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    in between demure traffic lines.


    On my mind: Waaah waaaaah waaaaaaaaaah. (Various whining and sadness I don't really feel the need to discuss)

    Positives: I'm trying to start taking better care of myself and think about me for once. Obviously this will be followed by a plan and therapy, which I have been struggling with for a long time. And I will hopefully be attending college fairly soon... which I am completely excited for.

    Negatives: I'm afraid things will get worse. I don't know if I can handle that sort of thing, especially now.

  8. #8


    My girlfriend's been driving me crazy. I wish instead she was driving me wild :[ Boo

  9. #9
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    I'm not sure where I belong.

  10. #10


    Are we allowed to reply to posts in this thread?


  11. #11
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    I dreamt that someone forced me to have sex with a 3 mt high female. Oh and it was a giraffe.

    I read in the newspaper that sex makes your skin look healthier. Darn those prostitutes and their heavenly skin.

    Maybe if I write another line it'll end up having the word sex in it?

  12. #12
    The Dork Next Door Montoya's Avatar
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    Sometimes at night, I start losing feeling in my left pinky. What is going on?
    Anon say I. Photobucket

  13. #13
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    I'm having my first meal of the day at 6pm (breakfast food - eggs!).

    I still smell like the campfire from last night.

    My knee has a giant bruise/is all bloody from drunkenly falling in a ditch.

    I'm taking to procrastinatory route with presents this year.

    I will probably spend the next five hours playing Fallout 3.

    Oh wait, this isn't my livejournal.

  14. #14
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Dear Talk Thread,

    Today, the Overseer ordered our finest miners to dig deep, deep down. They had the work done in a rapid time, being experts of the craft. For some reason, however, the Overseer directed them to dig into the side of the Chasm, which loosed the Troglodytes residing near the lowest levels of it. They are currently running amok through our fortress, which the Overseer had previously attempted to drown via no fewer than three times. Our single combat-ready Dwarf, also the Sherriff, is/was the Overseer's loyal ally, and if he's still alive, isn't going to be doing much to remove the lunatic from power.

    I think this is the end of Chillgorge.
    I have 120+ of the smurfers living in Nightfury of Dawn and I don't know what to do with them. Well, I don't know what to do with the 20 or so newcomers, anyway. I can't even think of EoFF names for them! Maybe I'll just send them to the Werewolf Execution Chamber! If any of you want a Dwarf named after you, then speak up now. They will be saved from slaughter.

  15. #15
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    I am fat and ugly and annoying... I have a great anger problem and I cant stand it to such an extent that I want the feeling gone as soon as possible, so I cause myself physical harm, normally by hitting myself in the head with a wooden hammer or a book. My mother has no idea I do this, and it bugs me. Every time my mother says something to me, I get angry or if she asks me to do something, I complain. I cant ever just do something because that makes me feel like I am weak and just doing whatever someone wants me to. I hate myself very much, but I am not an outcast. I have friends, and they dont have any idea that I am border-line emo... No one does...

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